Mueller Is Coming for Trump

So you're basically admitting that they have nothing on "collusion" or "obstruction of justice" so Mueller will have to probe Trump's businesses? So it was all a scam? All the allegations you on the left have been making for the past year?

Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.
FAKE NEWS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

PARROTS: Trump fired Comey because Sessions and Rosenstein recommended he do so.

TRUMP: I wanted to fire him over this Russia thing, actually. Then I asked Sessions and Rosenstein to give me some cover.

WHITE HOUSE: Yeah, we fired Comey because we wanted this investigation into Russia's attacks on our country halted.

We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity,” deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. “And we think that we’ve actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen.”

so you don't want it to ever come to its conclusion? what is it you do want then? is this a wink wink nudge nudge story?
I want a complete investigation into the attacks by a hostile enemy on our country. Why don't you, traitor?

Silence From The Great Babbler

that includes hitlery and obummer right?

Sure, if there is an indication they had any connection to Russia's attack on our elections.

All the people who have access to the evidence say there is no such connection.
Mueller doesn't have shit and he knows it. He is just going through the motions. This witch hunt will end in less than a year with Trump being vindicated.
Mueller is good at what he does

If Trump doesn't have his shit together, he will pay
Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.
Ted Kennedy is dead

Trump is under investigation
Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past


So you're basically admitting that they have nothing on "collusion" or "obstruction of justice" so Mueller will have to probe Trump's businesses? So it was all a scam? All the allegations you on the left have been making for the past year?

Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

All of those accusations have already been discredited. There's no collusion, no cover-up, no treason, no improper financial dealings, and U.S. sanctions are irrelevant to the issue.
To me and millions it sounded like Obama was asking Putin to help him get re-elected by not doing anything and that AFTER Obama was re-elected,
Obama would allow all sorts of nefarious Russian activities!
To me that is traitorous.
But Obama as a traitor was always my perception even when as a Senator he encouraged the barbarians to kill our US troops! Because as he and other
traitors proven by a Harvard Study to embolden the barbarians said:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Encouraging words calling our troops KILLERS!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", Certainly gave the barbarians a good old atta boy!
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Calling our troops "TERRORISTS"!
Just think about our military reading these words that ENCOURAGED the barbarians to KILL MORE TROOPS!

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?
The short answer is YES!!! According to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center
at the university's Kennedy School of Government.
I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance
This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

asshat has no understanding of collusion or the law = total idiot
This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

Really? So Obama asked Medvedev to tell Putin that Obama needed help in his re-election. In exchange for help with not pushing missile defense requirements
that Obama would have to do IF PUTIN became more belligerent, Obama asked Putin to hold off in order for Obama to get re-elected. Because Obama would have
to take efforts away from re-election to answer Putin's missile demands.

It's a prickly issue between the two countries. NATO and U.S. leaders insist the project is designed to protect against a potential Iranian strike and would not be used against Russia. But Russia bristles at having a missile defense system so close to its border, arguing it violates Russian sovereignty.
Open mic catches Obama asking Russian president for space on missile defense

Obama wanted Putin NOT to make a big deal about the missile defense system...i.e. give Obama more "flexibility" by helping Obama get re-elected!!!
This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

asshat has no understanding of collusion or the law = total idiot
Hilarious: two idiots who think there's a crime called "collusion."
I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

Again, you guys had no problem with an investigation into a failed land deal turning into an investigation into whether or not Clinton got a blow job.

i don't know what kind of sleazy shit is goign to fall out when we turn Trump's life upside down, but it should be fun to watch. Karma is a bitch.
Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

Really? So Obama asked Medvedev to tell Putin that Obama needed help in his re-election. In exchange for help with not pushing missile defense requirements
that Obama would have to do IF PUTIN became more belligerent, Obama asked Putin to hold off in order for Obama to get re-elected. Because Obama would have
to take efforts away from re-election to answer Putin's missile demands.

It's a prickly issue between the two countries. NATO and U.S. leaders insist the project is designed to protect against a potential Iranian strike and would not be used against Russia. But Russia bristles at having a missile defense system so close to its border, arguing it violates Russian sovereignty.
Open mic catches Obama asking Russian president for space on missile defense

Obama wanted Putin NOT to make a big deal about the missile defense system...i.e. give Obama more "flexibility" by helping Obama get re-elected!!!

Show where Obama "asked for help"
He merely stated obvious political realities. That he had more leverage after the election than before
Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.

You are correct...If Trump colluded with Russia to win election, the crime would be Treason
Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.
Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past

What you don’t know can hurt you very badly, and there is a great deal that Republicans do not know about Donald Trump. From shady business dealings to questionable tax schemes to potential Russian collusion, the president is dogged by scandals whose depth and significance remain unclear. With few exceptions, Republicans are eager to protect Trump from serious inquiries, running interference where they can while pushing through their legislative agenda as quickly and secretively as possible. The GOP isn’t quite sure what it’s helping Trump to cover up—but as long as he promises to sign its bills, the party will condone his outrageous misdeeds.

This strategy now appears poised to backfire spectacularly. On Wednesday, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s inner circle for financial crimes. This aggressive shift toward Trump associates’ personal dealings is disastrous news for the president, his allies, and his enablers. At long last, federal investigators will probe Trump’s sprawling network for wrongdoing, picking up where reporters left off, only this time with subpoena power. And Trump can only stop them by firing Mueller—a blatant obstruction of justice that would likely be more damaging than any crime the president may have committed in the past.

Lol, yeah, Trump is shaking in his boots!
Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past

What you don’t know can hurt you very badly, and there is a great deal that Republicans do not know about Donald Trump. From shady business dealings to questionable tax schemes to potential Russian collusion, the president is dogged by scandals whose depth and significance remain unclear. With few exceptions, Republicans are eager to protect Trump from serious inquiries, running interference where they can while pushing through their legislative agenda as quickly and secretively as possible. The GOP isn’t quite sure what it’s helping Trump to cover up—but as long as he promises to sign its bills, the party will condone his outrageous misdeeds.

This strategy now appears poised to backfire spectacularly. On Wednesday, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s inner circle for financial crimes. This aggressive shift toward Trump associates’ personal dealings is disastrous news for the president, his allies, and his enablers. At long last, federal investigators will probe Trump’s sprawling network for wrongdoing, picking up where reporters left off, only this time with subpoena power. And Trump can only stop them by firing Mueller—a blatant obstruction of justice that would likely be more damaging than any crime the president may have committed in the past.

Lol, yeah, Trump is shaking in his boots!

Could be, but since Trump is highly suggestible, and he recently spent time with Ted Nugent, it's just as likely that he is crapping his pants.
Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past

What you don’t know can hurt you very badly, and there is a great deal that Republicans do not know about Donald Trump. From shady business dealings to questionable tax schemes to potential Russian collusion, the president is dogged by scandals whose depth and significance remain unclear. With few exceptions, Republicans are eager to protect Trump from serious inquiries, running interference where they can while pushing through their legislative agenda as quickly and secretively as possible. The GOP isn’t quite sure what it’s helping Trump to cover up—but as long as he promises to sign its bills, the party will condone his outrageous misdeeds.

This strategy now appears poised to backfire spectacularly. On Wednesday, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s inner circle for financial crimes. This aggressive shift toward Trump associates’ personal dealings is disastrous news for the president, his allies, and his enablers. At long last, federal investigators will probe Trump’s sprawling network for wrongdoing, picking up where reporters left off, only this time with subpoena power. And Trump can only stop them by firing Mueller—a blatant obstruction of justice that would likely be more damaging than any crime the president may have committed in the past.

Lol, yeah, Trump is shaking in his boots!

Based on his Twitter rants ....looks like he is shaking
then why did the firm that did look at it and falsely publish what was on it? so you have to capture it live, right? BTW, that is what Trump has always said.

The NSA ability to capture and store 20% of all internet traffic, means they can follow the data. All you can learn from the server is the last proxy used to access it.
Again, you are a LIAR.

THE NSA did not share ANY INFORMATION with Crowd Source.

Crowd Source was paid to create a report based on OPINION.
And their OPINION was based on looking at the DNC SERVER "Allegedly"
There is nothing classified about THE DNC server, so there is no reason for THE DNC to DENY ACCESS to everyone wanting to look at that server.

The only reason to not even LEAK evidence, and to DENY ACCESS is because there is NO EVIDENCE and their entire MISINFORMATION-PROPAGANDA campaign collapses and THE DNC WITH IT if they were dumb enough to let anyone look at that server.

Letting THE DNC create it's own report without sharing any of the evidence or letting anyone verify their claims is the equivalent of paying a banker who embezzled from his own bank to write a report on how he thought the bank's money went missing in the middle of The Election.

Not one intelligence agency has been allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER and if THE NSA was illegally surveilling THE DNC Server (which they cannot do because it's illegal) even if they had this "IMAGINARY DATA" they are not allowed to share it with a Civilian Organization like Crowd Source.

Now STFU and go away as we are sick of your lies.

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