Mueller Is Coming for Trump

what law? what are you trying to say? I know, you know nothing. cause you know absolutely nothing. can you say washed up, cause you are.

youre too fucking stupid to understand how evidence is presented it a court of law even after I told you.

you, and the rest of the knuckledragging douche bags are a comedy show when it boils down to evidence
you don't even know there is no court yet. you should look in the mirror as to how fking stupid you are.


sure I do, which is exactly why theres been no evidence presented by either council.
so no evidence means what in your world? guilty?

in everyones world it means the investigation is ongoing ... well. except for shitstick RW's

and it means I refuse to dignify your horseshit any longer with answers.
well when you know absolutely nothing, how is it you think you can call the president guilty of anything derp? ouiji board or eight ball. I flipped them to fk with you. I love fking with you derps. you think we're not laughing at you? I know there is no there, cause nothing has been presented and yet you and yours keep commenting like there is something there. so dude, you're fked up!
I mean how fking long does one have to look at things, and btw, still no one has looked at the DNC server. AMAZING.

Actually the DNC server will tell you very little. The real data is what was vacuumed up off the internet. That traffic can be packet traced through every hop, through every proxy, and through every transit from one end to the other. Which is probably how it was traced back to russia.
and that automatically makes the president guilty. ask them, they tell us hourly. oh wait for it, here it comes........ too funny.
I mean how fking long does one have to look at things, and btw, still no one has looked at the DNC server. AMAZING.

Actually the DNC server will tell you very little. The real data is what was vacuumed up off the internet. That traffic can be packet traced through every hop, through every proxy, and through every transit from one end to the other. Which is probably how it was traced back to russia.
then why did the firm that did look at it and falsely publish what was on it? so you have to capture it live, right? BTW, that is what Trump has always said.
evidence must be presented in court, the opposing council has an opportunity to object, the judge rules, and the exibit is either marked as evidence or thrown out ..

but dumb fucking RW's are too damn stupid to know the law.

So from your ignorance you are saying Mueller is the judge and based on evidence (yet to be produced) and WITH NO Opposing council to counter Mueller,
Trump will be found guilty and then convicted? All without a trial?

no, I'm saying youre too fucking dumb to know the law.
what law? what are you trying to say? I know, you know nothing. cause you know absolutely nothing. can you say washed up, cause you are.

youre too fucking stupid to understand how evidence is presented it a court of law even after I told you.

you, and the rest of the knuckledragging douche bags are a comedy show when it boils down to evidence
you don't even know there is no court yet. you should look in the mirror as to how fking stupid you are. BTW, there is no court yet cause there ain't no fking evidence of anything. cause there is no there, there.

Dude present your evidence or stfu!
Just the beginning
The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee says he believes there is evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in the general election.

“Well I think there is evidence,” Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “I can’t go into the particulars of our closed investigation. But I also think there is evidence of obstruction. But in both cases, I would say, whether there is some evidence doesn’t mean there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt.”

The California Democrat also accused President Trump and his allies of waging a “scorched earth” campaign against special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who was appointed to head the Russia probe last month.

“What’s happening here is the president wants to take down Bob Mueller,” Mr. Schiff said. “His lawyer wants to take down Bob Mueller. And the question is why. And I think the answer is they want to lay the foundation to discredit whatever Bob Mueller comes up with.”

Mr. Schiff said the investigation is “just getting started.”

“We are far closer to the beginning of the investigation than we are to the end,” he said. “But it would be the worst form of negligence to our republic for us to say we’re going to close the investigation before we can determine whether there is merit to these allegations.”
So from your ignorance you are saying Mueller is the judge and based on evidence (yet to be produced) and WITH NO Opposing council to counter Mueller,
Trump will be found guilty and then convicted? All without a trial?

no, I'm saying youre too fucking dumb to know the law.
what law? what are you trying to say? I know, you know nothing. cause you know absolutely nothing. can you say washed up, cause you are.

youre too fucking stupid to understand how evidence is presented it a court of law even after I told you.

you, and the rest of the knuckledragging douche bags are a comedy show when it boils down to evidence
you don't even know there is no court yet. you should look in the mirror as to how fking stupid you are. BTW, there is no court yet cause there ain't no fking evidence of anything. cause there is no there, there.

Dude present your evidence or stfu!
Just the beginning
The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee says he believes there is evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in the general election.

“Well I think there is evidence,” Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “I can’t go into the particulars of our closed investigation. But I also think there is evidence of obstruction. But in both cases, I would say, whether there is some evidence doesn’t mean there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt.”

The California Democrat also accused President Trump and his allies of waging a “scorched earth” campaign against special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who was appointed to head the Russia probe last month.

“What’s happening here is the president wants to take down Bob Mueller,” Mr. Schiff said. “His lawyer wants to take down Bob Mueller. And the question is why. And I think the answer is they want to lay the foundation to discredit whatever Bob Mueller comes up with.”

Mr. Schiff said the investigation is “just getting started.”

“We are far closer to the beginning of the investigation than we are to the end,” he said. “But it would be the worst form of negligence to our republic for us to say we’re going to close the investigation before we can determine whether there is merit to these allegations.”
what the fk is that all supposed to mean? there is nothing out there is nothing out ....there. he can pray all day that it is so, but at the end of the day, the end of the week and now thirteen months after, there is absolutely nothing there. I give two shits what a loser lib in congress has to say. he's squat juice to me. voted in by one district. fk him. If they fly me in, I'll tell it to his face.
These loons don't seem to understand the reality of a closed hearing.
These loons don't seem to understand the reality of a closed hearing.
what reality? tell us oh oiji board dreamer.

do you know what a closed hearing is? it means he can't tell you what was said. ooops. so if there was something said, then he can't tell you. so you still know absolutely nothing.
I mean how fking long does one have to look at things, and btw, still no one has looked at the DNC server. AMAZING.

Actually the DNC server will tell you very little. The real data is what was vacuumed up off the internet. That traffic can be packet traced through every hop, through every proxy, and through every transit from one end to the other. Which is probably how it was traced back to russia.

That's bullshit.

I work in IT as a Network Engineer, and Site Admin for a Global Publicly Traded Corporation.

There is zero evidence that Russia did anything. If anyone tried to intrude in to that server, there are logs to look at. There are also logs on all the switches on that network, and on the router and firewall, and on the ISP provider's routers as well. All of this has IP information and routing information.

While it is true you can do packet tracing, who exactly was doing that AT THE TIME OF THE SO CALLED INTRUSION?

NO ONE....

Once a connection is dropped there are NO PACKETS TO TRACE.

The evidence was LEAKED by Seth Rich. And he is dead. The Russian Hacking Narrative was cover and a distraction from the ugly things said in the leaked emails in a desperate attempt to save a damaged campaign.

Bernie Sanders Supporters are stone cold crazy, and they got some revenge shots in on THE DNC RIGGING THE PRIMARIES as they were going down. That's what happened.
Seth Rich was a Sanders supporter, just like Reality Winner, and the DC baseball game shooter. Crazy SOBs. Fanatical Socialists all of them.

And there is nothing top secret about reporting any of that "EVIDENCE" so people like me could verify it's origins. I used to do it all the time when I saw something l didn't like in a log.
I'd trace and research the origins and block the source.

No one was running live stream monitoring on that damn server. If they were, they would have shut down access IMMEDIATELY.

This is why I knew when they were unwilling to let anyone look at the server or post any of the evidence they were lying.

Just like you are now.

Phucking leaks about everything except actual evidence to back up anyone's BULLSHIT.


Produce Evidence or STFU.
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"Now Mueller faces a huge decision.
Does he believe the president, who says there’s no wrongdoing here, or does he go after the president in the way James Comey wants him to do?
Now, my sources are telling me he’s begun some preliminary planning.
Plans to talk to some people in the administration. But he’s not yet made that momentous decision to go for a full scale investigation.
ABC Correspondent: Actually, I'm Being Told Trump Still Is NOT Under Investigation

His job is to find the facts.
But as of this moment THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION on TRUMP for collusion with the Russians! Now there MIGHT be according to the above for Comey firing?
Again Mueller's call and his 4 Democrat donor associates. And his good friendship with Comey!

Exactly how unhinged and violent is Lefty going to become when the most Biased Partisan Dream Team of Crooked Ambulance Chasers ever assembled is going to be forced to Admit that there is


View attachment 134415?
well they could manufacture it, you know take five years develop look alike accounts and post date every email. I mean how fking long does one have to look at things, and btw, still no one has looked at the DNC server. AMAZING.

They can't even manufacture FAKE EVIDENCE CORRECTLY.

Remember when Hillary's Cybersecurity expert planted a false BEACON PING on Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server and then grew impatient because our intelligence community didn't "NOTICE IT" and then her and her team of "Experts" had to come out and say, hey, we think there is something suspicious over here, and you better take a look at it during the campaign?

And then Trump and Russian Alpha Bank turned the tables on them and gave our Intelligence Community full access to inspect Both Servers?


Tell you what, Mueller needs to subpoena this bitch right here.\

Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

If he doesn't he is a damn phoney.

He also needs to investigate Lynch and Rice, and Subpoena the records Obama and his Cronies tried to steal and seal for his "Presidential Library."

If he is not willing to conduct an impartial investigation and take it wherever it may lead him, he needs to step down.

None of these people need to be investigated. We liberals here do not give conspiracy.theories credence.
then why did the firm that did look at it and falsely publish what was on it? so you have to capture it live, right? BTW, that is what Trump has always said.

The NSA ability to capture and store 20% of all internet traffic, means they can follow the data. All you can learn from the server is the last proxy used to access it.
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Mueller doesn't have shit and he knows it. He is just going through the motions. This witch hunt will end in less than a year with Trump being vindicated.
Stop making excuses for Trump.. The MSM has nothing to do with this I have heard Trumps words coming from his f-ing mouth. I have read Trumps tweets Those are HIS WORDS. He is the one who said he fired Comey because of Russia. Not the MSM. Every president has had people speak about them in anonymity. Trump is getting no different. This is not anything new just for Trump. There is no one out to get Trump. Trump has just f-d up and he now faces the reality that the office of the president is not the office of the dictator. He must answer to the people, The people do not have to answer to him.

Trump must "answer to the people"? LOL I take it that "the people" you're referring to are you liberals, IM2? What makes you think Donald Trump has to do DIDDLY for you? You lost the election. In the words of a liberal icon..."Elections have consequences!"
Federal investigations have consequences.

What consequences have they had after ten months of investigating Trump, Ben? The "collusion" allegations seem to no longer be in play because you couldn't find any proof that took place. The "obstruction of justice" allegations are now dying out because you couldn't find any proof of that! So what's left? An investigation into Trump's business dealings? How did THAT in anyway affect the election which is what this whole tempest in a teapot was supposed to be about in the first place?
Who the fuck do you think you are, that the Justice department should be sharing their evidence with you and your kind?

AND THEY SHOULDN"T be sharing as "anonymous sources" either! They are breaking the law!
What law is being broken?
Mueller doesn't have shit and he knows it. He is just going through the motions. This witch hunt will end in less than a year with Trump being vindicated.
Just how do you know what Mueller has or doesn't have? It is just a co incidence that every member of this administration is hiring lawyers, and then the lawyers are hiring their own lawyers.
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These loons don't seem to understand the reality of a closed hearing.
what reality? tell us oh oiji board dreamer.

do you know what a closed hearing is? it means he can't tell you what was said. ooops. so if there was something said, then he can't tell you. so you still know absolutely nothing.

Apparently you don't know that. This means you don't know what's being discussed which means you can't say there is no evidence or any of the other bullshit you have spent the day saying.
Who the fuck do you think you are, that the Justice department should be sharing their evidence with you and your kind?

My kind? I'm an American citizen. Who do you think they SHOULD share their evidence with? The Justice Department is supposed to work for all of us. That concept kind of got lost under Obama.

No it didn't. Maybe it got lost to Sean Hannity and the other right wing baiters, but not to the sane American public.

So Eric Holder was working for all Americans? Interesting concept...

Yes he was. Do not try pushing that race baited bullshit here I'm a "race baiter" because I point out how political the office of the Attorney General was under Barack Obama? What's next, gonna call me a Nazi?
Exactly what concept was lost under Obama????
Mueller doesn't have shit and he knows it. He is just going through the motions. This witch hunt will end in less than a year with Trump being vindicated.
Just how do you know what Mueller has or doesn't have? It is just a co incidence that every member of this administration is hiring lawyers, and then the lawyers are hiring their own lawyers.
Don't you worry, I know...I have my connections. I have been right ever since Trump came down the stairs at Trump tower. I called the election back then. Mark down my words and see for yourself. Their are some federal prosecutors laughing at the lack of any evidence in this case and I know some of them personally.

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