Mueller now urged to look into Seth Rich Case

LMAO! Jesuit schooled Jack Burkman SEZ???????? ""I was approached by a guy who styles himself as a former U.S. intel officer," Burkman said. "I quizzed him. I think he's credible - you never know the motive of people. But what he said is basically this - that Seth discovered that the Russians had been hacking and therefore the Russian government did away with Seth."

But oddly enough Seth Rich never even mentioned the slightest possibility to anyone? The U.K ambassador that took the thumb drive from Rich and Julian Assange are ROOSKIE agents!!!!!

And I'm going to prove just how big of a dipshit you are. You gave a "Winner" rep to the OP's article that is BASED ON comments from Burkman... the same guy you just made fun of from my link.

Good grief you lack one iota of perception.

I gave the OP a "winner" tag because I agree that the Seth Rich murder needs to be HONESTLY investigated instead of stonewalled by the DNC and the D.C police. Burkman's claim that it was the ROOSKIES by an un-named alleged intel agent is total bullshit. Capiche', moron?????

The information provided by the OP is based on information from Burkman. You are an idiot who only criticizes an article based on the tone of the article and not on the most important part... the FACTS and the SOURCE. Yes, you are an idiot.

No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?
categorically that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was not hacked by Russiansā€“or anyone elseā€“as frequently alleged by the mainstream media, liberal intelligentsia and anti-Trump politicians.

The Nationā€˜s Patrick Lawrence wrote a lengthy review of the findings made by various computer experts formerly with the NSA. Published this week, the left-wing magazineā€™s report notes two bases for their conclusion: (1) hard science shows that a remote hack of the DNC servers resulting in the breach that actually occurred would have been technologically impossible; (2) forensic review of the initial Guccifer 2.0 documents proves that they are poorly-disguised cut-and-paste jobsā€“forgeriesā€“intended to finger Russia.

Lawrence, by way of the expertsā€™ findings, concludes that the so-called ā€œhackā€ was actually an inside job by someone with internal access to the DNCā€™s computer network. In other words, the DNC has (or had) a leak.[ā€¦]

ā€œThe metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNCā€™s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second. These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed.ā€

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Yearā€™s DNC Hack

Politicians like trump's VP and liberal intelligentsia such as Trump's CIA Director and DNI. The fact is that out intelligence people do their best to protect this country yet you smear them because you don't like their conclusions. You are trash.
Mueller will take this letter and give it the dignity it deserves. He will soak it in alcohol and burn it. Mueller still has his sanity so he will ignore it.
LMAO! Jesuit schooled Jack Burkman SEZ???????? ""I was approached by a guy who styles himself as a former U.S. intel officer," Burkman said. "I quizzed him. I think he's credible - you never know the motive of people. But what he said is basically this - that Seth discovered that the Russians had been hacking and therefore the Russian government did away with Seth."

But oddly enough Seth Rich never even mentioned the slightest possibility to anyone? The U.K ambassador that took the thumb drive from Rich and Julian Assange are ROOSKIE agents!!!!!

And I'm going to prove just how big of a dipshit you are. You gave a "Winner" rep to the OP's article that is BASED ON comments from Burkman... the same guy you just made fun of from my link.

Good grief you lack one iota of perception.

I gave the OP a "winner" tag because I agree that the Seth Rich murder needs to be HONESTLY investigated instead of stonewalled by the DNC and the D.C police. Burkman's claim that it was the ROOSKIES by an un-named alleged intel agent is total bullshit. Capiche', moron?????

The information provided by the OP is based on information from Burkman. You are an idiot who only criticizes an article based on the tone of the article and not on the most important part... the FACTS and the SOURCE. Yes, you are an idiot.

No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge
And I'm going to prove just how big of a dipshit you are. You gave a "Winner" rep to the OP's article that is BASED ON comments from Burkman... the same guy you just made fun of from my link.

Good grief you lack one iota of perception.

I gave the OP a "winner" tag because I agree that the Seth Rich murder needs to be HONESTLY investigated instead of stonewalled by the DNC and the D.C police. Burkman's claim that it was the ROOSKIES by an un-named alleged intel agent is total bullshit. Capiche', moron?????

The information provided by the OP is based on information from Burkman. You are an idiot who only criticizes an article based on the tone of the article and not on the most important part... the FACTS and the SOURCE. Yes, you are an idiot.

No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.
I gave the OP a "winner" tag because I agree that the Seth Rich murder needs to be HONESTLY investigated instead of stonewalled by the DNC and the D.C police. Burkman's claim that it was the ROOSKIES by an un-named alleged intel agent is total bullshit. Capiche', moron?????

The information provided by the OP is based on information from Burkman. You are an idiot who only criticizes an article based on the tone of the article and not on the most important part... the FACTS and the SOURCE. Yes, you are an idiot.

No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.
The information provided by the OP is based on information from Burkman. You are an idiot who only criticizes an article based on the tone of the article and not on the most important part... the FACTS and the SOURCE. Yes, you are an idiot.

No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

No. The argument here is about THIS thread. Who is urging Mueller to investigate the Seth Rich case? Who is the GOP backing investigator that sent a letter to Mueller to do the investigation that this WHOLE thread is based on?
No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

No. The argument here is about THIS thread. Who is urging Mueller to investigate the Seth Rich case? Who is the GOP backing investigator that sent a letter to Mueller to do the investigation that this WHOLE thread is based on?

No, what you want is an investigation that only focuses on what you want it to focus on. Seymour Hersh certainly doesn't believe that the ROOSKIES off'd Set Rich and he was the biggest part of the article and NOTHING in the article presented by the OP suggests that Burkman was claiming that it was the Rooskies....get it now? Or is this post ALSO too long for you to read which will cause that little gerbil that turns the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue? (snicker)
Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

No. The argument here is about THIS thread. Who is urging Mueller to investigate the Seth Rich case? Who is the GOP backing investigator that sent a letter to Mueller to do the investigation that this WHOLE thread is based on?

No, what you want is an investigation that only focuses on what you want it to focus on. Seymour Hersh certainly doesn't believe that the ROOSKIES off'd Set Rich and he was the biggest part of the article and NOTHING in the article presented by the OP suggests that Burkman was claiming that it was the Rooskies....get it now? Or is this post ALSO too long for you to read which will cause that little gerbil that turns the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue? (snicker)

TL/DR. I asked you for the a name not a paragraph. Do you have a problem reading or you don't want to admit your failure?
I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

No. The argument here is about THIS thread. Who is urging Mueller to investigate the Seth Rich case? Who is the GOP backing investigator that sent a letter to Mueller to do the investigation that this WHOLE thread is based on?

No, what you want is an investigation that only focuses on what you want it to focus on. Seymour Hersh certainly doesn't believe that the ROOSKIES off'd Set Rich and he was the biggest part of the article and NOTHING in the article presented by the OP suggests that Burkman was claiming that it was the Rooskies....get it now? Or is this post ALSO too long for you to read which will cause that little gerbil that turns the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue? (snicker)

TL/DR. I asked you for the a name not a paragraph. Do you have a problem reading or you don't want to admit your failure?

Perhaps the answers you seek are in those "TL,DR" posts of mine that you lacked the attention span to read. "Failure" should be tattooed across your forehead. You are not even on my radar as a potential intellectual are "small time".


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

No. The argument here is about THIS thread. Who is urging Mueller to investigate the Seth Rich case? Who is the GOP backing investigator that sent a letter to Mueller to do the investigation that this WHOLE thread is based on?

No, what you want is an investigation that only focuses on what you want it to focus on. Seymour Hersh certainly doesn't believe that the ROOSKIES off'd Set Rich and he was the biggest part of the article and NOTHING in the article presented by the OP suggests that Burkman was claiming that it was the Rooskies....get it now? Or is this post ALSO too long for you to read which will cause that little gerbil that turns the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue? (snicker)

TL/DR. I asked you for the a name not a paragraph. Do you have a problem reading or you don't want to admit your failure?

Perhaps the answers you seek are in those "TL,DR" posts of mine that you lacked the attention span to read. "Failure" should be tattooed across your forehead. You are not even on my radar as a potential intellectual are "small time".


So I'll give you another chance to answer... who is the person that the article that is the premise of this thread written about? What is the name of the GOP backer investigator who sent the letter to Mueller?
I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

No. The argument here is about THIS thread. Who is urging Mueller to investigate the Seth Rich case? Who is the GOP backing investigator that sent a letter to Mueller to do the investigation that this WHOLE thread is based on?

No, what you want is an investigation that only focuses on what you want it to focus on. Seymour Hersh certainly doesn't believe that the ROOSKIES off'd Set Rich and he was the biggest part of the article and NOTHING in the article presented by the OP suggests that Burkman was claiming that it was the Rooskies....get it now? Or is this post ALSO too long for you to read which will cause that little gerbil that turns the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue? (snicker)

TL/DR. I asked you for the a name not a paragraph. Do you have a problem reading or you don't want to admit your failure?

Perhaps the answers you seek are in those "TL,DR" posts of mine that you lacked the attention span to read. "Failure" should be tattooed across your forehead. You are not even on my radar as a potential intellectual are "small time".


So I'll give you another chance to answer... who is the person that the article that is the premise of this thread written about? What is the name of the GOP backer investigator who sent the letter to Mueller?

TL, DR.............
No. The argument here is about THIS thread. Who is urging Mueller to investigate the Seth Rich case? Who is the GOP backing investigator that sent a letter to Mueller to do the investigation that this WHOLE thread is based on?

No, what you want is an investigation that only focuses on what you want it to focus on. Seymour Hersh certainly doesn't believe that the ROOSKIES off'd Set Rich and he was the biggest part of the article and NOTHING in the article presented by the OP suggests that Burkman was claiming that it was the Rooskies....get it now? Or is this post ALSO too long for you to read which will cause that little gerbil that turns the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue? (snicker)

TL/DR. I asked you for the a name not a paragraph. Do you have a problem reading or you don't want to admit your failure?

Perhaps the answers you seek are in those "TL,DR" posts of mine that you lacked the attention span to read. "Failure" should be tattooed across your forehead. You are not even on my radar as a potential intellectual are "small time".


So I'll give you another chance to answer... who is the person that the article that is the premise of this thread written about? What is the name of the GOP backer investigator who sent the letter to Mueller?

TL, DR.............

Like I thought. You got busted but you just thought if you ranted enough off topic and made enough insults it would just all go away and you'd be vindicated.


No, what you want is an investigation that only focuses on what you want it to focus on. Seymour Hersh certainly doesn't believe that the ROOSKIES off'd Set Rich and he was the biggest part of the article and NOTHING in the article presented by the OP suggests that Burkman was claiming that it was the Rooskies....get it now? Or is this post ALSO too long for you to read which will cause that little gerbil that turns the treadmill of your mind to faint from fatigue? (snicker)

TL/DR. I asked you for the a name not a paragraph. Do you have a problem reading or you don't want to admit your failure?

Perhaps the answers you seek are in those "TL,DR" posts of mine that you lacked the attention span to read. "Failure" should be tattooed across your forehead. You are not even on my radar as a potential intellectual are "small time".


So I'll give you another chance to answer... who is the person that the article that is the premise of this thread written about? What is the name of the GOP backer investigator who sent the letter to Mueller?

TL, DR.............

Like I thought. You got busted but you just thought if you ranted enough off topic and made enough insults it would just all go away and you'd be vindicated.



TL, DR.................(snicker)
so when will you be bringing up the uranium deal & benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiii?

Next up, emails and birth certificates ...?

I hate that the right wing nutters are torturing this young man's, for no reason.

Sent from my iPad using
Torturing him? We're trying to see that he gets the justice he is entitled to as an American! No one should be above the law. No one. The cover up over the murder of Seth Rich must end.
Well it looks like Robert Mueller will now have a real investigation on his hands. Lobbyist and lawyer Jack Burkman sent a letter to Mueller requesting that he now launch an investigation into the murder of Seth Rich stating Rich could be the missing link in the collusion with Russia investigation. It would also prove that the collusion was never between Trump and the Russians.

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich

Mueller now urged to look into Seth Rich murder
Only a few days after a bombshell hit the Seth Rich murder investigation in Washington, D.C., with a recording of Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh pointing out that WikiLeaks stopped releasing hacked DNC emails when Rich died, a private investigator is asking Special FBI Counsel Robert Mueller to look at the circumstances.

Richā€™s murder in 2016 has never been solved. He was near his home in Washington early in the morning when he was shot in the back twice. Police described it as a robbery, but neither his watch nor his wallet was taken.

He had been working for the Democratic National Committee at a time when emails from the organization were being handed over to WikiLeaks for publication.

On Tuesday, lobbyist and lawyer Jack Burkman sent a letter to Mueller, who was appointed to review the allegations against Trumpā€™s campaign in 2016 of collusion with Russia, urging him to expand his work.

Rich, Burkman explained, could be the ā€œmissing link.ā€

ā€œ(A)s director of The Profiling Project (TPP), the independent, nonpartisan group investigating the murder of Seth Rich, I am formally asking that the special counsel widen its investigation to include this case,ā€ Burkman wrote. ā€œThe murder of Seth Rich may be the ā€˜missing linkā€™ that connects otherwise incongruent events relating to Russia collusion in the 2016 presidential election.ā€

WikiLeaksā€™ Julian Assange, in an August 2016 interview, appeared to suggest that Rich was one of his sources.
Seth Rich's death was tragic, but only a heartless liar would make the accusations the right is making. His parents are begging to be left alone and for the memory of their child to not be used for your political purposes. Just because someone requested the investigation include this fake crap doesn't mean it will be.
so when will you be bringing up the uranium deal & benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiii?

Next up, emails and birth certificates ...?

I hate that the right wing nutters are torturing this young man's, for no reason.

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Torturing him? We're trying to see that he gets the justice he is entitled to as an American! No one should be above the law. No one. The cover up over the murder of Seth Rich must end.

Bullshit!! The only reason you are interested is because of your hatred for Democrats. If Rich was a Republican and Trump and the RNC was accused of murdering him, you would be condemning it. You are using the Rich family because it suits your purposes.
Mueller will take this letter and give it the dignity it deserves. He will soak it in alcohol and burn it. Mueller still has his sanity so he will ignore it.

Of course, Mueller has witches to hunt and burn, he can't be distracted by the criminal acts of the fascist democrats. Trump is guilty and the good little Nazis are depending on him to find out what he is guilty of.... :thup:
The information provided by the OP is based on information from Burkman. You are an idiot who only criticizes an article based on the tone of the article and not on the most important part... the FACTS and the SOURCE. Yes, you are an idiot.

No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

Lewd is simply a hack. He doesn't care about bad acts by his party, since party is all to him.

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