Mueller now urged to look into Seth Rich Case

Bullshit!! The only reason you are interested is because of your hatred for Democrats. If Rich was a Republican and Trump and the RNC was accused of murdering him, you would be condemning it. You are using the Rich family because it suits your purposes.

Your post proves that you Nazis will even justify murder to support your filthy party.

You brown shirts are disgusting creatures.
No, the basic part of the OP's post had to do with Seymour Hersh's assessment. Burkman was at the tail end, dipshit. Never forget that I run circles around you when it comes to what is really going on. You don't have the sac nor the knowledge to go "toe to toe" with me.....but please, keep trying. (snicker)

Ok genius, who sent the letter to Mueller asking him to open an investigation into Seth Rich? The WHOLE PREMISE of this entire thread?

I read the part about Seymour Hersh's conclusion and the OP's article says nothing about Russia "offing" Rich which is 100% ludicrous because if so? Where is the trail? What we have is Cloud Strike, whose credibility has come under suspicion for a litany of reasons that makes the claim that Russian footprints are allegedly all over these alleged hacks when it has been shown that it would have been impossible to download that amount of e-mails at the internet speed currently available without alerting the IT staff. These e-mails were downloaded on site. The DNC refused to turn over their server to the FBI and instead depended on an independent contractor whose expertise is shall we say? Just a tad suspect. The 17 intelligence agencies allegedly claimed that Russian hackers revealed the cheating and corruption of the DNC based on the findings of Cloud Strike.

Now, with that being said? And allow me to play devil's advocate here? Let's say for chucks and grins that someone from Russia hacked the DNC and passed off incriminating e-mails of DNC staffers showing collusion between the DNC, the lamestream media and the Deep State to insure that the Hildebeast got the nomination and then was conspiring to steal the election through criminal means like was exposed by Project Veritas? What changes anything? Are you more pissed that the corruption and criminality of the DNC was exposed because you are on their team? Or are you simply pissed because their cheating saw the light of day and thus allegedly having an affect on the election? It really is only one of the you get the message that I am sending??????

"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report | Zero Hedge


Again, because you can't understand a fucking thing. You are supporting an article written about the acts of a man you are saying is not reputable. THE WHOLE FUCKING ARTICLE is based on HIS ACTIONS. He has stated that he thinks the Russians may have offed Rich.

All the rest of the jibberish you are posting has nothing to do with what is being talked about here. As always, you can't stick to the topic. Go take your medicine.

I gave a very detailed simply lack the attention span because you are an intellectual lightweight. That is the reason as to why it is so easy to kick your ass. Anything over a few sentences causes your tiny mind to do a downward spiral.

Lewd is simply a hack. He doesn't care about bad acts by his party, since party is all to him.

I don't have a party. You will never show me saying otherwise. I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.
I don't have a party.


Oh yeah, I believe you and the rest of the KOS kiddies here..

You will never show me saying otherwise.

What I and all others here will see is you posting the hating points from the Soros sites, nothing else.

I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.

So you're a Bernie supporter, big whoop. You are a radical left fascist, just like the rest of the Nazi democrats.
I don't have a party.


Oh yeah, I believe you and the rest of the KOS kiddies here..

You will never show me saying otherwise.

What I and all others here will see is you posting the hating points from the Soros sites, nothing else.

I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.

So you're a Bernie supporter, big whoop. You are a radical left fascist, just like the rest of the Nazi democrats.

Wrong, I often post some things straight from your rightwing sites just so you people won't bitch about it.

I don't have a party and have said that from day one. Funny how I gave you a list of three names, two of which were Republicans and you focus on Bernie. You can mondo or whatever his name is are like two peas in a pod... both dishonest.
I don't have a party.


Oh yeah, I believe you and the rest of the KOS kiddies here..

You will never show me saying otherwise.

What I and all others here will see is you posting the hating points from the Soros sites, nothing else.

I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.

So you're a Bernie supporter, big whoop. You are a radical left fascist, just like the rest of the Nazi democrats.

Wrong, I often post some things straight from your rightwing sites just so you people won't bitch about it.

I don't have a party and have said that from day one. Funny how I gave you a list of three names, two of which were Republicans and you focus on Bernie. You can mondo or whatever his name is are like two peas in a pod... both dishonest.

You "list" is absurd. Maoist Bernie Sanders has nothing in common with corporatist Jeb Bush. For you to hold that up would only confirm you are an idiot with no grasp of the actual positions held by various players.
I don't have a party.


Oh yeah, I believe you and the rest of the KOS kiddies here..

You will never show me saying otherwise.

What I and all others here will see is you posting the hating points from the Soros sites, nothing else.

I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.

So you're a Bernie supporter, big whoop. You are a radical left fascist, just like the rest of the Nazi democrats.

Wrong, I often post some things straight from your rightwing sites just so you people won't bitch about it.

I don't have a party and have said that from day one. Funny how I gave you a list of three names, two of which were Republicans and you focus on Bernie. You can mondo or whatever his name is are like two peas in a pod... both dishonest.

You "list" is absurd. Maoist Bernie Sanders has nothing in common with corporatist Jeb Bush. For you to hold that up would only confirm you are an idiot with no grasp of the actual positions held by various players.

As evidenced by Bush Jr.'s close ties with the Clinton's and Obama's, the Bush family is more moderate Republican than staunch. Kasich, as evidenced by his thoughts one health care, which he expanded Medicaid in Ohio as governor, and his stance on colleges, also show him to be more of a moderate Republican... and Bernie Sanders is an Independent who cares for the people.

So once again your argument fails.
I don't have a party.


Oh yeah, I believe you and the rest of the KOS kiddies here..

You will never show me saying otherwise.

What I and all others here will see is you posting the hating points from the Soros sites, nothing else.

I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.

So you're a Bernie supporter, big whoop. You are a radical left fascist, just like the rest of the Nazi democrats.

Wrong, I often post some things straight from your rightwing sites just so you people won't bitch about it.

I don't have a party and have said that from day one. Funny how I gave you a list of three names, two of which were Republicans and you focus on Bernie. You can mondo or whatever his name is are like two peas in a pod... both dishonest.

You "list" is absurd. Maoist Bernie Sanders has nothing in common with corporatist Jeb Bush. For you to hold that up would only confirm you are an idiot with no grasp of the actual positions held by various players.

As evidenced by Bush Jr.'s close ties with the Clinton's and Obama's, the Bush family is more moderate Republican than staunch. Kasich, as evidenced by his thoughts one health care, which he expanded Medicaid in Ohio as governor, and his stance on colleges, also show him to be more of a moderate Republican... and Bernie Sanders is an Independent who cares for the people.

So once again your argument fails.

Dubya is deep state and not at all friendly with the Obama faction. He is indeed just like the corrupt Clinton group though. Kasich is a leftist idiot, no doubt about it. Had you listed only Kaisich and the Maoist I would have ignored it, though Mao Tse Sanders is far more left than even the idiot from Ohio. But Jeb and Bernie are literally opposite ends of the spectrum.

That you don't grasp this makes your entire persona a failure.
I don't have a party.


Oh yeah, I believe you and the rest of the KOS kiddies here..

You will never show me saying otherwise.

What I and all others here will see is you posting the hating points from the Soros sites, nothing else.

I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.

So you're a Bernie supporter, big whoop. You are a radical left fascist, just like the rest of the Nazi democrats.

Wrong, I often post some things straight from your rightwing sites just so you people won't bitch about it.

I don't have a party and have said that from day one. Funny how I gave you a list of three names, two of which were Republicans and you focus on Bernie. You can mondo or whatever his name is are like two peas in a pod... both dishonest.

You "list" is absurd. Maoist Bernie Sanders has nothing in common with corporatist Jeb Bush. For you to hold that up would only confirm you are an idiot with no grasp of the actual positions held by various players.

As evidenced by Bush Jr.'s close ties with the Clinton's and Obama's, the Bush family is more moderate Republican than staunch. Kasich, as evidenced by his thoughts one health care, which he expanded Medicaid in Ohio as governor, and his stance on colleges, also show him to be more of a moderate Republican... and Bernie Sanders is an Independent who cares for the people.

So once again your argument fails.

Dubya is deep state and not at all friendly with the Obama faction. He is indeed just like the corrupt Clinton group though. Kasich is a leftist idiot, no doubt about it. Had you listed only Kaisich and the Maoist I would have ignored it, though Mao Tse Sanders is far more left than even the idiot from Ohio. But Jeb and Bernie are literally opposite ends of the spectrum.

That you don't grasp this makes your entire persona a failure.

Wrong... you don't know Jeb Bush at all if you think that.

And Bush Jr. isn't friends with the Obama's? :lmao:

George W. Bush explains his fondness for Michelle Obama - CNNPolitics



I don't have a party.


Oh yeah, I believe you and the rest of the KOS kiddies here..

You will never show me saying otherwise.

What I and all others here will see is you posting the hating points from the Soros sites, nothing else.

I have ALWAYS said I don't condone leaks. If you show me one post where I said leaks were ok I'll leave the forum... and if you can't you leave. How about that? Same goes for Clinton. Show me one post where I said I support her and I'll leave, otherwise you leave? Bet? Hell Bripatresexual the other day pulled this same bullshit and I went back to a post when I first got to this forum and showed where I said I would NEVER vote for Hillary, and I didn't. I originally supported Jeb Bush, and when he dropped out I support Kasich. When he dropped out I supported Sanders. Sanders ran as a Democrat but he is an Independent like I am. So your argument is flawed. But for you Trump supporters you think that everyone that doesn't like Trump HAS to be a Liberal, but that's not true and you can't get over it.

So you're a Bernie supporter, big whoop. You are a radical left fascist, just like the rest of the Nazi democrats.

Wrong, I often post some things straight from your rightwing sites just so you people won't bitch about it.

I don't have a party and have said that from day one. Funny how I gave you a list of three names, two of which were Republicans and you focus on Bernie. You can mondo or whatever his name is are like two peas in a pod... both dishonest.

You "list" is absurd. Maoist Bernie Sanders has nothing in common with corporatist Jeb Bush. For you to hold that up would only confirm you are an idiot with no grasp of the actual positions held by various players.

As evidenced by Bush Jr.'s close ties with the Clinton's and Obama's, the Bush family is more moderate Republican than staunch. Kasich, as evidenced by his thoughts one health care, which he expanded Medicaid in Ohio as governor, and his stance on colleges, also show him to be more of a moderate Republican... and Bernie Sanders is an Independent who cares for the people.

So once again your argument fails.

Dubya is deep state and not at all friendly with the Obama faction. He is indeed just like the corrupt Clinton group though. Kasich is a leftist idiot, no doubt about it. Had you listed only Kaisich and the Maoist I would have ignored it, though Mao Tse Sanders is far more left than even the idiot from Ohio. But Jeb and Bernie are literally opposite ends of the spectrum.

That you don't grasp this makes your entire persona a failure.

lol.... 'deep state'..... aka right wing extremist buzz word courtesy of a steve bannon fan... PEPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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