Mueller report to be released Thursday


Arrests begin on Thursday!!
1 last meaningless attack on President Trump, by 13 Anti-Trump Trump-hating hand-picked Democrat / Hillary donor's diatribe, a re-peat of 'Cohen-esque Congressional Testimony 2.0' in which horrible things were said of the President but absolutely nothing that could be used to indict or Impeach him.

Its what amounted to 'Political Gossip' with, as failed former FBI Presidential Coup Co-Conspirator Strzok said to his adultering partner Page, "There's NO 'THERE' there."

I hope they enjoy it, try to spin it, milk it for every bit of that 5 minutes they will have to do so ...

... before the US IG report on the FISA Court Abuses, before Nunes' indictment recommendations are investigated, before an investigation into the Investigators - Rosenstein, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Ohr, Steele, Simpson, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzok, & Page - begin, before Hillary's bogus criminal investigation is re-opened, before any of possibly include Barry... begin checking out the Ecuadorian Embassy as a potential new residence...

You will not get the Grand Jury testimony, it's against the law. SURELY you prog assholes want to follow the law?
FOX: Mueller report expected to be released Thursday morning
CNN: Justice Dept. expected to release redacted Mueller report Thursday
MSNBC: Barr’s credibility faces new questions ahead of Mueller report’s release

We've listened to two years of frantic and self-assured cries of "Mueller is coming!", "Get ready for the orange jump suit, Donny!", "Just wait, Trump is going to prison!", etc etc etc.

Now, less than 48 hours from the release of the famous "Report that would Prove Russian Collusion Beyond all Doubt", all I can hear is crickets.

What's the deal??? Where are all the self-confident, absolutely certain individuals who have been spouting DOOM for two years now?

The time has come; many of you have a long record of foretelling doom for Trump. Are you still standing behind your statements, or will you avoid this thread and quietly fade away?
FOX: Mueller report expected to be released Thursday morning
CNN: Justice Dept. expected to release redacted Mueller report Thursday
MSNBC: Barr’s credibility faces new questions ahead of Mueller report’s release

We've listened to two years of frantic and self-assured cries of "Mueller is coming!", "Get ready for the orange jump suit, Donny!", "Just wait, Trump is going to prison!", etc etc etc.

Now, less than 48 hours from the release of the famous "Report that would Prove Russian Collusion Beyond all Doubt", all I can hear is crickets.

What's the deal??? Where are all the self-confident, absolutely certain individuals who have been spouting DOOM for two years now?

I hear they've now signed onto a secret pact to destroy Trump at all costs. :auiqs.jpg:
Can’t wait to see the spin from the right and Barr defending his summary of findings
FOX: Mueller report expected to be released Thursday morning
CNN: Justice Dept. expected to release redacted Mueller report Thursday
MSNBC: Barr’s credibility faces new questions ahead of Mueller report’s release

We've listened to two years of frantic and self-assured cries of "Mueller is coming!", "Get ready for the orange jump suit, Donny!", "Just wait, Trump is going to prison!", etc etc etc.

Now, less than 48 hours from the release of the famous "Report that would Prove Russian Collusion Beyond all Doubt", all I can hear is crickets.

What's the deal??? Where are all the self-confident, absolutely certain individuals who have been spouting DOOM for two years now?

I hear they've now signed onto a secret pact to destroy Trump at all costs. :auiqs.jpg:

Do you not remember Mueller's statement about recommending NO NEW INDICTMENTS?
Yeah....but there must be something they're hiding.
FOX: Mueller report expected to be released Thursday morning
CNN: Justice Dept. expected to release redacted Mueller report Thursday
MSNBC: Barr’s credibility faces new questions ahead of Mueller report’s release

We've listened to two years of frantic and self-assured cries of "Mueller is coming!", "Get ready for the orange jump suit, Donny!", "Just wait, Trump is going to prison!", etc etc etc.

Now, less than 48 hours from the release of the famous "Report that would Prove Russian Collusion Beyond all Doubt", all I can hear is crickets.

What's the deal??? Where are all the self-confident, absolutely certain individuals who have been spouting DOOM for two years now?

The time has come; many of you have a long record of foretelling doom for Trump. Are you still standing behind your statements, or will you avoid this thread and quietly fade away?

Who cares? Nothing will be decided Thursday.
  • It will take time to pour over the extended version, days.
  • Democrats are going to critique every little line for something they can spin against Trump.
  • They'll need to wait to get their marching orders from high above.
  • After a careful appraisal, they will either find something to use on Trump or not. If not, then they will begin Phase III, attacking Barr and demanding they see what was under the redactions claiming that there must have been something there Barr didn't want them to see, and the Liberal Madness Media Machine will start all over again.
  • They'll go back to their Tax witch-hunt and since neither the IRS will be compelled to release anything nor will Barr give on the redactions, the logical conclusion is that they will simply carry the whole thing into next year with constants claims of a "cover-up" and a "conspiracy."
It's what libs do to keep anything coming out about their own cover-ups and conspiracies. No democratic cover-ups? What do you call what Podesta was hiding in his computer? What do you call those 33,000 emails destroyed before anyone could get them? No conspiracies? What do you call Obama's plans to interfere with and screw with the Trump Administration from before he took office to this very day?

ALL YOU EVER NEED TO KNOW is whatever the Left accuses the other side of doing. And THAT is what they themselves are doing.
Do you not remember Mueller's statement about recommending NO NEW INDICTMENTS?

1. Two people were indicted since that was said: Assange and Gregory Craig.

2. Mueller could not indict Trump untill the Congress convicts him.
Democrats are going to critique every little line for something they can spin against Trump.

What makes you think that any spin will be needed in a report where a Republican special investigator would not clear the President of Obstruction of Justice?

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