Mueller report to be released Thursday

Do you not remember Mueller's statement about recommending NO NEW INDICTMENTS?

1. Two people were indicted since that was said: Assange and Gregory Craig.

2. Mueller could not indict Trump untill the Congress convicts him.

You just cling to your fantasy Comrade.

Then on Thursday you go full hair on fire and say that the report would prove Trump guilty of something, because reasons, if not for the redaction....

lol you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I don't need a report to know that Trump is a completely unethical piece of shit, the only question is of legalities to hold him accountable for it.

Report will lay out evidence for the Obstruction of Justice (most of which we already know in general terms) but also counter evidence and/or what is missing in the case against Trump to explain why Mueller failed to make a descision either way.

The only mistake made in firing James Comey was not doing it immediately upon taking office. The argument that Trump should be impeached for obstructing an investigation based on gossip compiled for the Clintons and used as an "insurance policy" in case Trump got elected isn't likely to get very far in my opinion.
finding any copies of those 33,000 emails,

The 33,000 emails were private emails and NEVER subpoenaed by Congress.

Congress subpoenaed emails that involved Benghazi, they did NOT subpoena her personal emails and would never have gotten an approval by the court subpoena for Congress on her personal emails.

Subpoenas are not willy dilly, invading one's privacy is not willy dilly.... subpoenas are very specific, with probable cause of needing them.... not a fishing expedition.

the 33000 emails is nothing but a right wing lie and scam when they talk about them being subpoenaed and then scrubbed with bleach bit.


I just searched last night and read the legal subpoena that congress issued, and her personal emails, NOR any gvt emails that did not involve Benghazi, were ever subpoenaed by congress, only Benghazi related stuff.
finding any copies of those 33,000 emails,

The 33,000 emails were private emails and NEVER subpoenaed by Congress.

Congress subpoenaed emails that involved Benghazi, they did NOT subpoena her personal emails and would never have gotten an approval by the court subpoena for Congress on her personal emails.

Subpoenas are not willy dilly, invading one's privacy is not willy dilly.... subpoenas are very specific, with probable cause of needing them.... not a fishing expedition.

the 33000 emails is nothing but a right wing lie and scam when they talk about them being subpoenaed and then scrubbed with bleach bit.


I just searched last night and read the legal subpoena that congress issued, and her personal emails, NOR any gvt emails that did not involve Benghazi, were ever subpoenaed by congress, only Benghazi related stuff.


Hillary Clinton Destroyed 33000 Emails Under Subpoena Servers Were Wiped and Blackberrys Were Destroyed With Hammers James Comey Testified That the Democratic National Committee Still Refuses to Turn Over Its Servers Making It Impossible for the FBI to Investigate Claims of Hacking and Now the IT Guy for Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Been Arrested Trying to Flee the Country After the FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From the IT Guy's Home ANYBODY NOTICE a PATTERN HERE? ~TCC | FBI Meme on ME.ME

House Republicans Release The Subpoena Hillary Clinton Said She Never Received For Her Emails | HuffPost

Timeline of Hillary Clinton's email scandal - CNNPolitics

We have no one but Hillary's WORD these were "private" emails. She deleted them before anyone else could see them. You're nothing but a lying, dirty POS for trying to cover for that slime.
Will still be no evidence for collusion or obstruction.

Democrats will still be demanding we see the "real" report
Let's just ignore the fact that releasing the report without the redactions would be FUCKING ILLEGAL! But of course, that's what the left wants. THEN they can leak it to the public and blame Barr for releasing it without the redactions. These are the games the left plays.
finding any copies of those 33,000 emails,

The 33,000 emails were private emails and NEVER subpoenaed by Congress.

Congress subpoenaed emails that involved Benghazi, they did NOT subpoena her personal emails and would never have gotten an approval by the court subpoena for Congress on her personal emails.

Subpoenas are not willy dilly, invading one's privacy is not willy dilly.... subpoenas are very specific, with probable cause of needing them.... not a fishing expedition.

the 33000 emails is nothing but a right wing lie and scam when they talk about them being subpoenaed and then scrubbed with bleach bit.


I just searched last night and read the legal subpoena that congress issued, and her personal emails, NOR any gvt emails that did not involve Benghazi, were ever subpoenaed by congress, only Benghazi related stuff.

DON'T truncate my post so that you can evade my list!

TRANSLATION: After going through about 45 deep cover ups of Hillary as Sec. of State and Pres. candidate, from not
  • finding any copies of those 33,000 emails,
  • after trying to claim Benghazi was about a "video,"
  • after running her Foundation out of her government office using gov. employees as her own personal employees
  • and numerous foreign countries being awarded "favors" after healthy contributions to the "Clinton Initiative,"
  • after having Comey whitewash her investigation,
  • Lynch covering it up as an investigation,
  • after having Strozk, Page and numerous others work for them,
  • after not even taping her interviews,
  • after the FBI helping her destroy her personal phones and devices so that no one else could examine them,
  • after carrying her through her campaign giving her advanced knowledge of debate questions,
  • after skewing the FISA report so the court didn't know the Steele Dossier was a sham,
Care4non should be an EXPERT on recognizing cover-ups!
So in other words, you don't DENY any of the above therefore you admit they are all true.

When Hillary releases her full 33,000 emails and the DNC releases their server to the FBI (they didn't ASK Roger Stone for his!), THEN they can get the full Mueller report and see all the tax records they want.
finding any copies of those 33,000 emails,

The 33,000 emails were private emails and NEVER subpoenaed by Congress.

Congress subpoenaed emails that involved Benghazi, they did NOT subpoena her personal emails and would never have gotten an approval by the court subpoena for Congress on her personal emails.

Subpoenas are not willy dilly, invading one's privacy is not willy dilly.... subpoenas are very specific, with probable cause of needing them.... not a fishing expedition.

the 33000 emails is nothing but a right wing lie and scam when they talk about them being subpoenaed and then scrubbed with bleach bit.


I just searched last night and read the legal subpoena that congress issued, and her personal emails, NOR any gvt emails that did not involve Benghazi, were ever subpoenaed by congress, only Benghazi related stuff.


Hillary Clinton Destroyed 33000 Emails Under Subpoena Servers Were Wiped and Blackberrys Were Destroyed With Hammers James Comey Testified That the Democratic National Committee Still Refuses to Turn Over Its Servers Making It Impossible for the FBI to Investigate Claims of Hacking and Now the IT Guy for Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Been Arrested Trying to Flee the Country After the FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From the IT Guy's Home ANYBODY NOTICE a PATTERN HERE? ~TCC | FBI Meme on ME.ME

House Republicans Release The Subpoena Hillary Clinton Said She Never Received For Her Emails | HuffPost

Timeline of Hillary Clinton's email scandal - CNNPolitics

We have no one but Hillary's WORD these were "private" emails. She deleted them before anyone else could see them. You're nothing but a lying, dirty POS for trying to cover for that slime.
Great job of avoiding what I said and all the useless links...

now stop wasting my or your time and do a google for the subpoena from Congress to Hillary for her emails.... the subpoena was for BENGHAZI emails, and NOTHING ELSE.

do you want me to do it for you and post the actual subpoena from congress?
Do you not remember Mueller's statement about recommending NO NEW INDICTMENTS?

1. Two people were indicted since that was said: Assange and Gregory Craig.

2. Mueller could not indict Trump untill the Congress convicts him.

You just cling to your fantasy Comrade.

Then on Thursday you go full hair on fire and say that the report would prove Trump guilty of something, because reasons, if not for the redaction....

lol you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I don't need a report to know that Trump is a completely unethical piece of shit, the only question is of legalities to hold him accountable for it.

Report will lay out evidence for the Obstruction of Justice (most of which we already know in general terms) but also counter evidence and/or what is missing in the case against Trump to explain why Mueller failed to make a descision either way.
PFFFFFFT "Obstruction Of Justice" the last refuge of the failed Leftist Collusion scam. That too will wither and blow on the wind like the rest of the nonsense Democrats have been spewing since their epic defeat.
The report will be that no crime was committed at all. This is what Mueller wanted to hide from the democrats. He knows that not only will democrats go insane over it, but they will come after him personally. It will also make further investigations that much harder.

It is clear now that democrats have nothing but a vendetta against Trump and that vendetta is based on Hillary's loss.
The only thing that is clear about the Mueller report is that Trump does not want the American people to see any of it. This will be clear when we get a document so heavily censored that we will again be expected to take Barr at his word.

And the whining begins.
Do you seriously believe these people are going to be honest about this? Not a chance in the world.
Agree.... I anticipate that it will be scrubbed.

AG Barr is known for this deep state crud coverup stuff.... could not get more "deep State" than Barr, if you believe in this right wing Deep State.... he is a govt deep stater, hiding gvt crap from 'we the people'.... then when it is all released years later, it shows that Barr lied through his teeth to Congress to cover up, for a president....

TRANSLATION: After going through about 45 deep cover ups of Hillary as Sec. of State and Pres. candidate, from not
  • finding any copies of those 33,000 emails,
  • after trying to claim Benghazi was about a "video,"
  • after running her Foundation out of her government office using gov. employees as her own personal employees
  • and numerous foreign countries being awarded "favors" after healthy contributions to the "Clinton Initiative,"
  • after having Comey whitewash her investigation,
  • Lynch covering it up as an investigation,
  • after having Strozk, Page and numerous others work for them,
  • after not even taping her interviews,
  • after the FBI helping her destroy her personal phones and devices so that no one else could examine them,
  • after carrying her through her campaign giving her advanced knowledge of debate questions,
  • after skewing the FISA report so the court didn't know the Steele Dossier was a sham,
Care4non should be an EXPERT on recognizing cover-ups!
your whole list is propaganda/lies, that you bought in to... I can't help that.... it is YOUR problem!
finding any copies of those 33,000 emails,

The 33,000 emails were private emails and NEVER subpoenaed by Congress.

Congress subpoenaed emails that involved Benghazi, they did NOT subpoena her personal emails and would never have gotten an approval by the court subpoena for Congress on her personal emails.

Subpoenas are not willy dilly, invading one's privacy is not willy dilly.... subpoenas are very specific, with probable cause of needing them.... not a fishing expedition.

the 33000 emails is nothing but a right wing lie and scam when they talk about them being subpoenaed and then scrubbed with bleach bit.


I just searched last night and read the legal subpoena that congress issued, and her personal emails, NOR any gvt emails that did not involve Benghazi, were ever subpoenaed by congress, only Benghazi related stuff.


Hillary Clinton Destroyed 33000 Emails Under Subpoena Servers Were Wiped and Blackberrys Were Destroyed With Hammers James Comey Testified That the Democratic National Committee Still Refuses to Turn Over Its Servers Making It Impossible for the FBI to Investigate Claims of Hacking and Now the IT Guy for Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Been Arrested Trying to Flee the Country After the FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From the IT Guy's Home ANYBODY NOTICE a PATTERN HERE? ~TCC | FBI Meme on ME.ME

House Republicans Release The Subpoena Hillary Clinton Said She Never Received For Her Emails | HuffPost

Timeline of Hillary Clinton's email scandal - CNNPolitics

We have no one but Hillary's WORD these were "private" emails. She deleted them before anyone else could see them. You're nothing but a lying, dirty POS for trying to cover for that slime.

here is what they subpoenaed.... emails involved only with Benghazi and Libya

What's amazing to me is, why is the president now back to bashing Mueller n team again, when the day Barr seeded the president's innocence in the public, with his 3 and a half page summary (but not a summary...) giving President Trump a 4 week time period to tout that the Mueller Report totally exonerated him on collusion and obstruction, where he went on his tour around the country and via tweet, basically campaigning on such..... and gave praise to the report's results....

If the President were truly totally exonerated in the Mueller report as the president claimed, he would be the first one to declassify it and have it released in full.

You know that, and I know that...

so, maybe Barr could not scrub every little thing in his now 4 color coded categories of what he planned to scrub?

Whatever.... I'm so sick and tired of this President and his goons put in to place to protect him from the truth getting out...

Can't wait till he is gone from the presidency, and goes back to lying to the public as he has always done, on his own time and dollar, and not ours...
Trump can't declassify the parts of the report relating to the grand jury. That's classified by operation of law. Trump was the first to call for its release and he is still saying it should be released
We are not getting the Mueller report Thursday, we are going to get Barr's version of the report. He's betting that by the time we see what he has hidden it won't matter anymore. He's done a snowjob on congress before and totally got away with it, he'll do it again.

Typical TDS sufferer. Do you have the number for the suicide prevention hotline when none of your beliefs pan out?
They keep clinging to their fantasy of collusion.

Let’s see how Trump comes out looking in the report

How presidential will he be?
Corrupt or inept

The relevant part has already come out.

NO COLLUSION. With Mueller going back to investigate where the drummed up FISA warrants originated.

Progressives are in a panic and are beginning to unravel. Life is good!

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