Mueller Trapped - Mueller Said He Won't Testify But How Can He Prevent Being Subpoenaed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"One thing Robert Mueller made perfectly clear when he delivered his first public statement in more than two years is that he has no desire for a repeat performance before Congress -- but will he have a choice?"

After his report, all the confusion and disagreement over what he really said, his 'drive-by' press conference, the 'clarification' of what he said by his office hours later, and the continue disagreement over what he really said / meant, THE ENTIRE FIASCO NEARLY MANDATES THAT HE TESTIFY!

During his 'drive-by' presser, though, Mueller made this totally unsatisfactory declatatinn:

"The report is my testimony," Mueller said Wednesday, saying that if he were to be called to speak under oath, he would not say anything other than what is already in his report.

His report has proved to be worthless, according to Nadler who demanded that even the Grand Jury information the Mueller team be redacted, although it could not legally be released.

Nadler obviously has questions only Mueller can answer, and Mueller just told Nadler - and all of Congress - to go pound sand because he refuses to testify before Congress and answer any questions.

Nadler is not the only one who has questions he wants Mueller to answer:

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., has already said in a statement that Mueller' public remarks left many questions unanswered."

"House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., also said that Mueller's report was not enough."

Republican Jim Jordan accurately summed up Mueller's press conference by saying this:

"Jordan said the only new information Mueller provided was that he was resigning from the Justice Department, and that he "doesn't want to testify."


Robert Mueller doesn’t want to testify, but will he succeed in heading off a subpoena?
I hope the republicans call him to testify....Mueller has some explaining to do...a lot more than 9 freaking minuets with no questions...the coward....
Did he REALLY think he was going to spend millions of tax dollars, waste 2 years, ignore exposed crimes, give a report that caused even more controversy and leave more questions unanswered, and then walk away without answering to anyone and without answering any questions ... as if he is above the law / DOJ / Congress and doesn't have to answer to anyone or explain himself to anyone?


The guy made over 100 people testify under oath during his investigation, during which he was accused of unethical tactics such as lying to those he put under oath, bullied them, and even set up perjury traps for them...but HE has declared he will NOT testify under oath for anyone?


After the last two days that found him lying in his farewell performance, he better ask Nadler for a room on the
House side of the Capitol because when Graham hauls him in before the Senate Judiciary Committee there is
gonna be hell to pay for lying Bobby.
Bumbling Bob got some bad advice

Meuller does not desire to tell the planet that AG Barr refused to allow Mueller to indict Trump.

Anyone that believes this shit is anywhere near 'over' is completely brain dead.

This shit is just now getting started & Trump's ass is likely getting quite puckered.

Meuller does not desire to tell the planet that AG Barr refused to allow Mueller to indict Trump.
Another projected false narrative in defense of Mueller....sorry, snowflake - enough bullshit from the Trump-hating 'peanut gallery'. Even Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries want Mueller to testify under oath for himself.

Why does that frighten you and Mueller so badly?
Meuller does not desire to tell the planet that AG Barr refused to allow Mueller to indict Trump.
Another projected false narrative in defense of Mueller....sorry, snowflake - enough bullshit from the Trump-hating 'peanut gallery'. Even Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries want Mueller to testify under oath for himself.

Why does that frighten you and Mueller so badly?

Doesn't frighten me one bit Shirley; never implied it would & never said it would.

What is your excuse?
If he failed to testify before the Neutered, and his house of fools, would it be considered obstruction of justice?
Bumbling Bob got some bad advice

Meuller does not desire to tell the planet that AG Barr refused to allow Mueller to indict Trump.

Anyone that believes this shit is anywhere near 'over' is completely brain dead.

This shit is just now getting started & Trump's ass is likely getting quite puckered.


Mueller could not have indicted Trump, but he could have said whether he had committed a crime or not. He didn't because he couldn't.

Democrats are in DEEP poo. The only question is who will be the fall guy.
Meuller does not desire to tell the planet that AG Barr refused to allow Mueller to indict Trump.
Another projected false narrative in defense of Mueller....sorry, snowflake - enough bullshit from the Trump-hating 'peanut gallery'. Even Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries want Mueller to testify under oath for himself.

Why does that frighten you and Mueller so badly?

Doesn't frighten me one bit Shirley; never implied it would & never said it would.

What is your excuse?
Then you will have no problem with supporting Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries in asking them to subpoena Mueller and get him to testify under oath...
Meuller does not desire to tell the planet that AG Barr refused to allow Mueller to indict Trump.
Another projected false narrative in defense of Mueller....sorry, snowflake - enough bullshit from the Trump-hating 'peanut gallery'. Even Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries want Mueller to testify under oath for himself.

Why does that frighten you and Mueller so badly?

Doesn't frighten me one bit Shirley; never implied it would & never said it would.

What is your excuse?
Then you will have no problem with supporting Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries in asking them to subpoena Mueller and get him to testify under oath...

I would like to see Mueller testify before the House committee; yep
I don't want to see Trump impeached, but I would trade it to see Mueller sweat on a witness stand. Schiff and Swalwell are idiots, but they are committed to their idiocy. Mueller took a job and spent 2 years looking for a place to hide. His cowardly approach pleased no one, but did give the media the launch they needed-which is what Mueller really wanted, a pat on the head. Reminds me of General McClellan telling Lincoln that Lee had too many men for the Union to attack. Cowards see invisible dangers in the shadows and only appear when they absolutely have to.
If Mueller was ever forced to appear before Congress under oath:

1. He would read excerpts from his report off of a cue card without deviating

2. He would say
--- Anything you want to know is in my report. That is my testimony.
--- I have nothing more to say

3. He would refuse to answer any question he was asked, especially ones like 'When did you know there was no collusion', and would plead the 5th...ALOT.

4. In doing so, he would appear as if he is hiding / covering something up. After all, if his investigation was 'legitimate' and truly handled professionally and objectively why would he refuse to answer questions about it?!

5. As a result of his being forced to appear before Congress under oath ands his reluctance to cooperate / testify the American people will a better sense of how Mueller and his hand-picked team of DNC/Hillary supporters/donors and Hillary lawyers had 1 mission in this investigation - 'Get Trump'

6. Trump will NOT be Impeached. Oh, the Democrats MIGHT push Pelosi into agreeing to go ahead with it. Pelosi has continued to push back against the calls for Impeachment because she knows the aesthetics / perceptions left in the aftermath of Mueller's bungled handling of the report, drive-by follow-up, and the 'clarification' of what he said immediately after his presser by his own office has created even more controversy and even fellow Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries insist Mueller must testify under oath before going further. Pelosi also knows that even if the House votes to Impeach the President it is 'DOA' in the Senate...and from now until the 2020 election their move to Impeach will overshadow any other campaign issues they may want to talk about / run on.

The Democrats, IMO, have several options:

1. Subpoena Mueller To Testify Under Oath.

Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all publicly declared Mueller's report - which he calls his 'testimony' should he be called before Congress - is NOT enough. They agree that there are a lot of questions he needs to answer. If the Democrats want to be seen in any way 'objective' before they move to Impeach thy must show they made every effort to get all the details, which must include Mueller testifying.

2. Move Forward With Impeachment

Pelosi is pushing back because only Trump-hating Leftists want to Impeach Trump NOW - polls say 60% of Americans want this to end and are not for Impeachment. Again, if they do this, it is DOA in the Senate, and Impeachment will dominate / overshadow their 2020 candidate's campaign as well as their remaining time in control of the House, which so far has been consumed with 'Get Trump' rather than with legislating.

3. Continue to drag this out all the way up to the 2020 election.

The country already has 'Trump Witch Hunt' fatigue. After Mueller's report most Americans believe the Democrats should 'defecate or get off the pot'. ENOUGH - either Impeach already or STFU and move on. The Democrats are extremely close to that 'cliff edge' - either jump or walk away'. If they chose to drag it out they will only cement in people's mind that this was all political / political theatrics intended to hurt Trump.

4. Wait until the US IG releases His Report & / Or when the DOJ's investigations begin reporting Democrat crimes were found

'Break Glass In Case Of Criminal Acts Reported Against Dems' -- Having 'Impeachment' in their hip pocket to pull out as a distraction and to claim these findings are a way to distract from Impeachment might be a tactic the Democrats are holding on to.

The proverbial 'ball' is in their 'court'. They have to do SOMETHING. They do bot have the luxury of just sitting there like a deer caught in on-coming headlights...
Analysis: Mueller Statement Fuels Impeachment Fever, Underscores Why He Must Testify

(1) On the substance of the Russia probe, Mueller offered nothing new.

(2) Rather than offering clarity on why Mueller chose not to recommend for or against charges on the obstruction piece of the investigation, the Special Counsel's comments only caused more confusion and controversy.

(3) His office's statement just hors after Mueller's press conference seeking to offer 'Clarification' of what Mueller had tried to say only added more confusion and controversy.

I agree with Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries - Mueller's report and press conference are NOT enough, and he needs to testify under oath before Congress to answer questions left in the wake of his confusing / controversial report.
I hope the republicans call him to testify....Mueller has some explaining to do...a lot more than 9 freaking minuets with no questions...the coward....
Yes I agree Go into detail on those 14 obstruction reasons to indict trump
I hope the republicans call him to testify....Mueller has some explaining to do...a lot more than 9 freaking minuets with no questions...the coward....
Yes I agree Go into detail on those 14 obstruction reasons to indict trump
Just be careful Ram what you wish for ,,,it might come true
I just emailed the minority leader in the house to plead my case for calling Mueller to don't get to toss a verbal hand grenade at the president and then run and hide from questions like a childish swamp creature....

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