Mueller's Criminal Past

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein. - end quote
Then there is the story about Mueller's criminal past here which included falsifying information, perjury (again) and more:
Robert Mueller Faces Scrutiny In Trump Investigation After Ties To Hillary Go Public – Patriot Journal
Back in 2006, the Justice Department found evidence that Mueller, then the FBI Director, falsified testimony about the bureau’s surveillance on an anti-war protest in 2002. Specifically, the DoJ discovered that Mueller improperly opened and expanded investigations into certain Left-wing groups (via Mercury News).

In connection with the 2006 investigation into the FBI’s illegal surveillance of an anti-war protest in Pittsburgh, Mueller committed perjury by claiming the FBI was conducting an anti-terrorism investigation into The Thomas Merton Center, a pacifist Catholic organization (via Got News).
Mueller’s bipartisanship seems doubtful given that his law firm worked with the Left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015 (via Got News).
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True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Yup, the entire Iraq invasion was/is bogus.
Wow, already setting up the excuses are we? Everybody loved this guy a few months ago. Interesting...
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself. It wasn't the first time he was proven an incompetent liar. In the following story we see that both he and his 'brother in arms' Comey were credited with bungling the Anthrax case. Remember that one?
Comey, Mueller bungled big anthrax case together – Orange County Register

Comey and Mueller badly bungled the biggest case they ever handled. They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.

This, too, was an enormously complex case. But here are some facts: Despite the jihadist slogans accompanying the mailed anthrax, it had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or any foreign element; the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the actual anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins; the reason is that they had quickly obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill; the bureau was bullied into focusing on the government scientist by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy (whose office, along with that of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, was targeted by an anthrax-laced letter) and was duped into focusing on Hatfill by two sources — a conspiracy-minded college professor with a political agenda who’d never met Hatfill and by Nicholas Kristof, who put her conspiracy theories in the paper while mocking the FBI for not arresting Hatfill.

In truth, Hatfill was an implausible suspect from the outset. He was a virologist who never handled anthrax, which is a bacterium. (Ivins, by contrast, shared ownership of anthrax patents, was diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder, and had a habit of stalking and threatening people with anonymous letters — including the woman who provided the long-ignored tip to the FBI).

So what evidence did the FBI have against Hatfill? There was none, so the agency did a Hail Mary, importing two bloodhounds from California whose handlers claimed could sniff the scent of the killer on the anthrax-tainted letters. These dogs were shown to Hatfill, who promptly petted them. When the dogs responded favorably, their handlers told the FBI that they’d “alerted” on Hatfill and that he must be the killer.

You’d think that any good FBI agent would have kicked these quacks in the fanny and found their dogs a good home. Or at least checked news accounts of criminal cases in California where these same dogs had been used against defendants who’d been convicted — and later exonerated. As Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles Times investigative reporter David Willman detailed in his authoritative book on the case, a California judge who’d tossed out a murder conviction based on these sketchy canines called the prosecution’s dog handler “as biased as any witness that this court has ever seen.”

Instead, Mueller, who micromanaged the anthrax case and fell in love with the dubious dog evidence, personally assured Ashcroft and presumably George W. Bush that in Steven Hatfill the bureau had its man. Comey, in turn, was asked by a skeptical Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz if Hatfill was another Richard Jewell — the security guard wrongly accused of the Atlanta Olympics bombing. Comey replied that he was “absolutely certain” they weren’t making a mistake.

Such certitude seems to be Comey’s default position in his professional life. Mueller didn’t exactly distinguish himself with contrition, either. In 2008, after Ivins committed suicide as he was about to be apprehended for his crimes, and the Justice Department had formally exonerated Hatfill — and paid him $5.82 million in a legal settlement — Mueller could not be bothered to walk across the street to attend the press conference announcing the case’s resolution. When reporters did ask him about it, Mueller was graceless. “I do not apologize for any aspect of the investigation,” he said, adding that it would be erroneous “to say there were mistakes.”
Mueller bungles one of the biggest cases of his career and at the end when he was proven totally wrong he refuses to admit his own mistakes preferring to believe his own lies. What a guy.
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True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

As a pious and practicing bible thumper aren't you concerned about violating on of the Ten Commandments? Confess your sins you transgressor!
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
So let me get this straight. I don't want to misunderstand what I am hearing.

After insisting and insisting and insisting for 13 years there were WMDs in Iraq, the pseudocon position is now the left wing position? To wit, there were never any WMDs in Iraq.

Is this correct?

Did I say Trump was going to lead the pseudocons into the left wing camp, or what?

Why yes. Yes, I did.
Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey cooked up this scheme.....Trump needs to move Jeff to HS, fire the Jew, and bring in a new associate AG who's already been confirmed.....She fires Mueller for extensive conflicts of interest and this all ends.
Wow. This is right out of Orwell!

"We have always been at war with eastasia."

"There were never any WMDs in Iraq."

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
The ending of Animal Farm:

What was it that had altered in the faces of the pigs? Clover's old dim eyes
flitted from one face to another. Some of them had five chins, some had four,
some had three. But what was it that seemed to be melting and changing?
Then, the applause having come to an end, the company took up their cards
and continued the game that had been interrupted, and the animals crept silently

But they had not gone twenty yards when they stopped short. An uproar of
voices was coming from the farmhouse. They rushed back and looked through
the window again. Yes, a violent quarrel was in progress. There were shoutings,
bangings on the table, sharp suspicious glances, furious denials. The source of
the trouble appeared to be that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had each played
an ace of spades simultaneously.

Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question,
now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked
from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already
it was impossible to say which was which.

Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.
Still scared shitless of Bob Mueller I see.
One thing Dems and repukes in Congress are united over. They've said, " If Trump fires Mueller, it will be the end of the Trump presidency."
As Dirty Harry said, " Make my day!" ( and fire Mueller)
True Pundit is running a story today about how Mueller committed perjury while testifying under oath about Saddam Hussein stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

Flashback: Mueller Perjures Himself Testifying Saddam Hussein Is Stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction (VIDEO)
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, while FBI director, testified that Iraqi strong-man Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.

We all know how that ended. And if you don’t feel free to research it.

Don’t be surprised if President Trump, who Mueller is now investigating, becomes Mueller’s next Saddam Hussein.

You people are ridiculous
Not at all. Just reminding people of Mueller's record of perjury, lying, bungling huge cases, etc. Facts that should concern any American.
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Mueller perjured himself.

You guys thought I was kidding about Orwell.

Take a look at this:
Iraq had WMD's. That is a known fact. Even the Democrats agreed - before they disagreed.
I made the mistake of believing Mueller (who testified under oath and perjured himself).
No, you are a mindless prole, obeying the Hate Week perorations given to you by your masters. Forgetting even the recent past.

You parrot what you are told to parrot, and bleev what you are told to bleev.

Orwell owns you. Totally.

It won't happen again.
It already has, prole. And will again. And again. And again, ad infinitum.
The character assassination of Bob Mueller is standard operating procedure for Trump whores.'
Anyone who dares tells the truth about Trump or investigates him, the pack of wild dogs go after them.
Bob Mueller is the most respected man in Washington. Go after him at your own peril.

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