muellers indictment is typical democrat play to effect November elections....

Oh, that's right. Forgot that Sessions had to recuse himself because he lied about his own Russian connections. So Mueller, a republican, was appointed by Rothenstein, a republican, because Sessions, a republican, had to recuse himself. Mueller, a republican is investigating the republican Trump administration. So obviously, the democrats have something to do with it.

Russian connections that as a Senator that he talked to someone from Russia? How is Sessions connected to Russia, how much money did he get for having a conversation with someone from there? Why does the Podesta brothers and the Hildebeast's ties to the Russians along with millions of FRNs deposited into their accounts not even get a sniff from the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media????

View attachment 157324
Why did he recuse himself then? Did democrats use the Jedi mind trick on him?

I would like to know that myself. I would also like to know as to why he is sitting on his hands as it pertains to Uranium One, Libya, the CIA funding of ISIS and a litany of other crimes perpetuated by deep state operatives. He is either one of them or intimidated by them that they will harm is family or perhaps he has been compromised.

He pandered to the far left. Pandering to the far left is never the answer.

I am sure that Obama left such a big mess that it will take years just to start investigations into these things.
The main event is the Mueller investigation and the litany of upcoming indictments against Trump's cabinet and possibly one just for him.
Your fantasies of getting Obama or Hillary is just your mind playing tricks on you to prevent your emotional being from collapsing with the bad news that's ahead of you. Do you know how horrendous this looks having such a crooked administration and multiple indictments after only in office for 9 months?
People will look back at this administration and point >> MOST CORRUPT ONE EVER!

LMAO!!!! Dude, you are the epitome of the word "delusional".......the corruption of the last four administrations is steeped in money laundering, arms sales, human trafficking, stock market manipulations, insider trading and the biggest money making enterprise of all? The illegal drug trade using CIA friendly banks to launder it. You are such an infant as to how things REALLY work.........
There are two parts to muellers announcing an indictment for Monday....

1) He is now under scrutiny for his role in hiding the Uranium One scandal when he was FBI director, he has direct involvement in burying the investigation into Russian bribes to the clinton foundation and other government entities, as well as the creation of the file on Trump which was used to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump's people...

2) There are big elections coming on November 8...and democrat special prosecutors use their offices to indict prominent Republicans in order to help the democrats...even when there is no chance of any conviction.....the effort is to simply get them indicted in time for the election...

Robert Mueller's well-timed indictment

So why is there such a hurry to indict a Republican now?

The key is that the indictment comes in late October. Right before a November election. There is pattern of October indictments against Republicans.

A previous indictment that came at this time of year was against Sheriff Joe Arpaio. On October 25, 2016, Arpaio was indicted for contempt of court. On November 8, 2016, he lost his re-election bid. In 2017, he was denied the right to a jury trial, convicted, then pardoned by President Trump.

On October 30, 1992, Former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger was indicted regarding the Iran Contra Affair. On November 3, 1992, President George HW Bush lost re-election. On December 11, 1992, a judge quickly threw out the indictment. Later that month, Bush pardoned Weinberger, thus preventing subsequent well-timed indictments.

Another, even more abusive example of a set-up involves a conviction. Senator Ted Stevens was convicted on October 27, 2008 for failing to report gifts. On November 4, 2008, he barely lost re-election. In 2009, Democrat Attorney General Eric Holder learned that prosecutors withheld evidence, sent a key witness away, and possibly allowed another witness to perjure himself. Knowing that Stevens was about to reveal this in court, Holder beat him to it and dismissed the case. Stevens was exonerated, but he still was an ex-Senator and the prosecutors were not punished.

The pattern is that Democrats like to indict and convict prominent Republicans just before an election to soil the Republican brand. On November 7, there will be two gubernatorial, one congressional, and several mayoral elections, so the Democrats have plenty of incentive. Is Mueller a Democrat? Nobody knows, but Democrats really, really like him.
I haven't seen wingnuts this spooked since they found the Nixon tapes.

I am not a "wingnut" and neither am I "spooked". I simply understand how things work in this banana republic that is USA.INC.......capiche'?
This is your worst nightmare come true and both you and I know it.

No, my worst nightmare was the Hildebeast winning a crooked election and that didn't happen. Care to try again??? Double or nothing this time? What IS happening is that people are shaking off the programming and seeing this corrupt entity that we have referred to as "government".
Russian connections that as a Senator that he talked to someone from Russia? How is Sessions connected to Russia, how much money did he get for having a conversation with someone from there? Why does the Podesta brothers and the Hildebeast's ties to the Russians along with millions of FRNs deposited into their accounts not even get a sniff from the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media????

View attachment 157324
Why did he recuse himself then? Did democrats use the Jedi mind trick on him?

I would like to know that myself. I would also like to know as to why he is sitting on his hands as it pertains to Uranium One, Libya, the CIA funding of ISIS and a litany of other crimes perpetuated by deep state operatives. He is either one of them or intimidated by them that they will harm is family or perhaps he has been compromised.

He pandered to the far left. Pandering to the far left is never the answer.

I am sure that Obama left such a big mess that it will take years just to start investigations into these things.
The main event is the Mueller investigation and the litany of upcoming indictments against Trump's cabinet and possibly one just for him.
Your fantasies of getting Obama or Hillary is just your mind playing tricks on you to prevent your emotional being from collapsing with the bad news that's ahead of you. Do you know how horrendous this looks having such a crooked administration and multiple indictments after only in office for 9 months?
People will look back at this administration and point >> MOST CORRUPT ONE EVER!

LMAO!!!! Dude, you are the epitome of the word "delusional".......the corruption of the last four administrations is steeped in money laundering, arms sales, human trafficking, stock market manipulations, insider trading and the biggest money making enterprise of all? The illegal drug trade using CIA friendly banks to launder it. You are such an infant as to how things REALLY work.........
Where's your list of Trump's crimes? Cat got your tongue?
You have zero credibility being a Trumpwhore. Zero.
His administration will go down as the most corrupt in history breaking even Reagan's sordid record of most indictments and convictions.
The fact this is starting to happen after only 9 months is unprecedented.
The OP is a bold claim with all the political footballs that were used this last election.

What a load of bunk. The indictment is coming tomorrow because the Muller team feels that it is time - nothing more and nothing less.
Why did he recuse himself then? Did democrats use the Jedi mind trick on him?

I would like to know that myself. I would also like to know as to why he is sitting on his hands as it pertains to Uranium One, Libya, the CIA funding of ISIS and a litany of other crimes perpetuated by deep state operatives. He is either one of them or intimidated by them that they will harm is family or perhaps he has been compromised.

He pandered to the far left. Pandering to the far left is never the answer.

I am sure that Obama left such a big mess that it will take years just to start investigations into these things.
The main event is the Mueller investigation and the litany of upcoming indictments against Trump's cabinet and possibly one just for him.
Your fantasies of getting Obama or Hillary is just your mind playing tricks on you to prevent your emotional being from collapsing with the bad news that's ahead of you. Do you know how horrendous this looks having such a crooked administration and multiple indictments after only in office for 9 months?
People will look back at this administration and point >> MOST CORRUPT ONE EVER!

LMAO!!!! Dude, you are the epitome of the word "delusional".......the corruption of the last four administrations is steeped in money laundering, arms sales, human trafficking, stock market manipulations, insider trading and the biggest money making enterprise of all? The illegal drug trade using CIA friendly banks to launder it. You are such an infant as to how things REALLY work.........
Where's your list of Trump's crimes? Cat got your tongue?
You have zero credibility being a Trumpwhore. Zero.
His administration will go down as the most corrupt in history breaking even Reagan's sordid record of most indictments and convictions.
The fact this is starting to happen after only 9 months is unprecedented.

Trump is not a career politician. He didn't NEED this gig and he certainly didn't need all the bullshit that comes with it since he is not a part of the establishment. You don't have the slightest clue about corruption or you would be indignant about the utter corruption of the last eight years of the Barrypuppet, the eight years of the Bushpuppet and the prior eight years of the Bill "drop trou" regime mired in absolute corruption and CIA George H Bush. Trump hasn't been in office long enough to be "corrupted" by the minimal powers he possesses and he isn't playing ball with the globalists that own USA.INC. As I stated earlier? You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what he is up against and why it matters to little serfs like better hope and pray that Trump and the "white hats" are able to tale down this shadow government and their deep state operatives because your welfare doesn't figure into the equation one whit. You see? I know more than you....infinitely more.
There will have to be an independent investigation into Hillary deleting her emails to hide the evidence of her corruption.
I love the words "MAY" and "Might" used by every single outlet reporting this except FOX who has been reporting responsibly that they do not have credible information as to who might be in the sights...
You mean “except Fox, who will fall on their swords before ever allowing anything but praise for the dear leader to appear on their network.”

Fox News report in 2018: “Trump Still Winning! Best Checkers Player in San Quentin!”

Wow....your post was so good I am going to email it to President hilary.....or was that President Jeb Bush........or how about we mail it to the NFL......the ones that thought they could take on Trump too.....or hollywood, the ones who tried to smear him with sexual is that going for them now?

You guys...please.....keep underestimating Trump......we need more democrats kicked out of office...
Hollywood will have record revenue again, Jeb Bush is a moron that you loved until Trump told you to stop, the NFL will have record revenue again, and Hillary is still living inside your head.
"Hollywood will have record revenue again,"

IS that why they posted a 15% loss in revenue last quarter? LOL retard!
Oh yeah? 2016 was a record year despite you braindead Trump sheep saying all the same shit, and 2017 will be the same.

2016 Box Office Revenue Hits $11.17B for Another Record Year
The current individuals who are under indictment are from the CLINTON ERA and the John Podesta Group.. Everything they have done was while employed with the Podesta Group... Not one lick of this has anything to do with Trump!.

This is hilarious.... this has Everything to do with the CLINTON'S... and nothing to do with Trump..
You mean “except Fox, who will fall on their swords before ever allowing anything but praise for the dear leader to appear on their network.”

Fox News report in 2018: “Trump Still Winning! Best Checkers Player in San Quentin!”

Wow....your post was so good I am going to email it to President hilary.....or was that President Jeb Bush........or how about we mail it to the NFL......the ones that thought they could take on Trump too.....or hollywood, the ones who tried to smear him with sexual is that going for them now?

You guys...please.....keep underestimating Trump......we need more democrats kicked out of office...
Hollywood will have record revenue again, Jeb Bush is a moron that you loved until Trump told you to stop, the NFL will have record revenue again, and Hillary is still living inside your head.
"Hollywood will have record revenue again,"

IS that why they posted a 15% loss in revenue last quarter? LOL retard!
Oh yeah? 2016 was a record year despite you braindead Trump sheep saying all the same shit, and 2017 will be the same.

2016 Box Office Revenue Hits $11.17B for Another Record Year
The current individuals who are under indictment are from the CLINTON ERA and the John Podesta Group.. Everything they have done was while employed with the Podesta Group... Not one lick of this has anything to do with Trump!.

This is hilarious.... this has Everything to do with the CLINTON'S... and nothing to do with Trump..
Yes that's why Trump and his goons have worked around the clock for months to slander Mueller and anything to do with the investigation :laugh:
Wow....your post was so good I am going to email it to President hilary.....or was that President Jeb Bush........or how about we mail it to the NFL......the ones that thought they could take on Trump too.....or hollywood, the ones who tried to smear him with sexual is that going for them now?

You guys...please.....keep underestimating Trump......we need more democrats kicked out of office...
Hollywood will have record revenue again, Jeb Bush is a moron that you loved until Trump told you to stop, the NFL will have record revenue again, and Hillary is still living inside your head.
"Hollywood will have record revenue again,"

IS that why they posted a 15% loss in revenue last quarter? LOL retard!
Oh yeah? 2016 was a record year despite you braindead Trump sheep saying all the same shit, and 2017 will be the same.

2016 Box Office Revenue Hits $11.17B for Another Record Year
The current individuals who are under indictment are from the CLINTON ERA and the John Podesta Group.. Everything they have done was while employed with the Podesta Group... Not one lick of this has anything to do with Trump!.

This is hilarious.... this has Everything to do with the CLINTON'S... and nothing to do with Trump..
Yes that's why Trump and his goons have worked around the clock for months to slander Mueller and anything to do with the investigation :laugh:

The problem for you snowflakes is that it isn't slander. It's truth.
Hollywood will have record revenue again, Jeb Bush is a moron that you loved until Trump told you to stop, the NFL will have record revenue again, and Hillary is still living inside your head.
"Hollywood will have record revenue again,"

IS that why they posted a 15% loss in revenue last quarter? LOL retard!
Oh yeah? 2016 was a record year despite you braindead Trump sheep saying all the same shit, and 2017 will be the same.

2016 Box Office Revenue Hits $11.17B for Another Record Year
The current individuals who are under indictment are from the CLINTON ERA and the John Podesta Group.. Everything they have done was while employed with the Podesta Group... Not one lick of this has anything to do with Trump!.

This is hilarious.... this has Everything to do with the CLINTON'S... and nothing to do with Trump..
Yes that's why Trump and his goons have worked around the clock for months to slander Mueller and anything to do with the investigation :laugh:

The problem for you snowflakes is that it isn't slander. It's truth.
Wow you completely just blew up your fellow braindead conservative's argument. Too fucking funny :laugh:
"Hollywood will have record revenue again,"

IS that why they posted a 15% loss in revenue last quarter? LOL retard!
Oh yeah? 2016 was a record year despite you braindead Trump sheep saying all the same shit, and 2017 will be the same.

2016 Box Office Revenue Hits $11.17B for Another Record Year
The current individuals who are under indictment are from the CLINTON ERA and the John Podesta Group.. Everything they have done was while employed with the Podesta Group... Not one lick of this has anything to do with Trump!.

This is hilarious.... this has Everything to do with the CLINTON'S... and nothing to do with Trump..
Yes that's why Trump and his goons have worked around the clock for months to slander Mueller and anything to do with the investigation :laugh:

The problem for you snowflakes is that it isn't slander. It's truth.
Wow you completely just blew up your fellow braindead conservative's argument. Too fucking funny :laugh:
You must not be reading the same posts I'm reading.
Wow....your post was so good I am going to email it to President hilary.....or was that President Jeb Bush........or how about we mail it to the NFL......the ones that thought they could take on Trump too.....or hollywood, the ones who tried to smear him with sexual is that going for them now?

You guys...please.....keep underestimating Trump......we need more democrats kicked out of office...
Hollywood will have record revenue again, Jeb Bush is a moron that you loved until Trump told you to stop, the NFL will have record revenue again, and Hillary is still living inside your head.
"Hollywood will have record revenue again,"

IS that why they posted a 15% loss in revenue last quarter? LOL retard!
Oh yeah? 2016 was a record year despite you braindead Trump sheep saying all the same shit, and 2017 will be the same.

2016 Box Office Revenue Hits $11.17B for Another Record Year
The current individuals who are under indictment are from the CLINTON ERA and the John Podesta Group.. Everything they have done was while employed with the Podesta Group... Not one lick of this has anything to do with Trump!.

This is hilarious.... this has Everything to do with the CLINTON'S... and nothing to do with Trump..
Yes that's why Trump and his goons have worked around the clock for months to slander Mueller and anything to do with the investigation :laugh:
Muller was involved with the Clinton cabal from 2008-2014.
Again, the elections that are going to be held in Nov. 2017 are going to have zero impact on politics as a nation.

Like I said before, if this had happened before an election NEXT year, then yeah, maybe there would be something here.

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