The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.

Is tree even from the U.S.?
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
Typical Democrat. Attack the poster but can't refute anything in the post. All you are doing is saying "tree man bad... derp... "

Why not tell us why tree is wrong?

Why not take a point he makes and address it?
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.

Is tree even from the U.S.?
Does it matter?

This is the Internet. World wide web.

People like this are the useful idiots I talk about when I say they will support imposing China style Internet on Americans to save us from "election interference / ads on Facebook Democrats don't like"

American Democrats see the Internet control the Chinese Democrats have in China and are hella jealous. American Democrats can't wait to bring China style Internet to America. Forums like this will be hardest hit.
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
Typical Democrat. Attack the poster but can't refute anything in the post. All you are doing is saying "tree man bad... derp... "

Why not tell us why tree is wrong?

Why not take a point he makes and address it?

Thanks for sharing. Anyone who believes Tree is a fool. He is and has always been a troll. He is not credible, he never offers any probative facts to support his threads.
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
Typical Democrat. Attack the poster but can't refute anything in the post. All you are doing is saying "tree man bad... derp... "

Why not tell us why tree is wrong?

Why not take a point he makes and address it?

Thanks for sharing. Anyone who believes Tree is a fool. He is and has always been a troll. He is not credible, he never offers any probative facts to support his threads.
Who cares if tree is a troll. Address what he says or you look like a troll yourself.

The fact you Democrats are so triggered by tree and this thread he made is a testament to tree's effectiveness against the global socialist/communist movement.

You still fail to address a thing he said. Tell us why tree is wrong about Mueller. It is a fox news article. It's not like tree just made this up on his own.
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.

Is tree even from the U.S.?
Does it matter?

This is the Internet. World wide web.

People like this are the useful idiots I talk about when I say they will support imposing China style Internet on Americans to save us from "election interference / ads on Facebook Democrats don't like"

American Democrats see the Internet control the Chinese Democrats have in China and are hella jealous. American Democrats can't wait to bring China style Internet to America. Forums like this will be hardest hit.

Yeah I take the Quid Pro Joe defenders so serious. I mean they're so sincere and honest
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.

Is tree even from the U.S.?
Does it matter?

This is the Internet. World wide web.

People like this are the useful idiots I talk about when I say they will support imposing China style Internet on Americans to save us from "election interference / ads on Facebook Democrats don't like"

American Democrats see the Internet control the Chinese Democrats have in China and are hella jealous. American Democrats can't wait to bring China style Internet to America. Forums like this will be hardest hit.

Yeah I take the Quid Pro Joe defenders so serious. I mean they're so sincere and honest
Democrats are generally corrupt people which is why they fight so hard to allow criminals to vote.

Truth is that if the average Democrat was in the Bidens shoes, they would engage in the same activity.

Taking a Democrat seriously is a sure sign of a lack of intelligence.
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
So you don't care to address THE FACTS, and like all you leftists do, you attack the person to deflect away from The TRUTH.

From The Article I linked to in the Original Post:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

President Trump: “Mueller wanted very badly to have the job as FBI director and to return to the FBI. I didn’t want him. I rejected him. By the way, how much of a conflict is it when a guy comes in wanting a job, I say no, and the next day he’s your special prosecutor? It’s outrageous.”

It was outrageous. It seems increasingly clear that Trump was being set-up, and that Mueller was neither forthcoming nor honest during the meeting.

He deliberately concealed from the president that he was about to launch a damaging investigation that threatened Trump’s presidency. The duplicity was more than a sufficient basis to require that he disqualify himself from the special counsel position.

The president’s account of his meeting with Mueller was corroborated by his then-assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, who arranged it and was privy to its purpose and content. I questioned her about this. She confirmed to me that, without a doubt, Mueller had been there interviewing for the job of FBI director. Recently, multiple administration officials backed up this account to Fox News. Newly released records also substantiate it.
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
Typical Democrat. Attack the poster but can't refute anything in the post. All you are doing is saying "tree man bad... derp... "

Why not tell us why tree is wrong?

Why not take a point he makes and address it?

Thanks for sharing. Anyone who believes Tree is a fool. He is and has always been a troll. He is not credible, he never offers any probative facts to support his threads.

Mueller Lied. Mueller should have turned down the job and removed him self from The Failed Witch Hunt

Care to address that?
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
Typical Democrat. Attack the poster but can't refute anything in the post. All you are doing is saying "tree man bad... derp... "

Why not tell us why tree is wrong?

Why not take a point he makes and address it?

Thanks for sharing. Anyone who believes Tree is a fool. He is and has always been a troll. He is not credible, he never offers any probative facts to support his threads.

Mueller Lied. Mueller should have turned down the job and removed him self from The Failed Witch Hunt

Care to address that?
:abgg2q.jpg:You are asking an NPC to engage in a discussion.

I'll reply for him... "orange man bad... derp... "
This from the guy who openly said, he'd wear a wire to secretly record and spy on President Trump to see if he could get dirt on him for The Hillary-Obama Cult.

Now it's been revealed that Rosenstein offered Mueller The Special Counsel Job far before Mueller interviewed for The Head of The FBI, and Mueller lied about being interviewed for The FBI job and about being offered The Special Counsel Job in Advance.

What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Read the full story at the link provided:

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel.

So, why was Mueller there in the Oval? Was it part of a scheme to furtively gather evidence that, as special counsel, he could then use against Trump? Did he lure the president into a conversation under false pretenses?

The answer appears to be yes.

What can I say I've not said before? Tree has no credibility, he's been suspended by the Society of Trolls, and yet continues to post his paranoid beliefs as if any reasonable person will believe him.
Typical Democrat. Attack the poster but can't refute anything in the post. All you are doing is saying "tree man bad... derp... "

Why not tell us why tree is wrong?

Why not take a point he makes and address it?

Thanks for sharing. Anyone who believes Tree is a fool. He is and has always been a troll. He is not credible, he never offers any probative facts to support his threads.

Mueller Lied. Mueller should have turned down the job and removed him self from The Failed Witch Hunt

Care to address that?
:abgg2q.jpg:You are asking an NPC to engage in a discussion.

I'll reply for him... "orange man bad... derp... "
You meant.... Dupe tee Dupe tee Dupe!

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