Muhammad Cartoons: Global Lynch Mob Attacks Free Speech

Lars Mølbæk said:
Where is the USA in all this?

If you haven't noticed, the U.S. has been fighting the radical Islam terrorists for the last three years to keep them from remaking the world into their dream of a Islamic theocracy. Do you think we're not fighting for freedom of speech and all the other freedoms we currently enjoy?

Glad you Europeans are beginning to wake up to the threat from these fanatics--not only to the U.S. and Israel, but to the entire world. If our democratic way of life is to be maintained, it will take the entire world waking up to this threat and combating it. One thing is for sure, the U.S. can't do it alone, so the European countries are going to have to quit depending on the U.S. to be the world's peace keeper and become actively involved against this common enemy.

I salute the Danish government for deciding to send more troops to Iraq to fight these bastards. Now you're on the right path.
Lars Mølbæk said:
YO Guys and Girls
im danish and im pissed, we feel us alone here, were is the support of free speach
NOT ONE american newspaper have shown any of the very funny cartoon drawings of the profet

we have had a wery loong discussion in denmark about freedom af speach

its damn funny to see the wery slow reactions on this

the drawing were the end of a mostly sober discussion that ended in September 30 2005

the only way the muslims of the world were able to find out that the drawings were printed is because of danish muslims going on a trip to the middle east to tell how evil this wonderfull little contry is

well they found out that we are the most evil place in the world... cause of that

we tougth we had freinds around the world, the discussion in DK were on free speach and ended of prowing that the free speace is gone

not even little USA have the nerve to print one single drawing and even damn UK have any support

NICE to see that a few people here support us but most of US seems that they dont care and we can sail our own sea

so im pissed :gives: we in DENMARK are PROUD that we have free speach
we will continue to have free speach and are sad to see that not even us have the nerve to support a FREIND in need, im now in favor of we remove the trooups in IRAK and other places were we support THE UNITED STATES OF NO FREE SPEACH

damn you US
no regards
Better yet, where is Israel ? They are the ONLY ones who have been specifically threatened by the new government in Iran yet are conspicuosly absent when it comes to any talks aimed at diffusing the problem. It's me or just the lack of media coverage but in my opinion they should be taking the point in any negotiations regarding Irans' nuclear ambitions. Their country is targeted for destruction and they wait for other countries to try to resolve the problem through negotation?
I bet they are ready militarily.
dilloduck said:
They are the ONLY ones who have been specifically threatened by the new government in Iran...

Not so, Dillo. The new president has also threatened a world without the United States. Go read my post "...a world without the United States..." to review his direct quotes.
Adam's Apple said:
Not so, Dillo. The new president has also threatened a world without the United States. Go read my post "...a world without the United States..." to review his direct quotes.

Never the less, that certainly doesn't diminish the imminent threat posed to Israel by Iranian nukes. If you have heard any diplomatic efforts by the Israelis I would sure like to hear them. Right now it appears that the rest of the world is coming around in a diplomatic fashion. All Israel offers is saber rattling rhetoric.
nosarcasm, there is an EMERGING view in the U.S. which holds that Western freedom of speech trumps Muslim bullying AND that the war in Iraq is wrong. I say, let the West say what it wants, in the West, and if the Muslims try making trouble for us over it, crush 'em. But we first have to stop making trouble for them by getting out. Cartoons humiliating Muhammad are one thing, setting up troops by Mecca is another. One's worth defending, the other is hard to defend.
Lars Mølbæk said:
YO Guys and Girls
im danish and im pissed, we feel us alone here, were is the support of free speach
NOT ONE american newspaper have shown any of the very funny cartoon drawings of the profet

we have had a wery loong discussion in denmark about freedom af speach

its damn funny to see the wery slow reactions on this

the drawing were the end of a mostly sober discussion that ended in September 30 2005

the only way the muslims of the world were able to find out that the drawings were printed is because of danish muslims going on a trip to the middle east to tell how evil this wonderfull little contry is

well they found out that we are the most evil place in the world... cause of that

we tougth we had freinds around the world, the discussion in DK were on free speach and ended of prowing that the free speace is gone

not even little USA have the nerve to print one single drawing and even damn UK have any support

NICE to see that a few people here support us but most of US seems that they dont care and we can sail our own sea

so im pissed :gives: we in DENMARK are PROUD that we have free speach
we will continue to have free speach and are sad to see that not even us have the nerve to support a FREIND in need, im now in favor of we remove the trooups in IRAK and other places were we support THE UNITED STATES OF NO FREE SPEACH

damn you US
no regards

One simple point you overlook: Our government does not control the media. The media in this Nation is pro-leftwing, and pro-politically correct. True or not, and/or funny or not, the cartoons do not promote the left's idiology, and they damned-sure aren't poltically correct.

While the media does try to brainwash the masses with its agenda, it does not formulate government policy, nor is it the mouthpiece for the government; especially, under the current administration.

I personally have no problem with the cartoons, and don't give a rat's ass what Muslims think about them. Their reaction is just more proof of their intolerance.

But then, if you're going to go around talking trash about us because the New York Times doesn't support your free speech, you can take you 540 troops and "have a nice day!"
nosarcasm said:
since this is a conservative leaning forum support for Denmark in
its fight against Muslim oppression is rather strong. Only
the religious right might stay out of it because they tend to whine about
freedom of the press too when they are the target.
they don't threaten decapicitations though.


I was with you up to the bolded part.
nosarcasm said:
I thought it is self explaining that there are no christian mobs running
the streets asking for the death of anybody.

just making sure. You know that sarcasm of yours. ;)

We are all Danes now

By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | February 5, 2006

HINDUS CONSIDER it sacrilegious to eat meat from cows, so when a Danish supermarket ran a sale on beef and veal last fall, Hindus everywhere reacted with outrage. India recalled its ambassador to Copenhagen, and Danish flags were burned in Calcutta, Bombay, and Delhi. A Hindu mob in Sri Lanka severely beat two employees of a Danish-owned firm, and demonstrators in Nepal chanted: ''War on Denmark! Death to Denmark!"In many places, shops selling Dansk china or Lego toys were attacked by rioters, and two Danish embassies were firebombed.

It didn't happen, of course. Hindus may consider it odious to use cows as food, but they do not resort to boycotts, threats, and violence when non-Hindus eat hamburger or steak. They do not demand that everyone abide by the strictures of Hinduism and avoid words and deeds that Hindus might find upsetting. The same is true of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Mormons: They don't lash out in violence when their religious sensibilities are offended. They certainly don't expect their beliefs to be immune from criticism, mockery, or dissent.

But radical Muslims do.

The current uproar over cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed published in a Danish newspaper illustrates yet again the fascist intolerance that is at the heart of radical Islam. Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's largest daily, commissioned the cartoons to make a point about freedom of speech. It was protesting the climate of intimidation that had made it impossible for a Danish author to find an illustrator for his children's book about Mohammed. No artist would agree to illustrate the book for fear of being harmed by Muslim extremists. Appalled by this self-censorship, Jyllands-Posten invited Danish artists to submit drawings of Mohammed, and published the 12 it received.

Most of the pictures are tame to the point of dullness, especially compared to the biting editorial cartoons that routinely appear in US and European newspapers. A few of them link Mohammed to Islamist terrorism -- one depicts him with a bomb in his turban, while a second shows him in Heaven, pleading with newly arrived suicide terrorists: ''Stop, stop! We have run out of virgins!" Others focus on the threat to free speech: In one, a sweating artist sits at his drawing board, nervously sketching Mohammed, while glancing over his shoulder to make sure he's not being watched.

That anything so mild could trigger a reaction so crazed -- riots, death threats, kidnappings, flag-burnings -- speaks volumes about the chasm that separates the values of the civilized world from those in too much of the Islamic world. Freedom of the press, the marketplace of ideas, the right to skewer sacred cows: Militant Islam knows none of this. And if the jihadis get their way, it will be swept aside everywhere by the censorship and intolerance of sharia.

Here and there, some brave Muslim voices have cried out against the book-burners. The Jordanian newspaper Shihan published three of the cartoons. ''Muslims of the world, be reasonable," implored Shihan's editor, Jihad al-Momani, in an editorial. ''What brings more prejudice against Islam -- these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras?" But within hours Momani was out of a job, fired by the paper's owners after the Jordanian government threatened legal action.

He wasn't the only editor sacked last week. In Paris, Jacques LeFranc of the daily France Soir was also fired after running the Mohammed cartoons. The paper's owner, an Egyptian Copt named Raymond Lakah, issued a craven and Orwellian statement offering LeFranc's head as a gesture of ''respect for the intimate beliefs and convictions of every individual." But the France Soir staff defended their decision to publish the drawings in a stalwart editorial. ''The best way to fight against censorship is to prevent censorship from happening," they wrote. ''A fundamental principle guaranteeing democracy and secular society is under threat. To say nothing is to retreat."

Across the continent, nearly two dozen other newspapers have joined in defending that principle. While Islamist clerics proclaim an ''international day of anger" or declare that ''the war has begun," leading publications in Norway, France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic have reprinted the Danish cartoons. But there has been no comparable show of backbone in America, where (as of Friday) only the New York Sun has had the fortitude to the run some of the drawings.

Make no mistake: This story is not going away, and neither is the Islamofascist threat. The freedom of speech we take for granted is under attack, and it will vanish if it is not bravely defended. Today the censors may be coming for some unfunny Mohammed cartoons, but tomorrow it is your words and ideas they will silence. Like it or not, we are all Danes now.
cbs did a news story about the rioting in lebanon and they came out and said cbs will not show the cartoons! they'll show anything that will make us look bad hell they'll even run fake documents but the won't show a cartoon!
That Muhammad cartoon, give me a break. Where was the outrage when they put a cross in urine and called it art? Why was George Bush so appeasing to the radical Islamic nuts? If they are going to call us the Crusaders then lets start acting like Knight Templars and beat that whole region into submission. They seem to only understand brute force, so let show them the "REAL" power of the United States military might.
dilloduck said:
Better yet, where is Israel ? They are the ONLY ones who have been specifically threatened by the new government in Iran yet are conspicuosly absent when it comes to any talks aimed at diffusing the problem. It's me or just the lack of media coverage but in my opinion they should be taking the point in any negotiations regarding Irans' nuclear ambitions. Their country is targeted for destruction and they wait for other countries to try to resolve the problem through negotation?
I bet they are ready militarily.

The US and other powerful nations always pressure Israel into witholding their forces. We go by the approach that if Israel attacks, ALL THE MIDDLE east gets up in arms. We are trying to reach a peace accord, and it wouldnt help. Now if china, and russia and germany, france, UK, USA, Aust. etc, etc. all get on board to oppose IRans nukes, we can avoid the Jews from having to take em out.

As for this Danish guy, you guys should go a bit easy on him. Hey, he is a newbie, be gentle, till we rope him in, THEN ,,,off with his head (figuratively speaking OF COURSE!) But seriously, we should cool it with the heated remarks directed at him. I can understand his frustration, especially since people over there are being PHYSICALLY threatened and murdered on the streets for this issue.
William Joyce said:
nosarcasm, there is an EMERGING view in the U.S. which holds that Western freedom of speech trumps Muslim bullying AND that the war in Iraq is wrong. I say, let the West say what it wants, in the West, and if the Muslims try making trouble for us over it, crush 'em. But we first have to stop making trouble for them by getting out. Cartoons humiliating Muhammad are one thing, setting up troops by Mecca is another. One's worth defending, the other is hard to defend.

as wars drag on, the public support for them always dwindles. So what. That view isnt emerging. As usual, you come to your conclusions based on faulty information or opinions.
Lars Mølbæk said:
and the "" damn you US "" were ment on the lack of support from your TV and news stations

Yea, thats real intelligent to condemn us all based on what our stupid liberal media does/does not do. Just as about as intelligent as Muslims condemning all of your country for what one newspaper did........

I can only surmise that you are a liberal due to the hypocracy stated above. Nonetheless, I am not going to turn around and say "fuck off" to your country just because of what you said. They have my support to do whatever it takes to defend their right to free speech.
LuvRPgrl said:
The US and other powerful nations always pressure Israel into witholding their forces. We go by the approach that if Israel attacks, ALL THE MIDDLE east gets up in arms. We are trying to reach a peace accord, and it wouldnt help. Now if china, and russia and germany, france, UK, USA, Aust. etc, etc. all get on board to oppose IRans nukes, we can avoid the Jews from having to take em out.

As for this Danish guy, you guys should go a bit easy on him. Hey, he is a newbie, be gentle, till we rope him in, THEN ,,,off with his head (figuratively speaking OF COURSE!) But seriously, we should cool it with the heated remarks directed at him. I can understand his frustration, especially since people over there are being PHYSICALLY threatened and murdered on the streets for this issue.

Read---I asked where the DIPLOMATIC efforts were from Israel. It's common knowledge that they would be happy to settle it militarily.
dilloduck said:
Read---I asked where the DIPLOMATIC efforts were from Israel. It's common knowledge that they would be happy to settle it militarily.

Iran and Israel exchange diplomats???

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