Muhammad, the greatest man (peace be upon him and his family)

The Almighty God made His beloved (peace be upon him and his family) to come down on earth. Then human beings fail to extol that one. This is why the world is and has been full of tragedies and disasters. And this is why the human beings face and have faced numerous undescribable sufferings. It is a response of God Almighty. That which makes God pleased and happy is honouring and taking good care of his beloved, Muhammad, the unlettered Messenger (peace be upon him and his family). That which makes God angry is neglecting and not honouring enough Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).
He was a great fighter but not such a great man. Frazier could still go toe to toe with him
Peace upon him and his family? The man was a killer, thief, and sexual sinner of the highest order. He wrote a book to justify all his actions too, then a bunch of people followed his book.

Jesus killed at least 3 people in the non-canonized Infancy Gospels. Can verify here,
Apocrypha First Infancy Gospel of Jesus Interfaith

Search terms: withered, fell down and died, presently the boy died

Anyone who starts their own religion that becomes so popular deserves respect and admiration. We celebrate Barnam for a circus and being a salesman, he was nothing compared to people who begun their own religions.

That book was written in about 150ad by a man called Thomas the isralite and it was never a part of the bible.
It is a book of fables made up to try and fill in the missing years of Jesus.
That which makes God angry is neglecting and not honouring enough Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

If God gets angry he is a moron, and if he burns unbelievers for all eternity, he is a monster.
That which makes God angry is neglecting and not honouring enough Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

If God gets angry he is a moron, and if he burns unbelievers for all eternity, he is a monster.

Why would anyone expect the most powerful being in the Universe to not have a "monstrous" side?

How can one be a Master of Destruction without being considered be some to be a "monster"?​
That which makes God angry is neglecting and not honouring enough Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

If God gets angry he is a moron, and if he burns unbelievers for all eternity, he is a monster.

Why would anyone expect the most powerful being in the Universe to not have a "monstrous" side?

How can one be a Master of Destruction without being considered be some to be a "monster"?​

I assume that God (if there is one) is outside the universe and is the creator of it. As we know the universe is vast and the workings of it are incredibly complex. Therefore the creator of it must himself have a vast mental capacity to engineer all the details required to bring a universe into existence. I cannot imagine a God that can achieve such creation having negative qualities of deliberate cruelty and destruction.
That which makes God angry is neglecting and not honouring enough Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

If God gets angry he is a moron, and if he burns unbelievers for all eternity, he is a monster.

Why would anyone expect the most powerful being in the Universe to not have a "monstrous" side?

How can one be a Master of Destruction without being considered be some to be a "monster"?​

I assume that God (if there is one) is outside the universe and is the creator of it. As we know the universe is vast and the workings of it are incredibly complex. Therefore the creator of it must himself have a vast mental capacity to engineer all the details required to bring a universe into existence. I cannot imagine a God that can achieve such creation having negative qualities of deliberate cruelty and destruction.

Of course you are right. There are different classes of perceived evil. much evil that people experience is self chosen and much is self caused. Many people experience immense suffering simply because they don't get what they want. Much evil in life exists specifically because how people treat one another. Then there are evils that are a consequence of having physical bodies subject to birth and death and evil that is altogether imaginary none of which imply any negative qualities of deliberate cruelty or destruction in a creator whether he exists or not.

The way I see it, the fact that people grow old and die and do not live forever on earth is a blessing and evidence of the kindness and mercy of God while other may see the exact same fact of aging and death as an evil and evidence of immense cruelty.

Everything is how one looks at it. There is always a way to interpret every perceived negative thing in life as evidence of a benevolent and loving God..

If one looks and looks and keeps on looking, they will find it.

Those who don't look are bound to find nothing.
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I am Muslim, and I speak from the traditional Islamic knowledge.

God Almighty sent 124 000 prophets on earth. They are honoured before God Almighty. Each one of them is a great king. The first to be a prophet was Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). The first prophet who came down on earth was Adam. The last one is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). He is the Seal of the prophets. He is the last prophet and the best of them all. He is the king of the prophets, the king of all mankind, the king of all nations.

With him came holy and heavenly men, the Companions. After them came other holy and heavenly men the Successors. After these generations, other holy and heavenly men kept coming down on earth until today, in 2014. They are the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is he who made the Night Journey. This is his most famous miracle. As such, everone knows of the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad. He was supreme in moral character and he is the beloved of God Almighty. Everything that exists in the universes, every person on this planet and every creature that exists was created in the name of Muhammad and for Muhammad. He is the master of both worlds, peace be upon him and his family.
Islam is satans religion and mooooohamut is a scumbag liar.
The Almighty God made His beloved (peace be upon him and his family) to come down on earth. Then human beings fail to extol that one. This is why the world is and has been full of tragedies and disasters. And this is why the human beings face and have faced numerous undescribable sufferings. It is a response of God Almighty. That which makes God pleased and happy is honouring and taking good care of his beloved, Muhammad, the unlettered Messenger (peace be upon him and his family). That which makes God angry is neglecting and not honouring enough Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).
Here is a hint of the absolute eminence of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) the Arab Prophet, whom God honored with an Arabic Qur'an.

In the right hand of each human being is written the number 18 in Arabic. In the left hand is written the number 81. 18+81=99. 99 points to the 99 names of Allah (God) as we know them in Islam. 18 is the numerical value of the name the Living. 81 is the numerical value of the word "Uffin" which you say in Arabic when you want to disrespect someone.

How to read:
read from left to right.
1 in Arabic is a stick.
8 is an upside down V.
Here is a hint of the absolute eminence of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) the Arab Prophet, whom God honored with an Arabic Qur'an.

In the right hand of each human being is written the number 18 in Arabic. In the left hand is written the number 81. 18+81=99. 99 points to the 99 names of Allah (God) as we know them in Islam. 18 is the numerical value of the name the Living. 81 is the numerical value of the word "Uffin" which you say in Arabic when you want to disrespect someone.

How to read:
read from left to right.
1 in Arabic is a stick.
8 is an upside down V.

Oh! come on, you are clutching at straws using numerology. Next you will be telling us the Quran is proved divine by Rashad Khalifas number 19 theories.
Here is a hint of the absolute eminence of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) the Arab Prophet, whom God honored with an Arabic Qur'an.

In the right hand of each human being is written the number 18 in Arabic. In the left hand is written the number 81. 18+81=99. 99 points to the 99 names of Allah (God) as we know them in Islam. 18 is the numerical value of the name the Living. 81 is the numerical value of the word "Uffin" which you say in Arabic when you want to disrespect someone.

How to read:
read from left to right.
1 in Arabic is a stick.
8 is an upside down V.

You as a Muslim, do you condemn the violence and the terrorism going on worldwide, that is brought on by ISIS, by the Taliban, by Islam?
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said belief was to love for oneself what one loves for his brother. Brother means one's fellow human beings.
Were it not for Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), nothing and no one would ever have been created.

Jesus told his disciples about Muhammad, because Moses had announced a saviour would come. So Jesus told them about Muhammad, meaning to say he was not that announced saviour.
A saviour, an honoured one, a great and magnificent one, peace be upon him and his family.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said belief was to love for oneself what one loves for his brother. Brother means one's fellow human beings.
I'm not clear where you got that uninspired bit of propaganda from but islamist history clearly refutes your statement.

You obviously haven't studied your islamo-history or your koranology. You don’t have a clue as to the definition of fascism. Here’s a primer for you - consider the status of non-islamists (and even the "wrong kind" of moslems), in every single islamist majority on the planet. Please try to defend the fascistic notion that islamists are deserving of rights not granted to non-islamists for no other reason than religious belief. This is fascism, pure and simple, unadulterated. It is clearly delineated that islamist majority nations are fascist to the core. Therefore, the effort necessary for you to promote a self refuting argument is revealed as an unadulterated waste of time.
A saviour, an honoured one, a great and magnificent one, peace be upon him and his family.
I was thinking more along the lines of a self-aggrandizing, self-promoting Arab warlord.

The fact that Mo' co-opted the historical religious characters of both Christianity and Judaism is certainly not surprising. Muhammud stole ruthlessly from those earlier faiths.

The historical accuracy of Muhammud as a "prophet" is only believable to those with a predisposition to Islamic dogma. The accounts of Mo' as a murderous and ruthless warlord are historical fact and is not a majority rules issue. You don't get a vote and Moslems attempting to rewrite history disassembles itself.
Were it not for Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), nothing and no one would ever have been created.

Jesus told his disciples about Muhammad, because Moses had announced a saviour would come. So Jesus told them about Muhammad, meaning to say he was not that announced saviour.

Are you claiming there are verses in the bible to support such a claim? If so please give reference numbers to the verses. I know of no other source of Jesus teaching than the bible, unless you are telling us there are hadiths that claim these things.
Obviously, Muslim75 won't make a stand on my question, a simple yes or no would suffice.

His avoidance of my question leads me to believe the killing of Muslim terrorists is okay by him.

He isn't a Muslim then, he is a hateful human being.
Were it not for Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), nothing and no one would ever have been created.

Jesus told his disciples about Muhammad, because Moses had announced a saviour would come. So Jesus told them about Muhammad, meaning to say he was not that announced saviour.

there is something in the Koran that says ------the world was made for the sake of islam and muhummad. For persons in
possession of intact brains and a modicum of understanding of literary style in semitic languages------this statement is simply a kind of -----typical hyperbole. In the USA ---when someone asks "how ya doin' " and we answer
!!!!!! AWWWSOME !!!!!
same kinda crap. The Koran was written in the then style
of Arabic poetry-----it was not written like a lab manual

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