Muhammad, the greatest man (peace be upon him and his family)

I speak as a Muslim.

When you people type in that which you type, remember in whose names you have 2 hands. On your right hand is written the number 18 in Arabic, and in the left, the number 81 in Arabic. (In Arabic 1 is a stick, 8 is an upside down V). See my post on page 3 I believe.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) did say to love for one's brother what one loves for himself/herself. That's a well known saying of his, a well known Hadith. He also said to be good to anything that lives (indicating not to hurt animals).

Jalal Al Din Rumi is one of the 124 000 saints of Islam that have come down on earth after the first generations of Muslims until today in 2014. He said:

Love of the Beloved is the day and the night
And we are like a thirsty fish in this river day and night.

I mean to say that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) taught love.

Know also why the oceans and the clouds are low. The oceans and the clouds went low as a sign of honor to Muhammad's generosity, peace be upon him and his family.
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why do you post jibberish about a rapist, thief, murderer------
even drunks mumble old adages
I speak as a Muslim.

When you people type in that which you type, remember in whose names you have 2 hands. On your right hand is written the number 18 in Arabic, and in the left, the number 81 in Arabic. (In Arabic 1 is a stick, 8 is an upside down V). See my post on page 3 I believe.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) did say to love for one's brother what one loves for himself/herself. That's a well known saying of his, a well known Hadith. He also said to be good to anything that lives (indicating not to hurt animals).

Jalal Al Din Rumi is one of the 124 000 saints of Islam that have come down on earth after the first generations of Muslims until today in 2014. He said:

Love of the Beloved is the day and the night
And we are like a thirsty fish in this river day and night.

I mean to say that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) taught love.

Know also why the oceans and the clouds are low. The oceans and the clouds went low in the course of honouring Muhammad's generosity, peace be upon him and his family.
I speak as an Infidel, one not addled by the Death Cult of Muhammud.

Do not worship Muhammud. The politico-religious ideology he invented / stole from earlier religions is an example of fascism.
Mr. Muslim75, please answer my question with a simple yes or no.

Do you condemn the Muslims terrorists and their acts?

Last chance, I don't play word games, either you are for the terrorists or not. You are either for peace as you claim or you are for violence and you really don't follow anything peaceful as you claim.
Do not worship Muhammud.
Muslims worship the creator NOT His creatures.

Islam is based on uncompromising monotheism. God alone is to be worshipped and nothing else, so muslims cannot worship muhammad or any other human all prophets he was a man, and despite his extraordinary accomplishments he never claimed divine status. rather, he always maintained that he was human like everyone else, that he poke nothing of his own accord, and that the qur'an was a message from god, revealed to him by god, to whom alone belongs all glory and praise. he never took personal credit for any success. all the principles he taught, the legislation he pronounced, and the great achievements for which he could have attained personal renown and advantage were attributed to the guidance and support of god alone.
muslims strive to follow the example of prophet muhammad. additionally, islam teaches muslims to respect all of god's prophets and messengers. however, respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them, for all forms of worship must be directed only to the creator.

Muhammad was himself a devout worshipper of god. he gave away everything he obtained in charity, fasted often, and would spend a great portion of the night in prayer. he was constantly aware of his lord, remembering him in every situation, and his words of praise and supplication reflected the highest degree of sincerity and servitude. his entire life was dedicated to the cause of god.

This is best illustrated in the incident that followed the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Umar (radi Allahu `anhu) was claiming that the Prophet had not died out of complete shock and disbelief. He was so bewildered and affected by the hysteria of losing the Prophet that he was barely able to control himself, threatening anyone who accepted the devastating news.
In the moment of Umar’s fury, Abu Bakr (ra) came to address the people. He told them, “O People! Whoever among you was worshipping Muhammad, know that Muhammad is dead, and whoever among you was worshipping Allah know that Allah is alive and will never die.” Then he recited the verse:

Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all but Allah will reward the grateful.” [Qur’an 3:144]

When the companions heard this they said that it was as if they heard the verse for the first time.
Here is a hint of the absolute eminence of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) the Arab Prophet, whom God honored with an Arabic Qur'an.

In the right hand of each human being is written the number 18 in Arabic. In the left hand is written the number 81. 18+81=99. 99 points to the 99 names of Allah (God) as we know them in Islam. 18 is the numerical value of the name the Living. 81 is the numerical value of the word "Uffin" which you say in Arabic when you want to disrespect someone.

How to read:
read from left to right.
1 in Arabic is a stick.
8 is an upside down V.

I can use my right hand to remember how to describe vectors. I can use my left hand to understand motors and my right hand to understand electrical generators. I can also use both hands to do my x9 time tables.
Do not worship Muhammud.
Muslims worship the creator NOT His creatures.

Islam is based on uncompromising monotheism. God alone is to be worshipped and nothing else, so muslims cannot worship muhammad or any other human all prophets he was a man, and despite his extraordinary accomplishments he never claimed divine status. rather, he always maintained that he was human like everyone else, that he poke nothing of his own accord, and that the qur'an was a message from god, revealed to him by god, to whom alone belongs all glory and praise. he never took personal credit for any success. all the principles he taught, the legislation he pronounced, and the great achievements for which he could have attained personal renown and advantage were attributed to the guidance and support of god alone.
muslims strive to follow the example of prophet muhammad. additionally, islam teaches muslims to respect all of god's prophets and messengers. however, respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them, for all forms of worship must be directed only to the creator.

Muhammad was himself a devout worshipper of god. he gave away everything he obtained in charity, fasted often, and would spend a great portion of the night in prayer. he was constantly aware of his lord, remembering him in every situation, and his words of praise and supplication reflected the highest degree of sincerity and servitude. his entire life was dedicated to the cause of god.

This is best illustrated in the incident that followed the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Umar (radi Allahu `anhu) was claiming that the Prophet had not died out of complete shock and disbelief. He was so bewildered and affected by the hysteria of losing the Prophet that he was barely able to control himself, threatening anyone who accepted the devastating news.
In the moment of Umar’s fury, Abu Bakr (ra) came to address the people. He told them, “O People! Whoever among you was worshipping Muhammad, know that Muhammad is dead, and whoever among you was worshipping Allah know that Allah is alive and will never die.” Then he recited the verse:

Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all but Allah will reward the grateful.” [Qur’an 3:144]

When the companions heard this they said that it was as if they heard the verse for the first time.

The Quran says, Allah created men and Jinns, only so that they would worship him.

What kind of pathetic creature would want to be worshipped?
there is something in the Koran that says ------the world was made for the sake of islam and muhummad.
Evidence or remain silent :banghead:

who DA F&(# do you think you are-----I read the whole damn book and I have conversed with muslims over more than 45
years-----I am mentioning an Islamic belief based on that shitty book----now shut da hell up, muzzie dog
The Almighty God made His beloved (peace be upon him and his family) to come down on earth. Then human beings fail to extol that one. This is why the world is and has been full of tragedies and disasters. And this is why the human beings face and have faced numerous undescribable sufferings. It is a response of God Almighty. That which makes God pleased and happy is honouring and taking good care of his beloved, Muhammad, the unlettered Messenger (peace be upon him and his family). That which makes God angry is neglecting and not honouring enough Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).
Do not worship Muhammud.
Muslims worship the creator NOT His creatures.

Islam is based on uncompromising monotheism. God alone is to be worshipped and nothing else, so muslims cannot worship muhammad or any other human all prophets he was a man, and despite his extraordinary accomplishments he never claimed divine status. rather, he always maintained that he was human like everyone else, that he poke nothing of his own accord, and that the qur'an was a message from god, revealed to him by god, to whom alone belongs all glory and praise. he never took personal credit for any success. all the principles he taught, the legislation he pronounced, and the great achievements for which he could have attained personal renown and advantage were attributed to the guidance and support of god alone.
muslims strive to follow the example of prophet muhammad. additionally, islam teaches muslims to respect all of god's prophets and messengers. however, respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them, for all forms of worship must be directed only to the creator.

Muhammad was himself a devout worshipper of god. he gave away everything he obtained in charity, fasted often, and would spend a great portion of the night in prayer. he was constantly aware of his lord, remembering him in every situation, and his words of praise and supplication reflected the highest degree of sincerity and servitude. his entire life was dedicated to the cause of god.

This is best illustrated in the incident that followed the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Umar (radi Allahu `anhu) was claiming that the Prophet had not died out of complete shock and disbelief. He was so bewildered and affected by the hysteria of losing the Prophet that he was barely able to control himself, threatening anyone who accepted the devastating news.
In the moment of Umar’s fury, Abu Bakr (ra) came to address the people. He told them, “O People! Whoever among you was worshipping Muhammad, know that Muhammad is dead, and whoever among you was worshipping Allah know that Allah is alive and will never die.” Then he recited the verse:

Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all but Allah will reward the grateful.” [Qur’an 3:144]

When the companions heard this they said that it was as if they heard the verse for the first time.

The Quran says, Allah created men and Jinns, only so that they would worship him.

What kind of pathetic creature would want to be worshipped?

well---that's easy----allah, muhummad, muslims
Here is a hint of the absolute eminence of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) the Arab Prophet, whom God honored with an Arabic Qur'an.

In the right hand of each human being is written the number 18 in Arabic. In the left hand is written the number 81. 18+81=99. 99 points to the 99 names of Allah (God) as we know them in Islam. 18 is the numerical value of the name the Living. 81 is the numerical value of the word "Uffin" which you say in Arabic when you want to disrespect someone.

How to read:
read from left to right.
1 in Arabic is a stick.
8 is an upside down V.
Here is a hint of the absolute eminence of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) the Arab Prophet, whom God honored with an Arabic Qur'an.

In the right hand of each human being is written the number 18 in Arabic. In the left hand is written the number 81. 18+81=99. 99 points to the 99 names of Allah (God) as we know them in Islam. 18 is the numerical value of the name the Living. 81 is the numerical value of the word "Uffin" which you say in Arabic when you want to disrespect someone.

How to read:
read from left to right.
1 in Arabic is a stick.
8 is an upside down V.

Hebrew gematria is intricate and sublime----but a game,
nevertheless--------it is the rocket science of math game-----
Arabic gematria is something like -----pic-up-stix in comparison
He was a great fighter but not such a great man. Frazier could still go toe to toe with him

He understood salesmanship------he give out FREE SAMPLES----to all who fought with him-----freebies---gold,
gems and girls (sometimes boys)
Mr. Muslim75, please answer my question with a simple yes or no. Do you condemn the Muslims terrorists and their acts?

I don't just condemn them. I hate them.

I find your question insulting; but don't worry about it.

This makes me happy. All prophets and all saints are called liars.

"they belied Our servant, and said, "Here is one possessed!", and he was driven out." (.....) "So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth"

God is neither. God is just, God is loving.

God Almighty (to Him the Glory) is not just loving. He created human beings and loves them. That is why everyone loves love. No one complains of it.

Ancient lion,

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said: "I was sent as a teacher." Prophets and saints are teachers. When you see them sleeping or being sick for example, they are just teaching. I say this as a reply to your saying that Muhammad said not to overpraise him, peace be upon him and his family.
Mr. Muslim75, please answer my question with a simple yes or no. Do you condemn the Muslims terrorists and their acts?

I don't just condemn them. I hate them.

I find your question insulting; but don't worry about it.

This makes me happy. All prophets and all saints are called liars.

"they belied Our servant, and said, "Here is one possessed!", and he was driven out." (.....) "So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth"

God is neither. God is just, God is loving.

God Almighty (to Him the Glory) is not just loving. He created human beings and loves them. That is why everyone loves love. No one complains of it.

Ancient lion,

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said: "I was sent as a teacher." Prophets and saints are teachers. When you see them sleeping or being sick for example, they are just teaching. I say this as a reply to your saying that Muhammad said not to overpraise him, peace be upon him and his family.
Are you surprised that a sef-aggrandizing Arab warlord would not promote himself with many false labels?

Do a bit of research on other megalomaniacs such as Pol Pot, Idi Amim, etc.
It is my understanding that Muhammad never considered himself to be greater than any other prophet. The only distinction is that Muhammad is the last of the prophets. These are the relevant verses from the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir translation):

[3.144] And Muhammad is no more than an apostle; the apostles have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels!s, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful.

[2.136] Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit.

[3.84] Say: We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and what was given to Musa and Isa and to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit.

[4.163] Surely We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nuh, and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and Isa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroun and Sulaiman and We gave to Dawood.

[33.40] Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all things.

Note: For those who are not familiar with the Qur'an:

Ayub is Job

Dawood is David

Haroun is Aaron

Ibrahim is Abraham

Isa is Jesus

Ishaq is Issac

Ismail is Ishmael

Musa is Moses

Nuh is Noah

Sulaiman is Solomon

Yaqoub is Jacob

Yunas is Jonah

I am not a Muslim but I study the Qur'an because there are a billion Muslims in the world and I want to know what they they believe.
It is my understanding that Muhammad never considered himself to be greater than any other prophet. The only distinction is that Muhammad is the last of the prophets. These are the relevant verses from the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir translation):

[3.144] And Muhammad is no more than an apostle; the apostles have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels!s, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful.

[2.136] Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit.

[3.84] Say: We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and what was given to Musa and Isa and to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit.

[4.163] Surely We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nuh, and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and Isa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroun and Sulaiman and We gave to Dawood.

[33.40] Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all things.

Note: For those who are not familiar with the Qur'an:

Ayub is Job

Dawood is David

Haroun is Aaron

Ibrahim is Abraham

Isa is Jesus

Ishaq is Issac

Ismail is Ishmael

Musa is Moses

Nuh is Noah

Sulaiman is Solomon

Yaqoub is Jacob

Yunas is Jonah

I am not a Muslim but I study the Qur'an because there are a billion Muslims in the world and I want to know what they they believe.

I am not a muslim but I came into contact with lots of muslims----mostly medical school graduates from Pakistan and India ----more than 45 years ago and since. Since----
I have come into contact with lots of muslims who are educated----more or less since I live in an area with lots of
immigrant muslims and they have also been my clients over
the years-----I read the Koran (picthall) for the first time
about 45 years ago-------when just knowing that
"muslim" is not "hindu" was exceptional in the place I lived.

Since you are a "professor"----by now you know that the Koran was not written by muhummad---it was written
about 100 years after he died. Having read the Koran
with absolutely no preconceived notions----I did not imagine
that I "KNEW" islam----any more than reading the Ramayana convinced me that I "KNEW" Hinduism. I learned all about islam from muslims. I learned what they
"believe" from them. I learned what an Islamic society is like from muslims -----and from non muslims born in muslim
societies. I learned what is taught in mosques in the USA---
by BEING there long before 9-11-01. That you attempt to
analyze that which "muhummad believed"----based on
reading a translation of the Koran-----is a remarkable
OVER-REACH. What you can learn today is that which
muslims believe about muhummad. Please feel free to ask

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