Muhammed vs. Jesus

Pardon here.

You haven't seen jews mudering tens of thousands of people in the last 1,000 years because they didn't convert to their religion like christians and muslims have done.

Obviously haven't heard of the Spanish Inquisition...

I think you may have read his post backwards.

i think he's referring to forced conversion of jews during the spanish inquisition.

torquemada...we beseech you

torquemada.. we implore you


you can't talkhimoutta anything. :eusa_whistle:

oops... i read it backwards, too. :redface:
So heaven and earth have passed away??

Nope. You're still confused. I would love to help you out. Try this.

The law was fulfilled in Jesus and all those who have faith in him have fulfilled the law. Jesus did it for us and by faith in him we are no longer condemned by the law. The punishment for sin is still death for all those who will not have faith in Jesus.

YOU are going to have to fulfill the law in order to be saved. Not me. I'm in Christ. Good luck.
So Jesus's word's were false?

Cause NOT one jot or title has been changed in the Torah.

Nope, Jesus can't lie. You're confused. Very confused. The devil has you. Your only hope is Jesus.
Here's something for you to think about.

Christians do not follow the OT laws. A lot of bad things happened in the OT, but how does that translate to what is happening today? Christians are not responsible for what happened thousands of years ago and they certainly are not living under OT laws and rituals.

Now that we have that cleared up, how do you accout for the barbaric inhumane terrorism that is happening today in the name of Allah all over the planet?
Pardon here.

You haven't seen jews mudering tens of thousands of people in the last 1,000 years because they didn't convert to their religion like christians and muslims have done.

Obviously haven't heard of the Spanish Inquisition...
Obviously you haven't heard of a reading comprehension class.
He didn't "invalidate" the law, he fullfilled it. The law demanded sacrifices for our sins. Jesus was the final perfect sacrifice for all of man's sins.

Do you understand?
So heaven and earth have passed away??

Nope. You're still confused. I would love to help you out. Try this.

The law was fulfilled in Jesus and all those who have faith in him have fulfilled the law. Jesus did it for us and by faith in him we are no longer condemned by the law. The punishment for sin is still death for all those who will not have faith in Jesus.

YOU are going to have to fulfill the law in order to be saved. Not me. I'm in Christ. Good luck.

Explain Matthew 5:18:

"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. By logic, the law is not fulfilled until earth passes away. Earth is still here. Therefore, we are under the law. Besides, there are many rules laid out after Jesus went to heaven.
Comparing Muhammad to Jesus in an attempt to invalidate Islam is so immature. GROWWWWWWWWWWWWW


PLEASE!!!! This kind of hate is so ugly, and so unchristian.
Comparing Muhammad to Jesus in an attempt to invalidate Islam is so immature...

...because it's soooooo obvious that Mo coulda kicked Jesus' arse.

Let me rephrase what I wrote.

Comparing Muhammad to Jesus in an attempt to invalidate Islam is so immature, AND VICE VERSA: Comparing Jesus to Muhammad in an attempt to invalidate or insult Christianity is just immature.

Are you really playing 'My god is better than your god?' Are you neanderthals? Have you gotten out of the stone-age?
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Comparing Muhammad to Jesus in an attempt to invalidate Islam is so immature, AND VICE VERSA: Comparing Jesus to Muhammad in an attempt to invalidate or insult Christianity is just immature.

Are you really playing 'My god is better than your god?' Are you neanderthals? Have you gotten out of the stone-age?
If you notice; it is always the Christians attacking Muhammad and not the other way around.

Because we Muslims reverence Jesus and behold him as a great Prophet of God. :cool:
So heaven and earth have passed away??

Nope. You're still confused. I would love to help you out. Try this.

The law was fulfilled in Jesus and all those who have faith in him have fulfilled the law. Jesus did it for us and by faith in him we are no longer condemned by the law. The punishment for sin is still death for all those who will not have faith in Jesus.

YOU are going to have to fulfill the law in order to be saved. Not me. I'm in Christ. Good luck.

Explain Matthew 5:18:

"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. By logic, the law is not fulfilled until earth passes away. Earth is still here. Therefore, we are under the law. Besides, there are many rules laid out after Jesus went to heaven.

Your problem is with the first sentence. The earth and heaven will not pass away until the law is fulfilled. Who fulfilled the law? Jesus.
If you notice; it is always the Christians attacking Muhammad and not the other way around.
Because we Muslims reverence Jesus and behold him as a great Prophet of God. :cool:

So this, "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah", isn't true and Jesus is also a messenger?
Do you want your head buried with your body? :lol:
Comparing Muhammad to Jesus in an attempt to invalidate Islam is so immature. GROWWWWWWWWWWWWW


PLEASE!!!! This kind of hate is so ugly, and so unchristian.

No it isn't. Jesus himself told us to beware of false prophets. You really need to grow up and study before you open your mouth. You will look smarter.
Your problem is with the first sentence. The earth and heaven will not pass away until the law is fulfilled. Who fulfilled the law? Jesus.

I bet you don't do drugs, you've already escaped into our own fantasy world. Way to go! :clap2:
If you notice; it is always the Christians attacking Muhammad and not the other way around.
Because we Muslims reverence Jesus and behold him as a great Prophet of God. :cool:

So this, "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah", isn't true and Jesus is also a messenger?
Do you want your head buried with your body? :lol:
We believe that Jesus was a Prophet just the same as Muhammad.

So was Abraham, Moses, Noah, Adam, etc.

There is only ONE God, but there has been many Prophets.
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If you notice; it is always the Christians attacking Muhammad and not the other way around.
Because we Muslims reverence Jesus and behold him as a great Prophet of God. :cool:

So this, "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah", isn't true and Jesus is also a messenger?
Do you want your head buried with your body? :lol:
We believe that Jesus was a Prophet just the same as Muhammad.

So was Abraham, Moses, Noah, Adam, etc.

There is only ONE God, but there has been many Prophets.

So Mo is just another random prophet of the same stature as Noah?

I think now they'll want your body eaten by jackals, what should we do with the turds?
So this, "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah", isn't true and Jesus is also a messenger?
Do you want your head buried with your body? :lol:
We believe that Jesus was a Prophet just the same as Muhammad.

So was Abraham, Moses, Noah, Adam, etc.

There is only ONE God, but there has been many Prophets.

So Mo is just another random prophet of the same stature as Noah?

I think now they'll want your body eaten by jackals, what should we do with the turds?
Muhammad was the last of the Prophets.

Besides that, all of the Prophets are just humans and are equals.
We believe that Jesus was a Prophet just the same as Muhammad.

So was Abraham, Moses, Noah, Adam, etc.

There is only ONE God, but there has been many Prophets.

So Mo is just another random prophet of the same stature as Noah?

I think now they'll want your body eaten by jackals, what should we do with the turds?
Muhammad was the last of the Prophets.

Besides that, all of the Prophets are just humans and are equals.

So god needed several prophet because one wasn't enough? So you follow the bible, the Torah AND the qoran? They're all equal? So Jews are the equals of Muslims?

I think they're gonna wanna feed those jackal turds to a pig.
The dying words of Muhammed

"May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of the prophets." Bukhari, Vol. 1, #427

The dying words of Jesus

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.... -Luke 23:34

That says it all. End of story.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

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