Muhammed vs. Jesus

Confusing the issue is not a good way to find the truth. If truth is your goal then trying to confuse the issue is deceitful. Christianity is based on Jesus and Jesus said he was "The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
What is confusing about asking a simple question?

Again, please show me the scripture where Jesus says "NOT" to follow the OT :cool:

He didn't. He told the people to believe in him. Jesus also never told people to not get into flying saucers. You have no point.
Jesus 100% believed in the Torah and taught the Torah.

Since he NEVER said Not to follow it's teachings.

The Torah (OT) should still be in effect. :doubt:
What is confusing about asking a simple question?

Again, please show me the scripture where Jesus says "NOT" to follow the OT :cool:

He didn't. He told the people to believe in him. Jesus also never told people to not get into flying saucers. You have no point.
Jesus 100% believed in the Torah and taught the Torah.

Since he NEVER said Not to follow it's teachings.

The Torah (OT) should still be in effect. :doubt:

You're very confused, but I'm here to help.

Your reasoning is making a positive out of a negative. That is not sensible nor is it biblical teaching. You cannot make a positive by saying "he never said you couldn't". If my kid comes home and has a bone in his nose and lead pipes in his ear lobes, he will not get away with...."But you never said I couldn't".

Do you see how ridiculous your argument is?
OK, answer me this:

The Bible says Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah) and never violated the Law (Torah).

Now Christians say the Law (Torah) is NO longer in effect.

So when do Jesus according to scripture invalidate the Law (Torah)???
OK, answer me this:

The Bible says Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah) and never violated the Law (Torah).

Now Christians say the Law (Torah) is NO longer in effect.

So when do Jesus according to scripture invalidate the Law (Torah)???

Jesus was the last prophet. When he died, the law died. When he arose, the New Testament took over. Jesus defeated sin and death and rose from the dead. Christians are not under any law. The law died when Jesus died.
The law died when Jesus died.

In what chapter and verse does Jesus say that the Law (Torah) will die when he dies??? :doubt:

It's in a number of places in the NT. I thought I was supposed to be the dumb one here? Perhaps you're just not that equipped to explain a number of things you claim you can.
Since you claim there are several.

Will you please just list "ONE" verse where Jesus says that.

I don't think that is asking too much.

Thank You in advance
In what chapter and verse does Jesus say that the Law (Torah) will die when he dies??? :doubt:

It's in a number of places in the NT. I thought I was supposed to be the dumb one here? Perhaps you're just not that equipped to explain a number of things you claim you can.
Since you claim there are several.

Will you please just list "ONE" verse where Jesus says that.

I don't think that is asking too much.

Thank You in advance

You are going to have to answer my question in the other thread before I do that. I believe in fair play. Either play fair or I"m not playing any more.
Church apologises for slave trading!

2006: The General Synod of the Church of England has apologised for its own direct involvement in the slave trade.

Slavery – Divine Law

Although the early Church drew support from slaves it never condemned the practice of slavery. On the contrary, Holy Scripture thoroughly endorses the enslavement of lesser races and assures us that the forced conversion of the heathen is a noble Christian purpose, saving souls for the true God. All are "equal before God" but for eighteen hundred years Christianity aided and abetted slavery and taught explicitly the barbarous notion that slavery was in accordance with Divine Will.

"As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from the nations that are round about you.
You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and they may be your property.
You may bequeath them to your sons after you, to inherit as a possession forever; you may make slaves of them, but over your brethren the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another, with harshness."

– Leviticus 25.44

Did Jesus Keep Slaves? The Church, the USA and Slavery

Many muslims still have slaves. When will you be demanding an apology from them? When will you be critizing them?
I know that you are dodging the issue because you know that you're going to get your ass handed to you.

So far all we've seen from you is a pile of rants and raves. Now focus.

Jesus lived in the Old Testament. He was the last prophet. The Old Testament died when he died. The New Testament began when he rose from the dead.

Now it's your turn.

Right. But that's not the issue, is it? Jesus said we should follow the Old Testament. Yet the Old Testament is full of awful stuff. So Muhammed said some bad stuff and Jesus said we should pay heed to the book with awful stuff in it. What's the difference?

You say I take things out of context? You're wrong, but let's pretend you're right. We have a thread with a scholar arguing that the Bible is a more violent book than the Koran because the violence ascribed in the Koran is self-defense. Well, how is quoting single bits of scripture from Muhammed out of context and using that to slam Islam any different?

I say, we let it slide and try to understand the central message of religions rather than nitpicking how awful the other is. There is an awful lot of bad stuff in the Bible just like there's bad stuff in the Koran.

Yeshua said that He was here to fullfill the law, not replace it.
When the men of 'faith' wanted to stone the adulteress, did Yeshua join them (as would have been required in the OT)?
At every turn when the 'religious leaders' tried to use the law to trap Him or others, He called them on their falsehood, and basically told them they were missing the forest because they were focusing on the trees.
Trying to hold Christians to Leviticus is ridiculous. It is like insisting that peole do not use motorized vehicles because "tradition" dictates.
Yeshua took the entire OT (a book of great teachings) and narrowed it down to two statements:
Love your Lord before all else.
Love your neighbor(that don't necessarily mean you know them) as yourself.

While you want to focus on all the "terrible things" in the OT, you ignore all the "terrible things" being done in the name of islam, TODAY. Comparing what is happening today with what was happening over two THOUSAND years ago, simply, shows, your intellectual dishonesty.
Mohammed could have kicked jesus' ass. Arabs fight dirty and all carry knives. Jesus is always portrayed as a wimp anyways.

You will have an opportunity to witness that. Mohammed will be one of us bowing before Yeshua on Judgement Day. Yeshua will judge the living and the dead (that will be living in spirit).

When is judgement day? Do you even know? So jesus will kick my ass then? He was probably 5 foot 2 and didn't look like he worked out too much. Me, on the other hand, I love the UFC and could do some serious ground and pound on his ass, just before I finish him off with a peruvian necktie.

The Bible says no one will know when judgement day is. Yeshua will not need to beat you, physically. He will use the truth, and with it, He can end you, if He so chooses.
You will have an opportunity to witness that. Mohammed will be one of us bowing before Yeshua on Judgement Day. Yeshua will judge the living and the dead (that will be living in spirit).

When is judgement day? Do you even know? So jesus will kick my ass then? He was probably 5 foot 2 and didn't look like he worked out too much. Me, on the other hand, I love the UFC and could do some serious ground and pound on his ass, just before I finish him off with a peruvian necktie.

The Bible says no one will know when judgement day is. Yeshua will not need to beat you, physically. He will use the truth, and with it, He can end you, if He so chooses.

??? He'll use the truth? wtf does that mean? He'll tell me I'm an asshole and consider that he won? Man, am I ever going to kick his ass!!! He's going to need his dad to pull me off of him.
While you want to focus on all the "terrible things" in the OT, you ignore all the "terrible things" being done in the name of islam, TODAY. Comparing what is happening today with what was happening over two THOUSAND years ago, simply, shows, your intellectual dishonesty.

You miss the point.

Did you now that in the South, segregation was preached as being right and moral in the Church because Jesus was white and blacks didn't have souls? This was in the 20th century. Today, Ugandan Christians want to outlaw homosexuality by death. There is a law before the Uganda Parliament to do so. It is very popular. The sponsors of the bill are using Scripture as their justification. It says in the OT that homosexuals are to be put to death. You can go throughout history and see similar examples, such as the Crusades or the Inquisition.

People selectively use passages in the holy books to reinforce their own biases and beliefs, amongst other things. Christians brush aside the OT when it conveniently suits them to do so. That doesn't bother me because I don't believe the Bible is the literal word of God and societies evolve. But it bothers me when the same people then selectively pull out passages of other holy books to suit their own agendas. That's hypocrisy.
Muhammed vs. Jesus

The line is giving Jesus odds to take out Muhammed is the 5th by a TKO.

Apparently he's recovered from those injuries he got during his crucifiction and has been conditioning for this bout for nearly 2000 years.

If he takes that bout then he'll be facing the Buddha in the gardens in 2011.
Deceived asshats.

"And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. "
For you murkins the pic is a caricature of the astrological sign of Aquarius.

Your tripping on astro-theology.


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The big and fat buddha would just have to fart to defeat mohammed and jesus.
While you want to focus on all the "terrible things" in the OT, you ignore all the "terrible things" being done in the name of islam, TODAY. Comparing what is happening today with what was happening over two THOUSAND years ago, simply, shows, your intellectual dishonesty.

You miss the point.

Did you now that in the South, segregation was preached as being right and moral in the Church because Jesus was white and blacks didn't have souls? This was in the 20th century. Today, Ugandan Christians want to outlaw homosexuality by death. There is a law before the Uganda Parliament to do so. It is very popular. The sponsors of the bill are using Scripture as their justification. It says in the OT that homosexuals are to be put to death. You can go throughout history and see similar examples, such as the Crusades or the Inquisition.

People selectively use passages in the holy books to reinforce their own biases and beliefs, amongst other things. Christians brush aside the OT when it conveniently suits them to do so. That doesn't bother me because I don't believe the Bible is the literal word of God and societies evolve. But it bothers me when the same people then selectively pull out passages of other holy books to suit their own agendas. That's hypocrisy.

Here's something for you to think about.

Christians do not follow the OT laws. A lot of bad things happened in the OT, but how does that translate to what is happening today? Christians are not responsible for what happened thousands of years ago and they certainly are not living under OT laws and rituals.

Now that we have that cleared up, how do you accout for the barbaric inhumane terrorism that is happening today in the name of Allah all over the planet?
OK, answer me this:

The Bible says Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah) and never violated the Law (Torah).

Now Christians say the Law (Torah) is NO longer in effect.

So when do Jesus according to scripture invalidate the Law (Torah)???

He didn't "invalidate" the law, he fullfilled it. The law demanded sacrifices for our sins. Jesus was the final perfect sacrifice for all of man's sins.

Do you understand?

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