Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....

Yes buying seeds to grow food is NOT essential but buying a Lottery Ticket IS essential :uhoh3:
You can still buy seeds. Just not in a home and garden center, which is NOT essential in Michigan in April.
"Our liberty is infringed upon because we can't buy seeds." Wow! When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.
Your liberty is infringe upon if you can't buy anything because your governor says so.....this is why you will never be happy in are a communist at heart....
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
spoken like a true duped communist....
Another idiot post.
Words from a commie that has run out of an argument.....
You called me a commie because YOU don't have an argument.
It never ceases to amaze me how you keep adding one plus one and getting three.

Donald Trump says everyone should get these loans. No interest and if you meet certain criteria, you never have to pay them back.

Millions of companies applying for interest free, foregiveable loans is hardly surprising. You don’t even have to demonstrate you need the money.

But keep making these kinds of assumptions and make a fool of yourself o

Hey, asshole, they CAN'T GET THE LOANS! The money ran out from the first stimulus in less than a week and then the Democrats pissed around getting a second one passed just this past week, which might be too little too late. You also don't just apply and voila! Money shows up in your account. It takes weeks. Plenty of small business have been closed since early to mid March. Of course, you don't take the time to actually research any of this stuff, but you're too busy running your big fat mouth because you think you know everything, just like when you made this stupid comment.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.

Do you live in Michigan? No, you don't, so who gives a flying monkey dick about what garden centers are doing where you live? How is that relevant? In Michigan, stores were ordered to rope these areas off, so no, people could NOT get this stuff, no matter where they want. Again, something you might have known if for once in your life you'd shut the fuck up and actually listen to what other people are saying.
The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

Thugs incited, we should immediately note, by the Orange Coward who riles people up to do violence in his name whilst never taking part in it himself. He's been twitting orders from his throne to Michigan, Virginia and Minnesota. Sadly there are enough knuckledragging gullibles to fall right over for it without it ever dawning on them what he's doing.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....

Yes buying seeds to grow food is NOT essential but buying a Lottery Ticket IS essential :uhoh3:
You can still buy seeds. Just not in a home and garden center, which is NOT essential in Michigan in April.
"Our liberty is infringed upon because we can't buy seeds." Wow! When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.
Your liberty is infringe upon if you can't buy anything because your governor says so.....this is why you will never be happy in are a communist at heart....
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.

So what if your governor enacts the following rules:

1. Permitting the sale of lottery tickets at stores larger than 50,000 square feet, but not paint or gardening tools.

2. Allowing non-state residents to travel to their cottages in parts of the state, but not state residents to do the same.

3. Prohibiting persons who operate a business or conduct operations that requires them to leave their homes or places of residence.

4. Closing off areas in stores that sell the following items: Carpet or flooring, furniture, garden centers and plant nurseries, and paint.

5. Prohibiting the advertising or rent of a short-term vacation property.

How are those things the Michigan Governor mandated going to save your life?
63 percent of the people of Michigan support what the governor is doing. She is not treating the people like serfs, these are just right wing assholes that are trump supporters trying to get attention. Because these same people saw ZERO problem with a republican governor using emergency powers to remove locally elected officials from office and replacing them with his buddies.
It never ceases to amaze me how you keep adding one plus one and getting three.

Donald Trump says everyone should get these loans. No interest and if you meet certain criteria, you never have to pay them back.

Millions of companies applying for interest free, foregiveable loans is hardly surprising. You don’t even have to demonstrate you need the money.

But keep making these kinds of assumptions and make a fool of yourself o

Hey, asshole, they CAN'T GET THE LOANS! The money ran out from the first stimulus in less than a week and then the Democrats pissed around getting a second one passed just this past week, which might be too little too late. You also don't just apply and voila! Money shows up in your account. It takes weeks. Plenty of small business have been closed since early to mid March. Of course, you don't take the time to actually research any of this stuff, but you're too busy running your big fat mouth because you think you know everything, just like when you made this stupid comment.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.

Do you live in Michigan? No, you don't, so who gives a flying monkey dick about what garden centers are doing where you live? How is that relevant? In Michigan, stores were ordered to rope these areas off, so no, people could NOT get this stuff, no matter where they want. Again, something you might have known if for once in your life you'd shut the fuck up and actually listen to what other people are saying.

They do the same thing here. If I want to buy tomato plants, I call the order in ahead. You can't go on the premises. And there ain't no Twitterfest astroturfed protests going on about it, possibly because Rump hasn't twitterordered our state yahoos to take up arms as he did in Michigan. I heard --- only heard it here, didn't see it --- that there was some yahoo to the east here who started agitating. She came down with --- wait for it---- coronavirus. Hoist with her own petard.

Wow. Kinda touchy aintchya?
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My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

Hey taz I cant find this on Google, one would think if this happened that it would be national news

Or just more fake news

He's using fucking TWEETER as a news source. Mod oughta know better than that.

I believe it was A. Hitler who said, "if you retweet something enough times people will come to believe it".
Reading is truly a lost art.
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When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....

Yes buying seeds to grow food is NOT essential but buying a Lottery Ticket IS essential :uhoh3:
You can still buy seeds. Just not in a home and garden center, which is NOT essential in Michigan in April.
"Our liberty is infringed upon because we can't buy seeds." Wow! When I consider infringements on my liberty, buying seeds just somehow doesn't make the list.
Your liberty is infringe upon if you can't buy anything because your governor says so.....this is why you will never be happy in are a communist at heart....
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.

So what if your governor enacts the following rules:

1. Permitting the sale of lottery tickets at stores larger than 50,000 square feet, but not paint or gardening tools.

2. Allowing non-state residents to travel to their cottages in parts of the state, but not state residents to do the same.

3. Prohibiting persons who operate a business or conduct operations that requires them to leave their homes or places of residence.

4. Closing off areas in stores that sell the following items: Carpet or flooring, furniture, garden centers and plant nurseries, and paint.

5. Prohibiting the advertising or rent of a short-term vacation property.

How are those things the Michigan Governor mandated going to save your life?
Those are the last things I would concern myself with at this time. Again, there were no such protests by the same motherfuckers when the republican governor was removing elected officials from offices and replacing them with his buddies.
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
So, there is a limit on what government can do in the name of saving your life, beyond which WOULD infringe your liberty, right?

The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
So, there is a limit on what government can do in the name of saving your life, beyond which WOULD infringe your liberty, right?

Look, I get fucking tired of the idiocy coming from you guys on things like this. The motherfucking prior governor used the same emergency powers to remove elected officials from office and none of you, or the motherfuckers standing at the statehouse with guns protested that. So forget your silly argument.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

Hey taz I cant find this on Google, one would think if this happened that it would be national news

Or just more fake news

He's using fucking TWEETER as a news source. Mod oughta know better than that.

I believe it was A. Hitler who said, "if you retweet something enough times people will come to believe it".
Reading is truly a lost art.

He should be banned
The police had to prevent armed men from breaking in and elected members were wearing bullet proof vests. They put the police officers at risk with close contact. If you dont like thugs you can have anarchists, that works as well.

What a load of childish shite.

Remember Tamir Rice? The 12-year old boy shot dead on sight by police for playing with a toy gun?

Rightardia was all aflutter over the good kill.

Remember when all of two Black Panters with baseball bats stood before a polling place to protect black voters?

Rightardia was hyperventilating years later about that egregious misconduct.

That's not "childish shite", that's the dethroned former master class letting loose over the equivalent of a broken finger nail, and acting upon decades of pent-up resentment. And the plutocrats - those who think caring for the health and life of the expendables who are making them money is a redundant nuisance - are smiling over the expendables' very useful outrage.
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My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
So, there is a limit on what government can do in the name of saving your life, beyond which WOULD infringe your liberty, right?

Look, I get fucking tired of the idiocy coming from you guys on things like this. The motherfucking prior governor used the same emergency powers to remove elected officials from office and none of you, or the motherfuckers standing at the statehouse with guns protested that. So forget your silly argument.
Hey, I am NOT making excuses for abuse of power.

I didn't even know about that shit. I don't live in Michigan.

All I am asking is whether there is a limit on what government can do in the name of "saving lives."

The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Nope. They were not protesting not being able to buy seeds. They were actually protesting violations of their liberty. The color picture were blacks in Georgia defending the right for blacks to vote in 2018 because the Georgia republican candidate for governor had implemented voter suppression tactics. That's a little more serious than not being able to buy paint at the fucking hardware store.
The police had to prevent armed men from breaking in and elected members were wearing bullet proof vests. They put the police officers at risk with close contact. If you dont like thugs you can have anarchists, that works as well.

What a load of childish shite.

Remember Tamir Rice? The 12-year old boy shot dead on sight by police for playing with a toy gun?

Rightardia was all aflutter over the good kill.

Remember when all of two Black Panters with baseball bats stood before a polling place to protect black voters?

Rightardia was hyperventilating years later about that egregious misconduct.

That's not "childish shite", that's the dethroned former master class letting loose over the equivalent of a broken finger nail, and acting upon decades of pent-up resentment. And the plutocrats - those who think caring for the health and life of the expendables who are making them money is a redundant nuisance - are smiling over the expendables' very useful outrage.
Well said Olde Europe.
The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
So, there is a limit on what government can do in the name of saving your life, beyond which WOULD infringe your liberty, right?

Look, I get fucking tired of the idiocy coming from you guys on things like this. The motherfucking prior governor used the same emergency powers to remove elected officials from office and none of you, or the motherfuckers standing at the statehouse with guns protested that. So forget your silly argument.
Hey, I am NOT making excuses for abuse of power.

I didn't even know about that shit. I don't live in Michigan.

All I am asking is whether there is a limit on what government can do in the name of "saving lives."

You're commenting on Michigan now so maybe you should know more about things before you go off.

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