Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

They were actually fighting against violations of their liberty. If those armed protesters were facing the same thing as the black panthers, I would support their right to take up arms. But they aren't.
The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

They were actually fighting against violations of their liberty. If those armed protesters were facing the same thing as the black panthers, I would support their right to take up arms. But they aren't.
Well, now you are arbitrarily quantifying liberty based on what you deem important.

You don't see how that is a problem?

You know me. I am a liberty first type of guy. ALL liberty is important. If I place ANY extra weight on a specific right over others it is the right to bear arms. That is the only way we can protect the others.

Is it enough for me to support the black panthers in their exercise of liberty, regardless of their cause? Can't I do the same with the white dudes in Michigan?

You're commenting on Michigan now so maybe you should know more about things before you go off.
The question still stands.

Is there a limit?

The question is irrelevant to this situation. The governor is doing her job by trying to keep her people safe. The majority of the states citizens support this. Only the right wing nuts in places like this want to argue and whine about something they imagine they are losing. Because if you get that virus, you will be confined to the hospital and in some cases the graveyard..
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
So, there is a limit on what government can do in the name of saving your life, beyond which WOULD infringe your liberty, right?

Look, I get fucking tired of the idiocy coming from you guys on things like this. The motherfucking prior governor used the same emergency powers to remove elected officials from office and none of you, or the motherfuckers standing at the statehouse with guns protested that. So forget your silly argument.
Maybe Trump/Russia coverage was dominating the news.....never heard this and don't know squat about it.....MSM drops the ball again to pursue their number one nemesis....
The question is irrelevant to this situation.

The governor is doing her job by trying to keep her people safe.
And, based on your responses, you appear to believe that there is no limit, right?

The majority of the states citizens support this.
If there is anything irrelevant, its public opinion. As a black dude, you should know good and damn well how the majority LOVES to fuck over those in the minority.

Only the right wing nuts in places like this want to argue and whine about something they imagine they are losing. Because if you get that virus, you will be confined to the hospital and in some cases the graveyard..
But, the dispute is not over what they are losing. The dispute is the arbitrary and seemingly LIMITLESS nature of the Governor's actions.

Planting food in a garden is deemed unnecessary while the fucking lottery is deemed necessary?

The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

They were actually fighting against violations of their liberty. If those armed protesters were facing the same thing as the black panthers, I would support their right to take up arms. But they aren't.
Well, now you are arbitrarily quantifying liberty based on what you deem important.

You don't see how that is a problem?

You know me. I am a liberty first type of guy. ALL liberty is important. If I place ANY extra weight on a specific right over others it is the right to bear arms. That is the only way we can protect the others.

Is it enough for me to support the black panthers in their exercise of liberty, regardless of their cause? Can't I do the same with the white dudes in Michigan?

I am talking about real violations of liberty. What blacks faced in the 1960s was not lack of freedom to buy the hardware we want. Or travel to our vacation cottage. Or buy cucumber seeds. Or power tools and paint. These motherfuckers aren't losing any liberty and for them to take up arms for this should be considered a terroristic threat.
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
So, there is a limit on what government can do in the name of saving your life, beyond which WOULD infringe your liberty, right?

Look, I get fucking tired of the idiocy coming from you guys on things like this. The motherfucking prior governor used the same emergency powers to remove elected officials from office and none of you, or the motherfuckers standing at the statehouse with guns protested that. So forget your silly argument.
Maybe Trump/Russia coverage was dominating the news.....never heard this and don't know squat about it.....MSM drops the ball again to pursue their number one nemesis....
There was no trump Russia coverage during Obama. this was all in the news. You just didn't pay attention to it or you supported it if you watched fox.
I am shocked at how people react to these rights-barring measures.

A true freedom lover would IMMEDIATELY be suspicious of this type of government action. It may turn out to be legitimate government action, but this type of authoritative exercise should be questioned and scrutinized every single day.

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

At some point the ballot box does not work though, especially if elections get rigged or whatever. Many of those politicians just IGNORE what the peoples want anyway, this Whitmer woman should be FORCED to resign, she has abused her position and has been abusing the peoples of Michigan.

View attachment 330118

That’s called a coup. What you’re describing is actually a coup.

Yes. I don't see how that makes a difference.

The American Revolutionary War was a coup.

But, the word itself has taken on a meaning related to impropriety, which is your intent.



Just saying, if you want a coup, you'll make yourselves the enemy of the US.

When the "U.S." becomes the enemy, what are we supposed to do?


Die for your country?
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

At some point the ballot box does not work though, especially if elections get rigged or whatever. Many of those politicians just IGNORE what the peoples want anyway, this Whitmer woman should be FORCED to resign, she has abused her position and has been abusing the peoples of Michigan.

View attachment 330118

That’s called a coup. What you’re describing is actually a coup.

Yes. I don't see how that makes a difference.

The American Revolutionary War was a coup.

But, the word itself has taken on a meaning related to impropriety, which is your intent.



Just saying, if you want a coup, you'll make yourselves the enemy of the US.

When the "U.S." becomes the enemy, what are we supposed to do?


Die for your country?

Or, make other people die for theirs?

Two can play that game.

The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

They were actually fighting against violations of their liberty. If those armed protesters were facing the same thing as the black panthers, I would support their right to take up arms. But they aren't.
Well, now you are arbitrarily quantifying liberty based on what you deem important.

You don't see how that is a problem?

You know me. I am a liberty first type of guy. ALL liberty is important. If I place ANY extra weight on a specific right over others it is the right to bear arms. That is the only way we can protect the others.

Is it enough for me to support the black panthers in their exercise of liberty, regardless of their cause? Can't I do the same with the white dudes in Michigan?

I am talking about real violations of liberty. What blacks faced in the 1960s was not lack of freedom to buy the hardware we want. Or travel to our vacation cottage. Or buy cucumber seeds. Or power tools and paint. These motherfuckers aren't losing any liberty and for them to take up arms for this should be considered a terroristic threat.

You are not the arbiter of "liberty".

The 2nd Amendment was written as a last line of defense against government tyranny. These protesters are doing EXACTLY what the Founding Fathers granted them the authority to do. But you go right ahead... start arresting them. And then you can watch these protests turn into outright insurrection where all bets are off and the bullets start flying. Just remember that the "crazy right wing gun nutters" are the largest standing army on the planet.

Your move.
My liberty is not infringed on if my governor is enacting things to save my life.
Solitary confinement at the SuperMax in Colorado is said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Liberty would not be infringed if your government (in an effort to save your life) sent you to the SuperMax and held you in solitary confinement?

Lets not get crazy bootney. That's not what's going on here or even close.
So, there is a limit on what government can do in the name of saving your life, beyond which WOULD infringe your liberty, right?

Look, I get fucking tired of the idiocy coming from you guys on things like this. The motherfucking prior governor used the same emergency powers to remove elected officials from office and none of you, or the motherfuckers standing at the statehouse with guns protested that. So forget your silly argument.
Maybe Trump/Russia coverage was dominating the news.....never heard this and don't know squat about it.....MSM drops the ball again to pursue their number one nemesis....
There was no trump Russia coverage during Obama. this was all in the news. You just didn't pay attention to it or you supported it if you watched fox.
Maybe the MSM was too busy going to the Obama white house concerts and cocktail parties.....because I never saw any of it reported.....must not have been such a big deal....
The US was a few weeks away in those days and not really important.

Kicked your limey asses though, didn't they. Now everyone kicks your asses.
You are pushing at an open door. I dont know anybody in the UK who bears a grudge or any resentment over this. You types seem to nurture it for some reason.
I am picking up from this thread that the rights and interests of a few hundred protestors outweigh those of a few million voters.
People in democracies are laughing at you. People who would like to live in a democracy are shaking their heads and wondering what the fuck is going on.
The police should not have to protect politicians from thugs whilst they do their jobs.

I'm assuming that you were referring to those armed protesters, when you used the word "thugs." The word "thug" is defined in the dictionary as "a violent person, especially a criminal."

Please show me where they did anything violent, criminal, or illegal.
They were thugs.

So were these "thugs" too?



Every one of those guys were acting within their right and should not be debarred that right.

I will defend the black panthers' right to bear arms just like I will anyone else.

They were actually fighting against violations of their liberty. If those armed protesters were facing the same thing as the black panthers, I would support their right to take up arms. But they aren't.
Well, now you are arbitrarily quantifying liberty based on what you deem important.

You don't see how that is a problem?

You know me. I am a liberty first type of guy. ALL liberty is important. If I place ANY extra weight on a specific right over others it is the right to bear arms. That is the only way we can protect the others.

Is it enough for me to support the black panthers in their exercise of liberty, regardless of their cause? Can't I do the same with the white dudes in Michigan?

I am talking about real violations of liberty. What blacks faced in the 1960s was not lack of freedom to buy the hardware we want. Or travel to our vacation cottage. Or buy cucumber seeds. Or power tools and paint. These motherfuckers aren't losing any liberty and for them to take up arms for this should be considered a terroristic threat.

You are not the arbiter of "liberty".

The 2nd Amendment was written as a last line of defense against government tyranny. These protesters are doing EXACTLY what the Founding Fathers granted them the authority to do. But you go right ahead... start arresting them. And then you can watch these protests turn into outright insurrection where all bets are off and the bullets start flying. Just remember that the "crazy right wing gun nutters" are the largest standing army on the planet.

Your move.
And, when those "crazy right wing gun nutters" are all taken out (it won't happen), because they had no support from the black panthers or anyone else, who will be left to defend the black panthers' right to bear arms?

The true measure of one's dedication to liberty is if one is willing to defend the liberty of those with whom he heatedly disagrees.

Ain't no way around it, so let's not sugarcoat. These idiots are there to intimidate and terrorize. Hard Stop


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