Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

Racists, misogynist and anarchists have crawled out of the gutter and spread their slime all across America. It is time for those of us with a moral compass to speak out with the authority of a real Moral Majority, one which supports a democratic republic and these truths:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”.

Read this words and consider how in the Age of Trump they have all been abused.
You are very quick to cast out your democratic process when it doesnt suit you. A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people. Millions more people from that state are observing the lockdown.
If you dont like this Governer you can kick her out via the ballot box. That is the cornerstone of any civilised society. Hats off to the conservatives on this thread who recognise this.
A few hundred armed thugs is not the will of the people.

Remember what happened in 1776?
Why do you bring that up? You weren't alive then and you didn't fight. Lets not take credit for things you were not around for. Because what happened was you won a war and implemented tyranny on all people who were not white or male. But to say that gets the I wasn't there, I didn't do it, I am not responsible for things that were done before I was born excuse. Since you weren't born in 1776, you really can't ask Tommy that question based on your own logic.

Somehow, I believe even Britain has the American Revolutionary War in their school textbooks.
These guys:


Have just as much right to protest as these guys:


I may not agree with the guys above or the black panthers, but when it comes to the right to bear arms, I will grab my rifle and stand with them. They have every right to be armed and they should be armed.

For this reason, I really do hate Ronald Reagan. He completely fucked the black panthers in California.

In a representative republic with regular voting, such an armed demonstration is unnecessary at least and criminal at worst. They are taking advantage of a serious situation. This is merely an excuse to waive their, uh, potent objects in everyone's face. Childish and unmanly.

Your First Amendment right is worthless. Only when it's reinforced by the Second Amendment does it become consequential.

All future protests should include legally-armed citizens.
In a representative republic with regular voting, such an armed demonstration is unnecessary at least and criminal at worst. They are taking advantage of a serious situation. This is merely an excuse to waive their, uh, potent objects in everyone's face. Childish and unmanly.

Your First Amendment right is worthless. Only when it's reinforced by the Second Amendment does it become consequential.

All future protests should include legally-armed citizens.
The black panthers understood this concept in the 1960s. Racists (Ronald Reagan) tried to kill both of those rights.

We must be willing to fight for the rights of those with whom we disagree.

A couple "scary" pictures from the Michigan capital protest...



Lol..these folks look like escapees from the local funny farm. Look at those wretched creatures with their masks. Are they afraid of the virus or afraid to show their faces? Real tough guys.

The biggest joke is that there are so-called adults on this forum who think these “boys’, not men, have anything to offer this nation except their hissy fits and pitiful attempts at political intimidation.

These people are as pathetic and sad as they come. My advice: scurry back to the hole from which you came.

Tough shit, Bub.

If you don't like it, then show up at one of those protests and disarm them yourself. You're the "big man", show us how you roll.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

This is why the 2nd was instituted.
I dont think the intent is to start a shooting war,just a reminder that we the people have the power.

Read Heller, Scalia's comment on bringing guns to Government Buildings.

I dont give a rats ass what it states.
The gov. doesn't get to hide in government buildings when they become tyrannical.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

At some point the ballot box does not work though, especially if elections get rigged or whatever. Many of those politicians just IGNORE what the peoples want anyway, this Whitmer woman should be FORCED to resign, she has abused her position and has been abusing the peoples of Michigan.

View attachment 330118

That’s called a coup. What you’re describing is actually a coup.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

At some point the ballot box does not work though, especially if elections get rigged or whatever. Many of those politicians just IGNORE what the peoples want anyway, this Whitmer woman should be FORCED to resign, she has abused her position and has been abusing the peoples of Michigan.

View attachment 330118

That’s called a coup. What you’re describing is actually a coup.

Yes. I don't see how that makes a difference.

The American Revolutionary War was a coup.

But, the word itself has taken on a meaning related to impropriety, which is your intent.


Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

At some point the ballot box does not work though, especially if elections get rigged or whatever. Many of those politicians just IGNORE what the peoples want anyway, this Whitmer woman should be FORCED to resign, she has abused her position and has been abusing the peoples of Michigan.

View attachment 330118

That’s called a coup. What you’re describing is actually a coup.

Yes. I don't see how that makes a difference.

The American Revolutionary War was a coup.

But, the word itself has taken on a meaning related to impropriety, which is your intent.



Just saying, if you want a coup, you'll make yourselves the enemy of the US.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

At some point the ballot box does not work though, especially if elections get rigged or whatever. Many of those politicians just IGNORE what the peoples want anyway, this Whitmer woman should be FORCED to resign, she has abused her position and has been abusing the peoples of Michigan.

View attachment 330118

That’s called a coup. What you’re describing is actually a coup.

Yes. I don't see how that makes a difference.

The American Revolutionary War was a coup.

But, the word itself has taken on a meaning related to impropriety, which is your intent.



Just saying, if you want a coup, you'll make yourselves the enemy of the US.

When the "U.S." becomes the enemy, what are we supposed to do?

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

At some point the ballot box does not work though, especially if elections get rigged or whatever. Many of those politicians just IGNORE what the peoples want anyway, this Whitmer woman should be FORCED to resign, she has abused her position and has been abusing the peoples of Michigan.

View attachment 330118

That’s called a coup. What you’re describing is actually a coup.

Yes. I don't see how that makes a difference.

The American Revolutionary War was a coup.

But, the word itself has taken on a meaning related to impropriety, which is your intent.



Just saying, if you want a coup, you'll make yourselves the enemy of the US.

The largest part of the US Constitution was written for the sole purpose of preventing the government from becoming the enemy of its citizens. If that should occur, the people have every right to overthrow that government.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

Exactly she's an authoritarian Bitch Monster and the people see it loud and clear.

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

Look at that motherfucker....

This is America in the age of Trump.

I hope nobody says that to me in person. It's going to get ugly.

That kind of statement is simply absurd.

Yeah, Trump did it. LOL

He let the governors decide how they wanted to handle things in their own states, that crazy sumbitch.

Crazy as a fox.....he baited them all into taking it onto their own shoulders and they fell for it like a cripple down a flight of stairs.

I guess the left needs to realize that just because you are elected by the people doesn't mean you get to say "fuck the constitution, you elected me now live with it."

The bitch swore to uphold the constitution. Not shred it.

Do splain to the class where the Constitution spells out the duties and limitations of the governor of Michigan. Or any other state for that matter.

Been axing this question for a while now, it seems to be untouchable.
I guess the left needs to realize that just because you are elected by the people doesn't mean you get to say "fuck the constitution, you elected me now live with it."

The bitch swore to uphold the constitution. Not shred it.

Do splain to the class where the Constitution spells out the duties and limitations of the governor of Michigan. Or any other state for that matter.

Been axing this question for a while now, it seems to be untouchable.

The oath of office she took:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of this state, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of .......... according to the best of my ability. "

The limitations of the bitch IS THE CONSTITUTION. And nowhere in that document does it say "all rights within are waived during a pandemic."

So show me in the constitution of the US or Michigan where it says the rights can be waived or ignored during a pandemic. If you can't find it then IT DOESN'T EXIST.

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