Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

In a representative republic with regular voting, such an armed demonstration is unnecessary at least and criminal at worst. They are taking advantage of a serious situation. This is merely an excuse to waive their, uh, potent objects in everyone's face. Childish and unmanly.

Local and some state governments are ruling by decree with no voting. I say good on 'em!
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

Did you see that?

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.

Let's see that Emergency Order. You ignored my post, apparently. It never happened.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.

What about plant crops for the spring? Derp!
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.

Let's see that Emergency Order. You ignored my post, apparently. It never happened.

Me? I didn't ignore your post. I ignored you.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.

Let's see that Emergency Order. You ignored my post, apparently. It never happened.

Here it is:

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries."

When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.
Oh, really?
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction.
^stupid comment of the day^
Correct. Whitmer is 100% responsible.
Nope. She need to have the state police take these criminals down with prejudice.

View attachment 330212

So now you're willing to goosestep and issue orders to kill civilians because they won't stay at home, want to see their family, buy seeds and flags, and other liberties, even though they haven't hurt anyone..... But it was fine for Antifa to wear masks and physically attack others prior to the last election.



"Armed men stormed the capitol".

View attachment 330288

Who are most likely law abiding citizens normally only protesting because their rights are being infringed upon. So yeah the governor should order her troops to shot them dead and throw those that surrender into the gulag. Oh course she'll have to probably release some murderers, rapists, and child molestors, so there's room for those normally law abiding protestors but that's OK because they're now terrorists in your eyes.

Yeah that'll look really good and go over well with the rest of the people she represents.

Especially with the families of those protestors.



Thank you!
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.

What about plant crops for the spring? Derp!
Try reading the thread! Compost lives in Michigan. They don't PLANT until June 1.
A couple "scary" pictures from the Michigan capital protest..

You should title them "Portrait of a bunch of retarded losers." numbers 1, 2 and 3 and hang them in the Smithsonian.
And 100 years from now, when history is told to the kids, you can tell them about the patriots during the American Revolution who pressed their cause with regard to no taxation without representation. Then you can compare them to these fucking morons who were storming Lansing's capital building demanding a governor who governed a state that had 63 per cent support of the people in trying to stop a deadly virus that is killing thousands of people, decided they wanted to take over the place. Who are the tyrants? The ones enforcing the will of the people, or those trying to force an issue at the point of the gun with little or no support?
Last edited:
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.
Oh, really?
View attachment 330356
Those bastards! I'm jealous. When Compost said they don't plant 'til June 1, I figured they were about like us. Ain't time here. Sorry!
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.

What about plant crops for the spring? Derp!
Try reading the thread! Compost lives in Michigan. They don't PLANT until June 1.
What if they rely on an indoor garden? No greenhouses in Michigan? I find that hard to believe.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.

What about plant crops for the spring? Derp!
Try reading the thread! Compost lives in Michigan. They don't PLANT until June 1.
That's right. You don't plant most garden seeds directly into the ground till June 1. Cool crops like beans and lettuce can go in earlier.
As for lawns. I've mowed a couple times already.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.

Let's see that Emergency Order. You ignored my post, apparently. It never happened.

Here it is:

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries."

Again, read the thread. Garden centers are not the only place you can buy seeds.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.

What about plant crops for the spring? Derp!
Try reading the thread! Compost lives in Michigan. They don't PLANT until June 1.
That's right. You don't plant most garden seeds directly into the ground till June 1. Cool crops like beans and lettuce can go in earlier.
As for lawns. I've mowed a couple times already.
Wicked jealous. Well, I DID see buds on the clematis this morning!
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.

What about plant crops for the spring? Derp!
Try reading the thread! Compost lives in Michigan. They don't PLANT until June 1.
That's right. You don't plant most garden seeds directly into the ground till June 1. Cool crops like beans and lettuce can go in earlier.
As for lawns. I've mowed a couple times already.
Wicked jealous. Well, I DID see buds on the clematis this morning!
Everything is in full bloom here. Procrastinating mowing the side yard.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

Someone is seriously breaking the law if they storm the statehouse.

If they start shooting......well, shit.

They started it. Americans will finish it.

Real Americans will help their fellow Americans in times of crisis; fake Americans storm State Houses with arms seeking violent change. These militia folks are the imposters. No true American who believes in our great Republic would ever advocate violent overthrow of our government.

View attachment 330192

Last I looked Michigan was part of the US of A with duly elected representatives and not part of the British Empire. I may be wrong however given the alternate universe some posters live in.

And Michigan being part of the USA is EXACTLY why those protesters can be there, armed, and DEMAND that fascist bitch dial it back!
This is awful.

The Court ruled in her favor, I don't agree with it, but doesn't justify an armed revolt.

They had a RECALL drive that was getting a lot of signatures, they could have gone that legal way to remove the overbearing governor, but now...….
The court is wrong, so are you. But by all means continue to cower in place.
How about a real link..just for the hell of it:

The Republican-led Michigan House refused Thursday to extend the state’s coronavirus emergency declaration and voted to authorize a lawsuit challenging Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s authority and actions to combat the pandemic.
The step came as hundreds of conservative activists returned to the Capitol to denounce her stay-at-home order.
Whitmer wanted lawmakers to extend her emergency declaration by 28 days. It expires late Thursday. But at the same time, she believes she has other powers to respond to the crisis and does not need a legislatively-approved extension except to ensure that health care workers would continue to have special legal protections. She has said the state of emergency will continue regardless.
The declaration is the foundation for Whitmer’s stay-at-home measure, which is in effect through May 15, and other directives aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. It has infected more than 41,000 Michigan residents and contributed to the deaths of 3,789. The virus and the steps taken to curb it, including the closure of nonessential businesses, have had a devastating effect on the economy.

The House voted 59-41, on party lines, for a bill that would temporarily codify many of Whitmer’s orders but not her stay-at-home directive. Businesses open to the public would have to adhere to social distancing and other mitigation measures until May 30.

View attachment 330215

Notice the mask? He's in compliance--and protesting! Now that's America! Not so sure about that suitcase he's calling a gun...LOL!
That hasn't deterred the fascist bitch, she went ahead and extended her decree.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.

Let's see that Emergency Order. You ignored my post, apparently. It never happened.

Here it is:

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries."

Again, read the thread. Garden centers are not the only place you can buy seeds.

Notice it also says plant nurseries? What about fertilizer?
And everyone needs to quit trying to make it about seeds. That was just an example someone used. Any gardening needs are being denied access to, such as fertilizer, which you can not order and have shipped. And the cost to ship soil or mulch? Please.
The gardening schedule published by the state of Michigan-
9 Prepare supply list for garden, including fertilizer, tools, transplants, materials for staking, and mulch.
9 Take a soil sample for a soil test as soon as it has thawed.
9 Prepare soil when it is dry enough. Take a handful of soil and squeeze. If the soil crumbles when you open your hand, it is ready for planting.
9 Fertilize based on soil test recommendations.
9 Plant cool season crops; onion, beets, lettuce, spinach, carrots and radishes.
9 Plant seeds of cool weather crops for the second and third times, approximately two weeks apart.
9 Thin seedlings of crops planted earlier to their proper spacing.
9 Harden off transplants by setting them outdoors during the day for seven to 14 days before you intend to plant them. Plants should be in shade and protected from wind for a few days during this process. Maintain soil moisture so transplants do not wilt.
9 Plant warm season seeds after the danger of frost is past (link to frost dates table), including cucumbers, squash, pumpkins and melons.
9 Plant the hardened-off transplants of peppers, tomatoes and eggplant.
9 Harvest early plantings of radishes, spinach and lettuce.
9 For succession plantings, plant warm season crops where cool season crops have been harvested.
9 Mulch around plants and in rows to keep soil moist and reduce soil compaction.
9 Monitor crops for insect and disease problems regularly. If you discover a problem, identify its source and take control measures if needed. Contact your local Extension office.
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