Multiple Armed Gunman Have Stormed the Michigan State House

Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

What is this an attempted coup? How do these things operate in America? Can this Whitmer woman be FORCED out by the peoples? I have read the threads about her she is a dangerous individual and definately a Leftist Totalitarian, her measures are beyond extreme and many make no sense except to punish the peoples eg. making it illegal to buy seeds to grow their own foods.

She did more than that. After she banned seeds she discovered that people were buying flats of seedlings so she banned those then all gardening supplies to cover vegetables that had already been planted.

I didn't know it was that much warmer in Michigan than here. Nobody around here plants anything 'til Memorial Day. Ground is still way too cold. Even then we sometimes get a frost after.

See the people figure this out thru collective knowledge and experience. You can start seeds indoors or in a glass covered nursery.. People are pretty smart. The govt collectively is NOT that smart, or wise or creative..

The people who bought seeds awhile ago and are starting them themselves are lucky. The governor banned the sale of all seeds a few days ago.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction.
^stupid comment of the day^
Correct. Whitmer is 100% responsible.
Nope. She need to have the state police take these criminals down with prejudice.

View attachment 330212

So now you're willing to goosestep and issue orders to kill civilians because they won't stay at home, want to see their family, buy seeds and flags, and other liberties, even though they haven't hurt anyone..... But it was fine for Antifa to wear masks and physically attack others prior to the last election.



"Armed men stormed the capitol".


Who are most likely law abiding citizens normally only protesting because their rights are being infringed upon. So yeah the governor should order her troops to shot them dead and throw those that surrender into the gulag. Oh course she'll have to probably release some murderers, rapists, and child molestors, so there's room for those normally law abiding protestors but that's OK because they're now terrorists in your eyes.

Yeah that'll look really good and go over well with the rest of the people she represents.

Especially with the families of those protestors.




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A couple "scary" pictures from the Michigan capital protest...



In a representative republic with regular voting, such an armed demonstration is unnecessary at least and criminal at worst. They are taking advantage of a serious situation. This is merely an excuse to waive their, uh, potent objects in everyone's face. Childish and unmanly.
In a representative republic with regular voting, such an armed demonstration is unnecessary at least and criminal at worst. They are taking advantage of a serious situation. This is merely an excuse to waive their, uh, potent objects in everyone's face. Childish and unmanly.
Exactly backwards.... they are protesting the folks who are taking advantage.
When I read the title of this thread ....LOL and it said ...Multiple Armed wowwwwwwwwwww

then I saw its just patriots fighting for their Second Ammendments rights...

You'd read the title of this thread and you would think is the SS in 1930s Germany kind of thing....:cuckoo:

Misleading title? yes...I would think so...but

as I always say....I know nothing
Those weren't patriots. And their second amendment rights had nothing to do with this. The title of this thread is correct.
In a representative republic with regular voting, such an armed demonstration is unnecessary at least and criminal at worst. They are taking advantage of a serious situation. This is merely an excuse to waive their, uh, potent objects in everyone's face. Childish and unmanly.
Exactly backwards.... they are protesting the folks who are taking advantage.
No they aren't.
You can see why the new Dem. party had her listed as an upcoming star and the frontrunner for VP. Democrats want to do to our country what Witmer has done to Michigan. If you cherish your freedom, you'll never vote for one of these new Dems.
In a representative republic with regular voting, such an armed demonstration is unnecessary at least and criminal at worst. They are taking advantage of a serious situation. This is merely an excuse to waive their, uh, potent objects in everyone's face. Childish and unmanly.
Exactly backwards.... they are protesting the folks who are taking advantage.
No they aren't.
A couple "scary" pictures from the Michigan capital protest...



Lol..these folks look like escapees from the local funny farm. Look at those wretched creatures with their masks. Are they afraid of the virus or afraid to show their faces? Real tough guys.

The biggest joke is that there are so-called adults on this forum who think these “boys’, not men, have anything to offer this nation except their hissy fits and pitiful attempts at political intimidation.

These people are as pathetic and sad as they come. My advice: scurry back to the hole from which you came.
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Not if the Founders knew why these people were protesting, they wouldn't.
In all of the history I’ve studied of that period I find nothing even remotely hinting rights would be removed for a illness.
No, they left that to the individual states, which is why they all have legislation allowing Emergency Orders to protect public safety be enforced.

They are temporary for a reason. Michigan's legislature is voting on whether to extend the emergency measures right now. Our Emergency Powers are granted for 90 days, but the legislature must approve any extension by Day 80. Michigan's is apparently not as long.
No, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are the overriding guidance documents for ALL States.
I'm aware of that, but considering the reason for these temporary measures, I think all the courts will find the public safety factors outweigh the temporary restrictions.
Courts DO NOT make laws only duly elected legislators do.
I do not understand why so many people in this country are so ignorant of our constitution
Not if the Founders knew why these people were protesting, they wouldn't.
In all of the history I’ve studied of that period I find nothing even remotely hinting rights would be removed for a illness.
No, they left that to the individual states, which is why they all have legislation allowing Emergency Orders to protect public safety be enforced.

They are temporary for a reason. Michigan's legislature is voting on whether to extend the emergency measures right now. Our Emergency Powers are granted for 90 days, but the legislature must approve any extension by Day 80. Michigan's is apparently not as long.
No, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are the overriding guidance documents for ALL States.
I'm aware of that, but considering the reason for these temporary measures, I think all the courts will find the public safety factors outweigh the temporary restrictions.
Courts do not write laws only duly elected legislatures do.
I do not understand why so may in this country are so totally ignorant and clueless of the constitution, the framework of our government laid out in it and the principles under which our nation is supposed to function.
It's not hard people, sit down and read it sometime. It's not rocket science and it makes perfect common sense. Don't let anyone tell you it's too complex for you to understand because it isn't. Those who try to pump that smoke up your ass has an ulterior motive.
I'm teaching it right now. I know what it says and I know Marbury v. Madison established Judicial Review in 1803.
The third branch of government is there for a reason. It is to uphold and strike down laws in accordance with the laws and the CONSTITUTION.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....

Yes buying seeds to grow food is NOT essential but buying a Lottery Ticket IS essential :uhoh3:
You can still buy seeds. Just not in a home and garden center, which is NOT essential in Michigan in April.
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing...

Yes buying seeds to grow food is NOT essential but buying a Lottery Ticket IS essential :uhoh3:
Buying seeds was NEVER outlawed.
Neither was buying a flag. Remember that one?

She banned using motor boats and jet skis because of the thousands of boats that crowd into a marina PRIOR to going out onto the water. Not sure why sailboats aren't included....

She wanted people to STAY HOME, not spread the virus to your neighbor or take it with you to the summer cottage. Not invite the whole family over for spaghetti or hamburgers. I think she went too far, but considering that Michigan is right up there with NYC and New Jersey in # of cases and deaths, she really did want people to quarantine. When you quarantine, everything needs to be brought to them. Groceries, prescriptions, healthcare, EVERYTHING. It couldn't be done at a moment's notice. That was a mistake on her part. You can't take away visiting your summer cottage but require people to go stand in line at the grocery store every week. That's not gonna fly.
Whitmer is just as much responsible for this reaction. She's treated the people of her state like serfs on her manor and callously disregarded their concerns over her actions, even as going as far to mock them on national tv. That's not saying I approve of what is happening here, but she could have prevented this by not acting like an elitist queen whose job it is to rule over the land

You're disingenuous. It's Americans trying to take their lives back from a democrat dictator, and they have every right to!

Sorry, but I don't agree.

They take them back at the ballot box. Not like this.

Is there a lack of trees and rope or tar and feathers?
When elected you can govern or you can rule....Whitmer chose to rule and the people said screw that.....
Where did she rule illegally?
Restricting random items from being sold at open stores for one thing....
Again, the executive order is 2020-42. Please be specific.
Your 2020-42-
  1. Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

  1. Close areas of the store—by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

  1. Carpet or flooring.

  1. Furniture.

  1. Garden centers and plant nurseries.

  1. Paint.

  2. when I pasted it did not format correctly, here it is-View attachment 330228
  3. Whitmer - Executive Order 2020-42 (COVID-19)
Where is the word "seed?'
Quit being a jackal. You know seeds are bought at the garden center, along with the soil, fertilizer, tools, etc., needed for planting them.

You can also buy seeds fertilizer and soil at hardware stores, supermarkets, online and by catalogue. Garden centres where I live are doing curb side pickup.

This whole idea that people have no way to plant their gardens is bullshit.
They were closed or told to rope them off! How often have you ordered soil through the mail? Please. And fertilizer cannot be shipped.

She did not leave that option.
She even forbid lawn services from cutting peoples lawns!
It's not time to cut lawns in Michigan yet.
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