Multiple Banks Filed Over 170 ‘Suspicious Activity’ Reports On The Bidens

I'm waiting for you yahoo's to come up with some proof to back your claims. What's taking so long. Git crackin'!

To do that, we need to have answers to questions like


and if you and Chris Wray cannot answer that, we have the right to speculate WHY that Chinese money was paid...
To do that, we need to have answers to questions like


and if you and Chris Wray cannot answer that, we have the right to speculate WHY that Chinese money was paid...

You don't even realize how worthless your speculations are, do ya?
You don't even realize how worthless your speculations are, do ya?


For anyone else, the IRS would demand to know WHAT the EXPERTISE SOLD was.... but not for Hunter, CHOSEN for SPECIAL TREATMENT by fellow Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascists like Chris Wray and Garland.
Yet another Fawnboi trip down his rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

There's no semantics, Dumbfuck. I did not post a link from 2013. In fact, there are links on my link dated in 2021. If only you had a brain, that alone would have clued you in that my link was not from 2013.

Sucks to be as stupid as you.
Cool. Please exclude the ones created due to meeting the minimum cash requirement. How many were suspicious?
Did you know that your typical bank wont receive more than one or two SARs per year, and thats out of THOUSANDS of customers? Do you care that the Bidens racked up 170+? You dont find that concerning?
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Oh? Which of those did the president commit?
All of them. Every single payment is linked to Joe. They wouldnt have been paid without him trading policy. Taking bribes for your family carries the same sentence as taking bribes for yourself.
There's no semantics, Dumbfuck. I did not post a link from 2013. In fact, there are links on my link dated in 2021. If only you had a brain, that alone would have clued you in that my link was not from 2013.

Sucks to be as stupid as you.
Yet another Fawnboi trip down his rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery.

:dance: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :dance: :laughing0301:
Did you know that your typical bank wont receive more than one or two SARs per year, and thats out of THOUSANDS of customers? Do you care that the Bidens racked up 170+? You dont find that concerning?
Depends on the bank. Depends on the company.
Did you know that your typical bank wont receive more than one or two SARs per year, and thats out of THOUSANDS of customers? Do you care that the Bidens racked up 170+? You dont find that concerning?

1.4 million filed in 2021...

All of them. Every single payment is linked to Joe. They wouldnt have been paid without him trading policy. Taking bribes for your family carries the same sentence as taking bribes for yourself.

Nope. Here in reality, the right has failed to connect those dots.

You have no evidence any SARs were filed on any Joe Biden transactions.

No evidence Joe Biden's name is on any of those LLC's.

No evidence Joe Biden evaded paying taxes.

Sucks for you, I know, but welcome to reality.
Yet another Fawnboi trip down his rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery.

:dance: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :dance: :laughing0301:

Cries the loser who lied, falsely claiming I posted a link from 2013.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
Nope. Here in reality, the right has failed to connect those dots.

You have no evidence any SARs were filed on any Joe Biden transactions.

No evidence Joe Biden's name is on any of those LLC's.

No evidence Joe Biden evaded paying taxes.

Sucks for you, I know, but welcome to reality.
We dont need to find Joes money (but we will). We found payments to Hunter and we have well documented proof of what Joe did to get him that money. Thats bribery by legal definition.
Banks are required to report certain financial activities that usually involve organized crime.

Looks like it worked.

Now how much did Obama know and when did he know it?

These SARs are submitted and sent to the Treasury Department when banks “have a strong suspicion” that a crime has been committed, so as to protect the bank.

As Comer emphasized, these are submitted “very seldom.”

If someone were to have two, the chairman explained, it would be hard for that person to open up a bank account.

Submitting an SAR, Comer added, also is “inviting the regulators to come in and regulate,” which is the last thing banks want.

The 170 reports are thus quite significant.

Lol, so fucking what. Plenty has been filed on me. All it takes is the movement of 3200 dollars or more and activity report. Flags the transaction. It is then looked at by the feds. Well guess what ass clown there are plenty of legitimate reasons for such transactions. Let the feds watch me move money around. Can't say I like bug brother watching but they ain't gunna find anything illegal. Woopty shit . Unless you are a complete idiot you don't move money around at the bank for illegal purposes. Anybody doing business is gunna have many reports to the fed unless you are poor as hell.
Let me know when you have actual evidence.
We have multiple witness, a metric shit ton of emails and texts, we have timelines showing where policy was changed at the request of Burisma, followed by payments immediately after. We have SAR's, FBI documents and Bidens own words.

Why are you saying that isnt any "actual evidence"? Why does your position in this debate require you to say that lie repeatedly?

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