Murderer Chauvin loses appeal

Well, lessee:
  • About 40-50 people were killed
  • About 60,000 cops were seriously injured
  • About 350 cities were pillaged
  • About 2 billion dollars in damages and looting occured
All because of BLM and their whackjob criminal followers spurred on by the MSM and democrat politicians.

All because some criminal punk felon died of a drug OD resisting arrest in the commission of a crime.

Where shall we start? How many eyes shall we take for that?

Ok. We have established as a matter of fact that it wasn’t an overdose. So of course a Trumper would continue to deny the truth. Where to go from there? If Chauvin had followed policy none of the rest would have happened. You are blaming the wrong guy. Not surprising.
Read that to your children.

Tommy is unable to procreate due to a deformity at birth.

He was born with his head up his ass causing both a rectal blockage and a penile dysfunction.

The best the doctors were able to do at the time was to sew his face to his ass so that then he could use his mouth as his anus.

That explains the diarrhea in his every post.

Its a real challenge getting on and off buses that way paying the driver his fare, but it makes for quite a sight when he tries to sit down.

But true to form like all whacked leftists, Tommy likes a good Hamas attack just as he resents seeing a felon like Floyd resist arrest then not get away with it.
Maybe. But the force that Chauvin used was excessive, that was the thing. The poor man was begging for his life, and Chauvin kept killing him.
I don’t see it that way. He was begging for his life when still in his own vehicle.

I think he was begging for his life because of the drugs in the first place. As for what killed him, I think it was a combination of the drugs and heart condition.

The guy had seventy percent blockage in three arteries. If he had gone to a cardiologist and had an angiogram they would have admitted him immediately to do a triple bypass. I know because I was admitted for a single bypass.
You are overcomplicating it.

Would Floyd have died that day if he hadn't encountered Chauvin?

Would he have died without the drugs and the heart condition, even with the knee? I have my doubts.
All the evidence is that he would not have. He had built up a resistance to drugs

Bullshit. His paranoia during the entire episode would suggest otherwise.
and had lived with that heart condition for some time. A thug putting his knee on his neck for NINE MINUTES killed him.

You’re not that stupid as to believe that just because he lived with the heart condition “for some time” that it means he couldn’t have had a heart attack that day.
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I’m not trying to get you to say he’s wrong. I’m asking you if you believe he’s wrong regarding what he concluded about this particular death.

If he claims it was a homicide and you claim that you don’t believe it was a homicide…wouldn’t that logically mean that you think he‘s wrong about this being a homicide?
I don’t know why this is so important to you but yes, I disagree with his conclusion that it was homicide.

Is this where you pounce and rail about my lack of knowledge in pathology?
I don’t see it that way. He was begging for his life when still in his own vehicle.

I think he was begging for his life because of the drugs in the first place. As for what killed him, I think it was a combination of the drugs and heart condition.

The guy had seventy percent blockage in three arteries. If he had gone to a cardiologist and had an angiogram they would have admitted him immediately to do a triple bypass. I know because I was admitted for a single bypass.
The defense should have called a Cardiologist to testify. I saw the entire thing. And saw what you saw. I knew from the moment he could not breathe out of his car, he was gaming the system. And for gaming it, he lost his life. I also have had a single bypass surgery and it really saved my life.
I don’t know why this is so important to you but yes, I disagree with his conclusion that it was homicide.
You disagree with his conclusion. Therefore you believe he’s wrong about his conclusion. Correct?

This hardly seems complicated. I mean it only logically follows from what you said. Yet you keep avoiding it.
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The defense should have called a Cardiologist to testify. I saw the entire thing. And saw what you saw. I knew from the moment he could not breathe out of his car, he was gaming the system. And for gaming it, he lost his life. I also have had a single bypass surgery and it really saved my life.

The Prosecution had one. As well as a Coroner, and a Forensic Pathologist. All three agreed it was the actions of Chauvin that killed Floyd.
Jesus Christ. If it logically follows then why do you need me to say it?

Yes, I believe he is wrong. Goddamn.
The reason I need to ask you is because you have shown an inability to use simple logic. That’s why. Look at how much you avoided answering.

So you don’t agree with the medical examiner’s conclusion that this was a homicide. In your opinion, the medical examiner is wrong. Correct?
So you, having no medical experience whatsoever, believe that the medical expert who conducted the autopsy is wrong. Correct?
I didn't say you said he was wrong. I said you believe he's wrong. Am I correct in saying that you believe he's wrong?
Do you believe the medical expert is wrong in his conclusion that this death was a homicide?
You did. So, therefore, you believe the medical examiner is wrong in his conclusion about Floyd's death being a homicide. Is that correct?
And finally you say “Yes, I believe he is wrong. Goddamn.”

Just say that the first time. Maybe next time you should try answering the fucking question the first time instead of getting mad at me because you’re dodging. What a crazy idea.
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The Prosecution had one. As well as a Coroner, and a Forensic Pathologist. All three agreed it was the actions of Chauvin that killed Floyd.
Remind the forum who you are talking about in all three of your examples. How could any person correctly evaluate from looking on the state of health of Floyd?
Eye witnesses at times see only want they want to see.
The Prosecution had one. As well as a Coroner, and a Forensic Pathologist. All three agreed it was the actions of Chauvin that killed Floyd.
Chauvin is charged with murder and manslaughter in the killing of George Floyd, who died after Chauvin held his knee on Floyd's neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds on Memorial Day last year.

Dr. David Fowler, a retired forensic pathologist who was chief medical examiner for the state of Maryland, testified that in his opinion, the manner of Floyd's death should be classified as "undetermined" rather than "homicide."

The reason I need to ask you is because you have shown an inability to use simple logic.

Wait a minute, what logic are you referring to?
That’s why. Look at how much you avoided answering.

And finally you say “Yes, I believe he is wrong. Goddamn.”

Just say that the first time.

What would be the point? You already had it figured out anyway (albeit with a debate fallacy). It just drove you crazy that I wouldn’t answer the way you wanted me to so you could make me wrong.
Maybe next time you should try answering the fucking question the first time instead of getting mad at me because you’re dodging. What a crazy idea.
Maybe next time you will have taken a course in reading comprehension and in addition, use your own fucking logic to realize that saying I disagree with the ME’s ruling is saying I believe he was mistaken.

You people are incapable of thinking or seeing anything other than in black and white.
Tommy brought up Trump because he disagrees with my assessment about Floyd’s death for fuck’s sake and you’re giving me shit about not understanding logic.

Jesus, what a fucking joke.

THAT is what you were really after. I’m not so naive as to believe you just wanted a clear answer to an intellectual question.
What would be the point?
As previously stated:

So you, having no medical experience whatsoever, believe that the medical expert who conducted the autopsy is wrong. Looks like you’re now, finally, in agreement with this statement.
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Maybe next time you will have taken a course in reading comprehension and in addition, use your own fucking logic to realize that saying I disagree with the ME’s ruling is saying I believe he was mistaken.
I’m fully aware that those are equivalent. What was unclear to me was whether you realized those are equivalent. Considering how many times I had to ask you that very question…

So you don’t agree with the medical examiner’s conclusion that this was a homicide. In your opinion, the medical examiner is wrong. Correct?
So you, having no medical experience whatsoever, believe that the medical expert who conducted the autopsy is wrong. Correct?
I didn't say you said he was wrong. I said you believe he's wrong. Am I correct in saying that you believe he's wrong?
Do you believe the medical expert is wrong in his conclusion that this death was a homicide?
You did. So, therefore, you believe the medical examiner is wrong in his conclusion about Floyd's death being a homicide. Is that correct?
…oh I don’t know, maybe a simple ”yes” from you would have sufficed. Just a thought. But sure, go ahead and complain that it’s my fault that went on far too long. That’s fine too.
Remind the forum who you are talking about in all three of your examples. How could any person correctly evaluate from looking on the state of health of Floyd?
Eye witnesses at times see only want they want to see.

The three medical experts were Lindsey Thomas, Forensic Pathologist.

Cardiologist Johnathan Rich.

Coroner Andrew Baker.

Three medial experts who look for the signs and understand the complex mechanism that is the human body.

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