Musk says that the Democrats will end democracy in America


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk argued on Sunday that the Democratic Party is using illegal immigration to create a "one-party state" in America.

"Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years. The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes,"

"That means if the 'Democratic' Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!! Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying 'asylum seekers,' who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election," he added.

Musk continued, writing, "America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only 'elections' will be the Democratic Party primaries."

Musk is correct.
The Democrats will grant amnesty and citizenship to the illegal aliens the first chance that they get.
They will achieve permanent political power.
They will pack the Supreme Court with racist marxist judges.
They will trash our constitutional rights
I am glad that got to experience living in freedom in America before the Democrats destroyed it.
I expect America to become like a totally corrupt banana republic marxist dictatorship like Cuba and Venezuela.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk argued on Sunday that the Democratic Party is using illegal immigration to create a "one-party state" in America.

"Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years. The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes,"

"That means if the 'Democratic' Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!! Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying 'asylum seekers,' who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election," he added.

Musk continued, writing, "America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only 'elections' will be the Democratic Party primaries."

Musk is correct.
The Democrats will grant amnesty and citizenship to the illegal aliens the first chance that they get.
They will achieve permanent political power.
They will pack the Supreme Court with racist marxist judges.
They will trash our constitutional rights
I am glad that got to experience living in freedom in America before the Democrats destroyed it.
I expect America to become like a totally corrupt banana republic marxist dictatorship like Cuba and Venezuela.
He’s talking about the same democratas who have been in the white house for 4 years and haven’t done any of that yet?

What are they waiting for?
Them devilish Dems have been waiting in the wings for God to pull the plug on America. This election will reveal if we are going down the drain or if we have a little more time. If we go down the other western democracies will soon follow. Gird yer loins people, the Barbarians are at the gate! :omg:

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk argued on Sunday that the Democratic Party is using illegal immigration to create a "one-party state" in America.

"Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years. The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes,"

"That means if the 'Democratic' Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!! Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying 'asylum seekers,' who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election," he added.

Musk continued, writing, "America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only 'elections' will be the Democratic Party primaries."

Musk is correct.
The Democrats will grant amnesty and citizenship to the illegal aliens the first chance that they get.
They will achieve permanent political power.
They will pack the Supreme Court with racist marxist judges.
They will trash our constitutional rights
I am glad that got to experience living in freedom in America before the Democrats destroyed it.
I expect America to become like a totally corrupt banana republic marxist dictatorship like Cuba and Venezuela.
It doesn't take a genius, just common sense to see that Democrats are very close to ONE PARTY RULE.
Muskrat is a lying, but thankfully a second rate, propagandist. I doubt most of the New Republicans believe his stinky bovine excrement.
I believe the day will come when the democrats have the necessary 51 votes to abolish the filibuster. They'll wait until they own the WH and the House and the Senate and when that happens this country will be changed forever into a one-party rule. They'll change election laws so that every illegal can vote and the democrats will vote for them to win every future election in the swing states.
Well, some people said that trump is a threat to democracy. So, months later, Elon turns that right around. Is that guy smart, or what?
I believe the day will come when the democrats have the necessary 51 votes to abolish the filibuster. They'll wait until they own the WH and the House and the Senate and when that happens this country will be changed forever into a one-party rule. They'll change election laws so that every illegal can vote and the democrats will vote for them to win every future election in the swing states.
Oh lord...

States run elections. The only way to include Illegal immigrants into the voter rolls is by a constitutional amendment. The 6/3 conservative majority on SCOTUS doesnt’ seem to be in the mood to include non-citizens in the 15th Amendment. You can believe what you want. You might want to tinge some of your beliefs with some wisdom however.

As for the filibuster, you’re right. The democrats look to be wanting to cut their own throat on that one. Its a bad ideat to get rid of it if you’re replaing it with nothing. A better idea would be to have an actual filiubster that stops everything so it has to be addressed. They just don’t throw up their hands, and work on something else. Then you’d see some compromise, horse trading, etc.. You know...governance.

hiss!!! We can’t have that now, can we?

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk argued on Sunday that the Democratic Party is using illegal immigration to create a "one-party state" in America.

"Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years. The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes,"

"That means if the 'Democratic' Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!! Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying 'asylum seekers,' who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election," he added.

Musk continued, writing, "America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only 'elections' will be the Democratic Party primaries."

Musk is correct.
The Democrats will grant amnesty and citizenship to the illegal aliens the first chance that they get.
They will achieve permanent political power.
They will pack the Supreme Court with racist marxist judges.
They will trash our constitutional rights
I am glad that got to experience living in freedom in America before the Democrats destroyed it.
I expect America to become like a totally corrupt banana republic marxist dictatorship like Cuba and Venezuela.
Musk is dumb! He should stay out of politics. Shut up and do whatever you do, Elon.


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