Muslim Bakeries asked to bake homosexual "wedding" cakes...


The bakeries website- why yes I have.

No wedding cakes there.

Have you gone to the website yourself? And if not- why not?[/QUOTE]
There ISNT a website for them you goddamn moron. Pay attention to the website. That chain is based out of LEBANON.
The hallab bakery in Dearborn doesn't have a website.[/QUOTE]

Is the Dearborn bakery part of that chain?[/QUOTE]
No They are an independent bakery that has 1-4 employees
So in my search for Hallab Bakery- I did find this gem

Dearborn Bakeries Claim Viral YouTube Video Falsely Portays Them as Anti-Gay

A Golden Bakery employee said he told Crowder to go across the street to Hallab Bakery for the order, because Golden Bakery does not make wedding cakes.

The employee, who did not want to be identified, said Crowder misrepresented him and others in the video.

“I kept explaining why we don’t make wedding cakes here, but he didn’t show that part in the video,” the employee said. “I am only upset because what he did is not right. He is accusing us of something we never did.”

Employees at Hallab Bakery told The Arab American News the employee from the bakery who was featured in the video does not know English, so he didn't understand what Crowder was asking.

And this one

Muslims featured in YouTube video say it falsely portrays them

In the video, Crowder accuses Faten Tofeili, a manager at Dearborn Sweets, of refusing to take his order. In a response posted on Facebook, Tofeili wrote, "I am the worker from Dearborn Sweets. No one from our bakery turned him down. We kindly accepted him and his cake order and we treated him as if he was any other customer. The fact that he is displaying our bakery as turning him down is a lie."

Huffington Post writer Brian Stone said radio host Rush Limbaugh accused the LGBT community of being afraid of "battling" Muslims over wedding cakes, because Islam’s real goal is an "all-out assault on Christianity."

In a blog post, Stone wrote, "Don't listen to Rush Limbaugh or the guy who made this video. Dearborn's a diverse, wonderful city...We love everybody here: gay, straight, Christian or Muslim. Dearborn is what the rest of the world would look like if people learned how to get along."

Tofeili accused Crowder of making up lies about the bakeries to get attention.

She was also upset that Crowder called it a Muslim Bakery, saying there is no such thing.

"We are a bakery, not a Muslim bakery," said Mariam Khansa, an employee of Dearborn Sweets.

Fellow employee Hussein Khansa said Dearborn Sweets has made a cake for a gay couple's wedding before; and that the couple returned to have the bakery make them one for their anniversary.

"We have never refused anyone," Khansa said.

Employees at Dearborn Sweets said they were surprised at the video because Crowder appeared to be very nice. They say he edited parts of the video to make it seem like Tofeili wouldn't take his order.

“He actually edited it out and spoke over her," Mariam Khansa said.

"That line wasn’t asked. That wasn’t the question. There was a lot of editing of course. We even have video that shows he was never refused."
They probably had to go out of business because of what the liar Crowder did. What a shame. Reminds me of a French bakery by me that went out of business during the Freedom Fries era.
"A Golden Bakery employee said he told Crowder to go across the street to Hallab Bakery for the order, because Golden Bakery does not make wedding cakes."
So Hallab DOES make cakes and that "debunk" was full of shit? They were right about one. The one when the guy was laughing; they don't make cakes. That's probably why he was laughing.
They probably had to go out of business because of what the liar Crowder did. What a shame. Reminds me of a French bakery by me that went out of business during the Freedom Fries era.
So a muslim bakery gets shut down because they are bigots.
What about the Christian bakeries? Do you think that is a shame too?
It's a simple rule Harley. If you live in a locality that has protected groups and you sell a product or provide a service to the public, you can't sell the item to couple A and refuse to sell the EXACT SAME PRODUCT to couple B because they belong to that protected class. Get it?
Looks like they closed. Maybe the moron will call to confirm: 313-581-9977
yea, IM the moron :poke:

Well you believed the video- so yes you are- for believing this heavily edited video- And so am I- since I didn't check out the website well enough to realize it was for a bakery in Lebanon.

What did the author of the 'video' say?

Exclusive Interview: Behind The Scenes Look At Steven Crowder’s Viral Muslim Bakery Video

Crowder visited a few Muslim-owned bakeries in Dearborn, Mich., to find out how they would handle his request for a cake.

“Many were very friendly,” he acknowledged, adding that “no one said ‘No, we won’t do it.’”
It's a simple rule Harley. If you live in a locality that has protected groups and you sell a product or provide a service to the public, you can't sell the item to couple A and refuse to sell the EXACT SAME PRODUCT to couple B because they belong to that protected class. Get it?
I always cringe when I see "protected class". It is one of the most racist things I have ever heard of.
I wish they could, though. I long for the day of individual freedom ;)
Muslim bakeries refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings VIDEO – media silent

And crickets from the libtards....shocked? I'm not. Sorry butt pirates Muslims rank higher on the the libtard appeasement list.

Except of course- nobody refused to bake a cake

Crowder visited a few Muslim-owned bakeries in Dearborn, Mich., to find out how they would handle his request for a cake.

“Many were very friendly,” he acknowledged, adding that “no one said ‘No, we won’t do it.’”
Looks like they closed. Maybe the moron will call to confirm: 313-581-9977
yea, IM the moron :poke:

Well you believed the video- so yes you are- for believing this heavily edited video- And so am I- since I didn't check out the website well enough to realize it was for a bakery in Lebanon.

What did the author of the 'video' say?

Exclusive Interview: Behind The Scenes Look At Steven Crowder’s Viral Muslim Bakery Video

Crowder visited a few Muslim-owned bakeries in Dearborn, Mich., to find out how they would handle his request for a cake.

“Many were very friendly,” he acknowledged, adding that “no one said ‘No, we won’t do it.’”
How was I supposed to know?
"Nevertheless, Crowder said roughly half of all the businesses he visited gave him “the runaround” and suggested he would be better served at another bakery."
Looks like they closed. Maybe the moron will call to confirm: 313-581-9977
yea, IM the moron :poke:

Well you believed the video- so yes you are- for believing this heavily edited video- And so am I- since I didn't check out the website well enough to realize it was for a bakery in Lebanon.

What did the author of the 'video' say?

Exclusive Interview: Behind The Scenes Look At Steven Crowder’s Viral Muslim Bakery Video

Crowder visited a few Muslim-owned bakeries in Dearborn, Mich., to find out how they would handle his request for a cake.

“Many were very friendly,” he acknowledged, adding that “no one said ‘No, we won’t do it.’”
How was I supposed to know?
"Nevertheless, Crowder said roughly half of all the businesses he visited gave him “the runaround” and suggested he would be better served at another bakery."

How were you supposed to know?

I watched the video- saw it was heavily edited- and noticed that there wasn't a single instance on the video of the author asking anyone to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple and have them refuse to bake it.

That inspired me to use Google.

Google worked just fine for me.
Looks like they closed. Maybe the moron will call to confirm: 313-581-9977
yea, IM the moron :poke:

Well you believed the video- so yes you are- for believing this heavily edited video- And so am I- since I didn't check out the website well enough to realize it was for a bakery in Lebanon.

What did the author of the 'video' say?

Exclusive Interview: Behind The Scenes Look At Steven Crowder’s Viral Muslim Bakery Video

Crowder visited a few Muslim-owned bakeries in Dearborn, Mich., to find out how they would handle his request for a cake.

“Many were very friendly,” he acknowledged, adding that “no one said ‘No, we won’t do it.’”
How was I supposed to know?
"Nevertheless, Crowder said roughly half of all the businesses he visited gave him “the runaround” and suggested he would be better served at another bakery."

How were you supposed to know?

I watched the video- saw it was heavily edited- and noticed that there wasn't a single instance on the video of the author asking anyone to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple and have them refuse to bake it.

That inspired me to use Google.

Google worked just fine for me.
LOL Like you know what you were reading? ;)
It's a simple rule Harley. If you live in a locality that has protected groups and you sell a product or provide a service to the public, you can't sell the item to couple A and refuse to sell the EXACT SAME PRODUCT to couple B because they belong to that protected class. Get it?
I always cringe when I see "protected class". It is one of the most racist things I have ever heard of.
I wish they could, though. I long for the day of individual freedom ;)

So you've been cringing since 1964? You poor dear...
It's a simple rule Harley. If you live in a locality that has protected groups and you sell a product or provide a service to the public, you can't sell the item to couple A and refuse to sell the EXACT SAME PRODUCT to couple B because they belong to that protected class. Get it?
I always cringe when I see "protected class". It is one of the most racist things I have ever heard of.
I wish they could, though. I long for the day of individual freedom ;)

So you've been cringing since 1964? You poor dear...
No, since I grew up.
Muslim bakeries refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings VIDEO – media silent

And crickets from the libtards....shocked? I'm not. Sorry butt pirates Muslims rank higher on the the libtard appeasement list.
Not the same. The loser in your video is asking them to write something on the cake which can be refused under the first amendment.

The gay couples just wanted a cake.

Remember that a t-shirt company in Florida won a lawsuit against them where they were being asked to write something pro-gay on shirts. You rubes need to educate yourselves.

Exactly what did they ask to be written that a reasonable person would consider offensive or controversial in the video?

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