Muslim terrorist arrested in Lubbock TX......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
A young college student from Saudi Arabia studying chemical engineering in Texas purchased explosive chemicals over the Internet as part of a plan to hide bomb materials inside dolls and baby carriages to blow up dams, nuclear plants or the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush, the Justice Department said Thursday.

"It is war ... until the infidels leave defeated," the student wrote in online postings.

One of the chemical companies, Carolina Biological Supply of Burlington, N.C., reported suspicious purchases by Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, of Lubbock, Texas, to the FBI on Feb. 1. Within weeks, federal agents had traced his other online purchases, discovered extremist posts he made on the Internet and secretly searched his apartment, computer and e-mail accounts and read his diary, according to court records.

Aldawsari, who was legally in the U.S. on a student visa, was expected to appear in federal court on Friday. He was charged Thursday with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. Aldawsari entered the U.S. in October 2008 from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to study chemical engineering at Texas Tech University, then transferred earlier this year to nearby South Plains College.

The terrorism case against Aldawsari was significant because it demonstrated that radicalized foreigners can live quietly in the U.S. heartland without raising suspicions from neighbors, classmates, teachers or others. But it also showed how quickly U.S. law enforcement can move when tipped that a terrorist plot may be unfolding.

Saudi Man Charged With Plotting Terrorist Attack - ABC News

I currently live in Amarillo.......this one was a bit too close.......
Three threads. Wow. have nothing to contribute, so you go to your reflex mode..........

Bitchy and petty.

Way to go Chlamydia Swirl.

I contributed.... on the first thread. After that, it seems kind of repetitive - and boring - to post the same thing on every thread just because some posters are too stupid to check before starting threads. Whining is not helping your reputation.
Three threads. Wow. have nothing to contribute, so you go to your reflex mode..........

Bitchy and petty.

Way to go Chlamydia Swirl.

I contributed.... on the first thread. After that, it seems kind of repetitive - and boring - to post the same thing on every thread just because some posters are too stupid to check before starting threads. Whining is not helping your reputation. other words, you only contribute to one thread, and any other one that you see on the subject you reward with whiny bitchiness.

Like I said Chlamydia're a one trick pony.

And, I'm surprised you can fit through doorways with an oversize ego like you've got.

What's the matter twat lips, is the reason you're picking fights with me because your dildo is out of batteries?
Well...I for one didn't see the other two threads so this one will suffice.
I'm pretty sure it was too close for comfort for you. And for the rest of the USA. I'm wondering when the other proverbial shoe will be dropped. Our water supplies?
Is it OK if I just repost here what I've already posted?

I wonder why a chemical order by Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari made Carolina Biological "suspicious?"

Where is the ACLU? I smell a Civil Lawsuit against the chemical company for unfairly profiling Mssr. Aldawsari!!!:evil:
Well...I for one didn't see the other two threads so this one will suffice.
I'm pretty sure it was too close for comfort for you. And for the rest of the USA. I'm wondering when the other proverbial shoe will be dropped. Our water supplies?

Actually, to carry off a water supply attack would be harder than you think, because most cities filter and purify their water when it comes into the plant and before it goes out to the city.

What would scare the crap out of me is something like an aircraft (light plane) equipped with cropduster equipment and a whole load of anthrax powder (or worse) going upwind from a city and letting it filter through the town on the breeze.

Besides..........terrorists like bombs better than anything because they blow up, cause lots of fear and panic and are (relatively) easy to assemble.

I don't think they're smart enough to pull off a water supply attack.
Well...I for one didn't see the other two threads so this one will suffice.
I'm pretty sure it was too close for comfort for you. And for the rest of the USA. I'm wondering when the other proverbial shoe will be dropped. Our water supplies?

Actually, to carry off a water supply attack would be harder than you think, because most cities filter and purify their water when it comes into the plant and before it goes out to the city.

What would scare the crap out of me is something like an aircraft (light plane) equipped with cropduster equipment and a whole load of anthrax powder (or worse) going upwind from a city and letting it filter through the town on the breeze.

Besides..........terrorists like bombs better than anything because they blow up, cause lots of fear and panic and are (relatively) easy to assemble.

I don't think they're smart enough to pull off a water supply attack.

meh......there are really simple ways to terrorize, but a public messageboard is probably a pretty stupid place to list them.

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