Muslim Woman was a political plant

People can see whats happening in EU and if you want to make the election about this issue I encourage it....its no lose for us ....every attack here or in EU is another spike in your grave
she wore a "star of david"??? not consistent with the filth of islam-----it was a PERFORMANCE
Shared Symbolism
The six-pointed star is actually a common symbol throughout many different religions, including Islam. Muslims know the hexagram as the Seal of Solomon -- both Solomon and David were prophets, and both are mentioned in the Islamic holy book, the Quran. The hexagram appears in Islamic artifacts and mosques worldwide.

she was wearing it to try and equate the treatment of sand monkeys in the united states to the treatment of jews in Germany during the holocaust.
It is all over the net you fool.

thanks ------love, Fool. da jooo rosie
I had been ill-----just came back to the net-----I WILL SEARCH

I found it. The picture is not entirely clear------the star looks 8 pointed to me and not six pointed. -----supporting my impression that a muslimah slut would not
wear a star of david. The slut is wearing a white rag on her slutty head-----
believe it or not-----under the stink of shariah law-----jews are barred from wearing
white. There is a word printed on the star------I cannot read it-----I doubt that it
is JUDE -------
i did not realize you were so hateful. do you feel good about yourself after calling her a slut?

I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
thanks ------love, Fool. da jooo rosie
I had been ill-----just came back to the net-----I WILL SEARCH

I found it. The picture is not entirely clear------the star looks 8 pointed to me and not six pointed. -----supporting my impression that a muslimah slut would not
wear a star of david. The slut is wearing a white rag on her slutty head-----
believe it or not-----under the stink of shariah law-----jews are barred from wearing
white. There is a word printed on the star------I cannot read it-----I doubt that it
is JUDE -------
i did not realize you were so hateful. do you feel good about yourself after calling her a slut?

I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
wait for it, some liberal will now go back 5000 years to pull a jew killing a non jew to prove the jews cant be trusted and are no better than the muslim animals.
thanks ------love, Fool. da jooo rosie
I had been ill-----just came back to the net-----I WILL SEARCH

I found it. The picture is not entirely clear------the star looks 8 pointed to me and not six pointed. -----supporting my impression that a muslimah slut would not
wear a star of david. The slut is wearing a white rag on her slutty head-----
believe it or not-----under the stink of shariah law-----jews are barred from wearing
white. There is a word printed on the star------I cannot read it-----I doubt that it
is JUDE -------
i did not realize you were so hateful. do you feel good about yourself after calling her a slut?

I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has
I found it. The picture is not entirely clear------the star looks 8 pointed to me and not six pointed. -----supporting my impression that a muslimah slut would not
wear a star of david. The slut is wearing a white rag on her slutty head-----
believe it or not-----under the stink of shariah law-----jews are barred from wearing
white. There is a word printed on the star------I cannot read it-----I doubt that it
is JUDE -------
i did not realize you were so hateful. do you feel good about yourself after calling her a slut?

I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.
I found it. The picture is not entirely clear------the star looks 8 pointed to me and not six pointed. -----supporting my impression that a muslimah slut would not
wear a star of david. The slut is wearing a white rag on her slutty head-----
believe it or not-----under the stink of shariah law-----jews are barred from wearing
white. There is a word printed on the star------I cannot read it-----I doubt that it
is JUDE -------
i did not realize you were so hateful. do you feel good about yourself after calling her a slut?

I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has
so, one person does carry the guilt of their whole society.
by the way, why would a child molesting god worshiper kill anyone for rejecting the teachings of the Torah?
i did not realize you were so hateful. do you feel good about yourself after calling her a slut?

I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.

But would you force-feed them bacon?
I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.

But would you force-feed them bacon?
according to their laws, force feeding them bacon wont keep them from meeting allah when they rightfully die.
In order for it to be a sin they have to willingly and with full knowledge eat the pork on their own.
sneaking it into a meal or force feeding it to them will not be a violation of their religious views.
of course, with bacon you only have to force feed the first bite, the next pound or two is going to be voluntary, who can resist bacon?
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.

But would you force-feed them bacon?
according to their laws, force feeding them bacon wont keep them from meeting allah when they rightfully die.

Then you need to 'splain that to bripat. He seems to think that's a better shibboleth than the existing screening process for refugees.
i did not realize you were so hateful. do you feel good about yourself after calling her a slut?

I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.
that'd be news to the Palestinians
How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.

But would you force-feed them bacon?
according to their laws, force feeding them bacon wont keep them from meeting allah when they rightfully die.

Then you need to 'splain that to bripat. He seems to think that's a better shibboleth than the existing screening process for refugees.

That won't alter the fact that they will more than likely decline to eat bacon.
I call Nazis "sluts" -----you have a problem with that? I am fine with it. Muslims in the USA are not being PERSECUTED-----non muslims ARE
persecuted under the stench of Islamic law
you're no better than those that hate jews for being jews or any other bigot.

i honestly thought you were better than that. i'm sad to realize i was wrong.

How many people have Jews killed because they rejected the teachings of the Torah?
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.
that'd be news to the Palestinians

They get killed because they are vicious murdering thugs, not because of their religion. The Israelis don't give a damn what religion they believe in.
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.

But would you force-feed them bacon?
according to their laws, force feeding them bacon wont keep them from meeting allah when they rightfully die.

Then you need to 'splain that to bripat. He seems to think that's a better shibboleth than the existing screening process for refugees.

That won't alter the fact that they will more than likely decline to eat bacon.

Based on your extensive hands-on research in refugee camps, no doubt. Please present your data here.
more than the protester has

Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.

But would you force-feed them bacon?
according to their laws, force feeding them bacon wont keep them from meeting allah when they rightfully die.

Then you need to 'splain that to bripat. He seems to think that's a better shibboleth than the existing screening process for refugees.

That won't alter the fact that they will more than likely decline to eat bacon.
their declining to eat bacon has little to do with terrorist motives. Terrorist or not, if they believe in and follow their koran, they will not be washing down a bacon sandwich with a shot of Jameson
The ‘Silently Protesting Muslim Woman’ At The Trump Rally Wasn’t Alone
01.11.163:20 AM ET

When Rose Hamid and longtime friend Jibril Hough set out Friday for Rock Hill, S.C., in a 2013 red Camaro, they had a clear mission: to stand up to Donald Trump and his rhetoric on Muslims and immigrants.

They could hardly have predicted how well the night would go. First security at Trump’s rally removed Hough, a convert to Islam and a Charlotte mosque spokesman, when he chanted, “Islam is not the problem!” Then Hamid, 56, was escorted out after she rose to her feet in silent protest—wearing a T-shirt with the message “Salam I come in peace” and a yellow star bearing the word “Muslim” affixed to her chest.

The evening ended with Hamid, a Charlotte flight attendant, on CNN fielding questions from host Don Lemon, a chyron under her image telling the story of her dramatic previous hours: “Muslim woman kicked out of Trump rally.”

Mission accomplished.

But while individual passion and good intentions drive just about any activism and advocacy, the flight attendant’s journey from anonymity to Internet meme wasn’t just the spontaneous protest of a lone “Muslim woman,” as the media are portraying it.

“It is paint-by-number provocation,” said Nancy Snow, author of Information War, propaganda scholar, and professor of public diplomacy at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. “The headline ‘Silently protesting Muslim woman’ is completely misleading. This is clearly orchestrated and designed to serve as counterpropaganda to what is seen as Trump’s anti-Muslim propaganda.”

“The way you get headlines today is to do stunts like this. It’s theater,” she said.

Indeed, the activists behind the protest told The Daily Beast the CNN moment was carefully orchestrated, down to the detail of the flight attendant matching her turquoise-colored headscarf with her T-shirt. The activists are connected by years of local activism post-9/11 on issues including civil liberties, war, Palestine, “Black Lives Matter,” and immigration, and have been working for months on their anti-Trump organizing campaign.

We can call the Rock Hill protesters, who numbered eight activists in total, the Anti-Trump Eight.

“We’ve been working toward this moment for months,” one of the activists, Marty Rosenbluth, 57, an immigration lawyer in Hillsborough, S.C., told The Daily Beast the day after the rally. “Keep in mind that Rosa Parks was not a seamstress on her way home from work who just got tired one day. Her protest was also planned out and well choreographed.”

On Saturday night, as Hamid was waiting for a flight, she told The Daily Beast that she planned out her role in the protest for days in detail, first designing a T-shirt at her son’s clothing business, picking the color blue partly because she had a matching head covering. “I knew, as a woman wearing hijab, that would have impact,” she said.

“Did we go there to cause trouble and get attention?” Hough told The Daily Beast. “There may be some truth to that. Dr. Martin Luther King had to strategize to get media attention. These things are orchestrated.”


After hearing Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric on immigrants and Muslims, the activists decided to launch their first action last month, on Dec. 4, when Trump hosted a rally at Dorton Arena in Raleigh, N.C. Rosenbluth had worked for years with Hough and Edith Garwood of Amnesty International.

They shouted, they screamed, and they got thrown out, but they didn’t get much media attention. An article, “Trump Interrupted Ten Times at North Carolina Rally,” failed to mention their protest.

The activists regrouped for a second shot: a town hall on Dec. 12 at the University of South Carolina campus in Aiken, S.C. Noticing that their shouts were being used as grounds for removal, they decided to turn (mostly) to silent protest. Rosenbluth told the team about an image from Europe that he thought they could use to illustrate their cause: an eight-pointed yellow star that was reminiscent of the six-pointed Star of David that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust. Swiss Muslims had used the yellow star with “Muslim” written across it in protests in 2011, an action that Jewish leaders had protested as offensive appropriation of Holocaust imagery.

Rosenbluth started a Facebook page, “Go Yellow Against Hate,” and the team created its own stars, with “No Racism” and “Stop Islamophobia” written on some. For “the anarchist types,” Rosenbluth uploaded “Go F@*% Yourself, Racist,” with the swear word spelled out.

In Aiken, with the team spread across the venue, turning their backs on the GOP frontrunner in protest, some Trump fans swarmed Hough when he shouted, “Islam is not the enemy! Close Guantanamo!” The yellow star came out. “As Hough was being escorted out, he held up a geometric symbol with the word ‘Muslim’ inscribed on it,” the Charlotte Observer reported. “He said Trump’s recent remarks about banning Muslims from the United States are reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s actions toward Jews.”

On New Year’s Day, Hough took the battle to Trump Tower in Manhattan, where he stood, in yellow-tinted sunglasses, a leather jacket, and a handwritten sign, “Islam is not the enemy.” That protest passed without much media notice.

But then the activists learned they had another shot: a Jan. 8 rally in Rock Hill, S.C. At a Jan. 3 meeting near Amélie’s French Bakery & Café in Charlotte, they cut, laminated, and labeled stars. Hamid wrote in: “Please make me one. I plan to be there.”

The flight attendant, the daughter of a Colombian mother and a Palestinian father, got into her friend’s red Camaro late in the afternoon on Friday. Hough, who converted to Islam in 1991 and rose in the community ranks to become spokesman for the Islamic Center of Charlotte, had come to Islam through hip-hop and was also a former chairman of a controversial organization, the now defunct Islamic Political Party of America.

In line for the Rock Hill rally, Hamid stepped away from her friend so Trump security officials would not spot the two of them together. “I planned to stay as long as possible to create as many connections with people as long as possible,” she told The Daily Beast.

About 5 p.m., Hough posted a photo of himself on Facebook, telling friends, “Already been spotted by the Trump Storm Troopers…”

As the candidate talked about Islamic extremism and said, “We’ve got a problem,” the mosque spokesman shouted out, “Islam isn’t the problem!”

Soon enough, security pulled him out of the rally.

Meanwhile, stage left a bit, Rosenbluth took to Facebook to post a photo of himself with the caption “Guess where I am!”

He had just met Hamid for the first time, though he had known of her for years, and they moved down further than the other five activists. As Hough shouted, Hamid stood up in protest, with Rosenbluth beside her.

In response, security pulled him out and then the flight attendant, finally expelling the row of five remaining activists.

Outside the venue, Rosenbluth updated his Facebook friends: “Once again we got them to disrupt their own rally.”

Later on Facebook, he told Hough: “It was an honor and a pleasure to protest with you sir.”

“I just shut down the Trump rally for the second time,” the mosque spokesman wrote.

A friend from Charlotte joked: “Sorry Jibril, you didnt make CNN yet.”

The Anti-Trump Eight regrouped at a restaurant, where the flight attendant got a call from CNN. Hamid and her friend piled back into the Camaro to return to the rally, where media trucks were lined up. She did the interview, with her friend off camera.

Within an hour of her CNN appearance, Muslim activists and others started spreading the message of the protest, and the flight attendant had become the movement’s own meme: “#RoseHamid #Respect your courage & bravery.”

The Democratic Women of Union County, N.C., proudly announced her as its Monday morning breakfast speaker.

After midnight, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a controversial Washington, D.C.-based Muslim organization, issued a press release with the subject line “CAIR Asks Donald Trump to Apologize to Muslim Woman Abused by Crowd, Kicked Out of Rally.”

But Hamid told The Daily Beast: “It’s not about me. Trump doesn’t need to apologize. I’d like him to reframe his thinking.”

Hough also said an apology wasn’t necessary, though he did call for a new Trump security strategy for dealing “respectfully” with protesters.

Meanwhile, from Australia to India, the image of the flight attendant’s silent protest shot around the world. Unfortunately, as the weekend ended, this round of “agitprop” ended as political theater usually does: with more polarization, partisanship, and trash talk, including the hashtags “#PaidSpokeswomanforIslam and #Hack for the flight attendant—and “#HeilTrump” for the aspiring president.

The ‘Silently Protesting Muslim Woman’ at the Trump Rally Wasn’t Alone
Nope. They have killed zero people because of they reject the teachings of the Torah.

But would you force-feed them bacon?
according to their laws, force feeding them bacon wont keep them from meeting allah when they rightfully die.

Then you need to 'splain that to bripat. He seems to think that's a better shibboleth than the existing screening process for refugees.

That won't alter the fact that they will more than likely decline to eat bacon.
their declining to eat bacon has little to do with terrorist motives. Terrorist or not, if they believe in and follow their koran, they will not be washing down a bacon sandwich with a shot of Jameson
They can do so, if it is necessary, and they will get into Jannah.
The so called muslim woman who was escorted out of a trump rally was a plant because she was wearing a star. That is a political tactic that was already established by some liberals and the woman speaks pretty affluent English. Where is the accent?

Believe it or not, there are Muslims in this country that don't have accents--LOL Sweet baby Jesus just how stupid can you people be? It doesn't matter if this woman was a plant, which btw is a rumor. The point is it showed the Ignorant & Angry all WHITE mob that support Donald Trump. Be assured that if Trump is the nominee of this party, you're gonna see a lot of replays of this used by the Democrat party to show the IGNORANCE and HATE of the Reich wing of the Republican party.

Here is the video again, make certain to watch the whole thing, when Kasich starts to remark. You'll note the crowd noise when this non threatening woman was escorted out. And you'll see the two angry fat male slobs get right in her face.
Muslim woman ejected from Trump rally speaks out - CNN Video

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