Muslim Woman was a political plant

Whether you think she did or not........if she's president of a muslim org. confidence is high she is sharia fan
She is. I posted a link earlier. She was campaigning for the governor in NC to veto A bill that would prohibit the state from considering 'foreign' laws, Muslims in the state decided this was an anti sharia bill. Why would anyone do that if they wanted to ensure there would be no sharia where they live?
Lol. This woman is not only against free speech and wants shariah law, but she also campaigns against Christmas carols. Awwww, bless.

“North Carolinians are no strangers to the ‘C-word,’ either. At a recent Charlotte-Mecklenberg school meeting of parents, Rose Hamid, who heads a group called Muslim Women of the Carolinas, expressed her enthusiasm for censoring ‘Silent Night’ in the schools. She won. ‘Joy to the World’ was similarly banned, though apparently the parents were stumped on what to do about ‘Jingle Bells’: some said it was okay, but others were smart enough to say that the song is still linked to Christmas.

she wants sharia law? link?

I don't think so.

If she really wanted sharia, she would be living in saudi arabia rather than the US...
If she really wants sharia, she should be living in saudi arabia rather than the US :)
Well, she campaigned for the governor of NC to veto an 'anti sharia' (worded anti 'foreign') law bill. So make of that what you will.
Interesting. This is the comment on the facebook page of the guy who was with Ms Hamid at the rally. Lots of congrats to him.

In a Facebook post on Friday Rosenbluth wrote: “We are all out and safe. Once again we got them to disrupt their own rally."...

Rosenbluth was removed last month from a Trump rally in South Carolina, when he also wore the yellow Muslim badge.

All orchestrated with CAIR and CNN, no doubt.

Silently protesting Muslim woman, Jewish man, kicked out of Trump rally
An interesting article you might want to read in full. The beginning details that universities have become very sensitive about cultural appropriation and gives examples of this issue in action. Doesn't seem to apply to Jews though, not in this instance anyway.
So, I guess it's clear where the Ms Hamid et al got their incredibly insulting idea from:

Badge of shame for University of San Diego professor

.....[A]University of San Diego religious studies professor, Bahar Davary, out of concern about growing anti-Muslim rhetoric in the USA decided to have her students and other faculty members wear around the USD campus a yellow Star of David marked with the word “Muslim” as well as a crescent moon symbol associated with Islam in order to “invite a conversation” (as Professor Davary indicated in the Times of San Diego article).

While I am all for “starting conversations” about important subjects, and for combatting racism, bigotry and unlawful discrimination, it is deeply offensive that Professor Davary and some of her colleagues at the University of San Diego elected to engage in such blatant cultural appropriation. As Professor Davary should know (as a professor of theology and religious studies), the yellow badge (or yellow patch), also referred to as the “Jewish badge,” called in German the Judenstern(literally, the “Jews’ star”), was a cloth patch or armband that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments to mark them as Jews, and as a “badge of shame” at certain times in different countries since the year 700 A.D.

The yellow badge of shame, or yellow Star of David, that Professor Davary elected to appropriate to help make her point, has a long and terrible history that is unique to the Jewish people, which in and of itself makes Professor Davary’s actions offensive and insensitive. Anti-Muslim bigotry certainly deserves condemnation as do all forms of xenophobia and bigotry. And legitimate concerns about Islamist extremism and Islamist-based terrorism should never be used as an excuse for vilifying or discriminating against Muslims. This important point, however, does not give anyone the license to appropriate Jewish history (let alone to try and invoke in the minds of many people the industrial-scale genocide that Nazi Germany inflicted on Jews during WWII).

Moreover, while many people today solely associate the yellow badge or Star of David with the Nazis and the Holocaust, the yellow badge of shame was first required for Jews to wear by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in the early 8th century in Baghdad in order to separate and distinguish Jews from the Muslim majority. The practice was reissued and reinforced by Caliph Al-Mutawakkil (847–61A.D.), and remained in force for centuries thereafter throughout the Middle East by Muslim dictators in order to oppress and shame Jews as “Dhimmi.”

It is also a historical fact that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, was a big supporter and fan of Hitler, and that sadly much of the Muslim world today is a veritable hotbed of anti-Semitic propaganda, incitement to violence and agitation. In most Arab countries today, Jews are routinely demonized and defamed, and the ancient Jewish communities in almost all Muslim areas throughout the Middle East and North Africa were subject to vicious pogroms, discrimination and expulsion from 1941 through 1952. In Algeria, the closest thing in the Arab world today to a functioning democracy, and where there are almost no Jews left due to rampant state sanctioned pogroms and discrimination from the 1930’s through the 1960’s, the Algerian Army on November 1, 2015 – in honor of Algeria’s Revolution Day -marched to repeated chants of “Oh Arab, oh sons of Arabs, march on, march on, and turn your guns towards the Jews, in order to kill them, slaughter them, and skin them!” [see here].

In many places in Europe today (where one sadly cannot even blame the demagoguery of dictators or the state control of the media), Jews cannot walk the streets while displaying any Jewish symbol (such as the Star of David) or even traditional Jewish attire, for fear of harassment and even assault (primarily by young Muslims). In France and Belgium over the last 10 years many Jews and Jewish institutions have been targeted for violence, and sadly many Jews have been murdered solely because of their religion, all by people claiming inspiration to commit these heinous acts in the name of Islam.

Thus, while it is plainly wrong to tar or target all members of a religion for the actions of some of their co-religionists; and statements that call for the “banning” of Muslims or ascribing any particular evil to Muslims are simply abhorrent, the history of the yellow badge of shame and the fact that it was first devised and used for centuries by Muslim dictators in order to demonize and discriminate against Jews makes the cultural appropriation by Professor Davary even more appalling. And if Professor Davary really wants to “start a conversation,” than that conversation should include an honest discussion about the terrible role that Muslim dictatorships have had throughout history in perpetuating vile, vicious, and mendacious Jew hatred and discrimination (which sadly continues in most Muslim dictatorships and in many Muslim communities in Europe to this very day)....

Badge of shame for University of San Diego professor
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This is a classic example of why Trump and his followers are loons.

Also ironic in that all the neocons who love the moron that is Trump are always rattling on about how 'free' America is yet chuck this woman out of a rally. Nice freedom there loons...
The so called muslim woman who was escorted out of a trump rally was a plant because she was wearing a star. That is a political tactic that was already established by some liberals and the woman speaks pretty affluent English. Where is the accent?
This statement displays such a profound ignorance on so many levels that it can only be described as completely fucking stupid.
This is a classic example of why Trump and his followers are loons.

Also ironic in that all the neocons who love the moron that is Trump are always rattling on about how 'free' America is yet chuck this woman out of a rally. Nice freedom there loons...

The Donald has already stepped on his weenie....or pecker as is referred to by some. He's gonna build a "GREAT" wall to keep out Hispanics. It's obvious Blacks and Gays don't fit his plans. Most young people are laughing at his foolish ass and the only real support he will ever have is about one third of the electorate. That won't get him elected.
The so called muslim woman who was escorted out of a trump rally was a plant because she was wearing a star. That is a political tactic that was already established by some liberals and the woman speaks pretty affluent English. Where is the accent?
This statement displays such a profound ignorance on so many levels that it can only be described as completely fucking stupid.

You Silver Tongued Devil You!!

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The Donald has already stepped on his weenie....or pecker as is referred to by some. He's gonna build a "GREAT" wall to keep out Hispanics. It's obvious Blacks and Gays don't fit his plans. Most young people are laughing at his foolish ass and the only real support he will ever have is about one third of the electorate. That won't get him elected.

Build a wall? yeah, build a 2000 mile wall Trumpie. That won't cost much....
The Donald has already stepped on his weenie....or pecker as is referred to by some. He's gonna build a "GREAT" wall to keep out Hispanics. It's obvious Blacks and Gays don't fit his plans. Most young people are laughing at his foolish ass and the only real support he will ever have is about one third of the electorate. That won't get him elected.

Build a wall? yeah, build a 2000 mile wall Trumpie. That won't cost much....

Not to worry......he claims that he will make Mexico pay for it!

Donald Trump: Mexico will pay for wall because I say -
The Donald has already stepped on his weenie....or pecker as is referred to by some. He's gonna build a "GREAT" wall to keep out Hispanics. It's obvious Blacks and Gays don't fit his plans. Most young people are laughing at his foolish ass and the only real support he will ever have is about one third of the electorate. That won't get him elected.

Build a wall? yeah, build a 2000 mile wall Trumpie. That won't cost much....
will cost less than the care of the illegals and the money they send back across the border.
I don't care who or what you are. you come to a rally that people stood in line for hours to go see the person speaking and you want to make an ass of yourself. I personally would help security throw your stinking ass out. you aren't RESERVED the right to be an ass and crap all over those who are there for the event. so shut up and go protest out in cold you cowards
The Donald has already stepped on his weenie....or pecker as is referred to by some. He's gonna build a "GREAT" wall to keep out Hispanics. It's obvious Blacks and Gays don't fit his plans. Most young people are laughing at his foolish ass and the only real support he will ever have is about one third of the electorate. That won't get him elected.

Build a wall? yeah, build a 2000 mile wall Trumpie. That won't cost much....
will cost less than the care of the illegals and the money they send back across the border.

that is certainly the case in your imagination.
will cost less than the care of the illegals and the money they send back across the border.

Link to your costings....
do the math.
the wall is estimated to cost 2.4 billion to build.
Illegal Immigration: The Cost to Build Wall on U.S.-Mexico Border

newsman is not a legitimate source.

Now that's a pretty piss-poor lame-ass attempt...

At comparing a Trump rally to a religious service? I agree. But you did, and I thought I'd give you a chance to explain yourself. Obviously you can't.
There's nothing to explain... largely because I said nor implied no such thing...

You compared the rally to a Muslim religious service, then apparently realize it was a stupid thing to do and now you're tap-dancing. Continue. It's fun to watch.
Incorrect. Put down the bong.

Ah, so you haven't realized it was a stupid thing to do. Guess I gave you too much credit.
The trouble with that is, that I did no such thing; you merely interpreted it that way. Pfffttt.
Muslim woman removed from Trump rally used CNN to coordinate her spectacle Hamid is the co-founder and president of Muslim Women of the Carolinas and writes a column for The Charlotte Observer about her faith, according to the Daily Mail. Muslim woman removed from Trump rally used CNN to coordinate her spectacle | BizPac Review
she didn't make a spectacle.
She didn't need to.

Trump proposes halting the flow of Muslim immigration into this country.

The piece-of-shit in question chose to confront Trump and his supporters in their own lair.

And she got her raggedy ass tossed out for her trouble.

Funny, funny stuff.
I don't care who or what you are. you come to a rally that people stood in line for hours to go see the person speaking and you want to make an ass of yourself. I personally would help security throw your stinking ass out. you aren't RESERVED the right to be an ass and crap all over those who are there for the event. so shut up and go protest out in cold you cowards

unless of course it's some rightwingnut loser invading democratic politicians' speeches.

i remember you cheering when people were rude to the president.

poor vile steffie
of course they were. Democrats never play fair and clean. they are the expert when it comes to dirty politics. ALSO people need to wake up to these LAMEstream medias in bed with this Democrat party. the party plants their plants and their lapdog media REPORTS it.

Who can forget Democrats sueing to make sure Military votes in Florida did not count in the 2000 Election and still cry that Bush somehow stole the election despite investigation after investigation that proves it was legitimate victory for Bush.

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