Muslim Woman was a political plant

Then he should try learning about his subject matter before he presumes to post about it.

you should try a bit of reading comprehension

What I comprehend is that he compared a Trump rally to a Muslim extremists' religious meeting.

IMO, he's got a point. The similarities are remarkable.

IMO-----you are a P I A

Brilliant rebuttal.

nothing brilliant about it------just accurate

Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?
Now that's a pretty piss-poor lame-ass attempt...

At comparing a Trump rally to a religious service? I agree. But you did, and I thought I'd give you a chance to explain yourself. Obviously you can't.
There's nothing to explain... largely because I said nor implied no such thing...

You compared the rally to a Muslim religious service, then apparently realize it was a stupid thing to do and now you're tap-dancing. Continue. It's fun to watch.
Incorrect. Put down the bong, mahhhnnn...
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News

The ROSE HAMID bitch is audacity INCARNATE . How many of the KAFFIRAH
ladies have machine gunned office parties lately? of what are muslimahs
My god, you are out of control with hate for this woman.
they probably should, but then you also know that's a false analogy.

burning korans in front of mosques is offensive and threatening. they were just standing in the crowd.

wrong-----they were doing something very offensive------MOCKING THE VICTIMS

Lets get the facts straight;

You hate a group of people based on their religion
You support religious extremist terrorist groups in the mid east
And against a secular regime

That makes YOU the NAZI...


try again-----I despise NAZIS and that which they do. I am also in agreement with people who do not accept the display of the CONFEDERATE FLAG at
government buildings or schools etc in Dixie states. Such displays are offensive ----FOR GOOD REASON to some people. It would be offensive to the survivors
or the relatives of survivors that an islamo Nazi slut wears something that sorta looks like a star of david-----in the color yellow (the same color that islamo Nazi muslims imposed on jews by shariah law) as a "demonstration" of her imaginary
suffering. I consider the actions of the muslimah slut to be OFFENSIVE. I
should add that my own husband was born in a classical Islamic shariah cesspit.
The Islamic filth imposed on his community for more than 1000 years is something against which to DEMONSTRATE----but he won't nor would other members of his
you hate someone based on nothing more than religion. nazi.

not true-------I have socialized with LOTS AND LOTS of muslims------and hindus and catholics and protestants and even jews-----and others. The bitch got away with
far too much in her practiced disdain and attempt to make untrue claims. Where are the concentration camps? Syrian refugees have their PICK of DOZENS of
muslim countries in the Middle east------who is stopping them?
Do you consider the Muslims you socialize with as friends? Maybe you don't have contact with them anymore? I am just curious as to how they feel about your opinions on their religion. I have a lot of Muslims friends. Some are very close. I doubt any of them would remain my friend if I said the things I see you posting.
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News

The ROSE HAMID bitch is audacity INCARNATE . How many of the KAFFIRAH
ladies have machine gunned office parties lately? of what are muslimahs
My god, you are out of control with hate for this woman.

You call someone a "bitch" 100 times, means you are in love with her.

I know from my old gf...
I read somewhere earlier today that this was a set up between Ms Hamid and the programme that interviewed her (?CNN) and that the interview actually took place before she attended the rally. I will try to find the article. The claim seemed a bit far fetched and I dismissed it. But I was looking at this Daily Mail article, and in one pic there doesn't seem to be any writing on her hijab, nor a yellow 8 pointed 'star', then in another pic, there is. Strange. Did she change her clothes? Did she write on them during the rally?

Scroll down for video


Gone: Rose Hamid (above in teal shirt behind Trump) was kicked out of Donald Trump's
So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?

your reply is silly, The slut in the burka was not just "existing" She was there
to SPIT on the victims of her own genocidal ideology
why do you keep calling that woman a slut. You don't know her. And she did no spitting. But she sure was the adult in that group....perhaps that's what's angering people.
Check it out. Mein Kampf is translated into Arabic and other languages and is a best seller in Saudi, Turkey and Bangladesh to name a few. Even though there are lower literacy rates in such places, one can still count which books sell the best.

Not before it was translated into English. And I'm sure you can prove your claim about book sales in those countries.

probably not. probably English first---------your point?

Tilly seems to think it's some sort of "Gotcha." She likes to make specious claims (e.g., book sales in Arabic-speaking countries) and then pitching a hissy when asked for she's done here.
Yes...I'm sure it's all an evil moooslim conspiracy.....has to be anything but people behaving badly.
she wore a "star of david"??? not consistent with the filth of islam-----it was a PERFORMANCE

Ironic post. Didn't the Nazis enjoy calling Jews the 'filthy Jew bastards'?

I do not know how to say "bastard" in german. In general Nazis used
terms for jews equivalent to the terms that muslims have used for the past
1400 years. ------muslim bastards use terms----like "dog, bitch, pig, sow----
just about the only Arabic words I know......... I do not know bastard in Arabic
either. Were you trying to make a point?
Ok, the above post came out a garbled mess. So, I'll try again. spot the difference:

Scroll down for video


Gone: Rose Hamid (above in teal shirt behind Trump) was kicked out of Donald Trump's event in Rock Hill, South Carolina on Friday night


Reason: Hamid, who sat directly behind Trump, stood in silent protest when he suggested that Syrian refugees had ties to ISIS
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?

your reply is silly, The slut in the burka was not just "existing" She was there
to SPIT on the victims of her own genocidal ideology
why do you keep calling that woman a slut. You don't know her. And she did no spitting. But she sure was the adult in that group....perhaps that's what's angering people.
Check it out. Mein Kampf is translated into Arabic and other languages and is a best seller in Saudi, Turkey and Bangladesh to name a few. Even though there are lower literacy rates in such places, one can still count which books sell the best.

Not before it was translated into English. And I'm sure you can prove your claim about book sales in those countries.

probably not. probably English first---------your point?

Tilly seems to think it's some sort of "Gotcha." She likes to make specious claims (e.g., book sales in Arabic-speaking countries) and then pitching a hissy when asked for she's done here.
Well. I'm not normally so vulgar, but if you insist.
Last edited:
Ok, the above post came out a garbled mess. So, I'll try again. spot the difference:

Scroll down for video


Gone: Rose Hamid (above in teal shirt behind Trump) was kicked out of Donald Trump's event in Rock Hill, South Carolina on Friday night


Reason: Hamid, who sat directly behind Trump, stood in silent protest when he suggested that Syrian refugees had ties to ISIS
And what makes you think that that first pic wasn't doctored too?
wrong-----they were doing something very offensive------MOCKING THE VICTIMS

Lets get the facts straight;

You hate a group of people based on their religion
You support religious extremist terrorist groups in the mid east
And against a secular regime

That makes YOU the NAZI...


try again-----I despise NAZIS and that which they do. I am also in agreement with people who do not accept the display of the CONFEDERATE FLAG at
government buildings or schools etc in Dixie states. Such displays are offensive ----FOR GOOD REASON to some people. It would be offensive to the survivors
or the relatives of survivors that an islamo Nazi slut wears something that sorta looks like a star of david-----in the color yellow (the same color that islamo Nazi muslims imposed on jews by shariah law) as a "demonstration" of her imaginary
suffering. I consider the actions of the muslimah slut to be OFFENSIVE. I
should add that my own husband was born in a classical Islamic shariah cesspit.
The Islamic filth imposed on his community for more than 1000 years is something against which to DEMONSTRATE----but he won't nor would other members of his
you hate someone based on nothing more than religion. nazi.

not true-------I have socialized with LOTS AND LOTS of muslims------and hindus and catholics and protestants and even jews-----and others. The bitch got away with
far too much in her practiced disdain and attempt to make untrue claims. Where are the concentration camps? Syrian refugees have their PICK of DOZENS of
muslim countries in the Middle east------who is stopping them?

Do you consider the Muslims you socialize with as friends? Maybe you don't have contact with them anymore? I am just curious as to how they feel about your opinions on their religion. I have a lot of Muslims friends. Some are very close. I doubt any of them would remain my friend if I said the things I see you posting.

no---not anymore, I was very young and very polite-------I listened to what
they had to say on the issue of religion and ideologies--------If I had responded----they would not have told me as much as they did. I actually wanted to know.
It interested me because I had read the Nazi literature promulgated in the USA
when I was a child and way back then I was interested in "other cultures" Some of the Nazi literature, post world war I, was written in muslim countries by Nazi
war criminals-----a few of those criminals even converted to islam. It became
clear to me that kids educated in several muslim countries get that stuff
in grammar school. I was young before 1979----AT that time Iranians were not
into the Nazi stuff. ----------the most virulent back then were Pakistanis (in my
experience------which did not include a sampling from EVERY muslim country)
As to islam as a religion-----my husband is a surviving DHIMMI, thus I have a
perspective you lack. Thru my work I also interacted with Christians from muslim
countries and so got THEIR perspective Muslims I
have known at work-----who had no idea who hubby was-----denied the issue of
dhimmia--------as if it does not exist and never existed, If the development of
ISIS surprised you, then you do not know islam. It did not surprise me at all.
It you are surprised that young kids JOIN UP----from England and the USA and
various muslim countries-----then you know nothing about islam
Lol. This woman is not only against free speech and wants shariah law, but she also campaigns against Christmas carols. Awwww, bless.

“North Carolinians are no strangers to the ‘C-word,’ either. At a recent Charlotte-Mecklenberg school meeting of parents, Rose Hamid, who heads a group called Muslim Women of the Carolinas, expressed her enthusiasm for censoring ‘Silent Night’ in the schools. She won. ‘Joy to the World’ was similarly banned, though apparently the parents were stumped on what to do about ‘Jingle Bells’: some said it was okay, but others were smart enough to say that the song is still linked to Christmas.

she wants sharia law? link?
Lol. This woman is not only against free speech and wants shariah law, but she also campaigns against Christmas carols. Awwww, bless.

“North Carolinians are no strangers to the ‘C-word,’ either. At a recent Charlotte-Mecklenberg school meeting of parents, Rose Hamid, who heads a group called Muslim Women of the Carolinas, expressed her enthusiasm for censoring ‘Silent Night’ in the schools. She won. ‘Joy to the World’ was similarly banned, though apparently the parents were stumped on what to do about ‘Jingle Bells’: some said it was okay, but others were smart enough to say that the song is still linked to Christmas.

she wants sharia law? link?

I don't think so.

If she really wanted sharia, she would be living in saudi arabia rather than the US...
If she really wants sharia, she should be living in saudi arabia rather than the US :)
Lol. This woman is not only against free speech and wants shariah law, but she also campaigns against Christmas carols. Awwww, bless.

“North Carolinians are no strangers to the ‘C-word,’ either. At a recent Charlotte-Mecklenberg school meeting of parents, Rose Hamid, who heads a group called Muslim Women of the Carolinas, expressed her enthusiasm for censoring ‘Silent Night’ in the schools. She won. ‘Joy to the World’ was similarly banned, though apparently the parents were stumped on what to do about ‘Jingle Bells’: some said it was okay, but others were smart enough to say that the song is still linked to Christmas.

she wants sharia law? link?

I don't think so.

If she really wanted sharia, she would be living in saudi arabia rather than the US...
If she really wants sharia, she should be living in saudi arabia rather than the US :)
i just wanted to point out that tilly was a liar. she has no reason to believe that the woman either wants sharia or that she is against free speech.

but that's the rightwingers in this thread. either liars or bigots or more often both.
Whether you think she did or not........if she's president of a muslim org. confidence is high she is sharia fan
She is president of the nonprofit Muslim Women of the Carolinas. Their Facebook page is here. She and is associated with several groups, including the Muslim American Society(MAS) of NC, CAIR, and the Islamic Society of Charlotte. We reported several years ago on that the MAS is a front for the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR is an internationally recognized terrorist organization. The Islamic Society of Charlotte has ties to the infamous Holy Land Foundation Terrorist Financing case, as has been reported by the Carolina Journal Online: Rose Hamid Is Another Terrorist Supporting Muslim Masquerading As A Good American - Walid Shoebat
So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?
Now that's a pretty piss-poor lame-ass attempt...

At comparing a Trump rally to a religious service? I agree. But you did, and I thought I'd give you a chance to explain yourself. Obviously you can't.
There's nothing to explain... largely because I said nor implied no such thing...

You compared the rally to a Muslim religious service, then apparently realize it was a stupid thing to do and now you're tap-dancing. Continue. It's fun to watch.
Incorrect. Put down the bong.

Ah, so you haven't realized it was a stupid thing to do. Guess I gave you too much credit.

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