Muslim Woman was a political plant

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?

your reply is silly, The slut in the burka was not just "existing" She was there
to SPIT on the victims of her own genocidal ideology
why do you keep calling that woman a slut. You don't know her. And she did no spitting. But she sure was the adult in that group....perhaps that's what's angering people.
Check it out. Mein Kampf is translated into Arabic and other languages and is a best seller in Saudi, Turkey and Bangladesh to name a few. Even though there are lower literacy rates in such places, one can still count which books sell the best.

Not before it was translated into English. And I'm sure you can prove your claim about book sales in those countries.

probably not. probably English first---------your point?

Tilly seems to think it's some sort of "Gotcha." She likes to make specious claims (e.g., book sales in Arabic-speaking countries) and then pitching a hissy when asked for she's done here.

Tilly happens to be right. That which she posted is common knowledge
MUSLIM populations--------not just Arabic speaking people

Prove it.
Do you know what an analogy is?

English is my mother-tongue I was born in the USA. The Trump rally involved
lots of people who support Trump-----they are a group which harbor some
values HELD IN COMMON-------analogous to a mosque which contains group of
people which harbor some values HELD IN COMMON

So you agree the rally was analogous to a religious ceremony.

no-------I said that the poster was describing a GROUP------of persons holding
some views in common.

But he specifically made a comparison with a religious group. Why do you imagine he did that?

he had a bit of trouble thinking up a way to describe a group of muslims.

Then he should try learning about his subject matter before he presumes to post about it.
English is my mother-tongue I was born in the USA. The Trump rally involved
lots of people who support Trump-----they are a group which harbor some
values HELD IN COMMON-------analogous to a mosque which contains group of
people which harbor some values HELD IN COMMON

So you agree the rally was analogous to a religious ceremony.

no-------I said that the poster was describing a GROUP------of persons holding
some views in common.

But he specifically made a comparison with a religious group. Why do you imagine he did that?

he had a bit of trouble thinking up a way to describe a group of muslims.

Then he should try learning about his subject matter before he presumes to post about it.

you should try a bit of reading comprehension
Mein Kampf a hit on Dhaka streets

Booksellers touting their wares amid the heavy traffic in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, have discovered an unusual best-seller.

Adolf Hitler's autobiography manifesto Mein Kampf is selling as well as as Dan Brown's latest novel, The Lost Symbol.
The street vendors in Dhaka are found at every major road junction and intersection.

Most of the sellers are young boys and many compete with beggars to attract the attention of motorists.

Last week, Mein Kampf did unusually well because many bought the book to give it away as an Eid present.

BBC News - Mein Kampf a hit on Dhaka streets

Wow! Absolutely fascinating!

I am very glad I know this now.
So you agree the rally was analogous to a religious ceremony.

no-------I said that the poster was describing a GROUP------of persons holding
some views in common.

But he specifically made a comparison with a religious group. Why do you imagine he did that?

he had a bit of trouble thinking up a way to describe a group of muslims.

Then he should try learning about his subject matter before he presumes to post about it.

you should try a bit of reading comprehension

What I comprehend is that he compared a Trump rally to a Muslim extremists' religious meeting.

IMO, he's got a point. The similarities are remarkable.
no-------I said that the poster was describing a GROUP------of persons holding
some views in common.

But he specifically made a comparison with a religious group. Why do you imagine he did that?

he had a bit of trouble thinking up a way to describe a group of muslims.

Then he should try learning about his subject matter before he presumes to post about it.

you should try a bit of reading comprehension

What I comprehend is that he compared a Trump rally to a Muslim extremists' religious meeting.

IMO, he's got a point. The similarities are remarkable.

IMO-----you are a P I A
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News
Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

The book, originally translated in the 1960s and revived by Bisan, a Lebanese publisher in the 1990s, has a picture of Hitler and a swastika on the cover ...

Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic
But he specifically made a comparison with a religious group. Why do you imagine he did that?

he had a bit of trouble thinking up a way to describe a group of muslims.

Then he should try learning about his subject matter before he presumes to post about it.

you should try a bit of reading comprehension

What I comprehend is that he compared a Trump rally to a Muslim extremists' religious meeting.

IMO, he's got a point. The similarities are remarkable.

IMO-----you are a P I A

Brilliant rebuttal.
Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

The book, originally translated in the 1960s and revived by Bisan, a Lebanese publisher in the 1990s, has a picture of Hitler and a swastika on the cover ...

Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic

See? Knew you could do it.
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News

The ROSE HAMID bitch is audacity INCARNATE . How many of the KAFFIRAH
ladies have machine gunned office parties lately? of what are muslimahs
Last edited:
he had a bit of trouble thinking up a way to describe a group of muslims.

Then he should try learning about his subject matter before he presumes to post about it.

you should try a bit of reading comprehension

What I comprehend is that he compared a Trump rally to a Muslim extremists' religious meeting.

IMO, he's got a point. The similarities are remarkable.

IMO-----you are a P I A

Brilliant rebuttal.

nothing brilliant about it------just accurate
Ms. Hamid is likening herself to a “persecuted minority” in a non-Muslim country using the very same imagery that her own co-religionists used to persecute and exterminate non-Muslims.

That is about as respectful as a Turk asking an Armenian to “get over” the Armenian Genocide without an apology (which they still have not apologized for).

Rose Hamid Is Another Terrorist Supporting Muslim Masquerading As A Good American - Walid Shoebat
Damn! She's so evil!!!!!

You can always tell by their appearance:



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Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

The book, originally translated in the 1960s and revived by Bisan, a Lebanese publisher in the 1990s, has a picture of Hitler and a swastika on the cover ...

Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic

See? Knew you could do it.
I di it for Alpine. He's not a whiney jerk.
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News
"I wanted people, Muslims to know that we have an opportunity to be visible right now," she said. "A lot of Muslims are afraid, with good reason. I can understand why you'd have the gut reaction to retreat."

I wish she was speaking for the non-muslims,... well, non-sunnis, in other parts of the world who are being butchered by sunnis and being supported by sunnis too....
I think she is comfortable enough in this country...

Crowd Cheers as Muslim Protester Gets Kicked Out of Trump Rally in South Carolina | VICE News

The ROSE HAMID bitch is audacity INCARNATE . How many of the KAFFIRAH
ideologies have machine gunned office parties lately? of what are muslimahs

Why do you keep calling her a bitch? You dont know her. Maybe she is a nice lady.

I know some scared muslims in this country.
I know some muslims are scared to walk into a mosque.
Because people running those mosques look exactly like the butchers in Syria, you see on your tv or interwebs every fucking day. A beard, no mustache, a towel on the head, wearing a curtain...

Even muslims are scared of some certain type of muslims in this country......
Mein Kampf a hit on Dhaka streets

Booksellers touting their wares amid the heavy traffic in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, have discovered an unusual best-seller.

Adolf Hitler's autobiography manifesto Mein Kampf is selling as well as as Dan Brown's latest novel, The Lost Symbol.
The street vendors in Dhaka are found at every major road junction and intersection.

Most of the sellers are young boys and many compete with beggars to attract the attention of motorists.

Last week, Mein Kampf did unusually well because many bought the book to give it away as an Eid present.

BBC News - Mein Kampf a hit on Dhaka streets

Wow! Absolutely fascinating!

I am very glad I know this now.
I am very glad you're glad.
"muslims are such liars"

in your own words...

oh------you admit you lied. good of you. It is important to speak to people
in the terms THEY UNDERSTAND. I often use terms muslims use when
talking to them. Calling people "LIARS" is virtually HOLY in mosques.
I told you that I have socialized with muslims-----in fact so much that I got
invited to experience the glories of -----mosques. Mosque Friday koran
recitation and prayer thing includes a kind of sermon ---"-Khutbah Jumaat"
The first glorious experience I had-----about 45 years ago was on a GOOD
FRIDAY (the Christian holiday) in Manhattan, NY The theme of the
KHUTBAH JUMAAAT-----was ---of all things GOOD FRIDAY---the sermon
was done in English. -----with a very Arabic accent---my hosts were muslims
from southeast asia (they didn't know Arabic either) The sermon was devoted
to trashing Christians who are "PERVERSE LIARS" and "ENEMEEEES OF
ISLAAAAM" no one flinched (except me)

No, calling a group of people "liars" because of their religion, makes you a NAZI, because this indicates how hateful you are against them, because of their religion.

Calling christians "liars" because of their religion, makes all of those muslims in that mosque NAZIS, and their religion a NAZI religion.

So at the end of the day, you are no better than a NAZI MUSLIM PIECE OF SHIT, which most of them are...

I guess you have socialized with them more than what you were supposed to.

Holocaust denial is an international pastime for Islamists, and Mein
Kampf is extremely popular in Muslim majority countries, best seller in fact.

I agree, regarding islamists being holocaust deniers.

But disagree Mein Kampf being a popular book in any muslim majority country.
They barely read any books, let alone Mein Kampf.

If they had the habit of reading, it would be a much different story for mid east, for sure...

It did take printing press 300 years to make its way to mid east, after being re-invented in the west...
Check it out. Mein Kampf is translated into Arabic and other languages and is a best seller in Saudi, Turkey and Bangladesh to name a few. Even though there are lower literacy rates in such places, one can still count which books sell the best.

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