Muslim Woman was a political plant are a bigoted nazi


Ol' Rosie was just talkin' trash about an Enemy Camp Follower...

Here are some Nazis...

Coming soon, to a madrassa near you (if we're dumb enough to let you talk us into it)...

Americans gave that salute to the American flag until WW2.
Nice try at deflection...


Fucking Moral Relativists...



Plant or not, she was Shit-Stirring, and didn't last long...
By existing? Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?

your reply is silly, The slut in the burka was not just "existing" She was there
to SPIT on the victims of her own genocidal ideology

Prove it.
Plant or not, she was Shit-Stirring, and didn't last long...
By existing? Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?
Now that's a pretty piss-poor lame-ass attempt...

At comparing a Trump rally to a religious service? I agree. But you did, and I thought I'd give you a chance to explain yourself. Obviously you can't.
That Trumpsters and Trumpettes never heard the one about yelling fire in a crowded theater? Or that you're all a bunch of fraidy-cats?
Is it against the law if you think there is a fire?

Normal people base their thinking on evidence.

Stupid people freak out in the absence of evidence.

Everyone who entered the venue had to pass through extensive security screenings.

Unless someone beamed her in, this woman could not have been carrying a bomb.

Some asshole yelled "She's got a bomb!" and the Stoopids reacted.
Go petition to have them charged then. Good luck :)

Unfortunately, Stoopid seems to be a protected class in this country.
Hmmm. I can see it's done you no favours. You are sooooo naive.

British, Canadian, Ozzie, or are you just a poor speller?
Plant or not, she was Shit-Stirring, and didn't last long...
By existing? Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?

your reply is silly, The slut in the burka was not just "existing" She was there
to SPIT on the victims of her own genocidal ideology
Lol. This woman is not only against free speech and wants shariah law, but she also campaigns against Christmas carols. Awwww, bless.

“North Carolinians are no strangers to the ‘C-word,’ either. At a recent Charlotte-Mecklenberg school meeting of parents, Rose Hamid, who heads a group called Muslim Women of the Carolinas, expressed her enthusiasm for censoring ‘Silent Night’ in the schools. She won. ‘Joy to the World’ was similarly banned, though apparently the parents were stumped on what to do about ‘Jingle Bells’: some said it was okay, but others were smart enough to say that the song is still linked to Christmas.

Plant or not, she was Shit-Stirring, and didn't last long...
By existing? Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?

your reply is silly, The slut in the burka was not just "existing" She was there
to SPIT on the victims of her own genocidal ideology

Prove it.
Is it against the law if you think there is a fire?

Normal people base their thinking on evidence.

Stupid people freak out in the absence of evidence.

Everyone who entered the venue had to pass through extensive security screenings.

Unless someone beamed her in, this woman could not have been carrying a bomb.

Some asshole yelled "She's got a bomb!" and the Stoopids reacted.
Go petition to have them charged then. Good luck :)

Unfortunately, Stoopid seems to be a protected class in this country.
Hmmm. I can see it's done you no favours. You are sooooo naive.

British, Canadian, Ozzie, or are you just a poor speller?
Really? This question again. Not only naive, but with the memory of a goldfish. Yawn.
Is it against the law if you think there is a fire?

Normal people base their thinking on evidence.

Stupid people freak out in the absence of evidence.

Everyone who entered the venue had to pass through extensive security screenings.

Unless someone beamed her in, this woman could not have been carrying a bomb.

Some asshole yelled "She's got a bomb!" and the Stoopids reacted.
Go petition to have them charged then. Good luck :)

Unfortunately, Stoopid seems to be a protected class in this country.
Hmmm. I can see it's done you no favours. You are sooooo naive.

British, Canadian, Ozzie, or are you just a poor speller?
Psssst. It's 'Ausie'.
Plant or not, she was Shit-Stirring, and didn't last long...
By existing? Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?

your reply is silly, The slut in the burka was not just "existing" She was there
to SPIT on the victims of her own genocidal ideology

Prove it.

oh-----the "PROVE IT" response-------you are an islamo Nazi. What phrase
did you learn first "MAUT AL YAHUD"------or "PROVE IT" ??

for those who do not know "prove it" is the mosque approved response
to any statement of fact made by a kaffir
Plant or not, she was Shit-Stirring, and didn't last long...
By existing? Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?
Now that's a pretty piss-poor lame-ass attempt...

At comparing a Trump rally to a religious service? I agree. But you did, and I thought I'd give you a chance to explain yourself. Obviously you can't.
There's nothing to explain... largely because I said nor implied no such thing... now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-leg, junior...
Normal people base their thinking on evidence.

Stupid people freak out in the absence of evidence.

Everyone who entered the venue had to pass through extensive security screenings.

Unless someone beamed her in, this woman could not have been carrying a bomb.

Some asshole yelled "She's got a bomb!" and the Stoopids reacted.
Go petition to have them charged then. Good luck :)

Unfortunately, Stoopid seems to be a protected class in this country.
Hmmm. I can see it's done you no favours. You are sooooo naive.

British, Canadian, Ozzie, or are you just a poor speller?
Really? This question again. Not only naive, but with the memory of a goldfish. Yawn.

You assume everyone reads every one of your posts? Some ego.
By existing? Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?
Now that's a pretty piss-poor lame-ass attempt...

At comparing a Trump rally to a religious service? I agree. But you did, and I thought I'd give you a chance to explain yourself. Obviously you can't.
There's nothing to explain... largely because I said nor implied no such thing...

You compared the rally to a Muslim religious service, then apparently realize it was a stupid thing to do and now you're tap-dancing. Continue. It's fun to watch.
Go petition to have them charged then. Good luck :)

Unfortunately, Stoopid seems to be a protected class in this country.
Hmmm. I can see it's done you no favours. You are sooooo naive.

British, Canadian, Ozzie, or are you just a poor speller?
Really? This question again. Not only naive, but with the memory of a goldfish. Yawn.

You assume everyone reads every one of your posts? Some ego.
I assume when you ask me a direct question, (5 times now) you'd read my answer. How arrogant of me. Lol.
You just said you hated muslims, just couple pages ago. Regardless of the amount of muslims you have socialized with, that makes you a nazi, you like it or not. Because people don't choose their religion, they born into it. They don't have any control over the religion of their parents before they were born and raised by them.

So you are hating a group of people, basis on something they have no control over, just like the color of their skin, or their gender... This makes you a NAZI. It is as simple as that.

Bu I agree, muslims are well off in this country. They should try to improve themselves, their religion, the political scene back in their mid east country, before complaining about Trump and his remarks about muslims. Why no refugees in Saudi Arabia? Because even muslims themselves despite the way that country runs, with sharia law... Same for most of the mid east countries. Muslims running away from their countries for a reason. But they have no right to turn the countries they are running, into the same shit hole they have run away from...

I did not say "I HATE MUSLIMS" in any post

"muslims are such liars"

in your own words...

oh------you admit you lied. good of you. It is important to speak to people
in the terms THEY UNDERSTAND. I often use terms muslims use when
talking to them. Calling people "LIARS" is virtually HOLY in mosques.
I told you that I have socialized with muslims-----in fact so much that I got
invited to experience the glories of -----mosques. Mosque Friday koran
recitation and prayer thing includes a kind of sermon ---"-Khutbah Jumaat"
The first glorious experience I had-----about 45 years ago was on a GOOD
FRIDAY (the Christian holiday) in Manhattan, NY The theme of the
KHUTBAH JUMAAAT-----was ---of all things GOOD FRIDAY---the sermon
was done in English. -----with a very Arabic accent---my hosts were muslims
from southeast asia (they didn't know Arabic either) The sermon was devoted
to trashing Christians who are "PERVERSE LIARS" and "ENEMEEEES OF
ISLAAAAM" no one flinched (except me)

No, calling a group of people "liars" because of their religion, makes you a NAZI, because this indicates how hateful you are against them, because of their religion.

Calling christians "liars" because of their religion, makes all of those muslims in that mosque NAZIS, and their religion a NAZI religion.

So at the end of the day, you are no better than a NAZI MUSLIM PIECE OF SHIT, which most of them are...

I guess you have socialized with them more than what you were supposed to.

Holocaust denial is an international pastime for Islamists, and Mein
Kampf is extremely popular in Muslim majority countries, best seller in fact.

I agree, regarding islamists being holocaust deniers.

But disagree Mein Kampf being a popular book in any muslim majority country.
They barely read any books, let alone Mein Kampf.

If they had the habit of reading, it would be a much different story for mid east, for sure...

It did take printing press 300 years to make its way to mid east, after being re-invented in the west...
Nope... by showing-up at an event in which her alien-garbed presence was sure to stir-up shit... she could have 'existed' someplace else, but she chose to do it there. Well, she obtained the consequences she sought. Her choice. About as bright as carrying a six-foot crucifix-image into a Wahabi mosque service. She ventured into Enemy Territory.

So it's your perception that this Trump rally was a religious service? Which god were they worshipping (as if we don't already know the answer)?
Now that's a pretty piss-poor lame-ass attempt...

At comparing a Trump rally to a religious service? I agree. But you did, and I thought I'd give you a chance to explain yourself. Obviously you can't.
There's nothing to explain... largely because I said nor implied no such thing...

You compared the rally to a Muslim religious service, then apparently realize it was a stupid thing to do and now you're tap-dancing. Continue. It's fun to watch.

so? he used a muslim religious service to describe a bunch of muslims.
Would it be better if he had described the situation of a person arriving at a
CAIR meeting dressed up as Tashfeen Malik holding a klashnikov and
holding a large poster of Donald Trump------imprinted with "VOTE FOR..."?
Last edited:
I did not say "I HATE MUSLIMS" in any post

"muslims are such liars"

in your own words...

oh------you admit you lied. good of you. It is important to speak to people
in the terms THEY UNDERSTAND. I often use terms muslims use when
talking to them. Calling people "LIARS" is virtually HOLY in mosques.
I told you that I have socialized with muslims-----in fact so much that I got
invited to experience the glories of -----mosques. Mosque Friday koran
recitation and prayer thing includes a kind of sermon ---"-Khutbah Jumaat"
The first glorious experience I had-----about 45 years ago was on a GOOD
FRIDAY (the Christian holiday) in Manhattan, NY The theme of the
KHUTBAH JUMAAAT-----was ---of all things GOOD FRIDAY---the sermon
was done in English. -----with a very Arabic accent---my hosts were muslims
from southeast asia (they didn't know Arabic either) The sermon was devoted
to trashing Christians who are "PERVERSE LIARS" and "ENEMEEEES OF
ISLAAAAM" no one flinched (except me)

No, calling a group of people "liars" because of their religion, makes you a NAZI, because this indicates how hateful you are against them, because of their religion.

Calling christians "liars" because of their religion, makes all of those muslims in that mosque NAZIS, and their religion a NAZI religion.

So at the end of the day, you are no better than a NAZI MUSLIM PIECE OF SHIT, which most of them are...

I guess you have socialized with them more than what you were supposed to.

Holocaust denial is an international pastime for Islamists, and Mein
Kampf is extremely popular in Muslim majority countries, best seller in fact.

I agree, regarding islamists being holocaust deniers.

But disagree Mein Kampf being a popular book in any muslim majority country.
They barely read any books, let alone Mein Kampf.

If they had the habit of reading, it would be a much different story for mid east, for sure...

It did take printing press 300 years to make its way to mid east, after being re-invented in the west...

well ----you are kinda wrong--------lots of people in the MIDDLE EAST are literate---now. You are somewhat right about the reading habits of arabs------in general
but it is also true that the ONLY book to be translated into Arabic in the entire
decade of the 1930s was MEIN KAMPF ------it remains RELTIVELY POPULAR
outdone only by the koran and taught chapter and verse ----in lots of muslim
countries-----in elementary school
Unfortunately, Stoopid seems to be a protected class in this country.
Hmmm. I can see it's done you no favours. You are sooooo naive.

British, Canadian, Ozzie, or are you just a poor speller?
Really? This question again. Not only naive, but with the memory of a goldfish. Yawn.

You assume everyone reads every one of your posts? Some ego.
I assume when you ask me a direct question, (5 times now) you'd read my answer. How arrogant of me. Lol.

You answered me about your UK spelling in this thread? Must have been in invisible ink. Then again, you're the one who ignored multiple posts by multiple posters in bripat's "Meesa Scared of Muslism" thread, so backatcha.
"muslims are such liars"

in your own words...

oh------you admit you lied. good of you. It is important to speak to people
in the terms THEY UNDERSTAND. I often use terms muslims use when
talking to them. Calling people "LIARS" is virtually HOLY in mosques.
I told you that I have socialized with muslims-----in fact so much that I got
invited to experience the glories of -----mosques. Mosque Friday koran
recitation and prayer thing includes a kind of sermon ---"-Khutbah Jumaat"
The first glorious experience I had-----about 45 years ago was on a GOOD
FRIDAY (the Christian holiday) in Manhattan, NY The theme of the
KHUTBAH JUMAAAT-----was ---of all things GOOD FRIDAY---the sermon
was done in English. -----with a very Arabic accent---my hosts were muslims
from southeast asia (they didn't know Arabic either) The sermon was devoted
to trashing Christians who are "PERVERSE LIARS" and "ENEMEEEES OF
ISLAAAAM" no one flinched (except me)

No, calling a group of people "liars" because of their religion, makes you a NAZI, because this indicates how hateful you are against them, because of their religion.

Calling christians "liars" because of their religion, makes all of those muslims in that mosque NAZIS, and their religion a NAZI religion.

So at the end of the day, you are no better than a NAZI MUSLIM PIECE OF SHIT, which most of them are...

I guess you have socialized with them more than what you were supposed to.

Holocaust denial is an international pastime for Islamists, and Mein
Kampf is extremely popular in Muslim majority countries, best seller in fact.

I agree, regarding islamists being holocaust deniers.

But disagree Mein Kampf being a popular book in any muslim majority country.
They barely read any books, let alone Mein Kampf.

If they had the habit of reading, it would be a much different story for mid east, for sure...

It did take printing press 300 years to make its way to mid east, after being re-invented in the west...

well ----you are kinda wrong--------lots of people in the MIDDLE EAST are literate---now. You are somewhat right about the reading habits of arabs------in general
but it is also true that the ONLY book to be translated into Arabic in the entire
decade of the 1930s was MEIN KAMPF ------it remains RELTIVELY POPULAR
outdone only by the koran and taught chapter and verse ----in lots of muslim
countries-----in elementary school

I dont think majority of the muslims read koran either.
Just like majority of the christians :)

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