Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

To be accurate, self-proclaimed Christians may lie that way. Someone really following the words and deeds of the person associated with the origin of Christianity would not.
The same is true of Muslims. But the dipshits on this forum who lie about being experts on Islam will tell you different.
Is it though?

I do not think that is the case. From what I know about the Koran, it is those Muslims that have drifted AWAY from its direction rather than following it strictly that are adverse to things like violence. Christians do have an advantage here in that the bible has received an 'update' so to speak from its original form in the new testament.

AFAIK, there is noting in the Koran that withdraws support for things like honor killings and stoning. In Christianity, Jesus fulfills the law.

Bill put it very well actually in Roudy's post:

Right at this moment in history, there are some clear differences in Islamic faith that do need to be addressed. Of course, that does not and should not bar someone from office and doing so is no different than being that which those same people claim to despise.
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You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
I also did not deny the flying spaghetti monster. I am not accustom to having to deny every little thought that crosses another mind.

There are those that do not support the best interests of this nation in both parties. I care not what crazies hang out at the fringe - only what the parties both claim to support and actually do. Sadly, I have found them both wanting badly.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
Is that like how the right has become home to the KKK and other assorted white nationalists?
Yes it is and no different than when the left makes asinine claims that the right is a bunch of racists - a claim I see on this board every day.
This topic confirms to me as a Muslim and most muslims and minorities that conservatives are more likely to be racist. Keep it up.
Wow! Another Muslim who's a Democrat! What a fuckin' suprise. And he parrots the Dems talking points, "all conservatives are racist". They taught him well.
Not a democrat.....It's a fact that most republicans/conservatives are racists....well heck they elected a racist clown. It's even laughable that you guys hide the fact that the GOP is a racist party. Ever wondered why most of us minorities don't vote republican, eventhough most of us are conservatives by principal? (latinos, Blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc....)
Other than your bullshit allegation, thanks for admitting that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

But interesting that a Muslim calls others racists while totally ignoring the fact that bigotry, racism, chauvanism, homophobia, sexism, etc. permeates the vast majority of the Muslim world.

And let's not forget Shariah law, which all true Muslims should follow in one form or another. As we know it is totally incompatible with freedom and democracy, Not only should Shariah law be banned in the US and West, but anybody who follows it should be not allowed to run for a position in govt. Do you follow Shariah law?

Sharia is not compatible in U.S. — and here’s why

Sharia law is a real threat to our liberties

Sharia law incompatible with human rights legislation, Lords say

Christian in Indonesia publicly flogged for selling alcohol in breach of Sharia law
You just confirmed that being a hypocrite Republican eq
This topic confirms to me as a Muslim and most muslims and minorities that conservatives are more likely to be racist. Keep it up.
Again, a true "Conservative" believes in the First Amendment and the rest of the Constitution, which pretty much relegates racism to illegality.
As a Muslim in all my encounters of the so called Republicans or conservatives they showed a sign of bigotry and racism. Os not something I read or saw on this very forum, most racist bigoted comments are from the "conservative group".

I'm not christian, jewish or muslim.

I am very religious and committed to my faith.

There's absolutely no way I'm going to post my faith on this or any message board.

For two reasons.

First, I don't want to be attacked by the conservatives/republicans, called names and terrorized simply because I'm not christian or jewish or muslim.

Second, it's not one's business what faith I am.

In my opinion those who wear their faith on their sleeve aren't very committed to their faith. Those who are very committed to their faith don't need to tell everyone about it.

Their deeds and how they live their lives says it all.
I had to clarify a point. Living in the US I dont fo around telling people what religion I am in daily life. I help treat all equally till they prove they are not worthy.
One fact we can all agree on, the GOP is the party of the racists.
Has there ever been a republican candidate that has NOT been labeled as racist or sexist etc.? Even the Left's latest greatest hero John Mc Cain was accused of racism when he ran against Obama.
Seriously, is she really a bigger threat to gays then radical christians?

Not even a little
Quite a lot. Islam in its most moderate form is more draconianly intolerant of homosexuality than the most extreme Christians. You just don't hear that from your lefty MSM propaganda outlets.

Since 9/11 more people in THIS country have been killed by male white supremacist Christian terrorists than by Muslim terrorists. And frankly all fundie religions suck.

That claim you need to link to.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
Is that like how the right has become home to the KKK and other assorted white nationalists?
Yes it is and no different than when the left makes asinine claims that the right is a bunch of racists - a claim I see on this board every day.
Asinine? I see racist remarks against blacks daily on this forum and it's almost exclusively from nuts on the right.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
Is that like how the right has become home to the KKK and other assorted white nationalists?
Bzzzzt wrong again. The Republican Party does not have ex clan members as representatives in the Congress as Democrats do, including members who are fronts of Islamist groups. Farakhan does not have ties with the Republican Party.
WTF? What Congressional Democrats are ex-clansmen?

And I guess you somehow slept through this...

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
KKK has been supporting every white man that ever ran for anything, douchebag. Is it as bad as Obama and and racist bigot Farakhan hugging each other secretly?


Nation of Islam

Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.
We already had that and more with Obama, the shittiest president in US history.
You are real bright are you? Obama was male and christian.
Who cares! I doubt Obama is a Christian, after all, Marxists are usually faithless. But he's still the shiniest prez in history.
Why are you so jealous?
"SHITTIEST"...damn spell check.

That doesn't change my question.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
I also did not deny the flying spaghetti monster. I am not accustom to having to deny every little thought that crosses another mind.

There are those that do not support the best interests of this nation in both parties. I care not what crazies hang out at the fringe - only what the parties both claim to support and actually do. Sadly, I have found them both wanting badly.
There wasn't a spaghetti monster being discussed. I did mention that the Nation of Islam has indeed penetrated the Democratic Party, and this candidate is a good example of it.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
Is that like how the right has become home to the KKK and other assorted white nationalists?
Bzzzzt wrong again. The Republican Party does not have ex clan members as representatives in the Congress as Democrats do, including members who are fronts of Islamist groups. Farakhan does not have ties with the Republican Party.
WTF? What Congressional Democrats are ex-clansmen?

And I guess you somehow slept through this...

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
KKK has been supporting every white man that ever ran for anything, douchebag. Is it as bad as Obama and and racist bigot Farakhan hugging each other secretly?


Nation of Islam

Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.
Idiot... You said there are Congressional Democrats who were in the KKK ..... How come I'm still waiting for you to name them?
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

She looks pretty scary......

If she's covering her head, it means she's a devout Muslim who observes Shariah law. Her candididacy should be withdrawn immediately.
There is an Iranian-American lesbian community organizer who works for Planned Parenthood running for FL State Senate and I’m thinking she will win.

You jokers know nothing.
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

She looks pretty scary......

If she's covering her head, it means she's a devout Muslim who observes Shariah law. Her candididacy should be withdrawn immediately.
Your fear is noted and laughed at.
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

She looks pretty scary......

If she's covering her head, it means she's a devout Muslim who observes Shariah law. Her candididacy should be withdrawn immediately.
Shame the contards hate our Constitution so much.

...; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Aisha Yaqoob for Georgia House District 97
Fighting for Gwinnett

Aisha Yaqoob, a dedicated public servant and active member of the community, seeks to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha has grown up in Gwinnett County, particularly in Suwanee, while currently residing in Duluth.

Aisha has worked hard to represent the interest of communities of color at the Georgia State Capitol as an advocate for civil and immigrant rights. She hopes to continue fighting for a better Georgia for all.

May 27, 2018· by Deplorable Kel· in Breaking News, U.S. News, Upcoming Elections, World News. ·

Aisha Yaqoob is running to represent the 97th House District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Aisha is muslim, an activist and the daughter of Pakistani immigrants.

According to Aisha’s website:

Better wale up sheeple we are EUROPE UNFOLDING....

She looks pretty scary......

If she's covering her head, it means she's a devout Muslim who observes Shariah law. Her candididacy should be withdrawn immediately.

She clearly terrifies you bigots.
These assholes think Obama is Muslim. He was PRESIDENT for 8 years and ushered in the right for gay people to marry and be out while serving in the military.

Every fucking thing that these losers believe is like a retarded merry-go-round of stupid.
The Republican Party does not have ex clan members as representatives in the Congress as Democrats do
How come you can't name a single Democrat in Congress who is an ex clan member?

Not one.

Seems you were merely posting bullshit again. Thanks for the confirmation. :thup:
The Republican Party does not have ex clan members as representatives in the Congress as Democrats do
How come you can't name a single Democrat in Congress who is an ex clan member?

Not one.

Seems you were merely posting bullshit again. Thanks for the confirmation. :thup:

There are 8 self described white supremacists running for high office in 2018. None are Democrats.
Seriously, is she really a bigger threat to gays then radical christians?

Not even a little
Quite a lot. Islam in its most moderate form is more draconianly intolerant of homosexuality than the most extreme Christians. You just don't hear that from your lefty MSM propaganda outlets.

Since 9/11 more people in THIS country have been killed by male white supremacist Christian terrorists than by Muslim terrorists. And frankly all fundie religions suck.

Seems the trumpanzees are struck by your post, I'd have written dumb struck, but we already knew they were dumb.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
Is that like how the right has become home to the KKK and other assorted white nationalists?
Yes it is and no different than when the left makes asinine claims that the right is a bunch of racists - a claim I see on this board every day.
Asinine? I see racist remarks against blacks daily on this forum and it's almost exclusively from nuts on the right.

It goes both ways zombie.


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