Muslim woman wins Georgia house district 97 Democratic Party

Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
What a despicable lying ass you are. We Democrats simply believe in the Separation of Church and State, as did the Founders of this nation.
Hate mongering is the bane of democracy, and is on display in the six pages above.

LMAO not hate mongering idiot. Just people who don't think like you do. You and idiots like you allow the Muslims to do what they do.

They love people like you. People who haven't got a clue about the death cult.

Happy trail dumbass.

I'm sure you would have felt the same about Jews if you had lived in Germany during the late 1930's and early 1940's. You don't think like I do, but I tolerate people like you who choose to call me a "dumbass".

It doesn't mean I like you, or respect you - I tolerate the smell of the dog shit I pick up after my dog, but I've trained her to use the artificial grass in the Kennel built for her [ dogs will be dogs, and bigots will be bigots).

I tolerate bigots & try to train them to think, but I sure don't want to lunch with them or encourage racism, sexism, misogyny or homophobia; not because I am black or brown, gay or a women, but because I try to live by the Golden Rule.

Maybe you and others like you ought to try that.

What a sanctimonious asshole you are.

You wouldn't know a real bigot or a racist if one kicked you in the ass.

Unlike you, I see people, not color.

Muslims practice Sharia Law where women are nothing more than slaves. Talk about misogyny. They throw gays off roofs and worship a prophet who was nothing more than a pedophile. Honor killing are another one of their beliefs.

They move into a country supposedly for a better life yet bring that 7th century bullshit with them. If you think they are wonderful, good for you but there are many dead people around the world who would disagree with a sanctimonious idiot like you.

Happy trail dumbass.

Some of what you posted is true. There is not one thing I can do about that, nor can you. All of what you said, mostly to a lesser degree, I've experienced vicariously when I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years [one graphic case was when a 'boy friend' tossed their son out the window of a one story apt. A passerby heard the argument, paused, and was able to catch the infant saving its life - BTW, he was convicted of attempted murder as well as DV and battery on the mother of his child, and went to prison as a third striker for 25 to life.]

During that time I wrote and managed two DOJ, VAWA grants bringing millions of dollars to my agency, the women's shelter, the prosecutors office, probation and anger management providers, many of the personnel were provided training during three consecutive years of statewide DV conferences in which I was one of the members putting them together in SoCAL, NorCAl and the SF Bay Area.

Only partisan hacks, fools, and damn liars accuse Democrats and the Democratic Party as bigoted/racist (or a sanctimonious asshole) since the Truman Administration.
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Hate mongering is the bane of democracy, and is on display in the six pages above.

LMAO not hate mongering idiot. Just people who don't think like you do. You and idiots like you allow the Muslims to do what they do.

They love people like you. People who haven't got a clue about the death cult.

Happy trail dumbass.

I'm sure you would have felt the same about Jews if you had lived in Germany during the late 1930's and early 1940's. You don't think like I do, but I tolerate people like you who choose to call me a "dumbass".

It doesn't mean I like you, or respect you - I tolerate the smell of the dog shit I pick up after my dog, but I've trained her to use the artificial grass in the Kennel built for her [ dogs will be dogs, and bigots will be bigots).

I tolerate bigots & try to train them to think, but I sure don't want to lunch with them or encourage racism, sexism, misogyny or homophobia; not because I am black or brown, gay or a women, but because I try to live by the Golden Rule.

Maybe you and others like you ought to try that.

What a sanctimonious asshole you are.

You wouldn't know a real bigot or a racist if one kicked you in the ass.

Unlike you, I see people, not color.

Muslims practice Sharia Law where women are nothing more than slaves. Talk about misogyny. They throw gays off roofs and worship a prophet who was nothing more than a pedophile. Honor killing are another one of their beliefs.

They move into a country supposedly for a better life yet bring that 7th century bullshit with them. If you think they are wonderful, good for you but there are many dead people around the world who would disagree with a sanctimonious idiot like you.

Happy trail dumbass.

All you've posted is true. There is not one thing I can do about that, nor can you. All of what you said, mostly to a lesser degree, I've experienced vicariously when I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years [one graphic case was when a 'boy friend' tossed their son out the window of a one story apt. A passerby heard the argument, paused, and was able to catch the infant saving its life]

During that time I wrote and managed two DOJ, VAWA grants bringing millions of dollars to my agency, the women's shelter, the prosecutors office, probation and anger management providers.

Only partisan hacks, fools, and damn liars accuse Democrats and the Democratic Party as bigoted/racist since the Truman Administration.

Which one are you?

Oh please. I couldn't care less what Dems do or don't do.

I just know a sanctimonious asshole when I hear one. A sanctimonious asshole accusing me of being a bigot and a racist.

Blow it out you stupid ass.
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Hate mongering is the bane of democracy, and is on display in the six pages above.

LMAO not hate mongering idiot. Just people who don't think like you do. You and idiots like you allow the Muslims to do what they do.

They love people like you. People who haven't got a clue about the death cult.

Happy trail dumbass.

I'm sure you would have felt the same about Jews if you had lived in Germany during the late 1930's and early 1940's. You don't think like I do, but I tolerate people like you who choose to call me a "dumbass".

It doesn't mean I like you, or respect you - I tolerate the smell of the dog shit I pick up after my dog, but I've trained her to use the artificial grass in the Kennel built for her [ dogs will be dogs, and bigots will be bigots).

I tolerate bigots & try to train them to think, but I sure don't want to lunch with them or encourage racism, sexism, misogyny or homophobia; not because I am black or brown, gay or a women, but because I try to live by the Golden Rule.

Maybe you and others like you ought to try that.

What a sanctimonious asshole you are.

You wouldn't know a real bigot or a racist if one kicked you in the ass.

Unlike you, I see people, not color.

Muslims practice Sharia Law where women are nothing more than slaves. Talk about misogyny. They throw gays off roofs and worship a prophet who was nothing more than a pedophile. Honor killing are another one of their beliefs.

They move into a country supposedly for a better life yet bring that 7th century bullshit with them. If you think they are wonderful, good for you but there are many dead people around the world who would disagree with a sanctimonious idiot like you.

Happy trail dumbass.

All you've posted is true. There is not one thing I can do about that, nor can you. All of what you said, mostly to a lesser degree, I've experienced vicariously when I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years [one graphic case was when a 'boy friend' tossed their son out the window of a one story apt. A passerby heard the argument, paused, and was able to catch the infant saving its life]

During that time I wrote and managed two DOJ, VAWA grants bringing millions of dollars to my agency, the women's shelter, the prosecutors office, probation and anger management providers.

Only partisan hacks, fools, and damn liars accuse Democrats and the Democratic Party as bigoted/racist since the Truman Administration.

Which one are you?

Oh please. I never accused the Democrats of the bullshit you mention.

I just know a sanctimonious asshole when I hear one. A sanctimonious asshole accusing me of being a bigot and a racist.

Blow it out you stupid ass.

I'm sorry you suffer from denial, your comments about a billion members of Islam by the actions of the extremists is emotional, not rational.

The person elected in the primary is a women, and probably does not support the misogyny of her faith. Much like Christians, there are evangelicals who are the extreme and support blending our civil government with the clergy, which makes supporters complicit when they support Pence (& Trump, but I suspect his comments to social conservatives are false pathos) violating the spirit of the First Amendment.

What have you done to aid women in crisis? Did you support the Equal Rights Amendment, attend the million women march, send money to a local shelter?
LMAO not hate mongering idiot. Just people who don't think like you do. You and idiots like you allow the Muslims to do what they do.

They love people like you. People who haven't got a clue about the death cult.

Happy trail dumbass.

I'm sure you would have felt the same about Jews if you had lived in Germany during the late 1930's and early 1940's. You don't think like I do, but I tolerate people like you who choose to call me a "dumbass".

It doesn't mean I like you, or respect you - I tolerate the smell of the dog shit I pick up after my dog, but I've trained her to use the artificial grass in the Kennel built for her [ dogs will be dogs, and bigots will be bigots).

I tolerate bigots & try to train them to think, but I sure don't want to lunch with them or encourage racism, sexism, misogyny or homophobia; not because I am black or brown, gay or a women, but because I try to live by the Golden Rule.

Maybe you and others like you ought to try that.

What a sanctimonious asshole you are.

You wouldn't know a real bigot or a racist if one kicked you in the ass.

Unlike you, I see people, not color.

Muslims practice Sharia Law where women are nothing more than slaves. Talk about misogyny. They throw gays off roofs and worship a prophet who was nothing more than a pedophile. Honor killing are another one of their beliefs.

They move into a country supposedly for a better life yet bring that 7th century bullshit with them. If you think they are wonderful, good for you but there are many dead people around the world who would disagree with a sanctimonious idiot like you.

Happy trail dumbass.

All you've posted is true. There is not one thing I can do about that, nor can you. All of what you said, mostly to a lesser degree, I've experienced vicariously when I ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit for five years [one graphic case was when a 'boy friend' tossed their son out the window of a one story apt. A passerby heard the argument, paused, and was able to catch the infant saving its life]

During that time I wrote and managed two DOJ, VAWA grants bringing millions of dollars to my agency, the women's shelter, the prosecutors office, probation and anger management providers.

Only partisan hacks, fools, and damn liars accuse Democrats and the Democratic Party as bigoted/racist since the Truman Administration.

Which one are you?

Oh please. I never accused the Democrats of the bullshit you mention.

I just know a sanctimonious asshole when I hear one. A sanctimonious asshole accusing me of being a bigot and a racist.

Blow it out you stupid ass.

I'm sorry you suffer from denial, your comments about a billion members of Islam by the actions of the extremists is emotional, not rational.

The person elected in the primary is a women, and probably does not support the misogyny of her faith. Much like Christians, there are evangelicals who are the extreme and support blending our civil government with the clergy, which makes supporters complicit when they support Pence (& Trump, but I suspect his comments to social conservatives are false pathos) violating the spirit of the First Amendment.

What have you done to aid women in crisis? Did you support the Equal Rights Amendment, attend the million women march, send money to a local shelter?

Oh brother. I couldn't care less about women in crisis.

I can't tell you how many women get injunctions against men and two weeks later the man is right back in the house.

I used to see it every day.

Most of them are dumber than a box of rocks and think they need a man to take care of them and can't function on their own.

You bleeding hearts make it easy for them by "helping" them. All they want if for someone to take care of them and you of course rush right out to render aid. LOL

Light a fucking candle. Boo Fucking Hoo.

You dipshits should stop making assumptions and look at her record instead.

ok----you got her record?
I posted a link to her web site, with a quote of her priorities concerning gays. I also linked to the endorsement by Georgia Equality.

ASSumptions were made by the parroting rubes, carefully constructed in their heads by their bigoted overlords.
She's a Muslim. That makes her intolerant of homos.
You should have read the topic before exposing your stupidity and ignorance in public.
She's a republican worst nightmare!! A minority woman of a different religion in Congress? Run and hide under your bed! It's the war on Christianity, feminism, and racial equality all at once!

Feminist supporting Muslims, isn’t that crazy. Y’all better research before it’s to late!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She's a republican worst nightmare!! A minority woman of a different religion in Congress? Run and hide under your bed! It's the war on Christianity, feminism, and racial equality all at once!

Feminist supporting Muslims, isn’t that crazy. Y’all better research before it’s to late!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I couldn't agree more. A feminist that knows obviously knows nothing about the death cult.

Women are less than human and treated like slaves. A feminist wouldn't last three seconds in the death cult..

You can't cure clueless.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?
I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.
Is that like how the right has become home to the KKK and other assorted white nationalists?
Bzzzzt wrong again. The Republican Party does not have ex clan members as representatives in the Congress as Democrats do, including members who are fronts of Islamist groups. Farakhan does not have ties with the Republican Party.
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She's a republican worst nightmare!! A minority woman of a different religion in Congress? Run and hide under your bed! It's the war on Christianity, feminism, and racial equality all at once!
We already had that and more with Obama, the shittiest president in US history.
You are real bright are you? Obama was male and christian.
Who cares! I doubt Obama is a Christian, after all, Marxists are usually faithless. But he's still the shiniest prez in history.
Why are you so jealous?
"SHITTIEST"...damn spell check.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.

Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?

I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.

Most people disrespected and discriminated against understand the Democratic Party is egalitarian, and the Republican Party believes all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others. And too many Trump supporters are bigots, and intolerant of every person who has opinions and ideas in which they don't agree -such as equal rights and equal opportunities for all notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or ethnicity.

Roudy has no clue what is in the mind of Muslims, he has no clue of what lurks in the dark corner of his mind either.
The Democratic Party has changed greatly since the Bill Clinton years and especially during the Obama presidency. Clinton's policies at the time were much closer to the Republicans, minus the tax increases. Of course it was a republican led House that caused Clinton to compromise and implement those policies that ushered in a decade of great prosperity and innovation for the US. It was also an era where all the media was not the official propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, as it is today.

Today the Left offers nothing but divisiveness, antiamericanism, socialistic policies, and intolerance. It is a broken party totally out of touch with the concerns of the American people, controlled by radicals and funded by people who do not have good intentions for this country.
This topic confirms to me as a Muslim and most muslims and minorities that conservatives are more likely to be racist. Keep it up.
Wow! Another Muslim who's a Democrat! What a fuckin' suprise. And he parrots the Dems talking points, "all conservatives are racist". They taught him well.
Not a democrat.....It's a fact that most republicans/conservatives are racists....well heck they elected a racist clown. It's even laughable that you guys hide the fact that the GOP is a racist party. Ever wondered why most of us minorities don't vote republican, eventhough most of us are conservatives by principal? (latinos, Blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc....)
Other than your bullshit allegation, thanks for admitting that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

But interesting that a Muslim calls others racists while totally ignoring the fact that bigotry, racism, chauvanism, homophobia, sexism, etc. permeates the vast majority of the Muslim world.

And let's not forget Shariah law, which all true Muslims should follow in one form or another. As we know it is totally incompatible with freedom and democracy, Not only should Shariah law be banned in the US and West, but anybody who follows it should be not allowed to run for a position in govt. Do you follow Shariah law?

Sharia is not compatible in U.S. — and here’s why

Sharia law is a real threat to our liberties

Sharia law incompatible with human rights legislation, Lords say

Christian in Indonesia publicly flogged for selling alcohol in breach of Sharia law
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We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
And you posts have convinced us that you are a total fruitloop. Yes, as an American, a Muslim can run for and win office. As can a Buddhist, a Wiccan, or any other belief. That you oppose that concept is simply the proof that you should move to some other nation where religion and government are one.
If she denounces Shariah law, I have no problem with it. You do know that Shriah law says women are like cattle, Jews and Christians are not equal to Muslims, gays are to be executed....a whole litany of medieval bigotry, barbarism and savagery. But as a true Muslim she cannot denounce Shariah law.

Sharia law is a real threat to our liberties
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Dems are the party of globalism. That means doing everything it can to destroy America. That includes trying to normalize Islamists and push them into positions of power. These un-Americans are happy to push the Islamic Agenda to disrupt society as much as possible.

I’ve been saying for years now that the Dems are all in with Islam. We’ll definitely see more Muslims pushed by Dems.
What a despicable lying ass you are. We Democrats simply believe in the Separation of Church and State, as did the Founders of this nation.
If Democrats truly believe in seperation of church and state then why do they support someone who holds a faith that enforces that church should rule the state?
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You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.

Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?

I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.

Most people disrespected and discriminated against understand the Democratic Party is egalitarian, and the Republican Party believes all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others. And too many Trump supporters are bigots, and intolerant of every person who has opinions and ideas in which they don't agree -such as equal rights and equal opportunities for all notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or ethnicity.

Roudy has no clue what is in the mind of Muslims, he has no clue of what lurks in the dark corner of his mind either.
The Democratic Party has changed greatly since the Bill Clinton years and especially during the Obama presidency. Clinton's policies at the time were much closer to the Republicans, minus the tax increases. Of course it was a republican led House that caused Clinton to compromise and implement those policies that ushered in a decade of great prosperity and innovation for the US. It was also an era where all the media was not the official propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, as it is today.

Today the Left offers nothing but divisiveness, antiamericanism, socialistic policies, and intolerance. It is a broken party totally out of touch with the concerns of the American people, controlled by radicals and funded by people who do not have good intentions for this country.

It seems you've listened to Trump and echo his bullshit, and that of the AM Radio dilettante prophets such as Limbaugh and Hannity.
You do know there is no religious test for holding public office as that would be unconstitutional...

We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.

Being a Muslim, in and of itself, does not make her a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps you have a link showing a connection?

I noticed you did not deny that the Democratic Party has become the home to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists who do not have the best interests of this country in mind.

Most people disrespected and discriminated against understand the Democratic Party is egalitarian, and the Republican Party believes all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others. And too many Trump supporters are bigots, and intolerant of every person who has opinions and ideas in which they don't agree -such as equal rights and equal opportunities for all notwithstanding their color, creed, gender or ethnicity.

Roudy has no clue what is in the mind of Muslims, he has no clue of what lurks in the dark corner of his mind either.
The Democratic Party has changed greatly since the Bill Clinton years and especially during the Obama presidency. Clinton's policies at the time were much closer to the Republicans, minus the tax increases. Of course it was a republican led House that caused Clinton to compromise and implement those policies that ushered in a decade of great prosperity and innovation for the US. It was also an era where all the media was not the official propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, as it is today.

Today the Left offers nothing but divisiveness, antiamericanism, socialistic policies, and intolerance. It is a broken party totally out of touch with the concerns of the American people, controlled by radicals and funded by people who do not have good intentions for this country.

It seems you've listened to Trump and echo his bullshit, and that of the AM Radio dilettante prophets such as Limbaugh and Hannity.
Said the Libtard who religiously follows MSNBC / CNN bullshit propaganda fake news? Ha ha ha. Seriously.
We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
And you posts have convinced us that you are a total fruitloop. Yes, as an American, a Muslim can run for and win office. As can a Buddhist, a Wiccan, or any other belief. That you oppose that concept is simply the proof that you should move to some other nation where religion and government are one.
If she denounces Shariah law, I have no problem with it. You do know that Shriah law says women are like cattle, Jews and Christians not equal to Muslims, gays are to be executed....a whole litany of medieval bigotry, barbarism and savagery. But as a true Muslim she cannot denounce Shariah law.

Sharia law is a real threat to our liberties

How many Catholics failed to use the rhythm method and used condoms or the pill to prevent pregnancy? How many ate meat on Friday (before that changed)?

How many Jews eat pork?

How man Social Conservatives have had abortions?

How many members of Congress needed to resign for sexual activities akin to those they impeached President Clinton of committing?

Sharia law has no place in our Jurisprudence, and no future. Saying/writing so is not only foolish, but is fear mongering on steroids and promulgated by hypocrites and damn liars.
We always knew that the Democratic Party is home to the Muslim Brotherhood and all its 5th column affiliates.
And you posts have convinced us that you are a total fruitloop. Yes, as an American, a Muslim can run for and win office. As can a Buddhist, a Wiccan, or any other belief. That you oppose that concept is simply the proof that you should move to some other nation where religion and government are one.
If she denounces Shariah law, I have no problem with it. You do know that Shriah law says women are like cattle, Jews and Christians not equal to Muslims, gays are to be executed....a whole litany of medieval bigotry, barbarism and savagery. But as a true Muslim she cannot denounce Shariah law.

Sharia law is a real threat to our liberties

How many Catholics failed to use the rhythm method and used condoms or the pill to prevent pregnancy? How many ate meat on Friday (before that changed)?

How many Jews eat pork?

How man Social Conservatives have had abortions?

How many members of Congress needed to resign for sexual activities akin to those they impeached President Clinton of committing?

Sharia law has no place in our Jurisprudence, and no future. Saying/writing so is not only foolish, but is fear mongering on steroids and promulgated by hypocrites and damn liars.
All religions are not equal, dipshit. Islam Is not only a religion but within it contains strong political ideology componet. Take a look at the Muslim world today, even the ones that are run by dictators I pose one form or another of barbaric shariah law or another.

If you don't beleive me listen to one of your own heros of the left:


You dipshits should stop making assumptions and look at her record instead.

ok----you got her record?
I posted a link to her web site, with a quote of her priorities concerning gays. I also linked to the endorsement by Georgia Equality.

ASSumptions were made by the parroting rubes, carefully constructed in their heads by their bigoted overlords.
She's a Muslim. That makes her intolerant of homos.
You should have read the topic before exposing your stupidity and ignorance in public.
If she’s not intolerant of homos then she’s not a Muslim. If she’s not opposed to abortion then she’s not a Muslim.

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