Muslims blow up school board meeting

Well, snowflake, these aren't "pedo" or "groomer" books. Being gay isn't a crime. Being trans isn't a crime. A bunch of religious whackos don't like it because they believe their just and righteous God forbids it.

My solution is just to get rid of religion. Because it creates intolerance and bigotry.

For a supposed "independent", I notice you parrot a LOT of alt-right talking points. :)
Im agnostic and i dont want sexually explicit books in school libraries. You defend it.
Thats what makes you fucked up.
No wonder you people defend the pedo rican and his bullshit.
Well, snowflake, these aren't "pedo" or "groomer" books. Being gay isn't a crime. Being trans isn't a crime. A bunch of religious whackos don't like it because they believe their just and righteous God forbids it.

My solution is just to get rid of religion. Because it creates intolerance and bigotry.

For a supposed "independent", I notice you parrot a LOT of alt-right talking points. :)

Some things don't belong in grade school, groomer.
Im agnostic and i dont want sexually explicit books in school libraries. You defend it.
Thats what makes you fucked up.
No wonder you people defend the pedo rican and his bullshit.
Again, my little snowflake, none of these books are that. You are repeating alt-right talking points.
You don't need to be religious to be a bigot. You are a perfect example of that.

Why don't read the article a little further. Not all Muslims agreed with this little "protest". It's rooted in religious bigotry.
Again, my little snowflake, none of these books are that. You are repeating alt-right talking points.
You don't need to be religious to be a bigot. You are a perfect example of that.

Why don't read the article a little further. Not all Muslims agreed with this little "protest". It's rooted in religious bigotry.

And your defense is rooted in anti-religious bigotry.
Again, my little snowflake, none of these books are that. You are repeating alt-right talking points.
You don't need to be religious to be a bigot. You are a perfect example of that.

Why don't read the article a little further. Not all Muslims agreed with this little "protest". It's rooted in religious bigotry.
They were discussing sexual explicit material, mr. illiterate.
And there are books like that. There have been threads on it that proved it. You were just too busy defending shoving porn down third graders mouths to notice.
Well, snowflake, these aren't "pedo" or "groomer" books. Being gay isn't a crime. Being trans isn't a crime. A bunch of religious whackos don't like it because they believe their just and righteous God forbids it.

My solution is just to get rid of religion. Because it creates intolerance and bigotry.

For a supposed "independent", I notice you parrot a LOT of alt-right talking points. :)
List the titles of the books and let's see.
My beliefs are well founded. More bigotry, violence, and death has been cloaked in religious zealotry for generations.

Oh, Hai there!

Is it actually sexually explicit books or are they saying that women with their hair uncovered is porn?

How about actual examples of what they are wanting banned?
Is it actually sexually explicit books or are they saying that women with their hair uncovered is porn?

How about actual examples of what they are wanting banned?

Not banned, just not part of a grade school curriculum. Parents would still be able to buy the book for their own kids if they so wanted to.
And??? Three men that have more to do with YOUR side of the aisle.
What's your point?

Bull-fucking shit.

Those guys were atheists, every single one of them, and they are responsible for most of the government induced deaths of the 20th century.

but keep bitching about religion.


That's right kids, Muslims EXPLODE over explicit Alphabet people books in their schools.

I reckon it is diversity democrats don't like

For weeks, Muslim leaders and community activists had been urging people to attend the meeting to voice their opposition to certain books and educational materials. One of Michigan's most prominent faith leaders, Imam Hassan Al-Qazwini of the Islamic Institute of America in Dearborn Heights, urged people during his Friday sermon to attend the protests.

"Some of those books are completely inappropriate for our children to read," Al-Qazwini said. "Some of those books promote pornography. Some of them promote homosexuality. We don't need this. Go and attend this meeting."

They are proponents of democracy, but only if it supports liberal values," he said of proponents of LGBTQ books. "The moment it goes against liberal values, they are authoritarian and they want to impose their own values on people."
You only think we hate diversity in these instances because you're projecting. From the same article was this:

"What happened tonight at the school board meeting in Dearborn is very embarrassing and is totally rejected," Osama Siblani, publisher of the Dearborn-based Arab American News and a longtime community leader, wrote on Facebook. "Remember that the loss of any individual's right to express himself/herself is the beginning of the end of all people's rights ... Remember that Islam is a religion of love, peace and tolerance, not a religion of insults, violence and threats."

The Muslim community isn't a monolith and bigotry is going to continue to lose. I mean we're still trying to ban books? Really? Do these people not understand how the internet works?
Bull-fucking shit.

Those guys were atheists, every single one of them, and they are responsible for most of the government induced deaths of the 20th century.

but keep bitching about religion.
These guys were bigots. Intolerant. Willing to use and talk up the use of violence to achieve their ends.
Again, much more in line with today's conservatives. Even the devoutly religious ones.
I've been trying to track that list down for the last 15 minutes. Can't seem to find it. All I found was a link to a list of books being banned nationally.
Then how the fuck do you know if they aren't pedo or groomer books?

Shit like this is why no one believes a thing you say.
If an uncle, babysitter, cousin etc was giving these books to a kid and the parent caught them and gave them a world star beat jury would convict. Yet public school employees think they can get away with it. They need a beatdown.

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