Muslims in America Condemn Extremists and Fear Anew for Their Lives

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  • #61
Poor their feelings hurt..................

Um.............14 Americans have no more feelings about it..............They are dead............cry me a river...............perhaps they should have controlled their dang relatives......................

I'm not sure I'd call getting shot in the back or having a beer mug smashed in your face "hurt feelings".
Well, I'll remember to cry a little....and sigh a time I see one of them being mistreated........then not feel so bad when I read about them burning down another Christian church and cutting another Christian's head off just because they won't convert.

When did that occur in America?
Well, this guy cut one woman's head off and was in the process of cutting another off when the cops blew his ass away.


Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post

But I'm not concerned just about Americans, but Christians in the Middle-East that have been the victims of genocide in the Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, you name it.

I suppose as long as it's not in your town, you don't give a flying-fuck, am I right?

It's not that I don't "give a flying-fuck" if it's not in my town, it's that cultures in those other countries are completely different than those here yet you are blaming Muslims here for the actions of Muslims there.
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  • #62

No more Muslims in America for now....Suspend all immigration.....

We are NOT going to "suspend all immigration," we are NOT going to deport innocent Muslims legally residing here, and despite the inevitably strenuous efforts of the leftist media to expand a few isolated and mostly harmless incidents of either expressed idiocy or unexpressed insecurity on either side into some kind of modern-day Kristallnacht, Muslim Americans are NOT going to be widely targeted or oppressed. Those involved in terrorism or mass violence for ANY reason should and must be destroyed. This will involve due process where applicable and due firepower in the snake pits of the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

Well, I believe we should suspend all immigration from Muslim Nations...for now...I believe the Government has a duty to do it in performance of the first great matter that our Government was formed to do.

Provide for the Common Defense.

We have a clear duty to provide all Muslims now here with all applicable Constitutional Rights...but we owe no duty to those now in Yemen or Oman or Saudi Arabia or any other of the countries with a Muslim Culture which has proven to be incompatible with Western Culture. See European Experience.

We would have to be absolute fools to repeat the European experiment of bringing in many Muslims...considering the disaster the European experiment has been.

Roosevelt stopped all immigration from Germany when he had to deal with Hitler...even though most of those Germans were probably trying escape the Nazis.

The Muslims want to get out of a Culture of their own making...and come to enjoy the benefits of an open free society...but not to become a part of that they want to come get the benefits...yet keep doing the same shit that fucked up Arabia to begin with...and made them want to get out.

And I say Fuck em.

Self Defense comes first.

We don't need a bunch of Muslim NoGo Zones in they have to endure in Europe...No Go zones where nothing goes in except Welfare, and nothing comes out except hate and murder. NoGo Zones in France where Frenchmen fear to tread.

The American Government owes protection from that to American is simply the first duty of the Government...and any failure to do so can only be to collect votes for the Democratic Party...which amounts to Treason.

No more Muslims for now thank you...we have quite enough.


The Muslim "no go" zones are a myth. They are no different than other no-go zones in that they are areas of high crime controlled by criminal gangs.
Muslims in America Condemn Extremists and Fear Anew for Their Lives

As they should. There are walking targets for the New Crusaders off to their Holy War, for Jesus.

Luke 23:34

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

What do you think would happen in the Middle East to Christians if the tables were reversed?

This is why they are uneasy.

In reality, nothing has happened to them and nothing will.

Will Christianity be praised for it's tolerance? Nope. Obama will continue to bash the Crusaders.
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Its a damn shame people cant live their lives because of some inbred. backwood. ignorants that are afraid of muslims.

When mass murder occurs it is only rational to begin to fear.

Who did this and why? These are sane and logical questions to ask, because it means our survival.

So get off your high horse. People just want to live is all.

No more Muslims in America for now....Suspend all immigration.....

We are NOT going to "suspend all immigration," we are NOT going to deport innocent Muslims legally residing here, and despite the inevitably strenuous efforts of the leftist media to expand a few isolated and mostly harmless incidents of either expressed idiocy or unexpressed insecurity on either side into some kind of modern-day Kristallnacht, Muslim Americans are NOT going to be widely targeted or oppressed. Those involved in terrorism or mass violence for ANY reason should and must be destroyed. This will involve due process where applicable and due firepower in the snake pits of the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

Well, I believe we should suspend all immigration from Muslim Nations...for now...I believe the Government has a duty to do it in performance of the first great matter that our Government was formed to do.

Provide for the Common Defense.

We have a clear duty to provide all Muslims now here with all applicable Constitutional Rights...but we owe no duty to those now in Yemen or Oman or Saudi Arabia or any other of the countries with a Muslim Culture which has proven to be incompatible with Western Culture. See European Experience.

We would have to be absolute fools to repeat the European experiment of bringing in many Muslims...considering the disaster the European experiment has been.

Roosevelt stopped all immigration from Germany when he had to deal with Hitler...even though most of those Germans were probably trying escape the Nazis.

The Muslims want to get out of a Culture of their own making...and come to enjoy the benefits of an open free society...but not to become a part of that they want to come get the benefits...yet keep doing the same shit that fucked up Arabia to begin with...and made them want to get out.

And I say Fuck em.

Self Defense comes first.

We don't need a bunch of Muslim NoGo Zones in they have to endure in Europe...No Go zones where nothing goes in except Welfare, and nothing comes out except hate and murder. NoGo Zones in France where Frenchmen fear to tread.

The American Government owes protection from that to American is simply the first duty of the Government...and any failure to do so can only be to collect votes for the Democratic Party...which amounts to Treason.

No more Muslims for now thank you...we have quite enough.


The Muslim "no go" zones are a myth. They are no different than other no-go zones in that they are areas of high crime controlled by criminal gangs.


Thank you for the response. I can say that it has the merit of brevity.

Are "NoGo Zones a "myth" or are they "no different" than the areas of high crime that you mentioned by which I believe you mostly mean the rotting crime-ridden cites in our American North which have been run by the Democratic Party for many decades.

Of two completely contradictory assertions, I will assume the second was a correction of the first.

If they are "no different" than say Detroit or South Chicago--well, is that a justification for creating more of such Hell-Holes, only with Muslim flavor?
This thread is like an insane asylum where the patients have taken which I mean there are a boatload of Muslims posting in it.

And, I for one am glad that you come post your lunacies and fears and whines...and participate in the political discussion of America....instead of putting on a suicide jacket and blowing some folks up, because for example, they let their daughters drive cars and let them vote when they get old enough.

Your post are pure lunacy, the logic of idiots, but at least you're not out killing Americans.

So, there's that.
Meh, maybe only a third of them are genuine, the rest are Soros bots.

No more Muslims in America for now....Suspend all immigration.....

We are NOT going to "suspend all immigration," we are NOT going to deport innocent Muslims legally residing here, and despite the inevitably strenuous efforts of the leftist media to expand a few isolated and mostly harmless incidents of either expressed idiocy or unexpressed insecurity on either side into some kind of modern-day Kristallnacht, Muslim Americans are NOT going to be widely targeted or oppressed. Those involved in terrorism or mass violence for ANY reason should and must be destroyed. This will involve due process where applicable and due firepower in the snake pits of the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

Well, I believe we should suspend all immigration from Muslim Nations...for now...I believe the Government has a duty to do it in performance of the first great matter that our Government was formed to do.

Provide for the Common Defense.

We have a clear duty to provide all Muslims now here with all applicable Constitutional Rights...but we owe no duty to those now in Yemen or Oman or Saudi Arabia or any other of the countries with a Muslim Culture which has proven to be incompatible with Western Culture. See European Experience.

We would have to be absolute fools to repeat the European experiment of bringing in many Muslims...considering the disaster the European experiment has been.

Roosevelt stopped all immigration from Germany when he had to deal with Hitler...even though most of those Germans were probably trying escape the Nazis.

The Muslims want to get out of a Culture of their own making...and come to enjoy the benefits of an open free society...but not to become a part of that they want to come get the benefits...yet keep doing the same shit that fucked up Arabia to begin with...and made them want to get out.

And I say Fuck em.

Self Defense comes first.

We don't need a bunch of Muslim NoGo Zones in they have to endure in Europe...No Go zones where nothing goes in except Welfare, and nothing comes out except hate and murder. NoGo Zones in France where Frenchmen fear to tread.

The American Government owes protection from that to American is simply the first duty of the Government...and any failure to do so can only be to collect votes for the Democratic Party...which amounts to Treason.

No more Muslims for now thank you...we have quite enough.


You're a coward, not an American.
Poor their feelings hurt..................

Um.............14 Americans have no more feelings about it..............They are dead............cry me a river...............perhaps they should have controlled their dang relatives......................

I'm not sure I'd call getting shot in the back or having a beer mug smashed in your face "hurt feelings".
Well, I'll remember to cry a little....and sigh a time I see one of them being mistreated........then not feel so bad when I read about them burning down another Christian church and cutting another Christian's head off just because they won't convert.

When did that occur in America?
Well, this guy cut one woman's head off and was in the process of cutting another off when the cops blew his ass away.


Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post

But I'm not concerned just about Americans, but Christians in the Middle-East that have been the victims of genocide in the Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, you name it.

I suppose as long as it's not in your town, you don't give a flying-fuck, am I right?

It's not that I don't "give a flying-fuck" if it's not in my town, it's that cultures in those other countries are completely different than those here yet you are blaming Muslims here for the actions of Muslims there.
San Bernardino and Oklahoma are not 'over there', genius.
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  • #69
I'm not sure I'd call getting shot in the back or having a beer mug smashed in your face "hurt feelings".
Well, I'll remember to cry a little....and sigh a time I see one of them being mistreated........then not feel so bad when I read about them burning down another Christian church and cutting another Christian's head off just because they won't convert.

When did that occur in America?
Well, this guy cut one woman's head off and was in the process of cutting another off when the cops blew his ass away.


Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post

But I'm not concerned just about Americans, but Christians in the Middle-East that have been the victims of genocide in the Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, you name it.

I suppose as long as it's not in your town, you don't give a flying-fuck, am I right?

It's not that I don't "give a flying-fuck" if it's not in my town, it's that cultures in those other countries are completely different than those here yet you are blaming Muslims here for the actions of Muslims there.
San Bernardino and Oklahoma are not 'over there', genius.

You need to try to follow the conversation first before opening your mouth and saying something stupid, genius.

No more Muslims in America for now....Suspend all immigration.....

We are NOT going to "suspend all immigration," we are NOT going to deport innocent Muslims legally residing here, and despite the inevitably strenuous efforts of the leftist media to expand a few isolated and mostly harmless incidents of either expressed idiocy or unexpressed insecurity on either side into some kind of modern-day Kristallnacht, Muslim Americans are NOT going to be widely targeted or oppressed. Those involved in terrorism or mass violence for ANY reason should and must be destroyed. This will involve due process where applicable and due firepower in the snake pits of the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

Well, I believe we should suspend all immigration from Muslim Nations...for now...I believe the Government has a duty to do it in performance of the first great matter that our Government was formed to do.

Provide for the Common Defense.

We have a clear duty to provide all Muslims now here with all applicable Constitutional Rights...but we owe no duty to those now in Yemen or Oman or Saudi Arabia or any other of the countries with a Muslim Culture which has proven to be incompatible with Western Culture. See European Experience.

We would have to be absolute fools to repeat the European experiment of bringing in many Muslims...considering the disaster the European experiment has been.

Roosevelt stopped all immigration from Germany when he had to deal with Hitler...even though most of those Germans were probably trying escape the Nazis.

The Muslims want to get out of a Culture of their own making...and come to enjoy the benefits of an open free society...but not to become a part of that they want to come get the benefits...yet keep doing the same shit that fucked up Arabia to begin with...and made them want to get out.

And I say Fuck em.

Self Defense comes first.

We don't need a bunch of Muslim NoGo Zones in they have to endure in Europe...No Go zones where nothing goes in except Welfare, and nothing comes out except hate and murder. NoGo Zones in France where Frenchmen fear to tread.

The American Government owes protection from that to American is simply the first duty of the Government...and any failure to do so can only be to collect votes for the Democratic Party...which amounts to Treason.

No more Muslims for now thank you...we have quite enough.


You're a coward, not an American.

If you've got no more than this, aren't you conceding?

No more Muslims in America for now....Suspend all immigration.....

We are NOT going to "suspend all immigration," we are NOT going to deport innocent Muslims legally residing here, and despite the inevitably strenuous efforts of the leftist media to expand a few isolated and mostly harmless incidents of either expressed idiocy or unexpressed insecurity on either side into some kind of modern-day Kristallnacht, Muslim Americans are NOT going to be widely targeted or oppressed. Those involved in terrorism or mass violence for ANY reason should and must be destroyed. This will involve due process where applicable and due firepower in the snake pits of the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

Well, I believe we should suspend all immigration from Muslim Nations...for now...I believe the Government has a duty to do it in performance of the first great matter that our Government was formed to do.

Provide for the Common Defense.

We have a clear duty to provide all Muslims now here with all applicable Constitutional Rights...but we owe no duty to those now in Yemen or Oman or Saudi Arabia or any other of the countries with a Muslim Culture which has proven to be incompatible with Western Culture. See European Experience.

We would have to be absolute fools to repeat the European experiment of bringing in many Muslims...considering the disaster the European experiment has been.

Roosevelt stopped all immigration from Germany when he had to deal with Hitler...even though most of those Germans were probably trying escape the Nazis.

The Muslims want to get out of a Culture of their own making...and come to enjoy the benefits of an open free society...but not to become a part of that they want to come get the benefits...yet keep doing the same shit that fucked up Arabia to begin with...and made them want to get out.

And I say Fuck em.

Self Defense comes first.

We don't need a bunch of Muslim NoGo Zones in they have to endure in Europe...No Go zones where nothing goes in except Welfare, and nothing comes out except hate and murder. NoGo Zones in France where Frenchmen fear to tread.

The American Government owes protection from that to American is simply the first duty of the Government...and any failure to do so can only be to collect votes for the Democratic Party...which amounts to Treason.

No more Muslims for now thank you...we have quite enough.


You're a coward, not an American.

If you've got no more than this, aren't you conceding?

Are you? Your cowardly fantasy is NOT coming true. Next?

Funny how when a Muslim beheads 60 innocent Christians we hear crickets from you but when one Christian shoots one Muslim its ZOMG BUT THEY R MERICANS 2!!!!!!

Guess what? 2 muslims just blew away 14 Americans and 19 killed over 3000 Americans. I really don't give a fuck if one or two gets a cap in their ass.
Well, I'll remember to cry a little....and sigh a time I see one of them being mistreated........then not feel so bad when I read about them burning down another Christian church and cutting another Christian's head off just because they won't convert.

When did that occur in America?
Well, this guy cut one woman's head off and was in the process of cutting another off when the cops blew his ass away.


Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post

But I'm not concerned just about Americans, but Christians in the Middle-East that have been the victims of genocide in the Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, you name it.

I suppose as long as it's not in your town, you don't give a flying-fuck, am I right?

It's not that I don't "give a flying-fuck" if it's not in my town, it's that cultures in those other countries are completely different than those here yet you are blaming Muslims here for the actions of Muslims there.
San Bernardino and Oklahoma are not 'over there', genius.

You need to try to follow the conversation first before opening your mouth and saying something stupid, genius.
You mean like Mudwhistles comment, "Well, this guy cut one woman's head off and was in the process of cutting another off when the cops blew his ass away.


Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post"

To which you said "It's not that I don't "give a flying-fuck" if it's not in my town, it's that cultures in those other countries are completely different than those here yet you are blaming Muslims here for the actions of Muslims there."

To which I responded, "San Bernardino and Oklahoma are not 'over there', genius." referencing recent events as well as Mudwhistle's explanation.

But in the interest of being truthful, Mudwhistle, am I following this right in your opinion or not?

If not I offer my apologies, but I dont see where I deviated from the path of good interpretation.
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  • #74

This is the U.S. - are we a barbaric country that beheads people? No. We are a nation of laws and rights and those rights extend to all of our citizens. In fact - the title of the topic is about American Muslims. Imagine that!
  • Thread starter
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  • #75
When did that occur in America?
Well, this guy cut one woman's head off and was in the process of cutting another off when the cops blew his ass away.


Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post

But I'm not concerned just about Americans, but Christians in the Middle-East that have been the victims of genocide in the Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, you name it.

I suppose as long as it's not in your town, you don't give a flying-fuck, am I right?

It's not that I don't "give a flying-fuck" if it's not in my town, it's that cultures in those other countries are completely different than those here yet you are blaming Muslims here for the actions of Muslims there.
San Bernardino and Oklahoma are not 'over there', genius.

You need to try to follow the conversation first before opening your mouth and saying something stupid, genius.
You mean like Mudwhistles comment, "Well, this guy cut one woman's head off and was in the process of cutting another off when the cops blew his ass away.


Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post"

To which you said "It's not that I don't "give a flying-fuck" if it's not in my town, it's that cultures in those other countries are completely different than those here yet you are blaming Muslims here for the actions of Muslims there."

To which I responded, "San Bernardino and Oklahoma are not 'over there', genius." referencing recent events as well as Mudwhistle's explanation.

But in the interest of being truthful, Mudwhistle, am I following this right in your opinion or not?

If not I offer my apologies, but I dont see where I deviated from the path of good interpretation.

Perhaps I misunderstood your comment then.

Oklahoma incident is not the product of culture. If you read the articles about this man, he is clearly very mentally ill. San Bernardino is a terrorist attack. Is it any different than the terrorist attack at Planned Parenthood? How about the massacre at the Charleston Church? Is the Muslim community in San Bernardino any different than the Christian community in Charleston?
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Its a damn shame people cant live their lives because of some inbred. backwood. ignorants that are afraid of muslims.
Your boy, the great white father/loretta Lynch said we're supposed to rat these people out. So who's afraid now?
Last edited:
Fuck muslims and their mysoginist, racist, backwards philosophy.
They need to do a better job of policing themselves so they quit harboring and abetting terrorists.
I have no sympathy for any of them.
I gotta muslim neighbor from Turkey. He had me over to his house once and all he wanted to talk about is the 47000 contradictions in the Bible. I think it's because I have his step daughter in my Sunday School class. I don't have any plans of going back.
Fuck muslims and their mysoginist, racist, backwards philosophy.
They need to do a better job of policing themselves so they quit harboring and abetting terrorists.
I have no sympathy for any of them.
I gotta muslim neighbor from Turkey. He had me over to his house once and all he wanted to talk about is the 47000 contradictions in the Bible. I don't have any plans of going back.

I have known plenty of people from Turkey, and not one has ever said anything like that. Assholes can come from anywhere.
Fuck muslims and their mysoginist, racist, backwards philosophy.
They need to do a better job of policing themselves so they quit harboring and abetting terrorists.
I have no sympathy for any of them.
I gotta muslim neighbor from Turkey. He had me over to his house once and all he wanted to talk about is the 47000 contradictions in the Bible. I don't have any plans of going back.

I have known plenty of people from Turkey, and not one has ever said anything like that. Assholes can come from anywhere.
I think he wants to convert his step daughter, and since she's in my sunday school, he wanted to make me look foolish.
Muslims in America Condemn Extremists and Fear Anew for Their Lives

As they should. There are walking targets for the New Crusaders off to their Holy War, for Jesus.

Luke 23:34

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

What do you think would happen in the Middle East to Christians if the tables were reversed?

This is why they are uneasy.

In reality, nothing has happened to them and nothing will.

Will Christianity be praised for it's tolerance? Nope. Obama will continue to bash the Crusaders.
obama and lynch are pushing the, "rat out the suspicious muslim program."

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