Muslims on this messageboard hate Jews, but without Jews Muslims would not even exist

Although I don't know if you realize it -- but there is more truth to your statement than you may think. Most of today's Jews can trace their lineage to the Khazar kingdom of the Steppes of Eastern Europe. Think Huns and Mongols. They converted to Judaism in the 7th & 8th centuries A.D. They converted to Judaism en masse and are not related to the biblical tribe of Judah.

Read "The Thirteenth Tribe" by the Jewish author, Arthur Koestler.

Probably. Unlike the Sephardic and Persian Jews, but I don't think it makes a difference. If someone says they are a Jew IMO they are.
Ancient Egyptians weren’t Arabs, you moron! Arabs invaded Egypt in the Middle Ages, 7th century CE. LOL!

What's wrong with you? Hagar was Egyptian but Keturah was Arab and she had six sons with Abraham. They are all semites just like the Jews.
Probably. Unlike the Sephardic and Persian Jews, but I don't think it makes a difference. If someone says they are a Jew IMO they are.

What's wrong with you? Hagar was Egyptian but Keturah was Arab and she had six sons with Abraham. They are all semites just like the Jews.
Most of these talking heads don't even know where the word “Semite” originated. Shem was one of the sons of Noah. His descendants can all be considered “Semites.” That covers a ton of folks living today who are NOT Jews. But the Khazars are Asiatic and likely not related to Shem.
Still ignoring the evidence provided. You want others to read your “evidence” as “proof” while ignoring any evidence that counters your pet narrative. So typical of the left mentality.

Newsweek: The DNA of Abraham’s Children, Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim.

“Jews have historically considered themselves people of the book (am hasefer in Hebrew), referring to sacred tomes, but the phrase is turning out to have an equally powerful, if unintended, meaning: scientists are able to read Jewish genomes like a history book. The latest DNA volume weighs in on the controversial, centuries-old (and now revived in a 2008 book) claim that European Jews are all the descendants of Khazars, a Turkic group of the north Caucasus who converted to Judaism in the late eighth and early ninth century. The DNA has spoken: No.”

What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome
Most of these talking heads don't even know where the word “Semite” originated. Shem was one of the sons of Noah. His descendants can all be considered “Semites.” That covers a ton of folks living today who are NOT Jews. But the Khazars are Asiatic and likely not related to Shem.

I was thinking of the Semitic language group which includes Hebrew. Arabs have been trading with Egypt and the Levant long before Islam. They provided Frankincense and Myrrh to Herod and the Pharaohs.
Newsweek: The DNA of Abraham’s Children, Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim.

“Jews have historically considered themselves people of the book (am hasefer in Hebrew), referring to sacred tomes, but the phrase is turning out to have an equally powerful, if unintended, meaning: scientists are able to read Jewish genomes like a history book. The latest DNA volume weighs in on the controversial, centuries-old (and now revived in a 2008 book) claim that European Jews are all the descendants of Khazars, a Turkic group of the north Caucasus who converted to Judaism in the late eighth and early ninth century. The DNA has spoken: No.”

What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome
Quoting from a notorious "Fake News" site, I see. Yawn!
Probably. Unlike the Sephardic and Persian Jews, but I don't think it makes a difference. If someone says they are a Jew IMO they are.

What's wrong with you? Hagar was Egyptian but Keturah was Arab and she had six sons with Abraham. They are all semites just like the Jews.

Nowhere does the Bible say Keturah was an Arab. Nowhere does Keturah or Hagar even appear in the Arab Koran.
Abraham was Father of the Jews. Nothing to do with Muslims.
Actually, you wrong. Genesis talks about Abram's illicit affair with his servant Hagar, who gave birth to Ishmael. That being said, the Messianic line still descended from Isaac.
I was thinking of the Semitic language group which includes Hebrew. Arabs have been trading with Egypt and the Levant long before Islam. They provided Frankincense and Myrrh to Herod and the Pharaohs.

Arabs didn’t exist until the Islamic period. Middle Ages. Not ancient history.
Abraham was Father of the Jews. Nothing to do with Muslims.

According to the Islamic faith, Abraham (Arabic: إِبْرَاهِيْمُ, romanized: ʾIbrāhīm, Arabic pronunciation: [ʔɪbraːˈhiːm]) was a prophet and messenger[2][3] of God, and an ancestor to the Ishmaelite Arabs and Israelites.[2][4] Abraham plays a prominent role as an example of faith in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.[2] In Muslim belief, Abraham fulfilled all the commandments and trials wherein God nurtured him throughout his lifetime. As a result of his unwavering faith in God, Abraham was promised by God to be a leader to all the nations of the world.[5] The Quran extols Abraham as a model, an exemplar, obedient and not an idolater.[6] In this sense, Abraham has been described as representing "primordial man in universal surrender to the Divine Reality before its fragmentation into religions separated from each other by differences in form".[7]: 18  Muslims believe that the Kaaba in Mecca was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael as the first house of worship on earth. The Islamic holy day 'Eid ul-Adha is celebrated in commemoration of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son on God's command, as well as the end of the Hajj pilgrimage to the Kaaba.[7]

Muslims believe that Abraham, also known as Khalilullah (Arabic: خليل الله Trans: friend of God), became the leader of the righteous in his time and that it was through him that Adnanite-Arabs and Israelites came. Abraham, in the belief of Islam, was instrumental in cleansing the world of idolatry at the time. Paganism was cleared out by Abraham in both the Arabian peninsula and Canaan. He spiritually purified both places as well as physically sanctifying the houses of worship. Abraham and Isma'il (Ishmael) further established the rites of pilgrimage,[8] or Ḥajj ('Pilgrimage'), which are still followed by Muslims today. Muslims maintain that Abraham further asked God to bless both the lines of his progeny, of Isma'il and Isḥaq (Isaac), and to keep all of his descendants in the protection of God.
Actually, you wrong. Genesis talks about Abram's illicit affair with his servant Hagar, who gave birth to Ishmael. That being said, the Messianic line still descended from Isaac.

Hagar wasn’t an Arab, bright eyes.

According to the Islamic faith, Abraham (Arabic: إِبْرَاهِيْمُ, romanized: ʾIbrāhīm, Arabic pronunciation: [ʔɪbraːˈhiːm]) was a prophet and messenger[2][3] of God, and an ancestor to the Ishmaelite Arabs and Israelites.[2][4] Abraham plays a prominent role as an example of faith in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.[2] In Muslim belief, Abraham fulfilled all the commandments and trials wherein God nurtured him throughout his lifetime. As a result of his unwavering faith in God, Abraham was promised by God to be a leader to all the nations of the world.[5] The Quran extols Abraham as a model, an exemplar, obedient and not an idolater.[6] In this sense, Abraham has been described as representing "primordial man in universal surrender to the Divine Reality before its fragmentation into religions separated from each other by differences in form".[7]: 18  Muslims believe that the Kaaba in Mecca was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael as the first house of worship on earth. The Islamic holy day 'Eid ul-Adha is celebrated in commemoration of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son on God's command, as well as the end of the Hajj pilgrimage to the Kaaba.[7]
Muslims believe that Abraham, also known as Khalilullah (Arabic: خليل الله Trans: friend of God), became the leader of the righteous in his time and that it was through him that Adnanite-Arabs and Israelites came. Abraham, in the belief of Islam, was instrumental in cleansing the world of idolatry at the time. Paganism was cleared out by Abraham in both the Arabian peninsula and Canaan. He spiritually purified both places as well as physically sanctifying the houses of worship. Abraham and Isma'il (Ishmael) further established the rites of pilgrimage,[8] or Ḥajj ('Pilgrimage'), which are still followed by Muslims today. Muslims maintain that Abraham further asked God to bless both the lines of his progeny, of Isma'il and Isḥaq (Isaac), and to keep all of his descendants in the protection of God.

Abraham was Father of the Jews. God says so in the Jewish Bible…

Actually, you wrong. Genesis talks about Abram's illicit affair with his servant Hagar, who gave birth to Ishmael. That being said, the Messianic line still descended from Isaac.
Which is, of course, the beginning of Christianity.

It is, in effect, a family fight, with Abraham's progeny starting both Islam and Christianity.
The argument being is which line was/is legitimate.
Which is, of course, the beginning of Christianity.

It is, in effect, a family fight, with Abraham's progeny starting both Islam and Christianity.
The argument being is which line was/is legitimate.

Jesus, a devout Jew, and his Jewish disciples knew Abraham was Father of the Jews…

Newsweek: The DNA of Abraham’s Children, Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim.

“Jews have historically considered themselves people of the book (am hasefer in Hebrew), referring to sacred tomes, but the phrase is turning out to have an equally powerful, if unintended, meaning: scientists are able to read Jewish genomes like a history book. The latest DNA volume weighs in on the controversial, centuries-old (and now revived in a 2008 book) claim that European Jews are all the descendants of Khazars, a Turkic group of the north Caucasus who converted to Judaism in the late eighth and early ninth century. The DNA has spoken: No.”

What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome

Most Jews share genetic markers with Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians. Even Ben Gurion said the Palestinians were just Jewish farmers who didn't leave. What exactly is your problem?
Most Jews share genetic markers with Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians. Even Ben Gurion said the Palestinians were just Jewish farmers who didn't leave. What exactly is your problem?

Quoting from a notorious "Fake News" site, I see. Yawn!

Report based on genetic research, dumbass.

“The DNA analysis undermines the claim that most of todays Jews, particularly the Ashkenazi, are the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazarswhich has angered many in the Jewish community as an implicit attack on the Jews claim to the land of Israel, since it implies that todays Jews have no blood ties to the original Jews of the Middle East. Instead, find the scientists, at most there was limited admixture with local populations, including Khazars and Slavs ... during the 1,000-year (second millennium) history of the European Jews.

Analysis of Jewish genomes has been yielding fascinating findings for more than a decade. A pioneer in this field, Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona, made the first big splash when he discovered that genetics supports the biblical account of a priestly family, the Cohanim, descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses: one specific genetic marker on the Y chromosome (which is passed on from father to son, as membership in the priestly family would be) is found in 98.5 percent of people who self-identify as Cohanim, he and colleagues reported in a 1997 paper in Nature (the PBS science series Nova did a nice segment on that work, summarized here). The Cohanim DNA has been found in both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, evidence that it predates the time when the two groups diverged, about 1,000 years ago. DNA can also be used to infer when particular genetic markers appeared, and suggests that the Cohanim emerged about 106 generations ago, making it fall during what is thought to be the period of the exodus from Egypt, and thus Aarons lifetime.”

What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome
Report based on genetic research, dumbass.

“The DNA analysis undermines the claim that most of todays Jews, particularly the Ashkenazi, are the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazarswhich has angered many in the Jewish community as an implicit attack on the Jews claim to the land of Israel, since it implies that todays Jews have no blood ties to the original Jews of the Middle East. Instead, find the scientists, at most there was limited admixture with local populations, including Khazars and Slavs ... during the 1,000-year (second millennium) history of the European Jews.

Analysis of Jewish genomes has been yielding fascinating findings for more than a decade. A pioneer in this field, Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona, made the first big splash when he discovered that genetics supports the biblical account of a priestly family, the Cohanim, descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses: one specific genetic marker on the Y chromosome (which is passed on from father to son, as membership in the priestly family would be) is found in 98.5 percent of people who self-identify as Cohanim, he and colleagues reported in a 1997 paper in Nature (the PBS science series Nova did a nice segment on that work, summarized here). The Cohanim DNA has been found in both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, evidence that it predates the time when the two groups diverged, about 1,000 years ago. DNA can also be used to infer when particular genetic markers appeared, and suggests that the Cohanim emerged about 106 generations ago, making it fall during what is thought to be the period of the exodus from Egypt, and thus Aarons lifetime.”

What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome
Modern Jews make MILLIONS on their claim to being “God's chosen people.” Of course, they need to debunk the truth. Since they own the vast majority of media sources … they have the clout (and inclination) to re-write the “facts” to bolster their false narrative. Get with it, boy.
Yes. Abraham was a Canaanite from Ugarit in Syria... From Urfa near Haran.

God in the Jewish Bible acknowledges Abraham as Father of the Jews. Nowhere in Arabs’ Koran does God say Abraham is father of Arabs or Muslims. Sorry. Not sorry.


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