Muslims on this messageboard hate Jews, but without Jews Muslims would not even exist

God in the Jewish Bible acknowledges Abraham as Father of the Jews. Nowhere in Arabs’ Koran does God say Abraham is father of Arabs or Muslims. Sorry. Not sorry.

View attachment 782691

Lol 😂 you haven't read it. Arabs and Jews are half brothers.

Have you ever been out of NYC? You have such a belligerent attitude.
Lol 😂 you haven't read it. Arabs and Jews are half brothers.

Have you ever been out of NYC? You have such a belligerent attitude.
Jesus, a devout Jew, and his Jewish disciples acknowledged Abraham as Father of the Jews. Common knowledge.

Nowhere in Arabs’ Koran is Abraham father of Arabs or Muslims. Case Closed.

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Where do the Koran and pre-Koran records say Ishmael was father of Arabs?
It does not...nor did I claim so. Ishmael, according to the line that Mohamed came from. As Issac is the line that Jesus spring from. The entire argument is all about which son received the mandate of it were..and thus..which line is divinely inspired.
Surely you know this and are just trolling?
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It does not...nor did I claim so. Ishmael, according to the line that Mohamed came from. As Issac is the line that Jesus spring from. The entire argument is all about shich son received the mandate of it were..and thus..which line is divinely inspired.
Surely you know this and are just trolling?
Where does the Koran say anything about Muhammad descending from Ishmael? Since Muhammad wrote the Koran, he would certainly have noted having descended from Ishmael if this were the case—Where did he do so?
Not sure what your point is here. You have the three Abrahamic Religions- Judaism, Christianity and Islam, arguing over who their invisible friend in the sky loves best. None of the modern versions are anywhere near what was practiced in the bronze age.

All of them were influenced by other religions - such as Greek Platonism, Zoroasterism, Mithraism.

The ironic thing is you created an intolerant religions and spent the last 2000 years being oppressed by people who adopted parts of it.

The other ironic thing was the Islamic World didn't have much of a problem with you (compared to the Christian World) until you started stealing their land.

Ironic that the Koran decrees Israel to Jews. Arabs aren‘t even mentioned.

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Where does the Koran say anything about Muhammad descending from Ishmael? Since Muhammad wrote the Koran, he would certainly have noted having descended from Ishmael if this were the case—Where did he do so?
Why would he have? You are setting up artificial conditions in an attempt to push some lame revisionist shyte. Not everything is in the Koran...and what most of Islam believes is not what you purport it to be.

Why would he have? You are setting up artificial conditions in an attempt to push some lame revisionist shyte. Not everything is in the Koran...and what most of Islam believes is not what you purport it to be.

Ishmael appears several times in the Koran—Show me where it says he’s the ancestor of Muhammad. If it doesn’t say it, then he wasn’t the ancestor of Muhammad.
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