Muslims raise funds for families of California victims

Doesn't matter. Some are stepping forward. And it is up to $70,000 now.
You really that stupid?
That's a rhetorical question.

I take it that you don't then.
Yeah, only one victim has a fundraiser.
View attachment 56454

I'm sure there are plenty...I was trying to see if particular religious groups were raising money.

Also, why it's so important to you to demean efforts by people trying to raise money to help.

Why do you think all Muslims are fundraising?
Hmmm...they donate a half billion to Isis...

and 30,000 to Isis victims.

US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

I have yet to me a actual radical Muslim here in Houston, and know many that are good people that love their community and city as much as the next person.
They don't walk up and tell you they're radical muslims, idiot.

You are the fucking idiot you worthless piece of filth!

To you everyone that is not a Lily White WASP is a danger to your worthless life, so it does not surprise me you can not understand not every Muslim is a radical.

Also you worthless filth I worked in the Engineering field and also Medical Field for more than twenty years and have met many Muslims that are better than you will ever be!

Finally, I doubt you have done anything to help the families of the victims or the surviving victims, and you scuff at the money donated by the Muslim community?

Please write some more stupidity because the reality is you're no better than the ISIL bitch that got killed!

Ah, another supporter of terrorism. Nice to make your acquaintance, you traitorous scumbag.

Another stupid comment by someone that is no better than the ISIL bitch that was killed.

Funny how when I do not agree with your assertion that all Muslims are evil or terrorists then you deem me as a terrorists and traitor, and that is funny seeing you have more in common with ISIL than me!
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

You will need a more credible source than Al-Jazeera!

But that is what far left drones do when they run a narrative!
Reliable like Fox? Breitbart?
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

I have yet to me a actual radical Muslim here in Houston, and know many that are good people that love their community and city as much as the next person.
They don't walk up and tell you they're radical muslims, idiot.

You are the fucking idiot you worthless piece of filth!

To you everyone that is not a Lily White WASP is a danger to your worthless life, so it does not surprise me you can not understand not every Muslim is a radical.

Also you worthless filth I worked in the Engineering field and also Medical Field for more than twenty years and have met many Muslims that are better than you will ever be!

Finally, I doubt you have done anything to help the families of the victims or the surviving victims, and you scuff at the money donated by the Muslim community?

Please write some more stupidity because the reality is you're no better than the ISIL bitch that got killed!

Ah, another supporter of terrorism. Nice to make your acquaintance, you traitorous scumbag.

Another stupid comment by someone that is no better than the ISIL bitch that was killed.

Funny how when I do not agree with your assertion that all Muslims are evil or terrorists then you deem me as a terrorists and traitor, and that is funny seeing you have more in common with ISIL than me!

You sound kind of rabid. Maybe you need to do the hookah thing and report me to your local terror cell? Would that make you feel better?
well good but not a big deal as everyone called upon to contribute should contribute . 30,000 dollars is cheap publicity . Mafia gives to charity .
Give em a break, good people, should not have to carry the burden of those who are bad....stop
I have yet to me a actual radical Muslim here in Houston, and know many that are good people that love their community and city as much as the next person.
They don't walk up and tell you they're radical muslims, idiot.

You are the fucking idiot you worthless piece of filth!

To you everyone that is not a Lily White WASP is a danger to your worthless life, so it does not surprise me you can not understand not every Muslim is a radical.

Also you worthless filth I worked in the Engineering field and also Medical Field for more than twenty years and have met many Muslims that are better than you will ever be!

Finally, I doubt you have done anything to help the families of the victims or the surviving victims, and you scuff at the money donated by the Muslim community?

Please write some more stupidity because the reality is you're no better than the ISIL bitch that got killed!

Ah, another supporter of terrorism. Nice to make your acquaintance, you traitorous scumbag.

Another stupid comment by someone that is no better than the ISIL bitch that was killed.

Funny how when I do not agree with your assertion that all Muslims are evil or terrorists then you deem me as a terrorists and traitor, and that is funny seeing you have more in common with ISIL than me!

You sound kind of rabid. Maybe you need to do the hookah thing and report me to your local terror cell? Would that make you feel better?

Tell you what and I want you to send my comments to you to DHS, FBI, and CIA and the NSA and have them check to see if I am a terrorist, and then send it to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and tell them you believe I am a terrorist, and when everyone of them laugh at your stupid fucking ass then go fuck yourself with that " You're a Terrorist :" nonsense because as I have written before you have more in common with ISIL than me!

Now hurry, and I hope they do not have you blocked because I believe they will get a chuckle out of a nutter like you claiming someone is a terrorist because the individual does not share your pure hatred for non-WASP individuals!
It would be better if the abettors would raise money to help sniff out and remove their muslim brethren.
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

You will need a more credible source than Al-Jazeera!

But that is what far left drones do when they run a narrative!
Reliable like Fox? Breitbart?

So you see to the far left drones, Al Jazeera is a credible source for them..

Of course I love it when the far left brings up FOX..

Terror couple's bombs were set to kill first responders

But since this far left drone will not believe fox this must not be true!
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
To me, that is $857 that wasn't already in the picture for each family. :) :) :)

God bless you and them and those who give always!!! :) :) :)


It's chump change.
Hell I spend that at the grocery store and the liquor store every week.
^^^ It is still money that wasn't already in the picture and those who gave it did not have to give it.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

I think it a nice attempt to show support for victims of radicalized assholes. Kinda like Westboro does NOT represent the majority of christians sorta thing. These muslims are trying to do the best they can. Remember the Masai tribe in Africa that donated all those cows to us after 9/11? Cows. But to the Masai..they are worth their weight in gold, those cows. So the INTENT was awesome. Thank you, Coyote for posting it. And those that want to hang on to "all muslims are terrorists"...well...whatever floats yer boats.
I think it a nice attempt to show support for victims of radicalized assholes. Kinda like Westboro does NOT represent the majority of christians sorta thing. These muslims are trying to do the best they can. Remember the Masai tribe in Africa that donated all those cows to us after 9/11? Cows. But to the Masai..they are worth their weight in gold, those cows. So the INTENT was awesome. Thank you, Coyote for posting it. And those that want to hang on to "all muslims are terrorists"...well...whatever floats yer boats.
It's not that people think all muslims are terrorists, it's that nobody can tell which ones are and which ones aren't. I'm sure Farook's coworkers were sure he wasn't a terrorist when they gave him and his wife a baby shower shortly before he and his wife murdered them.
I think it a nice attempt to show support for victims of radicalized assholes. Kinda like Westboro does NOT represent the majority of christians sorta thing. These muslims are trying to do the best they can. Remember the Masai tribe in Africa that donated all those cows to us after 9/11? Cows. But to the Masai..they are worth their weight in gold, those cows. So the INTENT was awesome. Thank you, Coyote for posting it. And those that want to hang on to "all muslims are terrorists"...well...whatever floats yer boats.
It's not that people think all muslims are terrorists, it's that nobody can tell which ones are and which ones aren't. I'm sure Farook's coworkers were sure he wasn't a terrorist when they gave him and his wife a baby shower shortly before he and his wife murdered them.

I agree.

One minute they look normal..... the next minute they found Allah and turn on you.
Well, I will look at their attempts the same way I looked at the Masai and their cows. Graciously. But I won't trust them either. can be kindly...while being careful, no? (Not that I do not trust the Masai. They just wanted to show some compassion).
I think it a nice attempt to show support for victims of radicalized assholes. Kinda like Westboro does NOT represent the majority of christians sorta thing. These muslims are trying to do the best they can. Remember the Masai tribe in Africa that donated all those cows to us after 9/11? Cows. But to the Masai..they are worth their weight in gold, those cows. So the INTENT was awesome. Thank you, Coyote for posting it. And those that want to hang on to "all muslims are terrorists"...well...whatever floats yer boats.
It's not that people think all muslims are terrorists, it's that nobody can tell which ones are and which ones aren't. I'm sure Farook's coworkers were sure he wasn't a terrorist when they gave him and his wife a baby shower shortly before he and his wife murdered them.

I agree.

One minute they look normal..... the next minute they found Allah and turn on you.
Exactly. Like the Ft. Hood shooter. They always say they acted like everyone else until they whipped out the AK and shouted Alluah Akbar (or whatever).

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