Muslims raise funds for families of California victims

Well, I will look at their attempts the same way I looked at the Masai and their cows. Graciously. But I won't trust them either. can be kindly...while being careful, no?

The proof is in the pudding Gracie... we know how they can be.

I rather be careful 100% of the time when it comes to them.
Well, I will look at their attempts the same way I looked at the Masai and their cows. Graciously. But I won't trust them either. can be kindly...while being careful, no?

The proof is in the pudding Gracie... we know how they can be.

I rather be careful 100% of the time when it comes to them.
Same here. Its like...loving looking at a mighty lion. Or polar bear. YOu so want to cuddle it might be hungry. I said in another thread...this is going to be a long going repercussion with muslims. Damned if they don't...Damned if they do.
Well, I will look at their attempts the same way I looked at the Masai and their cows. Graciously. But I won't trust them either. can be kindly...while being careful, no?

The proof is in the pudding Gracie... we know how they can be.

I rather be careful 100% of the time when it comes to them.
Same here. Its like...loving looking at a mighty lion. Or polar bear. YOu so want to cuddle it might be hungry.

Worse than that.

Lions or polar bears do it because they are hungry.

These lunatic, savages do it because they are evil.....morally bankrupt.
Muslims in general are very giving and loving people. My best friends are Muslims.

How long have you been on this board?

You know that does not cut it!

But hey way to set the example!

Set examples of what? Against HATRED? Like you .......I have several Muslim employees in my company. I've known them for at least 19 years or so. They are loving dedicated people more than you can imagine. I do not gave problem with them leaving my grand kids if needed.
They are very angry with their fellow Muslims about any kind terrorist act.

More far left hatred being put on display!

The only hatred here is from the far left drone like yourself!

Show me where I demonstrated any kind of hatred? Cupcake.
Well, I will look at their attempts the same way I looked at the Masai and their cows. Graciously. But I won't trust them either. can be kindly...while being careful, no?

The proof is in the pudding Gracie... we know how they can be.

I rather be careful 100% of the time when it comes to them.
Same here. Its like...loving looking at a mighty lion. Or polar bear. YOu so want to cuddle it might be hungry.

Worse than that.

Lions or polar bears do it because they are hungry.

These lunatic, savages do it because they are evil.....morally bankrupt.
Or cray cray. And being cray cray does not mean someone is born evil. It means someone taught them cray cray was normal. From infancy. Or, due to brain misfirings.
Well, I will look at their attempts the same way I looked at the Masai and their cows. Graciously. But I won't trust them either. can be kindly...while being careful, no?

The proof is in the pudding Gracie... we know how they can be.

I rather be careful 100% of the time when it comes to them.
Same here. Its like...loving looking at a mighty lion. Or polar bear. YOu so want to cuddle it might be hungry.

Worse than that.

Lions or polar bears do it because they are hungry.

These lunatic, savages do it because they are evil.....morally bankrupt.
Or cray cray. And being cray cray does not mean someone is born evil. It means someone taught them cray cray was normal. From infancy. Or, due to brain misfirings.

Well, yes other words.
^^^ It is still money that they did not already have and those who gave it did not have to give it.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

If it were me I'd refuse to take it.
So in other words you would be telling them to stick it. Is that what you would want said to you after you did would you could for someone when you really didn't have to do anything for them at all?

God bless you always!!!

imo , many of these muslim types , most in fact have been indoctrinated since early youth . Whats a 'madrassa' do with its youth . Check out some of the passages in the 'quran' . Check out some of their religious concepts like Jizya , Taqiyah and holy cow if a jihadi murders infidels he get to spend eternity with 72 very loose virgins , hot cha cha !!! Trying to be delicate here but everyone should know how a lot , some say most guys are . Point is that you teach this stuff to a kid from some dusty hell hole of a village and he will certainly be enthused . ------- jmo !!
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)
So fucking what. I volunteered at nursing homes before I went to prison.

You liberals are gullible fools. Money talks & bullshit walks, never applied more I say.
imo , many of these muslim types , most in fact have been indoctrinated since early youth . Whats a 'madrassa' do with its youth . Check out some of the passages in the 'quran' . Check out some of their religious concepts like Jizya , Taqiyah and holy cow if a jihadi murders infidels he get to spend eternity with 72 very loose virgins , hot cha cha !!! Trying to be delicate here but everyone should know how a lot , some say most guys are . Point is that you teach this stuff to a kid from some dusty hell hole of a village and he will certainly be enthused . ------- jmo !!
So...if that kid is 4 years gonna kill him?
They don't walk up and tell you they're radical muslims, idiot.

You are the fucking idiot you worthless piece of filth!

To you everyone that is not a Lily White WASP is a danger to your worthless life, so it does not surprise me you can not understand not every Muslim is a radical.

Also you worthless filth I worked in the Engineering field and also Medical Field for more than twenty years and have met many Muslims that are better than you will ever be!

Finally, I doubt you have done anything to help the families of the victims or the surviving victims, and you scuff at the money donated by the Muslim community?

Please write some more stupidity because the reality is you're no better than the ISIL bitch that got killed!

Ah, another supporter of terrorism. Nice to make your acquaintance, you traitorous scumbag.

Another stupid comment by someone that is no better than the ISIL bitch that was killed.

Funny how when I do not agree with your assertion that all Muslims are evil or terrorists then you deem me as a terrorists and traitor, and that is funny seeing you have more in common with ISIL than me!

You sound kind of rabid. Maybe you need to do the hookah thing and report me to your local terror cell? Would that make you feel better?

Tell you what and I want you to send my comments to you to DHS, FBI, and CIA and the NSA and have them check to see if I am a terrorist, and then send it to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and tell them you believe I am a terrorist, and when everyone of them laugh at your stupid fucking ass then go fuck yourself with that " You're a Terrorist :" nonsense because as I have written before you have more in common with ISIL than me!

Now hurry, and I hope they do not have you blocked because I believe they will get a chuckle out of a nutter like you claiming someone is a terrorist because the individual does not share your pure hatred for non-WASP individuals!
What they would find is not that you're a rational jihadist secure in the knowledge that the Muslim world loves you....but a sad fruitcake like dear or Lanza.
imo , many of these muslim types , most in fact have been indoctrinated since early youth . Whats a 'madrassa' do with its youth . Check out some of the passages in the 'quran' . Check out some of their religious concepts like Jizya , Taqiyah and holy cow if a jihadi murders infidels he get to spend eternity with 72 very loose virgins , hot cha cha !!! Trying to be delicate here but everyone should know how a lot , some say most guys are . Point is that you teach this stuff to a kid from some dusty hell hole of a village and he will certainly be enthused . ------- jmo !!
So...if that kid is 4 years gonna kill him?
We won't go into a school to kill him, or a concert, or a days office. Because AMERICAN CHRISTIANS DON'T SEEK OUT KIDS TO KILL. That's totally a progressive and jihad thing. Stop trying to paint all groups as equally violent and the same degree of menace. We all know it's not true. In this country we have a problem with gangs, and Muslims...and the refusal of people to accept that IS the equal of Germans willfully ignoring the human rights violations of the Nazis, because they thought they'd achieve a higher standard of living if they played along.
So some people who happen to be Muslim raised funds for the victims of the San Bernadino incident. That to me is part of being members of society, simple caring and sharing. The fact they are Muslin garners no points, the fact that as people they are reaching out to others is significant, just like anyone who does.

The city has set up a go fund me page does that make them candidates for sainthood? I think not.

GoFundMe page started to support San Bernardino victims
You are the fucking idiot you worthless piece of filth!

To you everyone that is not a Lily White WASP is a danger to your worthless life, so it does not surprise me you can not understand not every Muslim is a radical.

Also you worthless filth I worked in the Engineering field and also Medical Field for more than twenty years and have met many Muslims that are better than you will ever be!

Finally, I doubt you have done anything to help the families of the victims or the surviving victims, and you scuff at the money donated by the Muslim community?

Please write some more stupidity because the reality is you're no better than the ISIL bitch that got killed!

Ah, another supporter of terrorism. Nice to make your acquaintance, you traitorous scumbag.

Another stupid comment by someone that is no better than the ISIL bitch that was killed.

Funny how when I do not agree with your assertion that all Muslims are evil or terrorists then you deem me as a terrorists and traitor, and that is funny seeing you have more in common with ISIL than me!

You sound kind of rabid. Maybe you need to do the hookah thing and report me to your local terror cell? Would that make you feel better?

Tell you what and I want you to send my comments to you to DHS, FBI, and CIA and the NSA and have them check to see if I am a terrorist, and then send it to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and tell them you believe I am a terrorist, and when everyone of them laugh at your stupid fucking ass then go fuck yourself with that " You're a Terrorist :" nonsense because as I have written before you have more in common with ISIL than me!

Now hurry, and I hope they do not have you blocked because I believe they will get a chuckle out of a nutter like you claiming someone is a terrorist because the individual does not share your pure hatred for non-WASP individuals!
What they would find is not that you're a rational jihadist secure in the knowledge that the Muslim world loves you....but a sad fruitcake like dear or Lanza.

Did you contact all those agencies and report me you stupid nutter?

Let me guess they have your email and phone number on the block list because of your abuse of reporting innocent people.

I find it sickening that someone like you is allow to even be on the internet because you lack any knowledge at all, and in another thread of your own you advocate using a Nuclear device in the Middle East and just worry about the Christian population because you believe only Christians are innocent in that region of the world.

So the real question that I have for you is did you cheer when you read ( wait I forgot your too stupid to read ) or had Rush Limbaugh tell you about the Planned Parenthood shooting start humming march on Christian Soldier?

You love acts of terrorism as long as it is done by some white guy, and I am sure you have family members that fit Adam Lanza and have more in common with him than anyone that is related to me!

You are a gun loving, Muslim hating ignorant Te Party nutter that want to nuke a region of the world, and you claim you do not have that much in common with ISIL and your stupidity rivals them!
imo , many of these muslim types , most in fact have been indoctrinated since early youth . Whats a 'madrassa' do with its youth . Check out some of the passages in the 'quran' . Check out some of their religious concepts like Jizya , Taqiyah and holy cow if a jihadi murders infidels he get to spend eternity with 72 very loose virgins , hot cha cha !!! Trying to be delicate here but everyone should know how a lot , some say most guys are . Point is that you teach this stuff to a kid from some dusty hell hole of a village and he will certainly be enthused . ------- jmo !!
So...if that kid is 4 years gonna kill him?
seems to me that the problem could be solved by stoping the teachings but to do that would mean TOTAL war and eradication of the teachings . ahmed was 8 years old fighting in 'syria' . --- --- sure , this was a game to 'ahmed' but he will learn a lot . At 11 or 12 he'll probably be good at beheading and torturing little 'yazidi' girl sex slaves Gracie .
^^^ It is still money that they did not already have and those who gave it did not have to give it.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


If it were me I'd refuse to take it.

You would deliberately choose to slap well meaning people in the face - people who did nothing to you?
How do you know they did nothing? Btw, it turns out Mama was complicit...and the state dept has recognized Islamic charities as one of the primary source of jihad funding. Along with trading in slaves and producing heroin. These are fine people...they give terrorists half a BILLION annually. Their hush money is bloody.
and my main concern is letting these kids into the USA to go to school and live in normal neighborhood with little Molly and Billy American kids . These experienced kids like 'AHMED' will totally dominate , imo !!

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