Muslims raise funds for families of California victims

Ah, another supporter of terrorism. Nice to make your acquaintance, you traitorous scumbag.

Another stupid comment by someone that is no better than the ISIL bitch that was killed.

Funny how when I do not agree with your assertion that all Muslims are evil or terrorists then you deem me as a terrorists and traitor, and that is funny seeing you have more in common with ISIL than me!

You sound kind of rabid. Maybe you need to do the hookah thing and report me to your local terror cell? Would that make you feel better?

Tell you what and I want you to send my comments to you to DHS, FBI, and CIA and the NSA and have them check to see if I am a terrorist, and then send it to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and tell them you believe I am a terrorist, and when everyone of them laugh at your stupid fucking ass then go fuck yourself with that " You're a Terrorist :" nonsense because as I have written before you have more in common with ISIL than me!

Now hurry, and I hope they do not have you blocked because I believe they will get a chuckle out of a nutter like you claiming someone is a terrorist because the individual does not share your pure hatred for non-WASP individuals!
What they would find is not that you're a rational jihadist secure in the knowledge that the Muslim world loves you....but a sad fruitcake like dear or Lanza.

Did you contact all those agencies and report me you stupid nutter?

Let me guess they have your email and phone number on the block list because of your abuse of reporting innocent people.

I find it sickening that someone like you is allow to even be on the internet because you lack any knowledge at all, and in another thread of your own you advocate using a Nuclear device in the Middle East and just worry about the Christian population because you believe only Christians are innocent in that region of the world.

So the real question that I have for you is did you cheer when you read ( wait I forgot your too stupid to read ) or had Rush Limbaugh tell you about the Planned Parenthood shooting start humming march on Christian Soldier?

You love acts of terrorism as long as it is done by some white guy, and I am sure you have family members that fit Adam Lanza and have more in common with him than anyone that is related to me!

You are a gun loving, Muslim hating ignorant Te Party nutter that want to nuke a region of the world, and you claim you do not have that much in common with ISIL and your stupidity rivals them!
No, I didn't contact them. You're obviously just a lone nutter, struggling to act normal until you fulfill your dream of killing a bunch of innocents.
imo , many of these muslim types , most in fact have been indoctrinated since early youth . Whats a 'madrassa' do with its youth . Check out some of the passages in the 'quran' . Check out some of their religious concepts like Jizya , Taqiyah and holy cow if a jihadi murders infidels he get to spend eternity with 72 very loose virgins , hot cha cha !!! Trying to be delicate here but everyone should know how a lot , some say most guys are . Point is that you teach this stuff to a kid from some dusty hell hole of a village and he will certainly be enthused . ------- jmo !!
So...if that kid is 4 years gonna kill him?
seems to me that the problem could be solved by stoping the teachings but to do that would mean TOTAL war and eradication of the teachings . ahmed was 8 years old fighting in 'syria' . --- --- sure , this was a game to 'ahmed' but he will learn a lot . At 11 or 12 he'll probably be good at beheading and torturing little 'yazidi' girl sex slaves Gracie .

They kidnap Christian kids and raise them up to be jihadi soldiers. You can imagine the tools they use to bring this about.
Another stupid comment by someone that is no better than the ISIL bitch that was killed.

Funny how when I do not agree with your assertion that all Muslims are evil or terrorists then you deem me as a terrorists and traitor, and that is funny seeing you have more in common with ISIL than me!

You sound kind of rabid. Maybe you need to do the hookah thing and report me to your local terror cell? Would that make you feel better?

Tell you what and I want you to send my comments to you to DHS, FBI, and CIA and the NSA and have them check to see if I am a terrorist, and then send it to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and tell them you believe I am a terrorist, and when everyone of them laugh at your stupid fucking ass then go fuck yourself with that " You're a Terrorist :" nonsense because as I have written before you have more in common with ISIL than me!

Now hurry, and I hope they do not have you blocked because I believe they will get a chuckle out of a nutter like you claiming someone is a terrorist because the individual does not share your pure hatred for non-WASP individuals!
What they would find is not that you're a rational jihadist secure in the knowledge that the Muslim world loves you....but a sad fruitcake like dear or Lanza.

Did you contact all those agencies and report me you stupid nutter?

Let me guess they have your email and phone number on the block list because of your abuse of reporting innocent people.

I find it sickening that someone like you is allow to even be on the internet because you lack any knowledge at all, and in another thread of your own you advocate using a Nuclear device in the Middle East and just worry about the Christian population because you believe only Christians are innocent in that region of the world.

So the real question that I have for you is did you cheer when you read ( wait I forgot your too stupid to read ) or had Rush Limbaugh tell you about the Planned Parenthood shooting start humming march on Christian Soldier?

You love acts of terrorism as long as it is done by some white guy, and I am sure you have family members that fit Adam Lanza and have more in common with him than anyone that is related to me!

You are a gun loving, Muslim hating ignorant Te Party nutter that want to nuke a region of the world, and you claim you do not have that much in common with ISIL and your stupidity rivals them!
No, I didn't contact them. You're obviously just a lone nutter, struggling to act normal until you fulfill your dream of killing a bunch of innocents.

Well then you need to do your job or as I wrote they most likely have blocked you on Twitter, Facebook, Email, Phone and Smoke Signal because you would report a white male with blue eyes as a possible terrorist because they do not share your hatred for Non-WASP's of the world.

Now seeing nothing I wrote is in support of terrorism but you have stated you would be alright with using a Nuclear bomb in a region where Christian, Jews, and Muslims live and only would warn the Christians to get out of the way, and you call me nuts and a terrorist?

You are one sick in the head individual that is most likely being watched by the government because of the fear you might go into a planned parenthood clinic and start shooting up the place!
You sound kind of rabid. Maybe you need to do the hookah thing and report me to your local terror cell? Would that make you feel better?

Tell you what and I want you to send my comments to you to DHS, FBI, and CIA and the NSA and have them check to see if I am a terrorist, and then send it to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and tell them you believe I am a terrorist, and when everyone of them laugh at your stupid fucking ass then go fuck yourself with that " You're a Terrorist :" nonsense because as I have written before you have more in common with ISIL than me!

Now hurry, and I hope they do not have you blocked because I believe they will get a chuckle out of a nutter like you claiming someone is a terrorist because the individual does not share your pure hatred for non-WASP individuals!
What they would find is not that you're a rational jihadist secure in the knowledge that the Muslim world loves you....but a sad fruitcake like dear or Lanza.

Did you contact all those agencies and report me you stupid nutter?

Let me guess they have your email and phone number on the block list because of your abuse of reporting innocent people.

I find it sickening that someone like you is allow to even be on the internet because you lack any knowledge at all, and in another thread of your own you advocate using a Nuclear device in the Middle East and just worry about the Christian population because you believe only Christians are innocent in that region of the world.

So the real question that I have for you is did you cheer when you read ( wait I forgot your too stupid to read ) or had Rush Limbaugh tell you about the Planned Parenthood shooting start humming march on Christian Soldier?

You love acts of terrorism as long as it is done by some white guy, and I am sure you have family members that fit Adam Lanza and have more in common with him than anyone that is related to me!

You are a gun loving, Muslim hating ignorant Te Party nutter that want to nuke a region of the world, and you claim you do not have that much in common with ISIL and your stupidity rivals them!
No, I didn't contact them. You're obviously just a lone nutter, struggling to act normal until you fulfill your dream of killing a bunch of innocents.

Well then you need to do your job or as I wrote they most likely have blocked you on Twitter, Facebook, Email, Phone and Smoke Signal because you would report a white male with blue eyes as a possible terrorist because they do not share your hatred for Non-WASP's of the world.

Now seeing nothing I wrote is in support of terrorism but you have stated you would be alright with using a Nuclear bomb in a region where Christian, Jews, and Muslims live and only would warn the Christians to get out of the way, and you call me nuts and a terrorist?

You are one sick in the head individual that is most likely being watched by the government because of the fear you might go into a planned parenthood clinic and start shooting up the place!
gads you sound like tiggered.
imo , many of these muslim types , most in fact have been indoctrinated since early youth . Whats a 'madrassa' do with its youth . Check out some of the passages in the 'quran' . Check out some of their religious concepts like Jizya , Taqiyah and holy cow if a jihadi murders infidels he get to spend eternity with 72 very loose virgins , hot cha cha !!! Trying to be delicate here but everyone should know how a lot , some say most guys are . Point is that you teach this stuff to a kid from some dusty hell hole of a village and he will certainly be enthused . ------- jmo !!
So...if that kid is 4 years gonna kill him?
seems to me that the problem could be solved by stoping the teachings but to do that would mean TOTAL war and eradication of the teachings . ahmed was 8 years old fighting in 'syria' . --- --- sure , this was a game to 'ahmed' but he will learn a lot . At 11 or 12 he'll probably be good at beheading and torturing little 'yazidi' girl sex slaves Gracie .

They kidnap Christian kids and raise them up to be jihadi soldiers. You can imagine the tools they use to bring this about.

in the old days in the 'ottoman empire' they were the 'jannisaries' built up out of slaves and Christian boys , I think KGirl .
Tell you what and I want you to send my comments to you to DHS, FBI, and CIA and the NSA and have them check to see if I am a terrorist, and then send it to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and tell them you believe I am a terrorist, and when everyone of them laugh at your stupid fucking ass then go fuck yourself with that " You're a Terrorist :" nonsense because as I have written before you have more in common with ISIL than me!

Now hurry, and I hope they do not have you blocked because I believe they will get a chuckle out of a nutter like you claiming someone is a terrorist because the individual does not share your pure hatred for non-WASP individuals!
What they would find is not that you're a rational jihadist secure in the knowledge that the Muslim world loves you....but a sad fruitcake like dear or Lanza.

Did you contact all those agencies and report me you stupid nutter?

Let me guess they have your email and phone number on the block list because of your abuse of reporting innocent people.

I find it sickening that someone like you is allow to even be on the internet because you lack any knowledge at all, and in another thread of your own you advocate using a Nuclear device in the Middle East and just worry about the Christian population because you believe only Christians are innocent in that region of the world.

So the real question that I have for you is did you cheer when you read ( wait I forgot your too stupid to read ) or had Rush Limbaugh tell you about the Planned Parenthood shooting start humming march on Christian Soldier?

You love acts of terrorism as long as it is done by some white guy, and I am sure you have family members that fit Adam Lanza and have more in common with him than anyone that is related to me!

You are a gun loving, Muslim hating ignorant Te Party nutter that want to nuke a region of the world, and you claim you do not have that much in common with ISIL and your stupidity rivals them!
No, I didn't contact them. You're obviously just a lone nutter, struggling to act normal until you fulfill your dream of killing a bunch of innocents.

Well then you need to do your job or as I wrote they most likely have blocked you on Twitter, Facebook, Email, Phone and Smoke Signal because you would report a white male with blue eyes as a possible terrorist because they do not share your hatred for Non-WASP's of the world.

Now seeing nothing I wrote is in support of terrorism but you have stated you would be alright with using a Nuclear bomb in a region where Christian, Jews, and Muslims live and only would warn the Christians to get out of the way, and you call me nuts and a terrorist?

You are one sick in the head individual that is most likely being watched by the government because of the fear you might go into a planned parenthood clinic and start shooting up the place!
gads you sound like tiggered.
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)
Republicans would do the same thing. If the victims were millionaires.
Muslims in general are very giving and loving people. My best friends are Muslims.

The folks working at the Environmental Health Department in San Bernidino apparently thought the same thing.

They gave a baby shower to the Farooks when their baby was born.

And, a little later on, only a few weeks, Mr. & Mrs Farook blew them away...for the simple reason that they had, by trusting, and by living in a Gun Control State...they made themselves a Soft, Easily Cased target...for "giving and loving" Muslims.

No more Muslims in America for now, thank you...we have quite enough to suit us.

And Fuck all you hypocritical Democrats who are really just in favor of More Muslims....for More Votes.
do you libs ever get it? And some cons? the "good" muslims- I know a few; according to their religion are not good because they are not killing the infidels. The "good" ones obey the koran and kill non-muslims. Understand?
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
To me, that is $857 that wasn't already in the picture for each family. :) :) :)

God bless you and them and those who give always!!! :) :) :)


It's chump change.
Hell I spend that at the grocery store and the liquor store every week.

Where the hell you shop, Moose n Go grocery outlets?:banana:
I guess this is one of those "It's the thought that counts" moments......
That comes out to a whopping $857 bucks per victim.
To me, that is $857 that wasn't already in the picture for each family. :) :) :)

God bless you and them and those who give always!!! :) :) :)


It's chump change.
Hell I spend that at the grocery store and the liquor store every week.

Where the hell you shop, Moose n Go grocery outlets?:banana:

Never heard of em....
You shop at the Chitlin,Hog Jowl Emporium?
^^^ It is still money that they did not already have and those who gave it did not have to give it.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

If it were me I'd refuse to take it.
So in other words you would be telling them to stick it. Is that what you would want said to you after you did would you could for someone when you really didn't have to do anything for them at all?

God bless you always!!!


Yep....I'd go all Rudy Giuliani on em.
Nah, you won't. Why lie?

I guess you'll never know.....because we both know it wont happen.
Let's watch together to see if this happens:

Muslim leader calling for D.C. anti-ISIS rally

Hopefully more than "American Spring".

Hasn't happened now has it.
We'll see just how far they are willing to go to save their own asses because they know the shit is about to hit the fan.
Did you notice it was called for 2 days ago? Let's watch to see if it happens. But you and I know, even if it does, your opinion won't change one iota.

No shit dumbass.
Which is why I mentioned that it hasn't happened,we'll see what kind of turnout they get.

It seems last time they tried, 2013, nothing happened. Let's see if they can muster a million this time. Note the obligatory victim bit at the end :)

“Things are escalating. Paris, Tunisia, Lebanon, the United States. What are we waiting for?” added Eid, who recently left the Bay State to lead a Muslim center in Toledo.

Fox News Host Bill O’Reilly has proposed the idea of a “million Muslim march” to condemn the extremist violence here and abroad.

“There’s a lot of people that are getting a little fed up with this. And I think they’re getting fed up because they don’t see a mobilization of the good Muslims,” O’Reilly said last month. “You need a Million Muslim March in Washington, with national coverage to speak out against ISIS so the whole world can see it.”

Isa Hodge, a Muslim activist and radio host who failed to pull off a 2013 march on Washington, told the Herald he agrees “100 percent” that it is time for another try — especially as hateful rhetoric and violence toward Muslims grows, he said.
It is up over $60,000 now. Personally I am glad to see some step forward. Hopefully more will, and it will get to the victims families.
Another example of why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Kosh why the hate? Have you had any intimate interactions with Muslims outside of what you watch on TV and read on internet forums?
She's not the one criticizing contributions.

The amount is an indicator of just how much muslims care.....which is apparently very little.
And of course we dont know how many none muslims donated.

Not impressed....when I see American muslims marching in the streets in protest of radical islam I'll rethink my position.

Muslim leader calling for D.C. anti-ISIS rally
Muslims Against ISIS Bring The Protests Fox News Says Don't Exist - Counter Current News
Muslims Protest Against ISIS In Washington DC
Shiite Muslims hold anti-terrorism rally in Washington

Now go move the goalposts.

Thats all well and good but all I saw was a few dozen and plans for a march.
I want to see the streets filled with muslim protestors.
A million Muslim March would be nice, provided they cut that self pitying 'we're victims twice' and such crap.
One thing that I have noticed on this board concerning American muslims who are trying to make a positive difference for our country and the local community where they live.

They are continually derided and mocked for either not doing enough, or having ulterior motives for their good works.

Then in the next breath, these same posters accuse them of not getting with the program and assimilating. ..... :cool:
It's not our fault that Muslims practice al taqiyya and kitman.
do you libs ever get it? And some cons? the "good" muslims- I know a few; according to their religion are not good because they are not killing the infidels. The "good" ones obey the koran and kill non-muslims. Understand?

But thats according to you. Chicken Little

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