Muslims raise funds for families of California victims

^^^ It is still money that they did not already have and those who gave it did not have to give it.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)

If it were me I'd refuse to take it.
So in other words you would be telling them to stick it. Is that what you would want said to you after you did would you could for someone when you really didn't have to do anything for them at all?

God bless you always!!!

Yep....I'd go all Rudy Giuliani on em.
Wow. If this is what you do to those who are nice to you, what do you have in store for those who are not?

God bless you always!!!


I find it to be a hollow gesture.
If they really gave a crap they'd turn in radical muslims.
^^^ What if they do not know any? Just because they themselves are Muslim doesn't mean that they know any radical Muslim.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am American, but that doesn't mean that I personally know any radical Americans.
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

Wow. They managed to raise $30K amongst how many billions of them? What's the monetary damage alone they've cost society in the last 10 years? We'll get into personal losses (funerals, medical expenses, shrinks, etc.) they've caused later. Thanks.
^^^ What if they do not know any? Just because they themselves are Muslim doesn't mean that they know any radical Muslim.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am American, but that doesn't mean that I personally know any radical Americans.

It's happening in Mosques so you cant tell me no one knows about it.
The Tsarnaev brothers mother knew what was going on as did the the San Bernardino shooters father.
They're only speaking up now,in the form of pathetic donations, because they know the shit is going to hit the fan.
One thing that I have noticed on this board concerning American muslims who are trying to make a positive difference for our country and the local community where they live.

They are continually derided and mocked for either not doing enough, or having ulterior motives for their good works.

Then in the next breath, these same posters accuse them of not getting with the program and assimilating. ..... :cool:
It's not our fault that Muslims practice al taqiyya and kitman.
KITMAN huh , another devous islamic practice to be aware of , thanks Tilly . Probably the product of 'moe' thinking .
Wow. They managed to raise $30K amongst how many billions of them? What's the monetary damage alone they've cost society in the last 10 years? We'll get into personal losses (funerals, medical expenses, shrinks, etc.) they've caused later. Thanks.
So every muslim in the world is responsible for the actions of 2 individuals in San Bernardino? ..... :cool:
Wow. They managed to raise $30K amongst how many billions of them? What's the monetary damage alone they've cost society in the last 10 years? We'll get into personal losses (funerals, medical expenses, shrinks, etc.) they've caused later. Thanks.
So every muslim in the world is responsible for the actions of 2 individuals in San Bernardino? ..... :cool:

I'm talking all the way back to Beirut fella. Not exactly a good track record.
^^^ What if they do not know any? Just because they themselves are Muslim doesn't mean that they know any radical Muslim.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am American, but that doesn't mean that I personally know any radical Americans.

It's happening in Mosques so you cant tell me no one knows about it.
The Tsarnaev brothers mother knew what was going on as did the the San Bernardino shooters father.
They're only speaking up now,in the form of pathetic donations, because they know the shit is going to hit the fan.
Still not every Muslim personally knows any radical Muslim. Some are just regular people like the rest of us.

God bless you and them always!!!

One thing that I have noticed on this board concerning American muslims who are trying to make a positive difference for our country and the local community where they live.

They are continually derided and mocked for either not doing enough, or having ulterior motives for their good works.

Then in the next breath, these same posters accuse them of not getting with the program and assimilating. ..... :cool:
It's not our fault that Muslims practice al taqiyya and kitman.
KITMAN huh , another devous islamic practice to be aware of , thanks Tilly . Probably the product of 'moe' thinking .
My pleasure, Pismoe. Forwarned is forearmed ;)
^^^ What if they do not know any? Just because they themselves are Muslim doesn't mean that they know any radical Muslim.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am American, but that doesn't mean that I personally know any radical Americans.

It's happening in Mosques so you cant tell me no one knows about it.
The Tsarnaev brothers mother knew what was going on as did the the San Bernardino shooters father.
They're only speaking up now,in the form of pathetic donations, because they know the shit is going to hit the fan.
Still not every Muslim personally knows who is a radical in their camp.

God bless you always!!!


Well of course not. But these people dont live in a vacuum,others know about what they're up to just like the cases I mentioned.
the language and words and concepts of the religion are very important in my opinion Tilly .
Wow. They managed to raise $30K amongst how many billions of them? What's the monetary damage alone they've cost society in the last 10 years? We'll get into personal losses (funerals, medical expenses, shrinks, etc.) they've caused later. Thanks.
So every muslim in the world is responsible for the actions of 2 individuals in San Bernardino? ..... :cool:
maybe not Sunniman but seems to me that the muslim religion is responsible for what the 2 individuals in San Bernadino did . Same goes for the attack on 9-11 on the Trade Towers and all the other crop that islam is doing all around the world . Paris , bataclan , Charlie hebdo , yazidi sex slaves , burning that Jordanian pilot in a cage plus all kinds of other things Sunniman .
maybe not Sunniman but seems to me that the muslim religion is responsible for what the 2 individuals in San Bernadino did . Same goes for the attack on 9-11 on the Trade Towers and all the other crop that islam is doing all around the world . Paris , bataclan , Charlie hebdo , yazidi sex slaves , burning that Jordanian pilot in a cage plus all kinds of other things Sunniman .
In my opinion, America's misguided foreign policy and constant meddling in Middle East are responsible for the problems its experiencing with some muslims.

If we would quit invading and occupying their lands. There is an excellent chance they would go about their business and leave us alone. ..... :cool:
maybe not Sunniman but seems to me that the muslim religion is responsible for what the 2 individuals in San Bernadino did . Same goes for the attack on 9-11 on the Trade Towers and all the other crop that islam is doing all around the world . Paris , bataclan , Charlie hebdo , yazidi sex slaves , burning that Jordanian pilot in a cage plus all kinds of other things Sunniman .
In my opinion, America's misguided foreign policy and constant meddling in Middle East are responsible for the problems its experiencing with some muslims.

If we would quit invading and occupying their lands. There is an excellent chance they would go about their business and leave us alone. ..... :cool:
Their lands'? The male butcher was born in America.
maybe not Sunniman but seems to me that the muslim religion is responsible for what the 2 individuals in San Bernadino did . Same goes for the attack on 9-11 on the Trade Towers and all the other crop that islam is doing all around the world . Paris , bataclan , Charlie hebdo , yazidi sex slaves , burning that Jordanian pilot in a cage plus all kinds of other things Sunniman .
In my opinion, America's misguided foreign policy and constant meddling in Middle East are responsible for the problems its experiencing with some muslims.

If we would quit invading and occupying their lands. There is an excellent chance they would go about their business and leave us alone. ..... :cool:

So why do they leave their women and children in a war zone and come over here to kill us?
Me thinks they have an agenda
Is alleged that only muslems are donating? My guess is that Al Jazeera propaganda spin credits muslems for the 30k most likely donated by ordinary (non-muslem) citizens.

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