Muslims raise funds for families of California victims

maybe not Sunniman but seems to me that the muslim religion is responsible for what the 2 individuals in San Bernadino did . Same goes for the attack on 9-11 on the Trade Towers and all the other crop that islam is doing all around the world . Paris , bataclan , Charlie hebdo , yazidi sex slaves , burning that Jordanian pilot in a cage plus all kinds of other things Sunniman .
In my opinion, America's misguided foreign policy and constant meddling in Middle East are responsible for the problems its experiencing with some muslims.

If we would quit invading and occupying their lands. There is an excellent chance they would go about their business and leave us alone. ..... :cool:
as is well known Americas first war was with muslims from the Barbary states and America was a very young country with no involvement in muslim lands in about 1800 . In fact at that time Jefferson spoke to an Ambassador of those Barbary states about the high seas piracy of American shipping . The ambassador told Jefferson that since Americans were Infidels that muslims had the RIGHT to do piracy , make slaves , pillage and murder of Infidels . ----------- Sometime in the early 700s muslims invaded Spain and weren't kicked out until 1492 Sunni . Why did muslims keep trying to invade Transylvania but got nervous and turned around when they came upon Vlad Tepes 'forest of the impaled' Sunni ??
maybe not Sunniman but seems to me that the muslim religion is responsible for what the 2 individuals in San Bernadino did . Same goes for the attack on 9-11 on the Trade Towers and all the other crop that islam is doing all around the world . Paris , bataclan , Charlie hebdo , yazidi sex slaves , burning that Jordanian pilot in a cage plus all kinds of other things Sunniman .
In my opinion, America's misguided foreign policy and constant meddling in Middle East are responsible for the problems its experiencing with some muslims.

If we would quit invading and occupying their lands. There is an excellent chance they would go about their business and leave us alone. ..... :cool:
as is well known Americas first war was with muslims from the Barbary states and America was a very young country with no involvement in muslim lands in about 1800 . In fact at that time Jefferson spoke to an Ambassador of those Barbary states about the high seas piracy of American shipping . The ambassador told Jefferson that since Americans were Infidels that muslims had the RIGHT to do piracy , make slaves , pillage and murder of Infidels . ----------- Sometime in the early 700s muslims invaded Spain and weren't kicked out until 1492 Sunni . Why did muslims keep trying to invade Transylvania but got nervous and turned around when they came upon Vlad Tepes 'forest of the impaled' Sunni ??

Get out of the 1420's. Start with the 1983 attack on the Marines in Beirut by those "fun loving Muslims," and work your way up to today. Connect the dots. It's real easy. Even a simpleton should get it.
islam is a bad , nasty religion , convert or loose your head is what happens Sunni !!
Do you even know your own history? I think you do and you know that is a pathetic obfuscation.
maybe not Sunniman but seems to me that the muslim religion is responsible for what the 2 individuals in San Bernadino did . Same goes for the attack on 9-11 on the Trade Towers and all the other crop that islam is doing all around the world . Paris , bataclan , Charlie hebdo , yazidi sex slaves , burning that Jordanian pilot in a cage plus all kinds of other things Sunniman .
In my opinion, America's misguided foreign policy and constant meddling in Middle East are responsible for the problems its experiencing with some muslims.

If we would quit invading and occupying their lands. There is an excellent chance they would go about their business and leave us alone. ..... :cool:
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And? Were they on muslim lands?
Sunni, if I recall you said you believe in the caliphate of muslim world dominance eventually. Am I remembering correctly?
a little more info , pretty interesting and long before any Western involvement in the muslim lands Sunni . --- Chris Hitchens on the Barbary Pirates, Jefferson and John Adams ---
Stop and think about it Pismoe.

American ships were half way across the world and sailing in waters close to muslim lands.

Muslims were not sailing of the US coast or even in the western hemisphere. ..... :cool:
what , muslims own the high seas Sunni ?? aww , doesn't matter and its not a problem for me , I believe that war is the only good way to settle some disputes . -------- so , as Jefferson said , not one danegeld for peace Sunni . [think it was Jefferson] !!
And? Were they on muslim lands?
Sunni, if I recall you said you believe in the caliphate of muslim world dominance eventually. Am I remembering correctly?
a little more info , pretty interesting and long before any Western involvement in the muslim lands Sunni . --- Chris Hitchens on the Barbary Pirates, Jefferson and John Adams ---
Stop and think about it Pismoe.

American ships were half way across the world and sailing in waters close to muslim lands.

Muslims were not sailing of the US coast or even in the western hemisphere. ..... :cool:
and just a note , Barbary corsairs were also sailing the seas in search of trade , slaves and sleepy villages to pillage , women to rape . Where did the 'Jannisaries' come from Sunni . See the raids on Irish and English villages to see how muslims did their works Sunni .
Guess which foreign country was the first to recognize the United States of America as a new nation and exchange ambassadors? ..... :cool:
dominance of the world is muslim doctrine , conversion by the sword , become a dhimmi and pay the tax or die . 'Islamic state' enforces these muslim religious rules in the areas that it controls .
Guess which foreign country was the first to recognize the United States of America as a new nation and exchange ambassadors? ..... :cool:
so what , and was that after the USA kicked their azzes or what Sunni ??
Will you answer my question? It would be easier than having to go through the archives to find it. I am calling you out because you want to blame us for their pirating, pillaging, and ransoming our ships, Sunni, in open waters.
Guess which foreign country was the first to recognize the United States of America as a new nation and exchange ambassadors? ..... :cool:
think I said that I don't care , think I actually asked ' who cares' !! I then went on to ask if they recognized ambassadors after the got their azzes kicked . Probably France but as said , who cares Sunni !!
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

Well to those who gave $30,000, thanks. But the fact is that this kind of news ( a whole $30K) in the wake of major violent attacks by Muslims all over the place, does not really speak well for Islam at all. How come Saudi Arabia does not care that violent Islamic Arabs are killing innocent people all over? Why are they never speaking out against it in a most profound way? Why are they not giving millions to victims in Paris or the USA to show they mean it? Why is not Kuwait or U.A.E. or Bahrain or Qatar doing so, our so-called friends? Like someone said, these Islamic organizations in the USA that are allegedly benign (they are not) like CAIR, and a number of others ---- why are they not donating and making real efforts to combat this terrorism? This is all an obvious joke we all go along with because we are afraid to be their next victims. Trump, I appreciate his anger and courage to say something completely taboo. No doubt he is now at risk.
think I said that I don't care , think I actually asked ' who cares' !! I then went on to ask if they recognized ambassadors after the got their azzes kicked . Probably France but as said , who cares Sunni !!
Since you are too lazy to look it up, I'll be your teacher and school you Pissmoe.

It was the muslim country of Morocco. ..... :cool:
thanks Sunni , they probably figured that recognition was prudent . Now answer Depotoos question please . Do you support muslim world domination ??
Will you answer my question? It would be easier than having to go through the archives to find it. I am calling you out because you want to blame us for their pirating, pillaging, and ransoming our ships, Sunni, in open waters.
Guess which foreign country was the first to recognize the United States of America as a new nation and exchange ambassadors? ..... :cool:
During that time, basically every country engaged pirating and pillaging........England, Spain, and France, based a large portion of their economy on it. ....... :cool:
It is up over $102,000 now.
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

Well to those who gave $30,000, thanks. But the fact is that this kind of news ( a whole $30K) in the wake of major violent attacks by Muslims all over the place, does not really speak well for Islam at all. How come Saudi Arabia does not care that violent Islamic Arabs are killing innocent people all over? Why are they never speaking out against it in a most profound way? Why are they not giving millions to victims in Paris or the USA to show they mean it? Why is not Kuwait or U.A.E. or Bahrain or Qatar doing so, our so-called friends? Like someone said, these Islamic organizations in the USA that are allegedly benign (they are not) like CAIR, and a number of others ---- why are they not donating and making real efforts to combat this terrorism? This is all an obvious joke we all go along with because we are afraid to be their next victims. Trump, I appreciate his anger and courage to say something completely taboo. No doubt he is now at risk.

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