Muslims raise funds for families of California victims

Wrong answer, Sunni.
And you still are avoiding my question. I will not force you to answer, as we both know what you said.
Will you answer my question? It would be easier than having to go through the archives to find it. I am calling you out because you want to blame us for their pirating, pillaging, and ransoming our ships, Sunni, in open waters.
Guess which foreign country was the first to recognize the United States of America as a new nation and exchange ambassadors? ..... :cool:
During that time, basically every country engaged pirating and pillaging........England, Spain, and France, based a large portion of their economy on it. ....... :cool:
It is up over $102,000 now.
US Muslim groups raise nearly $30,000 over past two days for relatives of victims of San Bernardino massacre

A collective of Muslim groups in the US has raised almost $30,000 over the past two days for the families of victims of the Wednesday shooting spree at a social service centre that left 14 dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino, California.

Pretty decent - communities coming together to help :)

Well to those who gave $30,000, thanks. But the fact is that this kind of news ( a whole $30K) in the wake of major violent attacks by Muslims all over the place, does not really speak well for Islam at all. How come Saudi Arabia does not care that violent Islamic Arabs are killing innocent people all over? Why are they never speaking out against it in a most profound way? Why are they not giving millions to victims in Paris or the USA to show they mean it? Why is not Kuwait or U.A.E. or Bahrain or Qatar doing so, our so-called friends? Like someone said, these Islamic organizations in the USA that are allegedly benign (they are not) like CAIR, and a number of others ---- why are they not donating and making real efforts to combat this terrorism? This is all an obvious joke we all go along with because we are afraid to be their next victims. Trump, I appreciate his anger and courage to say something completely taboo. No doubt he is now at risk.

We gave more to one bakery targeted by the PC crowd.

You want me to change my opinion now that it is 100K for 31 murdered or terrorized? I want to see a world-wide movement by so-called moderate Islam to wipe out extremist Islam. Nothing short of that strikes me as sincere. After all, these are devils in the midst of their "godly" religion. How could they or their god stand for that?
Wrong answer, Sunni.
And you still are avoiding my question. I will not force you to answer, as we both know what you said.
Will you answer my question? It would be easier than having to go through the archives to find it. I am calling you out because you want to blame us for their pirating, pillaging, and ransoming our ships, Sunni, in open waters.
Guess which foreign country was the first to recognize the United States of America as a new nation and exchange ambassadors? ..... :cool:
During that time, basically every country engaged pirating and pillaging........England, Spain, and France, based a large portion of their economy on it. ....... :cool:
The question is, would I like to see the world become Islamic?

Yes, of course I would.

And if you ask a Christian, would they like to see the whole world become Christian?

I have no doubt the response would be, Yes.

Christian wouldn't be doing conversion at the point of the sword Sunni !!
Sunni, we aren't killing for it... And I know you will not condemn those that do. Unless things have changed...
Wrong answer, Sunni.
And you still are avoiding my question. I will not force you to answer, as we both know what you said.
Will you answer my question? It would be easier than having to go through the archives to find it. I am calling you out because you want to blame us for their pirating, pillaging, and ransoming our ships, Sunni, in open waters.
Guess which foreign country was the first to recognize the United States of America as a new nation and exchange ambassadors? ..... :cool:
During that time, basically every country engaged pirating and pillaging........England, Spain, and France, based a large portion of their economy on it. ....... :cool:
The question is, would I like to see the world become Islamic?

Yes, of course I would.

And if you ask a Christian, would they like to see the whole world become Christian?

I have no doubt the response would be, Yes.

and 'morocco' , what the heck is morocco except for a film shooting location for Hollywood movies about Nazis or gangsters in the 30s and 40s . When they recognized the USA they probably figured that they would also want money , food and other American aid Sunni !!
talking about current history while you TRY to bring up old timey history that mrobama brings up Sunni . Christians haven't done conversions by the sword in centuries while in current times muslims convert by any violent means possible . See , Iraq , iran , Syria to see muslims at work Sunni .----------- haw as a new thought [edit] , see bataclan , see Charlie hebdo , talk to Ayn Hirsi Ali , theo van gogh !!
You can add Afghanistan, Libya, Lebanon, France, Spain, the US, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil, and on and on.
talking about current history while you TRY to bring up old timey history that mrobama brings up Sunni . Christians haven't done conversions by the sword in centuries while in current times muslims convert by any violent means possible . See , Iraq , iran , Syria to see muslims at work Sunni .
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course Theo is dead , stabbed in the heart by a muslim because of a book or a play that he wrote Sunni !!
and 'morocco' , what the heck is morocco except for a film shooting location for Hollywood movies about Nazis or gangsters in the 30s and 40s . When they recognized the USA they probably figured that they would also want money , food and other American aid Sunni !!
It's starting to get tedious reading and responding to your ill informed rants pismoe. But I will indulge you one last time.

America was a financially broke after the Revolutionary War and was basically friendless. So no, Morocco wasn't getting aid from the US.

Morocco was very wealthy due to trade and the Sultan wanted to show off his country's stability and power. Thus, recognizing a new western country demonstrated Morocco had moved up in the world. ..... :cool:
morocco is nothing Sunni , I was trying to be sarcastic . morocco was the first to recognize Ambasadors , --- ho hum , morocco big deal Sunni !!
^^^ What if they do not know any? Just because they themselves are Muslim doesn't mean that they know any radical Muslim.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am American, but that doesn't mean that I personally know any radical Americans.

It's happening in Mosques so you cant tell me no one knows about it.
The Tsarnaev brothers mother knew what was going on as did the the San Bernardino shooters father.
They're only speaking up now,in the form of pathetic donations, because they know the shit is going to hit the fan.
Still not every Muslim personally knows any radical Muslim. Some are just regular people like the rest of us.

God bless you and them always!!!


I'm going to agree with you on this.

It's a miracle, praise Jebus! lol
Their required tribute? Let's look at the facts-
Jefferson then wrote a letter to John Jay that read:

"The Ambassador (Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja)) answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."

So what happened? Though the US, along with Great Britain and France had paid a "tribute" for protection against piracy, once Tripoli increased the tribute following Jefferson becoming President, he refused to pay them the increase, though he did continue to pay until the end of his presidency. Tripoli then declared war on the United States on May 10, 1801. This was the beginning of the First Barbary War.
We had already paid well ,over a million dollars, a 6th of the entire US budget, at that time.

It ultimately resulted in the creation of the US Navy.

and 'morocco' , what the heck is morocco except for a film shooting location for Hollywood movies about Nazis or gangsters in the 30s and 40s . When they recognized the USA they probably figured that they would also want money , food and other American aid Sunni !!
It's starting to get tedious reading and responding to your ill informed rants pismoe. But I will indulge you one last time.

America was a financially broke after the Revolutionary War and was basically friendless. So no, Morocco wasn't getting aid from the US.

Morocco was very wealthy due to trade and the Sultan wanted to show off his country's stability and power. Thus, recognizing a new western country demonstrated Morocco had moved up in the world. ..... :cool:
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talking about current history while you TRY to bring up old timey history that mrobama brings up Sunni . Christians haven't done conversions by the sword in centuries while in current times muslims convert by any violent means possible . See , Iraq , iran , Syria to see muslims at work Sunni .----------- haw as a new thought [edit] , see bataclan , see Charlie hebdo , talk to Ayn Hirsi Ali , theo van gogh !!
Can't talk to poor Theo, unfortunately. A peaceful Muslim hacked his head off for daring to criticise Islam.
I take it that you don't then.
Yeah, only one victim has a fundraiser.
View attachment 56454

I'm sure there are plenty...I was trying to see if particular religious groups were raising money.

Also, why it's so important to you to demean efforts by people trying to raise money to help.
Why were you 'trying to see if particular religious groups were raising money' exactly?

Why does it matter to you?

Why do you have to deride the efforts of Muslims?
Efforts of Muslims? Like the mom living in a home the police are calling an IED factory not saying a word?

Why yes, we should be judging all Muslims based on her.

By the way, how come the good Christian mum of Lanza didn't report her son?
Yeah, only one victim has a fundraiser.
View attachment 56454

I'm sure there are plenty...I was trying to see if particular religious groups were raising money.

Also, why it's so important to you to demean efforts by people trying to raise money to help.
Why were you 'trying to see if particular religious groups were raising money' exactly?

Why does it matter to you?

Why do you have to deride the efforts of Muslims?
Efforts of Muslims? Like the mom living in a home the police are calling an IED factory not saying a word?

Why yes, we should be judging all Muslims based on her.

By the way, how come the good Christian mum of Lanza didn't report her son?
The Lanza home was an IED factory? When did this revelation occur?
I'm sure there are plenty...I was trying to see if particular religious groups were raising money.

Also, why it's so important to you to demean efforts by people trying to raise money to help.
Why were you 'trying to see if particular religious groups were raising money' exactly?

Why does it matter to you?

Why do you have to deride the efforts of Muslims?
Efforts of Muslims? Like the mom living in a home the police are calling an IED factory not saying a word?

Why yes, we should be judging all Muslims based on her.

By the way, how come the good Christian mum of Lanza didn't report her son?
The Lanza home was an IED factory? When did this revelation occur?

Obviously unstable guy had a shitload of arms.

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