Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.
They are held as misinterpretations preceding the "true" message of the Koran. As such, the Koran mentions them as being incorrect compared to the stories within the Koran.
And thus are held sacred by all muslims.
So why aren't muslims outraged when the Bible is burned??
That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

Ozmar, because the Bible is corrupted by Christians and thus is corrected only in the Quran, no need to burn an incorrect book. To the Muslim, the Quran is the perfect revelation the word of Allah to His prophet. Their book is far more sacred to them than the Bible to us.

You need to do some study on your own and stop relying solely on your pastor.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.
They are held as misinterpretations preceding the "true" message of the Koran. As such, the Koran mentions them as being incorrect compared to the stories within the Koran. So why aren't muslims outraged when the Bible is burned??
That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

Ozmar, because the Bible is corrupted by Christians and thus is corrected only in the Quran, no need to burn an incorrect book. To the Muslim, the Quran is the perfect revelation the word of Allah to His prophet. Their book is far more sacred to them than the Bible to us.

You need to do some study on your own and stop relying solely on your pastor.

Yet they could be totally wrong. The Quran is like the Book Of Mormon. It was written by man. It is not a work of perfection.
Hey stupid.........the military personnel would be against burning the Koran. Wanna know why?

They're smart enough to know that the survival of their fellow brothers and sisters in arms over in the ME would be jeopardized.

As far as being deployed to Iraq and burning one? Wrong again, they want to be able to come back to the US for beer 30.

Do you think it would show WHICH muslims were "MODERATE", and WHICH muslims are RADICAL?

If you think your comment, 4u, offers any insight or any worth to the discussion, think again. ABS has it wrapped correctly.

Let's go through this again: Jones has the legal right to burn books, and is very stupid he does so; Rauf has the legal right to build the mosque, and I wish he would not.

Why is Jones "stupid" for wanting to do an inciteful act lasting minutes, but Rauf in not for wanting to do an inciteful act that could last centuries "not" stupid?
Double standard being applied?
Absolutely. I just read this this morning and it was very inciteful. Mind you, I think Jones is an ass, but I blame the media for giving him his 15 minutes. Apparently there are only 30 members of his church.

For instance, I’m wondering whether President Obama, after his always clarifying “Let me be clear,” has yet been heard to say,

I believe that Christian ministers have the same right to free expression as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to torch a Koran on private property in Florida, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to free expression must be unshakeable. The writ of the Founders must endure.

The president can always come back the next day and explain that he wasn’t talking about the wisdom of burning Korans, only the irrelevant fact that a jackass has a right to be a jackass.

Burning Questions - Article - National Review Online
QWB is quoting someone from the end of the 6th century CE. The Catholic Pope Innocent IV authorized the use of torture against heretics. Puritans were hanging Quaker in the 1640s and executing witches fifty years late. And some 300 plus years later we find QWB make stupid arguments.

Because they use the same methods to make a point as you, does not mean they don't use the truth. "They" would probably be happy to provide a link or documentation (unlike, "you").
They are held as misinterpretations preceding the "true" message of the Koran. As such, the Koran mentions them as being incorrect compared to the stories within the Koran. So why aren't muslims outraged when the Bible is burned??

Ozmar, because the Bible is corrupted by Christians and thus is corrected only in the Quran, no need to burn an incorrect book. To the Muslim, the Quran is the perfect revelation the word of Allah to His prophet. Their book is far more sacred to them than the Bible to us.

You need to do some study on your own and stop relying solely on your pastor.

Yet they could be totally wrong. The Quran is like the Book Of Mormon. It was written by man. It is not a work of perfection.

Absolutely agree with you. I believe that it is not scripture. The perception here is that they do and deeply reverence it.
Do you think it would show WHICH muslims were "MODERATE", and WHICH muslims are RADICAL?

If you think your comment, 4u, offers any insight or any worth to the discussion, think again. ABS has it wrapped correctly.

Let's go through this again: Jones has the legal right to burn books, and is very stupid he does so; Rauf has the legal right to build the mosque, and I wish he would not.

Why is Jones "stupid" for wanting to do an inciteful act lasting minutes, but Rauf in not for wanting to do an inciteful act that could last centuries "not" stupid?
Double standard being applied?

Absolutely if the building of the mosque, while legal do so, is also such an act. I think the building of it is very unwise and does incite others.
Absolutely. I just read this this morning and it was very inciteful. Mind you, I think Jones is an ass, but I blame the media for giving him his 15 minutes. Apparently there are only 30 members of his church.

For instance, I’m wondering whether President Obama, after his always clarifying “Let me be clear,” has yet been heard to say,

I believe that Christian ministers have the same right to free expression as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to torch a Koran on private property in Florida, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to free expression must be unshakeable. The writ of the Founders must endure.

The president can always come back the next day and explain that he wasn’t talking about the wisdom of burning Korans, only the irrelevant fact that a jackass has a right to be a jackass.

Burning Questions - Article - National Review Online

Absolutely. Media right and left have empowered this pastor and his nonsense.
QWB is quoting someone from the end of the 6th century CE. The Catholic Pope Innocent IV authorized the use of torture against heretics. Puritans were hanging Quaker in the 1640s and executing witches fifty years late. And some 300 plus years later we find QWB make stupid arguments.

Because they use the same methods to make a point as you, does not mean they don't use the truth. "They" would probably be happy to provide a link or documentation (unlike, "you").

I don't remember a link being provide for the Omar quote, either. But both are common knowledge and need not be cited.
Flashback: May 22, 2009
Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan

* Unsolicited Bibles sent by U.S. church were confiscated about a year ago
* The Bibles were printed in two most common Afghan languages
* Military feared they could be used for proselytizing, which is forbidden to troops
* Military didn't want to risk any distribution of the Bibles and angering Muslims

Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan -
I have read the entire Bible many times cover to cover.

Before I converted to Islam.

I used to hold Bible studies at my home, teach Sunday School, and have even preached in the Church.

You used to have Bible studies?

Can you explain to me how a book that is considered as Holy as the Torah got corrupted after it was written? While you do that, I need you to explain how older copies of it that have been found, like the Dead Sea Scrolls, are almost exact copies, word for word, of the existing manuscripts? Explain to me how Christians managed to go back in time and change the text of documents that existed before they were born, because that is the only possible explanation for the claim made by Islam that Christians corrupted the Bible after Jesus, and that was why Allah, had to do all start over with Muhammad.

Why is it Allah, who can do anything, cannot remember that he told a different story the first time? Why could he not even keep the story straight long enough for Muhammad to spew it out of his illiterate mouth and let others write it down for him?

How can you claim that Islam says the Bible is Holy at the same time they claim it is a lie? Is it a holy lie?

Or is it simply that Islam is the lie.

Occam's razor.
You sound like a VERY confused individual. :cuckoo:

Only if you actually believe the claims of Islam make sense.
Sorry bout that,

Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

1. Total Bullshit!
2. Common think of some better shit to sell here!:clap2::clap2:
3. Islam holds nothing sacred, everythings death and hell for islam.
4. Bunch of mind numb robots.


Yep, your opinion must be right. :cuckoo: Try giving something other than the rot of a diseased brain.

If only you could set an example.
Sorry bout that,

Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

1. Total Bullshit!
2. Common think of some better shit to sell here!:clap2::clap2:
3. Islam holds nothing sacred, everythings death and hell for islam.
4. Bunch of mind numb robots.


:confused: Sunni Muslim, first of all Muslims call the none exsisting ORIGINAL Bible & Torah sacred, not the OMITTED, CONTRADICTIVE ,LYING ones that Sir James reads upside down :lol:. We do not burn because it has God, jesus, Moses...not because of the Genicide, slavery, woman abuse, child abuse, porno, contains.

Do you have the "original" Bible and Torah? Can you explain to me, since SunniChild cannot how Christians were able to invent time travel and go back and change all the existing copies of the Torah and the Bible to make it reflect their flawed theology? Can you explain to me why every non Muslim scholar, and some Muslim scholars, scoff openly at the claim that the Bible was deliberately changed to reflect the flawed theology of 4th century Christianity?

It is a good thing you do not condemn the perceived flaws in the Bible, since your "prophet" was not only guilty of all the sins ever mentioned in the Bible, he went out and found some new ones to prove how holy he is.

Please explain all of this to me, because only a fool would actually believe this crap.
o here we go with this brother and/or sister stuff.....i still dont get it blacks doing it or muslims or christians....yall are nothing to each other

At least in my case that's not true. The Qur'an tells us that we're a single brotherhood and I try to interact with others in a way that reflects that.

Those who murder in the name of your false god are your brothers and sisters?
HISTER, do you go round corners and start knocking your thick head on the walls while WAILING :lol:

Or do you ask for just sit there eating JESUS FLESH and drink your PISS:eek:

try Googling Early Cristian prayers, and early Jews prayers ...AMAZING HOW ISLAMIC :eusa_whistle:
um since those early prayer occurred BEFORE Islam existed, how to you explain that?

The truth is that Mohammad must have been a student of a Catholic, or perhaps Easter Orthodox, missionary who taught him a form of gnosticism combined with more orthodox theology. Mohammad was so easily confused that he couldn't even keep that straight, and the result was Islam.
Islam is not a religion of "Peace" and "Tolerance." That is just a myth. Visit any Muslim nation on this planet if you don't believe me. Christians,Buddhists,and Hindus live in fear of the Muslims. In fact any religion that isn't Islam is not acceptable according to Islamic teachings. Islam only promotes "Peace" and "Tolerance" after they conquer you. Islam is all about conquest and domination. This is the reality. After they conquer nations,they do have a history of showing some tolerance of other religions. This only occurs after much death and conquest though. So i don't know how that whole "Islam is a religion of Peace" thing got started. This might be so but only after they have slaughtered and conquered you. I'm not an "Islamophobe" i'm just a realist. I only go by what i observe. In my opinion Islam is not a "Religion of Peace."

i think you are a gulable idiot, because if you compare the Oid & new Testaments with the Quran, you will find the Quran like snow white and the seven dwarfs :lol:. There is a difference between Islam & Muslims. Some of these people do not represent Islam but are supposed Muslims:confused: well lets say that islam only fought their enemies who drove them out of their home..would you not ?, unlike Jews who went to another people & land and murdered and conquered in the name of God. So did the Crusaders who murdered fellow Palestinian your dam history books

Islam only fought the people who tried to drive the early Muslims out of their himes? Did that include the caravans of Mecca, who were traders? Did that include the people of Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia, the North African coast, and the Persian and Byzantine Empires? Did that include Spain in the early 700s? Sicily a century later?

Maybe you should take some time to learn the real history of the world before you try to claim that Islam only defends itself from aggression. Islam has always been a religion bent on conquest, all it has done is change tactics. It is now conquering through lies and idiots who believe those lies.

Mohammad would be proud of the lying sack of shit cowards who fight in his name, but any sane god would reject them.
Islam is not a religion of "Peace" and "Tolerance." That is just a myth. Visit any Muslim nation on this planet if you don't believe me. Christians,Buddhists,and Hindus live in fear of the Muslims. In fact any religion that isn't Islam is not acceptable according to Islamic teachings. Islam only promotes "Peace" and "Tolerance" after they conquer you. Islam is all about conquest and domination. This is the reality. After they conquer nations,they do have a history of showing some tolerance of other religions. This only occurs after much death and conquest though. So i don't know how that whole "Islam is a religion of Peace" thing got started. This might be so but only after they have slaughtered and conquered you. I'm not an "Islamophobe" i'm just a realist. I only go by what i observe. In my opinion Islam is not a "Religion of Peace."

i think you are a gulable idiot, because if you compare the Oid & new Testaments with the Quran, you will find the Quran like snow white and the seven dwarfs :lol:. There is a difference between Islam & Muslims. Some of these people do not represent Islam but are supposed Muslims:confused: well lets say that islam only fought their enemies who drove them out of their home..would you not ?, unlike Jews who went to another people & land and murdered and conquered in the name of God. So did the Crusaders who murdered fellow Palestinian your dam history books

German View of Islam

This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I
have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not
long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email
is said to be Dr. Emanuel Tanay, a well-known and well-respected

A German's View on Islam

A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II owned a
number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people
were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.
'Very few people were true Nazis,' he said, 'but many enjoyed the return of
German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who
just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back
and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had
lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I
ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'

We are told again and again by 'experts' and 'talking heads' that Islam is
the religion of peace and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live
in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely
irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant
to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the
name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is
the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting
wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or
tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire
continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or
honour-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the
fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and
homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to become
suicide bombers.

The hard, quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the 'silent
majority,' is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in
peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20
million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China 's huge
population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a
staggering 70 million people.

The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a
warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South
East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12
million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.

And who can forget Rwanda , which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be
said that the majority of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our
powers of reason, we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points:

Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence.

Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because
like my friend from Germany , they will awaken one day and find that the
fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans,
Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have
died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As
for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that
counts--the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

But, hey, join them, and when they act violently, you too, can say, "that is not who we are". Yes, my dear, it is, they own you and the dog you rode into town.


Everyone should read this every time they hear that Islam is a religion of peace.
Interestingly enough, Yeshua is Jewish, so therefore He'd be either light brown or white.

By the way, that earliest image they've got? Guess what......probably the closest representation of Him that there is. Wanna know why? Watch History Channel's "Death Masks, The Real Face of Jesus" sometime.

It's quite enlightening how they took the Shroud of Turin, used a computer and quite a bit of science to re-create the 3-D image left on the Shroud, and you'd see that Yeshua looks quite a bit like the picture that is on this thread.

As Many Poled the Human Porcupine (if he had as many dicks poking outta him as he's had IN him, he'd look like that) would say.............

True Story.

The only way I could believe the Shroud of Turin is legitimate is if I believed it was wrapped around his dead body, and he actually was resurrected. There is a much simpler explanation for the Shroud looking like the picture in this thread.
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