Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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Burn ALL religious dogma's before it makes us all hate and kill each other.

Religion=mind control by fear mongering.

When will this planet realize that religion was made up by MAN to try to understand why we are on the blue orb?

Just watched "Banned By the Bible" on the History channel, convenient for Christians to be able to re-write the lies (IE the Old Testament) to make it fit their agenda better; blasphemy!
Australia : Muslim Students Urinate, Spit On Then Burn Bible
Uh oh, does this mean the worlds 2 billion Christians are gonna start rioting in the streets and calling for the blood of Muslims to be spilled? Hmmm probably not, but I'm sure the MSM will report this at and make it front page headlines for a month just like the Koran desecrations :

TWO Muslim students have been expelled from an Islamic school in Melbourne for urinating and spitting on a Bible and setting it on fire.

The explosive incident has forced the East Preston Islamic College to call in a senior imam to tell its 650 Muslim students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected.

Anxious teachers at the school have also petitioned principal Shaheem Doutie, expressing "grave concern" about an "inculcation of hatred and radical attitudes towards non-Muslims" at the school, including towards non-Muslim teachers.

The Bible desecration took place last week at a school camp held near Bacchus Marsh, about 50km west of Melbourne, attended by 33 teenage Muslim boys ranging in age from Year7 to Year 10.

A school report of the incident, obtained by The Australian, says it happened late at night and involved three students and another two watching.

"The main perpetrator (a Year 7 student) urinated on the Holy Bible, tore some pages from the Holy Book and burnt them then finally spat on the Holy Book," the report says.

The second boy, from Year 9, "tore pages from the Holy Book and burnt them", while a third student, from Year 7, "tore pages from the Holy Bible and then he rolled it up like a cigarette and pretended to smoke it".

The boys come from a variety of ethnic Muslim backgrounds -- one is believed to be an Albanian/Malaysian, another Lebanese and another Indonesian.

Mr Doutie, whose school receives about $3.9 million in state and federal government funding each year, told The Australian yesterday that both he and the school community were appalled by the Bible desecration and that he had expelled the first two boys and suspended the third.
Justify This!: Australia : Muslim Students Urinate, Spit On Then Burn Bible
Burn ALL religious dogma's before it makes us all hate and kill each other.
It’s not religion that’s the problem. It’s individuals, collectives, and their clinging to fear. We (humans) fear because we have self-consciousness, thus we know we will die, thus we are afraid. Other animals don’t have consciousness of self, so they don’t fret and worry- they just live their lives and then they die. They don’t have the cognitive ability to ask questions and worry about what will happen after death. It’s not religion that makes us hate each other, it’s fear of the unknown.
Just watched "Banned By the Bible" on the History channel, convenient for Christians to be able to re-write the lies (IE the Old Testament) to make it fit their agenda better; blasphemy!
Agreed- the HC does run some good programs such as the one you mentioned. Otoh, if you believe that only Christians have re-written their holy text to fit the desires of those in power, you are mistaken.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

And yet they are BANNED in Islamic run countries. You can literally be put to death for openly carrying one in public or for importing any into the Country. Go figure.


Cause Sunnis and Shias believe these verses have been ABROGATED. And so the question is:

Then what is it still doing in the Koran then?

This is one of the many areas of contradiction between the Koran and Sunni/Shia sectarianism. There are many such contradictions:

This is because Sunnis and Shias follow the Sunnah(oral traditions). It was Al Shafi who claimed that two revelations came to Muhammad. The Koran and the "Sunnah". He made this claim about 150 years after Muhammad's death. Prior to Al Shafi, Muslims never heard of any ervelation other than the Koran. It has the same role in Islam as the Talmud has on Judaism. Jesus attacked the Talmud in the Gospel and its followers the Pharisees and so did the Koran.
Burn ALL religious dogma's before it makes us all hate and kill each other.
It’s not religion that’s the problem. It’s individuals, collectives, and their clinging to fear. We (humans) fear because we have self-consciousness, thus we know we will die, thus we are afraid. Other animals don’t have consciousness of self, so they don’t fret and worry- they just live their lives and then they die. They don’t have the cognitive ability to ask questions and worry about what will happen after death. It’s not religion that makes us hate each other, it’s fear of the unknown.
Just watched "Banned By the Bible" on the History channel, convenient for Christians to be able to re-write the lies (IE the Old Testament) to make it fit their agenda better; blasphemy!
Agreed- the HC does run some good programs such as the one you mentioned. Otoh, if you believe that only Christians have re-written their holy text to fit the desires of those in power, you are mistaken.

I have seen that documentary. There is no re-writing. It was about which collections of scriptures to include in the canon. These collection existed before the Bible was formalized.
Burn ALL religious dogma's before it makes us all hate and kill each other.
It’s not religion that’s the problem. It’s individuals, collectives, and their clinging to fear. We (humans) fear because we have self-consciousness, thus we know we will die, thus we are afraid. Other animals don’t have consciousness of self, so they don’t fret and worry- they just live their lives and then they die. They don’t have the cognitive ability to ask questions and worry about what will happen after death. It’s not religion that makes us hate each other, it’s fear of the unknown.
Just watched "Banned By the Bible" on the History channel, convenient for Christians to be able to re-write the lies (IE the Old Testament) to make it fit their agenda better; blasphemy!
Agreed- the HC does run some good programs such as the one you mentioned. Otoh, if you believe that only Christians have re-written their holy text to fit the desires of those in power, you are mistaken.

I have seen that documentary. There is no re-writing. It was about which collections of scriptures to include in the canon. These collection existed before the Bible was formalized.

No re-writing? Might wanna watch a program on God's Learning Channel sometime, called "Hidden in the Hebrew" with Uri Harel. He goes through the OT and gives the ACTUAL Hebrew translation of the Bible.

In Genesis, it was changed from "In A Beginning" (meaning that God has created the Universe several times over before), to "In The Beginning" (meaning that this is the first time God created the Universe).

Additionally, there is an interesting thing left out of the story of Abraham and his almost sacrifice of his son Issac. God didn't tell Abraham to go up to the altar, He said "Please take your son".

As far as the book of Daniel? LOTS of that was edited out, and the trouble is, that is one of the books that Revelation refers to about the 2nd Coming.

Additionally, most of the OT was heavily edited to focus it onto the NT, and the NT is focused toward Christ only, meaning they edited the OT to point only to Christ.

Yes, there have been a lot of things that have been messed up, but what do you expect? The OT was translated from Hebrew to Greek, then from Greek to Latin, and then to English.

Classic game of telephone.
If the military personnel were allowed the freedom to burn the koran if they wished.....I wonder how many would burn it. Al Gore would go insane with all the smoke rising in the sky.

Hey stupid.........the military personnel would be against burning the Koran. Wanna know why?

They're smart enough to know that the survival of their fellow brothers and sisters in arms over in the ME would be jeopardized.

As far as being deployed to Iraq and burning one? Wrong again, they want to be able to come back to the US for beer 30.

I feel you would be shocked on how many would burn it. We will never know as the military is not given the same freedoms as the rest of us in this country.
bornright's statement clearly shows s/he has no idea about the military and what they would or would not do.
Christian fanatics have a long history of burning books/

To date every attempt they've made to repress what those books said has failed.

So too will be the case of the Koran.

Those who revere that book will keep it alive regardless of what some fanatics do.

As do Muslim fanatics. Remember who said this?

"As for the books you mention, here is my reply. If their content is in accordance with the book of Allah, we may do without them, for in that case the book of Allah more than suffices. If, on the other hand, they contain matter not in accordance with the book of Allah, there can be no need to preserve them. Proceed, then, and destroy them."

If you need a hint, it was the Caliph Omar, and he was talking about the Library in Alexandria.
QWB is quoting someone from the end of the 6th century CE. The Catholic Pope Innocent IV authorized the use of torture against heretics. Puritans were hanging Quaker in the 1640s and executing witches fifty years late. And some 300 plus years later we find QWB make stupid arguments.
If the military personnel were allowed the freedom to burn the koran if they wished.....I wonder how many would burn it. Al Gore would go insane with all the smoke rising in the sky.

Hey stupid.........the military personnel would be against burning the Koran. Wanna know why?

They're smart enough to know that the survival of their fellow brothers and sisters in arms over in the ME would be jeopardized.

As far as being deployed to Iraq and burning one? Wrong again, they want to be able to come back to the US for beer 30.

I feel you would be shocked on how many would burn it. We will never know as the military is not given the same freedoms as the rest of us in this country.

Wrong yet again you window licker on the short bus. I (probably unlike you) actually SERVED 20 YEARS IN THE NAVY. I've been in war zones (4), as well as actually KNEW people.

Trust me........when it comes to survival, you'll do what's right and not what some fucked up ideal tells you.

Either that, or you die.
QWB is quoting someone from the end of the 6th century CE. The Catholic Pope Innocent IV authorized the use of torture against heretics. Puritans were hanging Quaker in the 1640s and executing witches fifty years late. And some 300 plus years later we find QWB make stupid arguments.

Do you have trouble with English?
Christian fanatics have a long history of burning books/

To date every attempt they've made to repress what those books said has failed.

So too will be the case of the Koran.

Those who revere that book will keep it alive regardless of what some fanatics do.

And you like that.

I see no difference between Islamic Fundamentalists and those fake Christians that burned books. Their mentalities are identical.....and you only support Islam because they're not white or whatever sick reason you have.
Hey stupid.........the military personnel would be against burning the Koran. Wanna know why?

They're smart enough to know that the survival of their fellow brothers and sisters in arms over in the ME would be jeopardized.

As far as being deployed to Iraq and burning one? Wrong again, they want to be able to come back to the US for beer 30.

I feel you would be shocked on how many would burn it. We will never know as the military is not given the same freedoms as the rest of us in this country.

Wrong yet again you window licker on the short bus. I (probably unlike you) actually SERVED 20 YEARS IN THE NAVY. I've been in war zones (4), as well as actually KNEW people.

Trust me........when it comes to survival, you'll do what's right and not what some fucked up ideal tells you.

Either that, or you die.

You've seen warzones from 200 miles out.

You don't know dick about being in a city that wants to kill you.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

true, but you'd gladly stone a woman to death for having sex. LOFL ala akbartard

Hey, let's not start splitting hairs here...
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.
They are held as misinterpretations preceding the "true" message of the Koran. As such, the Koran mentions them as being incorrect compared to the stories within the Koran.
And thus are held sacred by all muslims.
So why aren't muslims outraged when the Bible is burned??
That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.
They are held as misinterpretations preceding the "true" message of the Koran. As such, the Koran mentions them as being incorrect compared to the stories within the Koran.
And thus are held sacred by all muslims.
So why aren't muslims outraged when the Bible is burned?? We figure that it is the Christians who should be defending their most holy text.
QWB is quoting someone from the end of the 6th century CE. The Catholic Pope Innocent IV authorized the use of torture against heretics. Puritans were hanging Quaker in the 1640s and executing witches fifty years late. And some 300 plus years later we find QWB make stupid arguments.

Do you have trouble with English?

Do you hae trouble with logic, QWB. You can't do the one without the other kicking you in the face.
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