Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses - Associated Content -

Father Manuel Musallem, head of Gaza's Latin church, told the AP that Muslims have ransacked, burned and looted a school and convent that are part of the Gaza Strip's small Romany Catholic community. He told the AP that crosses were broken, damage was done to a statue of Jesus, and at the Rosary Sister School and nearby convent, prayer books were burned.

Gunmen used the roof of the school during the fighting, and the convent was "desecrated," Mussalem told the AP.

"Nothing happens by mistake these days," he said.

Father Musalam additionally told The Jerusalem Post that the Muslim gunmen used rocket-propeled grenades (RPGs) to blow through the doors of the church and school, before burning Bibles and destroying every cross they could get their hands on.
Yes. Yes, I suppose you would neverhear about Muslims burning the Bible.:eusa_whistle:
still, his (patreus) statement was without merit or based in any fact

arent we a country of free speech?. I thought burning books was a form of political expression, like burning the flag.

second, what idiot said "we will anger muzzies, and they will kill more u.s. troops, like they wouldnt already?

Uhh, that "idiot" was David Petraeus, one of the most highly regarded military leaders around the world and easily America's best.
no, but they must , like us


Why are so many so obsessed over what the "Arab Street" or Muslims around the world think about us? This always amazes me. Do people really think they care as much about what we think of them? I seriously doubt that. Personally i'm just so sick of all the whining about what the "Arab Street" and Muslims around the world think about us. I think it's time for more people to start talking about what we think about them. It goes both ways. So to H*ll with the "Arab Street."
Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses

Published June 18, 2007 by:
Kimberly West

After defeating their rivals in Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement, Muslim extremists are focusing their attacks on Christians in Gaza City. Christians in Gaza City have issued an appeal to the international community and a plea for protection against the increased attacks by Muslim extremists.

Father Manuel Musallem, head of Gaza's Latin church, told the AP that Muslims have ransacked, burned and looted a school and convent that are part of the Gaza Strip's small Romany Catholic community. He told the AP that crosses were broken, damage was done to a statue of Jesus, and at the Rosary Sister School and nearby convent, prayer books were burned.

Gunmen used the roof of the school during the fighting, and the convent was "desecrated," Mussalem told the AP.

"Nothing happens by mistake these days," he said.

Father Musalam additionally told The Jerusalem Post that the Muslim gunmen used rocket-propeled grenades (RPGs) to blow through the doors of the church and school, before burning Bibles and destroying every cross they could get their hands on.

Catholic Online reports that the heads of Christian churches in the Holy Land have urged both sides to put aside their weapons, noting that the infighting diverted international attention from the national goal of Palestinian independence.

"This domestic fighting where brother draws his weapon against brother is detrimental to all the aspirations of achieving security and stability for the Palestinian people," they said. "In the name of the one and only God as well as in the name of each devastated Palestinian, many of whom are still dying, we urge our brothers in the Fatah and Hamas movements to listen to the voice of reason, truth and wisdom."

One young woman told the Catholic News Service that she was concerned the Islamic extremists would "enforce a strict dress code, forcing women to wear veils and robes." One Christian teenager spoke to the Catholic News Service on the condition that her name not be used. She said the days of fighting had been "very difficult" but they were "OK now."
Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses - Associated Content -

The OP poster was wrong. Muslims do burn bibles too.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

YouTube - Bible burning by algerians in Sudan before the match with Egypt.
That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

Afraid to post the actual image?

There you go.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

YouTube - Bible burning by algerians in Sudan before the match with Egypt.
That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

Afraid to post the actual image?

There you go.

OH my bad
[ame=]YouTube - Bible burning by algerians in Sudan before the match with Egypt.[/ame]
Notice the difference in reactions from the White House in this issue.

Obama outright supports building a mosque at ground zero....yet White House spokesmen say that the they intend on calling this nut-case pastor in Florida and asking him not to go ahead with the burning.

So Americans cannot exercise their right to free expression....but Muslims get the official blessing of the President.

And they wonder why people think Obama is a Muslim.

See how uneven Liberals believe in following the Constitution. Only when it's convenient for them. Only then.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

true, but you'd gladly stone a woman to death for having sex. LOFL ala akbartard
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

YouTube - Bible burning by algerians in Sudan before the match with Egypt.
That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

Afraid to post the actual image?

There you go.

Besides Kalam that image shouldn't bother you. Isn't it true that the Qu'ran is not to be inborded in gold, isn't it supposed to be kept plain?
Christian fanatics have a long history of burning books/

To date every attempt they've made to repress what those books said has failed.

So too will be the case of the Koran.

Those who revere that book will keep it alive regardless of what some fanatics do.
Afraid to post the actual image?

There you go.

Besides Kalam that image shouldn't bother you. Isn't it true that the Qu'ran is not to be inborded in gold, isn't it supposed to be kept plain?

No. In fact, I have a copy of that translation on my desk a few feet away from me.

What does it say to do to peeps who burn the koran. Or are they just kafir and must die anyways, book burning or not?
Sure there are thugs and hooligans who break into churches, mosques, and synagoges, to cause destruction of property and to steal things.

Heck, that happens all too often here in America.

What I was refering to was that you won't see an organized Bible burning event lead by a Muslim religious leader.

As we muslims hold the Bible and the Torah to be sacred books sent down from Allah to guide mankind.

Will you see Christians demonstrating by burning or defacing Islam countries flags when a muslim (moderate or radical) defaces a Bible?

Will you see Christians sending death threats and assasins to "idiots" (even though they have the "right") to those that deface the Bible or even demonstrate against Christianity?

Will you see Christians "indoctrinating" their children to hate anyone that isn't Christian?

Will you see Christians destroying cultural artifacts, so they can deny that any other religion existed before Christianity?

Will "you" have the courage to answer these questions, truthfully?

1. Like the pastor who plans on doing Quran burnings?
2. I've seen Christians murder over the law
3. :lol: never seen Jesus Camp have you?
4. :lol: never heard of Christians trying to remove evolution from the schools?
That's happened numerous times throughout history. How many Gospels can you find completely intact nowadays? 4?
5. Will you?

I am taking it that your answer is NO?
Thank god for that Sunniman.

3 slain at Bible business in Turkey - World news - Europe -
3 slain over Bible distribution in Turkey
Assailants slit throats of men working at publishing house

ISTANBUL, Turkey — Assailants tied up three people at a publishing house that distributes Bibles in Turkey and then slit their throats Wednesday, adding to a string of attacks apparently targeting the country’s tiny Christian minority.

The killings occurred in Malatya, a city in central Turkey known as a hotbed of Turkish nationalism and is the hometown of Mehmet Ali Agca, the gunman who tried to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981.

Malatya Gov. Ibrahim Dasoz said two of the victims at the Zirve publishing house were found already dead and the third died after being taken to the hospital. All had their throats cut and their hands and legs were bound, he said.
Sounds like a robbery that happened to take place at a publishing business.

Just last week 3 employees in my city were murdered and robbed at a fast food restaurant.

It took place in a heavily populated Catholic/ Italian neighborhood.

Most likely they were Christians who committed the murders.

Every sinister, deceitful, or crimminal act is excused or ignored, the muslim way.
If the military personnel were allowed the freedom to burn the koran if they wished.....I wonder how many would burn it. Al Gore would go insane with all the smoke rising in the sky.

Hey stupid.........the military personnel would be against burning the Koran. Wanna know why?

They're smart enough to know that the survival of their fellow brothers and sisters in arms over in the ME would be jeopardized.

As far as being deployed to Iraq and burning one? Wrong again, they want to be able to come back to the US for beer 30.

Do you think it would show WHICH muslims were "MODERATE", and WHICH muslims are RADICAL?
If the military personnel were allowed the freedom to burn the koran if they wished.....I wonder how many would burn it. Al Gore would go insane with all the smoke rising in the sky.

Hey stupid.........the military personnel would be against burning the Koran. Wanna know why?

They're smart enough to know that the survival of their fellow brothers and sisters in arms over in the ME would be jeopardized.

As far as being deployed to Iraq and burning one? Wrong again, they want to be able to come back to the US for beer 30.

Do you think it would show WHICH muslims were "MODERATE", and WHICH muslims are RADICAL?

If you think your comment, 4u, offers any insight or any worth to the discussion, think again. ABS has it wrapped correctly.

Let's go through this again: Jones has the legal right to burn books, and is very stupid he does so; Rauf has the legal right to build the mosque, and I wish he would not.
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