Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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Like I said: You can find thugs and hooligans in just about every country who break into Churches, Mosques, and Synagouges.

In order to vandalize, steal, and sometimes burn the house of worship down to the ground.

But, I doubt that you will find an Imam or other Islamic religious leader having an organized Bible burning at his Mosque like the preacher in Florida is doing with the Quran.

I thought you said no Muslim would ever do it?

Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

\How about that, you did. Does this man you lied then? Or is the truth that you are lying now because you do not want to admit that you were wrong? It would be a lot easier to just admit you made a mistake than trying to move the goal posts, not that Muslims care much about truth in my experience, but it does make my case a lot easier to prove when I can provide examples of "moderate" Muslims who lie about Islam.
Interestingly enough, Yeshua is Jewish, so therefore He'd be either light brown or white.

By the way, that earliest image they've got? Guess what......probably the closest representation of Him that there is. Wanna know why? Watch History Channel's "Death Masks, The Real Face of Jesus" sometime.

It's quite enlightening how they took the Shroud of Turin, used a computer and quite a bit of science to re-create the 3-D image left on the Shroud, and you'd see that Yeshua looks quite a bit like the picture that is on this thread.

As Many Poled the Human Porcupine (if he had as many dicks poking outta him as he's had IN him, he'd look like that) would say.............

True Story.

The only way I could believe the Shroud of Turin is legitimate is if I believed it was wrapped around his dead body, and he actually was resurrected. There is a much simpler explanation for the Shroud looking like the picture in this thread.

Next time it comes on History Channel, watch it.

Some really interesting information was found out about the Shroud. It actually IS old enough to be the cloth that wrapped Yeshua.

It also has an interesting take on the resurrection as well.
Do you hae trouble with logic, QWB. You can't do the one without the other kicking you in the face.

Logic? Let me see if you can follow the logic of my post.

First. let us look at the post in question.

Christian fanatics have a long history of burning books/

To date every attempt they've made to repress what those books said has failed.

So too will be the case of the Koran.

Those who revere that book will keep it alive regardless of what some fanatics do.

As do Muslim fanatics. Remember who said this?

"As for the books you mention, here is my reply. If their content is in accordance with the book of Allah, we may do without them, for in that case the book of Allah more than suffices. If, on the other hand, they contain matter not in accordance with the book of Allah, there can be no need to preserve them. Proceed, then, and destroy them."
If you need a hint, it was the Caliph Omar, and he was talking about the Library in Alexandria.

editec made some very good points, all of which I agree with, except for the implication that only Christians do this. I pointed to the single largest book burning in history, and the order that prefaced it. Islam also has a history of book burnings and suppressing ideas that conflict with it.

My logic seems to be pretty sound, and the only people who would have a problem with it are those who want to deny truth. I should have remembered you were in that group and just assumed that was what you were doing, which is why you have a problem with English, and logic.

Thanks for playing.
QWB is quoting someone from the end of the 6th century CE. The Catholic Pope Innocent IV authorized the use of torture against heretics. Puritans were hanging Quaker in the 1640s and executing witches fifty years late. And some 300 plus years later we find QWB make stupid arguments.

Because they use the same methods to make a point as you, does not mean they don't use the truth. "They" would probably be happy to provide a link or documentation (unlike, "you").

I don't remember a link being provide for the Omar quote, either. But both are common knowledge and need not be cited.

I didn't provide a link because the internet did not exist when Omar said that, but I did clearly make it a quote, and attribute it to Omar. I am pretty sure that more than covers the rules.
Interestingly enough, Yeshua is Jewish, so therefore He'd be either light brown or white.

By the way, that earliest image they've got? Guess what......probably the closest representation of Him that there is. Wanna know why? Watch History Channel's "Death Masks, The Real Face of Jesus" sometime.

It's quite enlightening how they took the Shroud of Turin, used a computer and quite a bit of science to re-create the 3-D image left on the Shroud, and you'd see that Yeshua looks quite a bit like the picture that is on this thread.

As Many Poled the Human Porcupine (if he had as many dicks poking outta him as he's had IN him, he'd look like that) would say.............

True Story.

The only way I could believe the Shroud of Turin is legitimate is if I believed it was wrapped around his dead body, and he actually was resurrected. There is a much simpler explanation for the Shroud looking like the picture in this thread.

Next time it comes on History Channel, watch it.

Some really interesting information was found out about the Shroud. It actually IS old enough to be the cloth that wrapped Yeshua.

It also has an interesting take on the resurrection as well.

I have watched it. I remember them very clearly stating a number of things, including the fact that carbon dating could not authenticate the Shroud. I also remember them saying the technique they used is only a guess, and that most of the interpretation was done by the operator.

Like I said, there is a simple explanation for the similarities.
No one is suggesting only Christians are doing this, QWB. and you know it. That is a straw man argument. You want to condemn Muslims for what both religionists have done for more than a millenia. That is the point.
No one is suggesting only Christians are doing this, QWB. and you know it. That is a straw man argument. You want to condemn Muslims for what both religionists have done for more than a millenia. That is the point.

Don't accept that. Just like there are Christians who want to kill Jews, and turn the US into a theocracy, there are people who claim that only Christians do this. YOu might not be one of them, but they are out there.
No one is suggesting only Christians are doing this, QWB. and you know it. That is a straw man argument. You want to condemn Muslims for what both religionists have done for more than a millenia. That is the point.

Don't accept that. Just like there are Christians who want to kill Jews, and turn the US into a theocracy, there are people who claim that only Christians do this. YOu might not be one of them, but they are out there.

100% correct on that. We have Muslims claiming all Christians are intolerant, we have Christians claiming all Muslims are intolerant.

I, personally, have no more desire for a Christian theocracy here than for a Muslim Caliphate. Both in my opinion are nothing more than men using religion to evilly dominate others.
o here we go with this brother and/or sister stuff.....i still dont get it blacks doing it or muslims or christians....yall are nothing to each other

At least in my case that's not true. The Qur'an tells us that we're a single brotherhood and I try to interact with others in a way that reflects that.

Those who murder in the name of your false god are your brothers and sisters?

You mad?
Muslim man accidentally sets himself on fire while burning the American Flag...


Not sure if Muslims burn Bibles but we do know they like to burn stuff. They behead and burn human beings around the world all the time. So is beheading and burning a human being worse than burning a Bible? I'll let you decide that for yourselves.

You did notice that is not a real U.S. flag?
Islam is not a religion of "Peace" and "Tolerance." That is just a myth. Visit any Muslim nation on this planet if you don't believe me. Christians,Buddhists,and Hindus live in fear of the Muslims. In fact any religion that isn't Islam is not acceptable according to Islamic teachings. Islam only promotes "Peace" and "Tolerance" after they conquer you. Islam is all about conquest and domination. This is the reality. After they conquer nations,they do have a history of showing some tolerance of other religions. This only occurs after much death and conquest though. So i don't know how that whole "Islam is a religion of Peace" thing got started. This might be so but only after they have slaughtered and conquered you. I'm not an "Islamophobe" i'm just a realist. I only go by what i observe. In my opinion Islam is not a "Religion of Peace."

i think you are a gulable idiot, because if you compare the Oid & new Testaments with the Quran, you will find the Quran like snow white and the seven dwarfs :lol:. There is a difference between Islam & Muslims. Some of these people do not represent Islam but are supposed Muslims:confused: well lets say that islam only fought their enemies who drove them out of their home..would you not ?, unlike Jews who went to another people & land and murdered and conquered in the name of God. So did the Crusaders who murdered fellow Palestinian your dam history books

i think you are a gulable idiot
gulable? Let's talk about who's gulable you gave up Christainity for a religion that treats women less then human, to be beaten if they do not have sex with their husband when he wants it.

because if you compare the Oid & new Testaments with the Quran, you will find the Quran like snow white and the seven dwarfs

ok here's your challenge snowwhite. Show me in the News Testament where it ok to kill anyone that is not a Christian? Where is the Jihad for any non believer?
Afraid to post the actual image?

There you go.

Besides Kalam that image shouldn't bother you. Isn't it true that the Qu'ran is not to be inborded in gold, isn't it supposed to be kept plain?

No. In fact, I have a copy of that translation on my desk a few feet away from me.

Then you are an infidel and must be stoned according to Islam law. The covering of the Koran is not to be enbourdered with gold edge. Nothing should be a detract from what is on the inside of that book.
Besides Kalam that image shouldn't bother you. Isn't it true that the Qu'ran is not to be inborded in gold, isn't it supposed to be kept plain?

No. In fact, I have a copy of that translation on my desk a few feet away from me.

Then you are an infidel and must be stoned according to Islam law. The covering of the Koran is not to be enbourdered with gold edge. Nothing should be a detract from what is on the inside of that book.
Prove it.
Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

No, they just chop off the heads of those who follow it.
Christians tortured their own as well, Smart. Neither side has much to crow about along those lines.
Then you are an infidel and must be stoned according to Islam law. The covering of the Koran is not to be enbourdered with gold edge. Nothing should be a detract from what is on the inside of that book.
Prove it.
Still waiting .........................

Boy, you ragheads sure are a pushy bunch. Prove it yourselves if you don't know that's it already true, you bunch of smelly carpet kissers. :lol:
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