Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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Wikipedia and bigreb as sources for Muslim religious doctrine. That is funny! :lol:

What the racist dork from North Carolina does not get is that Islam has many, many sects, just like Christian is riven by a thousand denominations.

What a sad sack big reb is truly.

Whats funny is that you are a left wingnut wacko reactionary.

See, you lie even you think you aren't lying. I am not left, I am not a wing nut (you are), I am not a wack (you are), and a reactionary is a title that applies to your far right.

So if you want to lie about me, then write it correctly, doofus: ". . . you are a left wing nut wacko radical with an agenda that contravenes everything the old slaveholders stood for in 1787". Oh, wait a minute, bigreb. :lol:

jake the left wingnut reactionary strikes out again:lol:
Whats funny is that you are a left wingnut wacko reactionary.

See, you lie even you think you aren't lying. I am not left, I am not a wing nut (you are), I am not a wack (you are), and a reactionary is a title that applies to your far right.

So if you want to lie about me, then write it correctly, doofus: ". . . you are a left wing nut wacko radical with an agenda that contravenes everything the old slaveholders stood for in 1787". Oh, wait a minute, bigreb. :lol:

jake the left wingnut reactionary strikes out again:lol:
nope, gotta correct you here
Jokey isnt wingnut, he's a moonbat
See, you lie even you think you aren't lying. I am not left, I am not a wing nut (you are), I am not a wack (you are), and a reactionary is a title that applies to your far right.

So if you want to lie about me, then write it correctly, doofus: ". . . you are a left wing nut wacko radical with an agenda that contravenes everything the old slaveholders stood for in 1787". Oh, wait a minute, bigreb. :lol:

jake the left wingnut reactionary strikes out again:lol:
nope, gotta correct you here
Jokey isnt wingnut, he's a moonbat

Jake is anything but what he says he is.:clap2:
bornright's statement clearly shows s/he has no idea about the military and what they would or would not do.

I served in the Marines in combat and I along with every one I knew would have done anything to annoy what I thought to be my enemy if allowed.
bigreb et al are not mainstream at all. They are far right reactionary agenda driven wacks that want America to do what all 3 of them say. :lol:
Hey stupid.........the military personnel would be against burning the Koran. Wanna know why?

They're smart enough to know that the survival of their fellow brothers and sisters in arms over in the ME would be jeopardized.

As far as being deployed to Iraq and burning one? Wrong again, they want to be able to come back to the US for beer 30.

I feel you would be shocked on how many would burn it. We will never know as the military is not given the same freedoms as the rest of us in this country.

Wrong yet again you window licker on the short bus. I (probably unlike you) actually SERVED 20 YEARS IN THE NAVY. I've been in war zones (4), as well as actually KNEW people.

Trust me........when it comes to survival, you'll do what's right and not what some fucked up ideal tells you.

Either that, or you die.
You are right I did not serve 20 years in the navy. I guess the military people I served with had different feelings about the enemy than you and your group.
bigreb is hoping against rational belief that everyone is going to forget that he is using his opinion and wiipedia to support his silly positions.

You are p'wnd in this thread also, bigrib. You are fail.
bigreb is hoping against rational belief that everyone is going to forget that he is using his opinion and wiipedia to support his silly positions.

You are p'wnd in this thread also, bigrib. You are fail.

leftest moonbat when he has nothing to add post dribble that makes no sense. so back on ignore she goes. she kind of resembles sailormoon
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I feel you would be shocked on how many would burn it. We will never know as the military is not given the same freedoms as the rest of us in this country.

Wrong yet again you window licker on the short bus. I (probably unlike you) actually SERVED 20 YEARS IN THE NAVY. I've been in war zones (4), as well as actually KNEW people.

Trust me........when it comes to survival, you'll do what's right and not what some fucked up ideal tells you.

Either that, or you die.
You are right I did not serve 20 years in the navy. I guess the military people I served with had different feelings about the enemy than you and your group.

I know you, or at least your type from my years of service. You were the wack who had so much trouble adjusting to military life and the mission that we had to give you the crap jobs that threatened your fellows the least when you messed it up. Or we ran you out of the service.

You know for a fact ABS is telling you the truth, yet, just as you did in the service, you against its good order and discipline.

You must have been a scummy service member then, because you are the type of scummy civilian now willing to threaten our fighting men and women over a book. :evil: :cuckoo:
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Wikipedia and bigreb as sources for Muslim religious doctrine. That is funny! :lol:

What the racist dork from North Carolina does not get is that Islam has many, many sects, just like Christian is riven by a thousand denominations.

What a sad sack big reb is truly.

kalams favorite source dont recall you calling him on it
Oops. What a shame; you might have had a chance to prove me wrong there. We'll never know now.

interpetation my unwilling student

Since Muslim tradition felt that directly portraying sacred figures and events might lead to idolatry, it was considered wrong to decorate the Qur’an with pictures (as was often done for Christian texts, for example). Muslims instead lavished love and care upon the sacred text itself. Arabic is written in many scripts, some of which are complex and beautiful. Arabic calligraphy is a highly honored art, much like Chinese calligraphy. Muslims also decorated their Qur’ans with abstract figures (arabesques), colored inks, and gold leaf. Pages from some of these antique Qur’ans are displayed throughout this article.

Qur'an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do they make you wear a helmet when they take you out in public?
Oops. What a shame; you might have had a chance to prove me wrong there. We'll never know now.

interpetation my unwilling student

Since Muslim tradition felt that directly portraying sacred figures and events might lead to idolatry, it was considered wrong to decorate the Qur’an with pictures (as was often done for Christian texts, for example). Muslims instead lavished love and care upon the sacred text itself. Arabic is written in many scripts, some of which are complex and beautiful. Arabic calligraphy is a highly honored art, much like Chinese calligraphy. Muslims also decorated their Qur’ans with abstract figures (arabesques), colored inks, and gold leaf. Pages from some of these antique Qur’ans are displayed throughout this article.

Qur'an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do they make you wear a helmet when they take you out in public?
You know they dont and you know that your juvenile insults can only take you so far.
Far enough to win support with

Proceed with the meaningless "dissection" and parsing of every post
as if you were proving some point.
It does however
make your posts
easier to identify
as they are
Oops. What a shame; you might have had a chance to prove me wrong there. We'll never know now.

interpetation my unwilling student

Since Muslim tradition felt that directly portraying sacred figures and events might lead to idolatry, it was considered wrong to decorate the Qur’an with pictures (as was often done for Christian texts, for example). Muslims instead lavished love and care upon the sacred text itself. Arabic is written in many scripts, some of which are complex and beautiful. Arabic calligraphy is a highly honored art, much like Chinese calligraphy. Muslims also decorated their Qur’ans with abstract figures (arabesques), colored inks, and gold leaf. Pages from some of these antique Qur’ans are displayed throughout this article.

Qur'an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do they make you wear a helmet when they take you out in public?

I have a question for you? What was it you missed? I mean it's not my religion so it really doesn't matter to me what you do to your book I'm not condeming my what ever because I desacrated the "holy Quran" did you miss this part?

Since Muslim tradition felt that directly portraying sacred figures and events might lead to idolatry, it was considered wrong to decorate the Qur’an with pictures

No skin off my teeth.
interpetation my unwilling student

Since Muslim tradition felt that directly portraying sacred figures and events might lead to idolatry, it was considered wrong to decorate the Qur’an with pictures (as was often done for Christian texts, for example). Muslims instead lavished love and care upon the sacred text itself. Arabic is written in many scripts, some of which are complex and beautiful. Arabic calligraphy is a highly honored art, much like Chinese calligraphy. Muslims also decorated their Qur’ans with abstract figures (arabesques), colored inks, and gold leaf. Pages from some of these antique Qur’ans are displayed throughout this article.

Qur'an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do they make you wear a helmet when they take you out in public?

I have a question for you? What was it you missed? I mean it's not my religion so it really doesn't matter to me what you do to your book I'm not condeming my what ever because I desacrated the "holy Quran" did you miss this part?

Since Muslim tradition felt that directly portraying sacred figures and events might lead to idolatry, it was considered wrong to decorate the Qur’an with pictures

No skin off my teeth.
I think you did all right,
I always like to have a consensus ,But
you used quya In a traditional way.IMO.
Myself I just go with what has been published.Thats just my style.
But I understand and could explain your rational, rather than ridicule and dismiss .
So could any "honorable" muslim.
Laughter is the only response a Muslim has to a kafir who believes that he possesses the knowledge necessary to interpret Shari'ah. Please, go on. :lol:
As if Islam were some mystic practice.
Its a crime syndicate.

And you respond in typical kafir fashion. Thanks for being tonight's entertainment.
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