Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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Christians tortured their own as well, Smart. Neither side has much to crow about along those lines.

Are the Christians the ones out there, declaring the rest of the world will come under "their government" and "their religion"? Are Christians the ones that are threatening people or their families with bodily harm, or death, TODAY? Are the Christians killing people that are not their faith by a ceremony that resembles a Satanic ritual, TODAY?

Please don't bother reminding us that 'once upon a time' (hundreds of years ago), Christians killed a very small percentage, over hundreds of years what islam kills in a decade.

The Christians are not the ones that are trying to put the world's nations into third world standard of living so the imams and clerics can feel they are 'above' everyone. Many Christian leaders feel it is their religious duty to live in poverty and to elevate the followers of their church to show 'true faith'. Is there any place where islam demonstrates that kind of 'faith' or 'love'?

I understand that you do not have the courage to say the truth, even here. It might appear that on some level you have respect for SOME Christians, and that would be a terrible thing, indeed.
Muslim man accidentally sets himself on fire while burning the American Flag...


Not sure if Muslims burn Bibles but we do know they like to burn stuff. They behead and burn human beings around the world all the time. So is beheading and burning a human being worse than burning a Bible? I'll let you decide that for yourselves.

You did notice that is not a real U.S. flag?

Do you think "that flag" was intended to 'represent' the US flag?

To make somthing to look like the real thing does not make it that thing.
Christians tortured their own as well, Smart. Neither side has much to crow about along those lines.

Are the Christians the ones out there, declaring the rest of the world will come under "their government" and "their religion"? Are Christians the ones that are threatening people or their families with bodily harm, or death, TODAY? Are the Christians killing people that are not their faith by a ceremony that resembles a Satanic ritual, TODAY?

Please don't bother reminding us that 'once upon a time' (hundreds of years ago), Christians killed a very small percentage, over hundreds of years what islam kills in a decade.

The Christians are not the ones that are trying to put the world's nations into third world standard of living so the imams and clerics can feel they are 'above' everyone. Many Christian leaders feel it is their religious duty to live in poverty and to elevate the followers of their church to show 'true faith'. Is there any place where islam demonstrates that kind of 'faith' or 'love'?

I understand that you do not have the courage to say the truth, even here. It might appear that on some level you have respect for SOME Christians, and that would be a terrible thing, indeed. Ted Haggard is living in poverty and not trying to force others to believe as he does (while acting like a hypocrite by having gay sex and meth).

Wanna talk about Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen? What is their definition of "poverty", and do they live at that level?

In a

And, let's talk about "C" Street and the Christian Coalition. Remember.......according to them, this is a Christian nation, not one where freedom of religion is allowed.

Christians tortured their own as well, Smart. Neither side has much to crow about along those lines.

Are the Christians the ones out there, declaring the rest of the world will come under "their government" and "their religion"? Are Christians the ones that are threatening people or their families with bodily harm, or death, TODAY? Are the Christians killing people that are not their faith by a ceremony that resembles a Satanic ritual, TODAY?

Please don't bother reminding us that 'once upon a time' (hundreds of years ago), Christians killed a very small percentage, over hundreds of years what islam kills in a decade.

The Christians are not the ones that are trying to put the world's nations into third world standard of living so the imams and clerics can feel they are 'above' everyone. Many Christian leaders feel it is their religious duty to live in poverty and to elevate the followers of their church to show 'true faith'. Is there any place where islam demonstrates that kind of 'faith' or 'love'?

I understand that you do not have the courage to say the truth, even here. It might appear that on some level you have respect for SOME Christians, and that would be a terrible thing, indeed. Ted Haggard is living in poverty and not trying to force others to believe as he does (while acting like a hypocrite by having gay sex and meth).

Wanna talk about Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen? What is their definition of "poverty", and do they live at that level?

In a

And, let's talk about "C" Street and the Christian Coalition. Remember.......according to them, this is a Christian nation, not one where freedom of religion is allowed.


How is that weight still dropping?
Do you think "that flag" was intended to 'represent' the US flag?

To make somthing to look like the real thing does not make it that thing.

It is symbology.

Still it's nothing to get upset over. It's not the flag. If anything would piss me off they would be burning a copy of the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence. After all isn't that what truely represents America and what it stands for?
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Christians tortured their own as well, Smart. Neither side has much to crow about along those lines.

Are the Christians the ones out there, declaring the rest of the world will come under "their government" and "their religion"? Are Christians the ones that are threatening people or their families with bodily harm, or death, TODAY? Are the Christians killing people that are not their faith by a ceremony that resembles a Satanic ritual, TODAY?

Please don't bother reminding us that 'once upon a time' (hundreds of years ago), Christians killed a very small percentage, over hundreds of years what islam kills in a decade.

The Christians are not the ones that are trying to put the world's nations into third world standard of living so the imams and clerics can feel they are 'above' everyone. Many Christian leaders feel it is their religious duty to live in poverty and to elevate the followers of their church to show 'true faith'. Is there any place where islam demonstrates that kind of 'faith' or 'love'?

I understand that you do not have the courage to say the truth, even here. It might appear that on some level you have respect for SOME Christians, and that would be a terrible thing, indeed. Ted Haggard is living in poverty and not trying to force others to believe as he does (while acting like a hypocrite by having gay sex and meth).

Wanna talk about Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen? What is their definition of "poverty", and do they live at that level?

In a

And, let's talk about "C" Street and the Christian Coalition. Remember.......according to them, this is a Christian nation, not one where freedom of religion is allowed.


Psssst. Many does not equal all. The point was that "many" imams and clerics are saying their faith and Shari'ah law are the way the entire global population should live. That is not the way with Christians. There are a few wackos that "claim" to be Christian to use the Bible to control others, but they are denounced by "most" Christians. That is not the case with islam. Do you too, have a problem with any complements for Christians, or their way of life?
It is symbology.

Still it's nothing to get upset over. It's not the flag. If anything would piss me off they would be burning a copy of the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence. After all isn't that what truely represents America and what it stands for?

I suppose you didn't care when they burned Bush Jr. in effigy did ya?

After all, it wasn't Bush Jr. himself, right?
I edited my reply you may have been posting while I was editing
No I wouldn't
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To make somthing to look like the real thing does not make it that thing.

It is symbology.

Still it's nothing to get upset over. It's not the flag.

It is a statement for the demonstrator that he hates anything, any person that is associated with the US. I have a feeling if a demonstrator in the US showed a 'representation' of the president burning, you would have serious problems with it (as you should). That was the purpose of the demonstration to 'state' the hatred felt towards the USA (if you are a citizen, that includes you).
It is symbology.

Still it's nothing to get upset over. It's not the flag.

It is a statement for the demonstrator that he hates anything, any person that is associated with the US. I have a feeling if a demonstrator in the US showed a 'representation' of the president burning, you would have serious problems with it (as you should). That was the purpose of the demonstration to 'state' the hatred felt towards the USA (if you are a citizen, that includes you).

I edited my reply with this

If anything would piss me off they would be burning a copy of the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence. After all isn't that what truely represents America and what it stands for?
Still it's nothing to get upset over. It's not the flag. If anything would piss me off they would be burning a copy of the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence. After all isn't that what truely represents America and what it stands for?

I suppose you didn't care when they burned Bush Jr. in effigy did ya?

After all, it wasn't Bush Jr. himself, right?
I edited my reply you may have been posting while I was editing
No I wouldn't

Good to know that there are cowards like you posing as patriots.

Go fuck yourself. If you only protect 1 part of this country and leave the rest to be destroyed, you're not anything I would even consider human.

Just a spineless coward who won't look outside themselves to make this country better.

And I call you coward because you were too much of a pussy to give a couple of years to Uncle Sam, as well as because of the way you post.
I know you, or at least your type from my years of service. You were the wack who had so much trouble adjusting to military life and the mission that we had to give you the crap jobs that threatened your fellows the least when you messed it up. Or we ran you out of the service.

You know for a fact ABS is telling you the truth, yet, just as you did in the service, you against its good order and discipline.

You must have been a scummy service member then, because you are the type of scummy civilian now willing to threaten our fighting men and women over a book. :evil: :cuckoo:

You do not know me at all. Perhaps if you happen to know of someone in the military or someone that was in the military that served in a combat roll you could ask him how he feels about it. I did not say they would approve on citizens back home burning the koran. I do know if they felt it would annoy their enemy, the soldier himself would burn it if allowed to do so.

Hey Born may wish to ask some of the CURRENTLY ON ACTIVE DUTY on this board if they would burn one or not if given the chance.

Most (like 95 percent or better) would say no. Why? Taking mortar fire and shit like that is fucked up enough, you don't need to go pissing off the civilians and turning them towards the Taliban and Al Queda by burning their book.

Obviously, you're a product of the Viet Nam era, soldiers today are MUCH smarter than you.

Good guess I am from the Vietnam era, but my guess is that combat soldiers have not changed that much. I have talked to a few that have returned from Iraq. I have not spoken personally to anyone that has served in Afganistan. The ones I spoke to and questioned about what was really going on over there respected me and my service. I am sorry that you can not share their view of me.

I have no idea where you got the 95 percent or better number.
I suppose you didn't care when they burned Bush Jr. in effigy did ya?

After all, it wasn't Bush Jr. himself, right?
I edited my reply you may have been posting while I was editing
No I wouldn't

Good to know that there are cowards like you posing as patriots.

Go fuck yourself. If you only protect 1 part of this country and leave the rest to be destroyed, you're not anything I would even consider human.

Just a spineless coward who won't look outside themselves to make this country better.

And I call you coward because you were too much of a pussy to give a couple of years to Uncle Sam, as well as because of the way you post.

unlike you I swore no allegence to any President they can burn as many dummy's that look like them for all I care.

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You do not know me at all. Perhaps if you happen to know of someone in the military or someone that was in the military that served in a combat roll you could ask him how he feels about it. I did not say they would approve on citizens back home burning the koran. I do know if they felt it would annoy their enemy, the soldier himself would burn it if allowed to do so.

Hey Born may wish to ask some of the CURRENTLY ON ACTIVE DUTY on this board if they would burn one or not if given the chance.

Most (like 95 percent or better) would say no. Why? Taking mortar fire and shit like that is fucked up enough, you don't need to go pissing off the civilians and turning them towards the Taliban and Al Queda by burning their book.

Obviously, you're a product of the Viet Nam era, soldiers today are MUCH smarter than you.

Good guess I am from the Vietnam era, but my guess is that combat soldiers have not changed that much. I have talked to a few that have returned from Iraq. I have not spoken personally to anyone that has served in Afganistan. The ones I spoke to and questioned about what was really going on over there respected me and my service. I am sorry that you can not share their view of me.

I have no idea where you got the 95 percent or better number.

I got the 95 percent or better from my experience of 20 years in the U.S. Navy, which covered 4 war zones (Beruit in '83, Operation Desert Storm (both parts) and Kosovo. Trust me, when you're at sea, you talk about EVERYTHING.

As far as combat soldiers not changing that much? Wrong yet again. Ever heard of the "Land Warrior" system? How about the tech knowledge needed to drive any combat vehicle? Most of our troops now are there BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE not because they were drafted like much of your era. Additionally, because we are an all volunteer force, we can pick and choose who does and doesn't get in.

Trust me on that........the last 2 1/2 years of my career was spent running the Navy office for Amarillo MEPS.

Todays soldiers are much better educated (gotta have a diploma except for the HP3's, but even those have to have a GED). And because of that, the aren't stupid enough to endanger their own safety as well as that of their crew for some stupid idea that an idiot preacher thought was a good idea.

Draftees don't want to be in the war, so they will do anything they can to piss off the enemy.

And........if you wanna talk to an actual soldier over there in the shit in Afghanistan, look up a member known as Boot Neck.
Hey Born may wish to ask some of the CURRENTLY ON ACTIVE DUTY on this board if they would burn one or not if given the chance.

Most (like 95 percent or better) would say no. Why? Taking mortar fire and shit like that is fucked up enough, you don't need to go pissing off the civilians and turning them towards the Taliban and Al Queda by burning their book.

Obviously, you're a product of the Viet Nam era, soldiers today are MUCH smarter than you.

Good guess I am from the Vietnam era, but my guess is that combat soldiers have not changed that much. I have talked to a few that have returned from Iraq. I have not spoken personally to anyone that has served in Afganistan. The ones I spoke to and questioned about what was really going on over there respected me and my service. I am sorry that you can not share their view of me.

I have no idea where you got the 95 percent or better number.

I got the 95 percent or better from my experience of 20 years in the U.S. Navy, which covered 4 war zones (Beruit in '83, Operation Desert Storm (both parts) and Kosovo. Trust me, when you're at sea, you talk about EVERYTHING.

As far as combat soldiers not changing that much? Wrong yet again. Ever heard of the "Land Warrior" system? How about the tech knowledge needed to drive any combat vehicle? Most of our troops now are there BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE not because they were drafted like much of your era. Additionally, because we are an all volunteer force, we can pick and choose who does and doesn't get in.

Trust me on that........the last 2 1/2 years of my career was spent running the Navy office for Amarillo MEPS.

Todays soldiers are much better educated (gotta have a diploma except for the HP3's, but even those have to have a GED). And because of that, the aren't stupid enough to endanger their own safety as well as that of their crew for some stupid idea that an idiot preacher thought was a good idea.

Draftees don't want to be in the war, so they will do anything they can to piss off the enemy.

And........if you wanna talk to an actual soldier over there in the shit in Afghanistan, look up a member known as Boot Neck.
wasnt there a case of US Soldiers pissing on dead taliban a couple years ago?
or was it brit soldiers?
Dunno Dive, got a link? (no dude......I'm not gonna do the work for you).

Most of what I remember is stuff done by Blackwater.
i was looking for one the other day
couldnt find it
but i remember reading a story on it

such is the nature of the internet
Hey Born may wish to ask some of the CURRENTLY ON ACTIVE DUTY on this board if they would burn one or not if given the chance.

Most (like 95 percent or better) would say no. Why? Taking mortar fire and shit like that is fucked up enough, you don't need to go pissing off the civilians and turning them towards the Taliban and Al Queda by burning their book.

Obviously, you're a product of the Viet Nam era, soldiers today are MUCH smarter than you.

Good guess I am from the Vietnam era, but my guess is that combat soldiers have not changed that much. I have talked to a few that have returned from Iraq. I have not spoken personally to anyone that has served in Afganistan. The ones I spoke to and questioned about what was really going on over there respected me and my service. I am sorry that you can not share their view of me.

I have no idea where you got the 95 percent or better number.

I got the 95 percent or better from my experience of 20 years in the U.S. Navy, which covered 4 war zones (Beruit in '83, Operation Desert Storm (both parts) and Kosovo. Trust me, when you're at sea, you talk about EVERYTHING.

As far as combat soldiers not changing that much? Wrong yet again. Ever heard of the "Land Warrior" system? How about the tech knowledge needed to drive any combat vehicle? Most of our troops now are there BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE not because they were drafted like much of your era. Additionally, because we are an all volunteer force, we can pick and choose who does and doesn't get in.

Trust me on that........the last 2 1/2 years of my career was spent running the Navy office for Amarillo MEPS.

Todays soldiers are much better educated (gotta have a diploma except for the HP3's, but even those have to have a GED). And because of that, the aren't stupid enough to endanger their own safety as well as that of their crew for some stupid idea that an idiot preacher thought was a good idea.

Draftees don't want to be in the war, so they will do anything they can to piss off the enemy.

And........if you wanna talk to an actual soldier over there in the shit in Afghanistan, look up a member known as Boot Neck.

I know nothing about running a Navy office but I am glad that there are people like you that have that experience. I enlisted in the Marines after my second year of college and I am sure you are aware very few Marines were drafted. Even if one was drafted he did his duty and served his country so please don't think they were in some way inferior.

Do you really think that a draftee would want to anger the enemy more than an enlisted man just because he doesn't want to be in a war?

I do not know Boot Neck or anything about him. I recently talked to a Marine that had served two tours in Iraq. He was impressive and would have fit in real well with the group I was with so many years ago.
I also was PRP teams, Security Force, PRT Coordinator, DAPA, Suicide Prevention Counselor, and a couple of other things.

Yeah........I've got experience, what of it?
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