Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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I suppose that if anyone would know, it would be the card carrying KKK fuckers like you, eh?

Next time I have a family reunion I will ask my black relatives if they found my card for me. MORON.

bigreb uses the n-word casually here. I hope his relatives have knocked him on his ass enough so that he doesn't use the word around them. And if his relatives use it (internal oppression) along with bigreb bozo, I hope the neighbors knock them all on their asses. And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK?

I have you on ignore I asked someone to check your reply and see what you had to say. They said it wasn't to bad. They failed to mention the lie you said.

And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK

I would ripped your fucking throat out if I ever had the chance you piece of shit. I have never said anything good about the fucking klann I equal them to obama. so go fuck you self you little ****.
Next time I have a family reunion I will ask my black relatives if they found my card for me. MORON.

bigreb uses the n-word casually here. I hope his relatives have knocked him on his ass enough so that he doesn't use the word around them. And if his relatives use it (internal oppression) along with bigreb bozo, I hope the neighbors knock them all on their asses. And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK?

I have you on ignore I asked someone to check your reply and see what you had to say. They said it wasn't to bad. They failed to mention the lie you said.

And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK

I would ripped your fucking throat out if I ever had the chance you piece of shit. I have never said anything good about the fucking klann I equal them to obama. so go fuck you self you little ****.

The only thing you can rip out is a fart or a burp you southern stupid fuck.
bigreb uses the n-word casually here. I hope his relatives have knocked him on his ass enough so that he doesn't use the word around them. And if his relatives use it (internal oppression) along with bigreb bozo, I hope the neighbors knock them all on their asses. And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK?

I have you on ignore I asked someone to check your reply and see what you had to say. They said it wasn't to bad. They failed to mention the lie you said.

And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK

I would ripped your fucking throat out if I ever had the chance you piece of shit. I have never said anything good about the fucking klann I equal them to obama. so go fuck you self you little ****.

The only thing you can rip out is a fart or a burp you southern stupid fuck.

You really don't know me bubba best thing for you to do is back the fuck off. What that bitch said was uncalled for.
You really need to stop being the asswipes toilet paper
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I have you on ignore I asked someone to check your reply and see what you had to say. They said it wasn't to bad. They failed to mention the lie you said.

I would ripped your fucking throat out if I ever had the chance you piece of shit. I have never said anything good about the fucking klann I equal them to obama. so go fuck you self you little ****.

The only thing you can rip out is a fart or a burp you southern stupid fuck.

You really don't know me bubba best thing for you to do is back the fuck off. What that bitch said was uncalled for.
You really need to stop being the asswipes toilet paper

What are you gonna do cybermuscles?

Face it, you ain't shit, can't do shit, and are pretty much just an overly fragrant, fairly large, stool sample.

Try again idiot, and while you're at it, go hang some strange fruit you KKK fuck.
The only thing you can rip out is a fart or a burp you southern stupid fuck.

You really don't know me bubba best thing for you to do is back the fuck off. What that bitch said was uncalled for.
You really need to stop being the asswipes toilet paper

What are you gonna do cybermuscles?

Face it, you ain't shit, can't do shit, and are pretty much just an overly fragrant, fairly large, stool sample.

Try again idiot, and while you're at it, go hang some strange fruit you KKK fuck.

And what the fuck does that make you punk? big bitch behind a computer keyboard. Does it require one seat or two for you to sit you fat ass at the computer?
bornright is the one sounding defensive and is projecting. Why are doing that, bornright? ABS has answered your questions clearly and concisely. No, you don't know what the great majority of soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard people on active duty think about this. They flatly would not burn the Qurans, and their NCOs and officers would not permit them to do so in the first place.

You must be aware of the fact that military personnel do not have the same freedoms as the rest of American citizens. They would not burn that book only because of that lack of freedom. You have no idea the hatred one has for his enemy in war. You obviously watch too many liberal created war movies.

HatchedWrong, you've already told us that you were a Viet Nam era soldier. We already know the history of that war.

Additionally, based on what you've posted, as well as your obvious lack of intellect, you'd be lost on a field of battle today.

Oh yeah......dinosaur fucks like you should brush up a bit on what's going on NOW. I've only been retired from the Navy for about 8 years, and lemmie tell ya.........the changes just between then and now are HUGE, as well as the fact that their outlook is quite a bit different as well.

Ever heard of "work smarter not harder"?

You are correct that weapons and equipment have changed since my military experience. I am in fairly good physical shape for my age but obviously not as good as I was at 20 or what most of the Marines in battle today are. If I were in the military today they would probably use me to run some office or something.

You just keep thinking that the fighting men are different today than past wars. I am proud that the civilians have not turned against the military yet. The soldiers today would feel much better about Americans burning the Koran today than the American flag like we saw.
:cuckoo: Well we swaped then, i was a Xtian who just happend to find out the supressed & real nasty Bible that they hide from idiots, Till i came by the Quran & saw that it united ALL the prophets , rather than Jews bashing Jesus, & Christians & Jews bashing Mahammad.

So many Bibles , so many LIES & CONTRADICTIONS. You sound like from Pakistan or something, well i can tell you Islam in Pakistan is a disaster to Muslims, they destroy it with their Hypocracy. Do not judge a religion by its people. Remember Jesus came from the actual people who wanted him OUT

The Quran unites "all the prophets" as they are all remade in mohammads image, stolen and remade .
The Quran then calls for the eradication of all non muslims
Now there is a plan.

So does the BIBLE calls to eradicates all none Jews or Christians, only difference is that the Bible includes Babies, children, women :clap2:

Book, Chapter and verse, or in other words: evidence????
Next time I have a family reunion I will ask my black relatives if they found my card for me. MORON.

bigreb uses the n-word casually here. I hope his relatives have knocked him on his ass enough so that he doesn't use the word around them. And if his relatives use it (internal oppression) along with bigreb bozo, I hope the neighbors knock them all on their asses. And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK?

I have you on ignore I asked someone to check your reply and see what you had to say. They said it wasn't to bad. They failed to mention the lie you said.

And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK

I would ripped your fucking throat out if I ever had the chance you piece of shit. I have never said anything good about the fucking klann I equal them to obama. so go fuck you self you little ****.

You are all talk. Yes, you do read me, because you know I expose your lies. You are Klan type, bub., and if I ever came across you, you would turn and try to run. You would not make it, son.
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The Quran unites "all the prophets" as they are all remade in mohammads image, stolen and remade .
The Quran then calls for the eradication of all non muslims
Now there is a plan.

So does the BIBLE calls to eradicates all none Jews or Christians, only difference is that the Bible includes Babies, children, women :clap2:

Book, Chapter and verse, or in other words: evidence????

Read the story of Saul and the Canaanites, please. And Joshua and gang were solid hammers on the children of darkness. Yeah, they were a tough lot.
bigreb uses the n-word casually here. I hope his relatives have knocked him on his ass enough so that he doesn't use the word around them. And if his relatives use it (internal oppression) along with bigreb bozo, I hope the neighbors knock them all on their asses. And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK?

I have you on ignore I asked someone to check your reply and see what you had to say. They said it wasn't to bad. They failed to mention the lie you said.

And, oh yeah, did not bigreb say good things about the KKK

I would ripped your fucking throat out if I ever had the chance you piece of shit. I have never said anything good about the fucking klann I equal them to obama. so go fuck you self you little ****.

You are all talk. Yes, you do read me, because you know I expose your lies. You are Klan type, bub., and if I ever came across you, you would turn and try to run. You would not make it, son.

Where were you that saturday we were supposed to meet in Greensboro. chickenshit. bastard.
So does the BIBLE calls to eradicates all none Jews or Christians, only difference is that the Bible includes Babies, children, women :clap2:

Book, Chapter and verse, or in other words: evidence????

Read the story of Saul and the Canaanites, please. And Joshua and gang were solid hammers on the children of darkness. Yeah, they were a tough lot.

Is it a open ended call for the eradication of all non jews?
No. it is for certain people at a time and place, the call for genocide in Islam is open ended and until only muslims remain.
You really don't know me bubba best thing for you to do is back the fuck off. What that bitch said was uncalled for.
You really need to stop being the asswipes toilet paper

What are you gonna do cybermuscles?

Face it, you ain't shit, can't do shit, and are pretty much just an overly fragrant, fairly large, stool sample.

Try again idiot, and while you're at it, go hang some strange fruit you KKK fuck.

And what the fuck does that make you punk? big bitch behind a computer keyboard. Does it require one seat or two for you to sit you fat ass at the computer?

Actually, I weigh 140 and bicycle 15 miles per day. What does your fat souther fried ass do?

I'm betting drink beer, light farts, burn crosses and hang strange fruit.

Oh yeah........I also study martial arts. Tell ya what, whenever you decide to pop over Amarillo way, give me a PM and we'll figure out where you can find me at.

But......pussies like you only talk big on boards. Some of us actually do stuff.
I have you on ignore I asked someone to check your reply and see what you had to say. They said it wasn't to bad. They failed to mention the lie you said.

I would ripped your fucking throat out if I ever had the chance you piece of shit. I have never said anything good about the fucking klann I equal them to obama. so go fuck you self you little ****.

You are all talk. Yes, you do read me, because you know I expose your lies. You are Klan type, bub., and if I ever came across you, you would turn and try to run. You would not make it, son.

Where were you that saturday we were supposed to meet in Greensboro. chickenshit. bastard.

Having a beer over in Durham, laughing at you.
What are you gonna do cybermuscles?

Face it, you ain't shit, can't do shit, and are pretty much just an overly fragrant, fairly large, stool sample.

Try again idiot, and while you're at it, go hang some strange fruit you KKK fuck.

And what the fuck does that make you punk? big bitch behind a computer keyboard. Does it require one seat or two for you to sit you fat ass at the computer?

Actually, I weigh 140 and bicycle 15 miles per day. What does your fat souther fried ass do?

I'm betting drink beer, light farts, burn crosses and hang strange fruit.

Oh yeah........I also study martial arts. Tell ya what, whenever you decide to pop over Amarillo way, give me a PM and we'll figure out where you can find me at.

But......pussies like you only talk big on boards. Some of us actually do stuff.

But......pussies like you only talk big on boards. Some of us actually do stuff

Now this is laughable what the fuck are you doing? Little miss bitch behind the computer keyboard?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Heres a little secertr I work with my hands everyday I am a plumber I have to use big pipe wrenches lift full sticks of various sizes cast iron pipe on my shoulder by myself up to 8 inch, everyday My job is not for pussy's little girl. you really would not want to be on the recieving end from me.
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I see you refused the invitation to Amarillo.

By the way......"strange fruit" is a song by Billie Holliday about the Klan hanging blacks from trees.

Try again Tiny Redneck Bastard in ain't impressed anyone YET.
I see you refused the invitation to Amarillo.

By the way......"strange fruit" is a song by Billie Holliday about the Klan hanging blacks from trees.

Try again Tiny Redneck Bastard in ain't impressed anyone YET.

Heres a little secertr I work with my hands everyday I am a plumber I have to use big pipe wrenches lift full sticks of various sizes cast iron pipe on my shoulder by myself up to 8 inch, everyday My job is not for pussy's little girl. you really would not want to be on the recieving end from me.

But I tell you what yu make it to Kannapolis send me a PM we can talk.
I see you refused the invitation to Amarillo.

By the way......"strange fruit" is a song by Billie Holliday about the Klan hanging blacks from trees.

Try again Tiny Redneck Bastard in ain't impressed anyone YET.

Heres a little secertr I work with my hands everyday I am a plumber I have to use big pipe wrenches lift full sticks of various sizes cast iron pipe on my shoulder by myself up to 8 inch, everyday My job is not for pussy's little girl. you really would not want to be on the recieving end from me.

But I tell you what yu make it to Kannapolis send me a PM we can talk.

Use big pipe and lift full sticks up to 8 inches?

What's it like living as a gay size queen?
So does the BIBLE calls to eradicates all none Jews or Christians, only difference is that the Bible includes Babies, children, women :clap2:

Book, Chapter and verse, or in other words: evidence????

Read the story of Saul and the Canaanites, please. And Joshua and gang were solid hammers on the children of darkness. Yeah, they were a tough lot.

The statement: "So does the BIBLE calls to eradicates all none Jews or Christians, only difference is that the Bible includes Babies, children, women " was not proved in either of those stories.

The Canaanites were cursed by the Lord, twice
when Ham looked upon Noah, naked
when Ham was given Africa, with his sons and Canaan stole his uncle's and cousins' land by settling on the Mediterarian.
When Yeshua walked the earth, a Canaanite woman was forgiven and promised rewards for her "faith" (showing the Lord's mercy and power of forgiveness).
So....What does "children of darkness" mean to you? To me, it means they were evil people that sinned against man and against the Lord to the point He sent a "weak" army of men to defeat them (with His help).

I count a few "tribes", that is not all peoples that are not Jewish or Christian. I know it is hard for you to admit, but there is a big, big, difference.

Islam (the government) calls for war on everyone that is not muslim. It is in the Quran, it is in Shari'ah law. The call for subjugation, conversion, or murder of non-believers is repeated again and again, by the book, by the leaders, by the radicals. Only people that believe they are beyond reach (mostly because they are intellectual snobs) do not take the statements seriously. They offer no evidence, only opinion of why these people with a FOURTEEN HUNDRED (that is one thousand, four hundred) year history will suddenly behave different because "they" (the all important intellectual snobs) said so. When they are repeatedly proven wrong, they continue the same lame statements with the implied 'because I said so, and I know more than you attitude'. It is a very sad statement of the way "the educated" (on paper) act when this country's first president requested to be called "mister" because he felt there should be no ELITIST in this nation (I think islam has elitists leaders in their government, maybe you really feel we should become like them so you could direct other peoples' lives?
Actually, I weigh 140 and bicycle 15 miles per day. What does your fat souther fried ass do?

I'm betting drink beer, light farts, burn crosses and hang strange fruit.

Oh yeah........I also study martial arts. Tell ya what, whenever you decide to pop over Amarillo way, give me a PM and we'll figure out where you can find me at.

But......pussies like you only talk big on boards. Some of us actually do stuff.

You have that same gay shit saved to a text file or something ?
you post it an awful lot.
I see you refused the invitation to Amarillo.

By the way......"strange fruit" is a song by Billie Holliday about the Klan hanging blacks from trees.

Try again Tiny Redneck Bastard in ain't impressed anyone YET.

Heres a little secertr I work with my hands everyday I am a plumber I have to use big pipe wrenches lift full sticks of various sizes cast iron pipe on my shoulder by myself up to 8 inch, everyday My job is not for pussy's little girl. you really would not want to be on the recieving end from me.

But I tell you what yu make it to Kannapolis send me a PM we can talk.

Use big pipe and lift full sticks up to 8 inches?

What's it like living as a gay size queen?

Fucktard this is what I said

I am a plumber I have to use big pipe wrenches lift full sticks of various sizes cast iron pipe on my shoulder by myself up to 8 inch

I have a question for you Hows hid bull dyke girl friends?
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