Muzzling Opposing Voices

So schools like Brigham Young or Oral Roberts U. have honor codes where the students actually have to sign agreements, in writing, that restrict their speech, their dress, their sex lives, and on and on.

Do any of you have an entertaining argument as to why that is not conservative PC?
You just admitted that there's no reason for anyone to take the accusations of leftwing race baiters seriously.
No, I just told the truth about why blacks won't vote for the GOP.

You spouted lies designed to make you feel comfortable with being a lying race-baiting sleazeball.
Nope, nothing of the kind. The blacks don't like you, you treat them like stupid *******, which is what you say in PC-speak.
Liberalism founded this country.

Move along now.
As the truth has been reported time and again, Leftists are convicted liars.

What is more interesting is that they attempt to associate their slavish philosophy with classical liberalism, known today as conservatism, and so, unknowingly, praise conservatism.
Classic Liberalism is not Conservatism, and it never will be. The Conservatives fought against the Revolution. What you believe is a lie.

As the truth has been reported time and again, Leftists are convicted liars.

What is more interesting is that they attempt to associate their slavish philosophy with classical liberalism, known today as conservatism, and so, unknowingly, praise conservatism.
Classic Liberalism is not Conservatism, and it never will be. The Conservatives fought against the Revolution. What you believe is a lie.

You are a proven liar.

No surprise, you lie again.
TK, you do not understand what is “freedom,” that is clear.

Corporations can indeed limit speech when it reflects on the corporate image and standard or violates contractual clauses. No one is being fired for having an opinion outside of the work place in this case. He was forced to step down because he voiced his opinion in violation of corporation standards. Let a Catholic priest perform a lesbian wedding and he will be disciplined, pronto.

Yes, you do need to study the Constitution, etc., because you are mythical understanding of American, Americans, and what that means is simply wrong.

California does not prohibit corporate punishment if a person violates employment contracts or damages a corporate image and standing.

Studying to be a paralegal is a good thing, but you are far from being a constitutional or legal expert either in CA or federal law.
Advice: enlist in one of the services with a guarantee of being a paralegal in their JAG corps. Two tours of doing that while completing your undergrad paralegal degree will put you in the running for fantastic employment when you get out.
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The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Why are you so conservative? You cling to the past of a social security system that is broke and failed, yet you refuse to move into the 21st century and instead, cling to a past that was not as glorious as you dreamed it was.

I think treating you as dead and past is an excellent suggestion.
A few years ago a sizable number of students at conservative Liberty University tried to get Mitt Romney barred from giving a commencement address there.


Because he's Mormon. A politically incorrect religion, apparently.
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A few years ago a sizable number of students at conservative Liberty University tried to get Mitt Romney barred from giving a commencement address there.
Because he's Mormon. A politically incorrect religion, apparently.
The Jesus-freaks don't like cults, except for theirs of course.
The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Why are you so conservative? You cling to the past of a social security system that is broke and failed, yet you refuse to move into the 21st century and instead, cling to a past that was not as glorious as you dreamed it was.

I think treating you as dead and past is an excellent suggestion.
I don't cling to the past, or wish to live in it. It sucked in many cases. I use the past to guide the future. That's why I hate reactionaries.
Thread partially cleaned of violative posts. Please remember that Politics is Zone 2 and each post must have some content related to the discussion in addition to any flames.

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The PC guys are on your side. What you see from Liberals today is if you want to live in the past, you long for the past, then you will be treated as the past. Dead and gone.
Why are you so conservative? You cling to the past of a social security system that is broke and failed, yet you refuse to move into the 21st century and instead, cling to a past that was not as glorious as you dreamed it was.

I think treating you as dead and past is an excellent suggestion.
I don't cling to the past, or wish to live in it. It sucked in many cases. I use the past to guide the future. That's why I hate reactionaries.

What you hate are people who disagree with you. That is why you try to dismiss them as a whole. A feeble attempt at "muzzling opposing voices." Intelligent people rightly make someone like you feel inferior, so you try to write them off rather than take an honest look at your own shortcomings such as the blatant hypocrisy you continue to display here.
Why are you so conservative? You cling to the past of a social security system that is broke and failed, yet you refuse to move into the 21st century and instead, cling to a past that was not as glorious as you dreamed it was.

I think treating you as dead and past is an excellent suggestion.
I don't cling to the past, or wish to live in it. It sucked in many cases. I use the past to guide the future. That's why I hate reactionaries.

What you hate are people who disagree with you. That is why you try to dismiss them as a whole. A feeble attempt at "muzzling opposing voices." Intelligent people rightly make someone like you feel inferior, so you try to write them off rather than take an honest look at your own shortcomings such as the blatant hypocrisy you continue to display here.
I worked myself out long ago. It's why I hate Americans, they "think" like you do.
It's why I hate Americans...

Where are you from? In what country do you currently reside? If you are not an American, what does any "muzzling of opposing voices" in the US have to do with you?
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Liberalism founded this country.

No, this is wrong.

The Founding Generation was fundamentally liberal, they created a Republic where the rule of law is supreme, and where citizens’ civil liberties are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly.

Protecting individual liberty and placing restrictions on the state’s ability to interfere with individual liberty is a basic tenet of liberalism – we saw the evidence of this more than a generation ago as liberals fought against segregation and discrimination.

And we see it expressed today as liberals fight to retain the privacy rights of women, the voting rights of African-Americans, the due process rights of immigrants, and the current fight to help gay Americans realize their comprehensive civil rights, all in accordance with the Framers original intent that the authority of the state be subordinate to the right of the people to express themselves as individuals.
And we see it expressed today as liberals fight to retain the privacy rights of women, the voting rights of African-Americans, the due process rights of immigrants

Well that would be nice, but what liberals are really doing is "fighting" to kill the unborn, promote voter fraud, and encourage illegal immigration. I'm pretty sure the founders would not be down with that.

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